Making a Name
Limsa Lominsa Quest
- Speak with Skaenrael.
- Gather the peculiar herbs.
- Deliver the peculiar herbs to Ahldskyf.
- Niniya, a veteran adventurer, has some information that might be of interest to you.
- According to Niniya, a number of plants usually found only on black market shelves are scattered about the first floor of the Mizzenmast. Speak with Skaenrael to travel below.
- You have arrived in Bulwark Hall, on the first floor of the Mizzenmast. Collect the peculiar herbs scattered across the ground.
- You have gathered all the peculiar herbs. Take them to Ahldskyf at the Octant, and have him examine the plants.
- The peculiar herbs have been revealed to be Althyk lavender, a plant well known by the inhabitants of Limsa Lominsa. Though it appears Niniya was having a laugh at your expense, you have nevertheless made the acquaintance of Ahldskyf, the captain of the Orion. Such an encounter may prove mutually beneficial...
Niniya: Well, would you look at this─a shiny, new adventurer. Listen close, [GENDER]/lass, I've some information that might just help put you on the map here in Limsa.
Niniya: I was passing through Bulwark Hall below not long ago, and saw a bunch of herbs just scattered about on the ground. Now, I'm not entirely certain, but I think they might've been the black market wares known as “dream flowers.”
Niniya: Limsa Lominsa is a busy port, and not all the merchants that blow in across the Strait are above board, if you know what I mean. How'd the plants end up in the Mizzenmast? Who knows─might've been a deal gone bad. The important thing is you make a name for yourself by handing them in.
Niniya: Speak to Skaenrael, and she'll get you down to the first floor. Then all you have to do is pick up the herbs, and take them to Ahldskyf at the Octant. Being a worldly captain, he knows a thing or two about such shady goods.
- You can start this quest as soon as you complete Coming to Limsa Lominsa, but you cannot take the lift and continue Coming to Limsa Lominsa until you have started the quest Close to Home (Limsa Lominsa).