Heavensward content

Palace of the Dead (Floors 51-60)

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See also: Palace of the Dead

Deep Dungeon.png

Palace of the Dead (Floors 51-60)

PotD 51-60 Banner.png
60 (Sync: 60)
Party size
1-4 man 1-4 Any class frame icon.png
Not Allowed
Time limit
60 minutes
Req. quest
Feature quest Dead but Not Gone
South Shroud (X:25.2, Y:20.6)

The dead remain restless, and the architect behind the Palace of the Dead unseen. Though none have lived to tell the tale true, some explorers claim the maze now reaches some two hundred floors below the Shroud. What horrors await the brave souls who would delve into the darkest depths of the ruins?

Patch 3.4 Special Site

Palace of the Dead (Floors 51-60) is a level 60 deep dungeon introduced in patch 3.45 with Heavensward.


Enemy Level Aggro Type Known Floors Notes
Palace Deepeye 60 Sight 51-55
Palace Gremlin 60 Sight 51-55
Palace Pudding 60 Proximity 51-53
Palace Imp 60 Sight 53-56
Palace Pot 60 Proximity 54-58
Palace Taurus 60 Sight 55-59
Palace Vodoriga 60 Sight 56-59
Palace Soulflayer 60 Sight 57-59
Mimic 60 Proximity 51-59 Gold chests
Patrolling Enemies
Enemy Level Aggro Type Known Floors Notes
Palace Anubys 60 Sight 51-53
Palace Idol 60 Proximity 54-57
Palace Arch Demon 60 Proximity 57-59
Rare Spawns
Enemy Level Aggro Type Known Floors Notes
Blackening Marketeer 60 Proximity 51-59 Immune to Pomander of Witching
Moldering Merchant 60 Proximity 51-59 Immune to Pomander of Witching

Floor 60 Boss

Aggressive difficulty r6.png The Black Rider

The boss will summon various AoEs around the edge of the arena that explode after a short while, and casts Valfodr, charging at a player and closing the gap between them. This will hit anyone between the boss and its target, dealing heavy damage. This will also cause a large knockback, trying to bump players into the exploding AoEs. The boss can also turn towards a player and cast an untelegraphed Hall of Sorrow, dropping a persisting AoE that inflicts Bleed until players step out of it.