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The Undying Ones

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Gosetsu is brimming with indignation.

— In-game description


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  • Gosetsu is brimming with indignation.


Accepting the Quest

Gosetsu: Forgive me, [Forename], but I cannot in good conscience ignore the callous disregard that woman showed for her kinsman! 
Gosetsu: We must seek her out at once! With me! 

Speaking with Sadu (Cutscene)

Sadu: How he died matters not. 
Geser was a great warrior. He will return to us in time. 
Shar: Not soon enough, Khatun. The Naadam is nearly upon us! Mayhap we should counsel restraint until after... 
Gosetsu: I do not understand. If Geser is dead, how should he "return"? 
Sadu: Silence. You come to spy on us knowing naught of our ways? 
Gosetsu: We know you are fearless. And that you are called the "undying ones"... 
Sadu: That is true. None are braver than the Dotharl, for we do not fear death. 
Sadu: With death, a warrior must dance boldly. Fearlessly. For thus does his soul burn bright. 
Sadu: Then, in death, his soul shines white—exalted. The flesh rots, but the soul endures. And ere the seasons have turned, so he shall return. 
Sadu: When he is glimpsed in the eyes of a newborn, he is blessed with the same name, that he may grow into a great warrior once more. 
Gosetsu: You mean to tell me these newborn babes and fallen warriors are one and the same? Madness! 
Sadu: I gave you leave to observe. Not to insult our beliefs. 
Sadu: Have care what you say. Otherwise, do as you will. 

Speaking with Gosetsu

Gosetsu: Such contempt as was in their eyes I have never known...But for the soul to live on as they say is not something I can so easily accept. 
Gosetsu: Do they truly believe this? All of them? That in death there can be rebirth? 
Gosetsu: ...In any event, we came here in search of information. We cannot leave without speaking with her people. 


Gosetsu: Err...that is to say, then, that death is essentially meaningless?
Sadu: I gave you leave to come and go as you like. So go.
Shar: I miss Geser terribly, but I know I need only be patient. He will return—I am sure of it.

Gathering information at Dotharl Khaa

Koko: I know you! Reunion! The travelers with the Mol girl! 
Koko: I marked you after I left the Oronir. Ones from Doma, others I could not place.  
Koko: My name is Koko. Welcome to Dotharl Khaa. 
Koko: Hm? Koko sounds to your ear the name of a woman? Well, of course. That would be because it is. 
Koko: I died a woman and was reborn a man. It is of no moment—the soul is the soul, and the flesh is the flesh. 
Koko: Perhaps you scoff? Many would. Many look only to the name and the flesh, and let these things dictate their perceptions. 
Koko: Consider Sadu Khatun. Three times before she died as a man, yet she returns as a woman the fourth. Yet she is no less fierce, and any outsider foolish enough to think so will learn the truth to their peril. 
Koko: Is the khatun woman or man? A stupid question. She is Sadu.
Qoyar: The cycle of death and rebirth? It is simply that. Take me—I died in battle with the Hotgo. Fiercely did I fight, and so I returned. 
Qoyar: Alas, we know naught of our past lives. I must learn what it means to be Qoyar again and again. It is difficult to remember everything, but important.
Qoyar: It filled me with such excitement when they first told me of my deeds, as did my friends! 
Mergen: Impressive, is it not? 'Twas slain by my boy. 
Mergen: We were childhood friends, he and I, before he fell and returned. A master of the bow. It is good to see that he retains his skill. 
Mergen: We competed against one another in the hunts. Though I knew he would return, I never expected it to be as my son!

Speaking with Gosetsu

Gosetsu: Ah, [Forename]. You have completed your inquiries? 
Gosetsu: Aye, it is as she said. They believe with every fiber of their being that their bravest warriors will be reborn. 
Gosetsu: As for me, I observed some of their warriors at practice. They are as formidable as the Oronir, perhaps more, and their weapons are their equal as well. 
Gosetsu: Yet while they do not lack in skill and resources, 'tis plain to see that their numbers are inferior.