Heavens Weep
Heavens Weep
- Quest giver
- Alisaie
- Location
- The Peaks (X:14.5, Y:24.4)
- Quest line
- Stormblood Main Scenario Quests
- Level
- 68
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
Hells Open
- Next quest
The Road Home
- Patch
- 4.0
Main Scenario Progress: 485 / 960 (50.5%)
Stormblood Progress: 106 / 162 (65.4%)
“The fear in Alisaie's eyes is unlike anything you have ever seen before.
— In-game description
- Follow Alisaie.
- Speak with Raubahn.
- Search for wounded soldiers in need of assistance.
- Continue searching for wounded soldiers.
- Speak with Lyse.
- Speak with Alphinaud.
- The fear in Alisaie's eyes is unlike anything you have ever seen before.
- After securing a foothold in the Peaks by seizing Ala Ghiri, the Eorzean Alliance and the Resistance set their sights on the next logical target: Specula Imperatoris. And so a great host, led by General Aldynn and Commander Kemp, laid siege to the towers. But when the massive cannon at Castrum Abania was used to destroy the main tower of Specula Imperatoris, killing countless Allied and imperial troops, it was plain the rules of engagement had changed...
- You struggle to keep up with Alisaie as she runs towards what is left of Specula Imperatoris. Desperate to find her brother, she pushes through the gates before you can even think to stop her.
- Though Alphinaud and many others are nowhere to be seen, you find General Aldynn and Marshal Tarupin in the thick of things, bellowing orders left and right, in a bid to organize their forces' withdrawal. Seeing that Alisaie is on the verge of hysteria, Raubahn reminds her that you all have a job to do: aiding the wounded.
- Amidst the debris, you find several Alliance soldiers and help them to the best of your ability. Yet for every man you save, there are many more you cannot...
- While comforting a Temple Knight who remembers you from the Steps of Faith, you hear Lyse pleading for Conrad to open his eyes. At least one of your comrades lives, but what of the others?
- You find Lyse, M'naago, and Alphinaud tending to Conrad, who lies motionless upon the ground. Though the others escaped with only minor injuries, the grizzled commander's are unquestionably mortal. He uses his final moments to implore Lyse to succeed him as leader of the Ala Mhigan Resistance, and she tearfully accepts, promising to lead their countrymen to freedom. Safe in the knowledge that his legacy is secure, Conrad Kemp smiles and breathes his last.
- Alphinaud is incensed, swearing bloody vengeance for Conrad's death and the indiscriminate slaughter at Specula Imperatoris. For indeed, what manner of monster would order the death of his own...
Quest Acceptance
Alisaie: This way! There's no time to lose!
Follow Alisaie
Alisaie: It's worse than it looks - H-He probably wasn't even - Pull yourself together.. The gate. This is our way inside. We need to find my brother. Right...now.
Speak with Raubahn
Raubahn: I'm glad you're here, Lieutenant. In case it isn't obvious, the imperials fired on us. On Specula Imperatoris. I didn't think they had it in them. To kill their own men just to kill us! Gods damn them all! Alisaie: Where is my brother? Tell me where he is! I want to see him! Pipin: He was in the tower when it was struck. But that need not mean anything. Our forces are still evacuating, and many remain unaccounted for. Raubahn: Alisaie? Alisaie, listen: there are soldiers wounded and dying all around us - soldiers with families, just like you and me. They need our help. Do you understand? Alisaie: ...He's right. I'll take the north, you take the east.
Search for wounded soldiers in need of assistance
Wounded Serpent Soldier: Thank you. I think...I think I can manage on my own...
Wounded Flame Soldier: For a moment there, I thought I was bound for Thal's great hall. Ye gods, what were the imperials thinking...
Wounded Storm Soldier: Just...give me a moment to let the world stop spinning, would you? ...There. Ala Ghiri's not far. I'll make it. I'll make it...
Continue searching for wounded soldiers
Wounded Temple Knight: Ugh...Everything hurts. I thin I was struck by debris from the tower... Wait, I know you! [Forename Surname]! Ward of House Fortemps! We fought together on the Steps of Faith. You saved my life back then...and now... I can walk. Thank you. A thousand times, thank you... Lyse: (On Linkpearl). Conrad! Conrad, can you hear me!? Naago, put him down over there! w
Speak with Lyse
Lyse: Conrad! Conrad! Speak to me! Alphinaud: It...it was so sudden. Conrad had just convinced the last few Skulls to surrender, when...when we heard the bang, and...and everything started to shake... We carried the survivors to safety, but Conrad is...We have done what we can for him. All that remains is to pray. Conrad: Ugh...Is...Is that you, Lyse? Can't...can't see a damn thing...Well, that's that, then. Time's up. Lyse: What are you talking about? You'll be on your feet before you know it! Conrad: It's all right, Lyse. I've lived long enough. But listen...I want...I want you to lead the Resistance in my stead. Lyse: Don't say another word! you'll recover - we'll recover! We'll bring freedom to Ala Mhigo together! We're not going to stop here! Conrad: No...no, you won't. Everything we've built, everyone we've brought together...I know you'll show them the way. You've got it in you, Lyse. Not because you're Curtis's daughter, or Yda's sister, but because...because you're you. Because you're you...Lead them to victory. To freedom. Lyse: I will, Conrad. I will. I promise. (Conrad smiles, and then passes away)
Meanwhile, in the Chaos of Castrum Abania
Imperial Tribunus Militum: Next round! Double the charge! Estinien: Come, Nidhogg. We are needed. (Estinien dives and damages the cannon). Imperial Elite: That's the ceruleum pipeline! Imperial Tribunus Militum: Impossible! How can one man - Shoot the bastard! Shoot him! 'Estinien: Heh. My lance has slain far greater beasts. Imperial Tribunus Militum: Notify all units - I want that intruder found! And get the engineers to fix my bloody cannon! Imperial Tribunus Militum: The savages are coming!
Speak with Alphinaud
Alphinaud: We could have killed them. We could have walked away...But instead we tried to convince them to lay down their arms. We tried to seek a peaceful resolution. We showed them mercy, and this was their response. Fire and blood! This was their answer! Such crimes cannot go unpunished. They must not! Gods as my witness, there will be a reckoning!