Open Arms, Closed Gate
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Open Arms, Closed Gate
- Quest giver
- Alphinaud
- Location
- Kholusia (X:35.2, Y:27.1)
- Quest line
- Shadowbringers Main Scenario Quests
- Level
- 70
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
A Still Tide
- Next quest
A Fickle Existence
A Meating Long Overdue
Redolent Refuse
A Feeling in the Belly
Songstress of the Sea
- Patch
- 5.0
- Links
Main Scenario Progress: 547 / 960 (57%)
Shadowbringers Progress: 6 / 157 (3.8%)
“Alphinaud is ready to take to the road once more.
— In-game description
- Speak with Alphinaud.
- Search for the source of the scream.
- Rescue the manic madame.
- Aid the manic madame.
- Survey the scene.
- Speak with Alphinaud.
- Have a look around Gatetown. 0/3
- Speak with Alphinaud.
- Alphinaud is ready to take to the road once more.
Alphinaud: Assuming you have no objections, let us make our way directly to the city outskirts. Alphinaud: If we time our arrival just right, you may be lucky enough to see why I have yet to set foot in Eulmore─despite my best efforts to do so... Alphinaud: Come. From here, we must head west, and then cross a small bridge... Alphinaud: Kholusia seems peaceful, does it not? Almost...familiar? I had a similar impression of the Crystarium. Even in this distant world, people are much the same. Alphinaud: <sigh> To think that whenever a calamity struck the Source, a reflection such as this one─with all its culture and history─was being erased from existence...
(-Screaming Woman-): N-No! Get away from me!
Alphinaud: ...Over there! Alphinaud: Quickly, someone's in trouble!
Manic Madame: P-Please, no... Manic Madame: Oh, thank the fates, y─ Look out! Manic Madame: My poor heart... Thank you, young sir/miss.
Alphinaud: Ah, there you are! In my haste, I lost my bearings... But I see you have the situation well in hand. Fine work! Alphinaud: Are you alright, madam?
Manic Madame: Just a few bruises from where I fell. Nothing compared to what was in store for me before this brave soul came to my rescue. Manic Madame: I honestly thought I was done for. My feet are not as swift as they once were, and I knew there was no one left to hear me scream. Not that I let that stop me! Manic Madame: <sigh> I should probably leave my old house behind and queue up outside Eulmore with the rest of them. Manic Madame: Doubt those fancy lords and ladies would welcome an old crone like me... Still, even a shack near the gate has to be safer than staying here!
Alphinaud: One would hope. Either way, I suggest you avoid wandering alone, lest you make the sin eaters' task any easier.
Manic Madame: Thank you again. You saved my life. Now, I'm sure a strapping lad/lass like you has little to fear, but I wouldn't linger long in this place. There's naught to be had here but cobwebs and memories.
Alphinaud: 'Tis as the lady says. Many in these parts have abandoned their homes to live in Eulmore's shadow. Alphinaud: Should the sin eaters descend upon this region, there are precious few with the strength to fight them off... Alphinaud: Speaking of which, what have you been told of these monsters? Alphinaud: Ah, yes. Alisaie would be well qualified to speak on the subject. Alphinaud: Compared with Amh Araeng, Kholusia is almost a haven... But as you saw, we cannot let our guard down. Had you arrived but a few moments later, the sin eaters would have claimed another victim. Alphinaud: A brief history, then... Alphinaud: 'Twas not long after the Flood swallowed the better part of the world that the sin eaters first appeared, some beastly, some beauteous. Alphinaud: Yet regardless of their form, all seem incapable of speech, and all are driven by the same insatiable appetite for mortal aether. They are predators─and we are their prey. Alphinaud: Kholusia suffers from far fewer attacks than most regions, but even so, the list of the sin eaters' victims grows longer by the day. A tragedy without end... Alphinaud: Still, we have won a small victory this time, at least. Now, shall we press on? Alphinaud: We need to return to where the road forks and follow the path that leads west... Alphinaud: And here we are.
Begrimed Bloke: Mmm, do I savor it piece by piece, or gobble it all in one go...?
Preoccupied Petticoat: Ah, Eulmore, you taunt me with your promised bounty...
Alphinaud: Now you understand why my attempts to enter the city have thus far come to naught. The dubious privilege of residency must be won via a contest with ever-changing rules... Alphinaud: They say this policy has been in place for the past two decades, ever since Eulmore's current ruler came into power. Alphinaud: Yet from what I have seen, it does more harm than good. Not only does it distract people from our shared struggle against the sin eaters, it robs them of their self-sufficiency. I have tried to propose ways they could improve their lot, but my words invariably fall on deaf ears. Alphinaud: The attitude is so entrenched now, I worry that─ Well, mayhap you should take a turn around Gatetown, and judge the situation for yourself. Alphinaud: Go, take the measure of Gatetown. I shall wait here.
System: A large pot bubbles over the flame. Pale chunks─meol, you realize─float in the otherwise plain broth.
Begrimed Bloke: Still here, are you? Can't blame you for wanting a slice of Eulmore's pie. If you ask me, you should ditch that sour-faced brat and make a home for yourself here! Begrimed Bloke: Gatetown's not much to look at, aye, but at least it's safe. And the meol is the best thing I've ever tasted!
Preoccupied Petticoat: Just look at it... Can you imagine a more beautiful city? Preoccupied Petticoat: Every day, I dream of the life that waits for me inside those walls. Oh, will they ever pick me...?
Alphinaud: You've seen what Gatetown has to offer? Alphinaud: These people can no longer fend for themselves. They've become dependent on handouts of meol, and believe Eulmore is the answer to all their woes. Alphinaud: Yet no matter how I frame my encouragement, they seem unwilling─nay, unable─to conceive of any other way of life...