The Room Where It Happened
The Room Where It Happened
- Quest giver
- Alphinaud
- Location
- Yanxia (X:24.9, Y:13.1)
- Quest line
- Stormblood Main Scenario Quests
- Level
- 67
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
The Hour of Reckoning
- Next quest
How Tataru Got Her Groove Back
- Patch
- 4.0
Main Scenario Progress: 465 / 960 (48.4%)
Stormblood Progress: 86 / 162 (53.1%)
“Alphinaud has devised a cunning strategy to reclaim Doma Castle.
— In-game description
- Speak with Hien.
- Speak with Alphinaud.
- Alphinaud has devised a cunning strategy to reclaim Doma Castle.
- In anticipation of Lord Hien's return, Alphinaud has developed a comprehensive strategy to retake Doma Castle. After Lyse and the Doman irregulars carry out a series of diversionary attacks, the Xaela will launch a surprise attack on the castle's airborne defenses. The twins and the shinobi will then disable the magitek field generators within the Dairyu Moon Gates, allowing the Confederate and Kojin naval forces to bombard the castle and secure the Doman Enclave. Finally, Lord Hien's main host will advance upon the castle and deal with the imperial forces within. Though Lord Hien seems satisfied with the plan, his hesitation does not go unnoticed...
- Many tasks must be completed in advance of the attack, and Lord Hien would be glad of any assistance you can provide. As he has but recently returned, however, he knows not what these specific tasks are─but Alphinaud Leveilleur surely does.
- Alphinaud lacks confidence in his ability to disable the field generators, and so he has turned to Cid nan Garlond, the foremost authority in the field of magitek. By way of Tataru in Kugane he has requested documentation on the devices in question. Given the importance of this information, he would be most grateful if you were to go to Kugane and collect it in person.
- You are shocked to find Tataru a woman transformed, having taken after Hancock and dressed herself in the latest Hingan fashions. Flowing silks notwithstanding, she appears to have retained her classical charms─and hopefully the documentation you seek...
Quest Acceptance
Alphinaud: I imagine you are eager to hear the particulars of our plan. Allow me a moment to gather everyone's attention...
Alphinaud: If all are in agreement, I will outline my plan to retake Doma Castle. First, Lyse and the Doman irregulars will conduct a series of raids against imperial targets throughout the surrounding area, with the aim of drawing the garrison's attention. Shortly thereafter, our Xaela allies will launch a surprise attack on the castle's airborne defenses. In this way, we will prevent the enemy's airships from rendering support, and cut off one means of escape. Alisaie and I, together with the shinobi, will exploit the ensuing chaos to infiltrate the Moon Gates and disable the magitek field generators. Once the barrier is down, we will be free to cross the One River and reach Doma Castle. It is at this point we must turn to our Confederate and Kojin allies. They will commence to bombard the castle with cannon fire, while sailing west towards the Doman Enclave. Lyse: Wait, the enclave? Why would you want them to sail away from the castle? Alphinaud:Because the enclave is home to countless civilians. Once pressed, the imperials may well think to take them hostage, and I would fain forestall any such attempt. After we have secured the enclave, we may lay siege to Doma Castle directly. the main strength of the Doman Liberation Front, under Lord Hien's command, shall be committed to this endeavor, as will you and your redoubtable allies. The rest is simple. We scour the castle for the viceroy, we find her, and we subdue her. Without their leader, what remains of the imperials' morale will crumble, and they will surrender or attempt to flee. And Doma will be free. Your thoughts, Lord Hien? If any points were unclear or gave you cause for concern, I should be glad to go over them with you. Hien: Nay, 'tis a fine plan. You have a talent for this, that much is plain. We shall carry out Alphinaud's plan to the letter. Time is of the essence, as you know, so let us each see to our respective preparations. Carry on!
Speak with Hien
Hien: There is no shortage of tasks which must needs be completed before we can launch our attack. If you have a moment, perhaps you could lend a hand? That said, I have only just returned. 'Twould be better for you to speak with Alphinaud to find out how you might be of service.
Speak with Alphinaud
Alphinaud: Trying to keep busy? Full glad am I to hear it. There is one task which comes to mind. As I explained during my briefing, Alisaie and I will need to infiltrate the Moon Gates to disable the magitek field generators. Though I pride myself on knowledge of various subjects, i must confess I lack confidence in my knowledge of this particular one. Which is why I turned to an expert. I have been conversing with Cid via Tataru, attempting to ascertain the design of the generators based on our limited intelligence. Most recently he sent a parcel with some documents which he believes may be of use. I would like for you to go to Kugane and bring them back here. In the meantime, I will continue to work with our shinobi allies to plot a path into the gates. Safe travels, [Forename], and thank you again.
Speak with Tataru in Kugane
Tataru: [Forename]!? What are you doing here? I thought you were off fighting nomads on the Azim Steppe! ...Oh, you beat them! Good show! A shame I didn't' get to see it. Alphinaud has been keeping me apprised of the situation in Doma. I may not be any good in a physical fight, but in an, err...paperwork...fight, I'm the true khagan! Yeah!