Are They Ill-tempered
Are They Ill-Tempered
- Quest giver
- J'zula Tia
- Location
- The Lochs (X:10.6, Y:22.5)
- Level
- 69
- Required quest
The Legacy of Our Fathers
- Required items
- 2 Sturdy Hemp Sack
2 Squirming Hemp Sack - Experience
- Gil
- Patch
- 4.0
“J'zula Tia has a troublesome task for an adventurer.
— In-game description
- Unlocks
- Use sturdy hemp sacks to capture weakened yabbies. 0/2
- Deliver the squirming hemp sacks to J'zula Tia.
- J'zula Tia has a troublesome task for an adventurer.
Accepting the Quest
J'zula Tia: You're [Forename], aren't you? The famous soldier and adventurer? It might be that I'm asking above my station, but I could use your help with a bit of a problem. J'zula Tia: I've been tasked with rounding up a couple of nasty wavekin, and I have to admit to the fact that they're too much for me to handle. For a hero like you, however, I suspect they'd be naught more than a spot of light exercise before [breakfast/dinner]. J'zula Tia: Have you seen those monstrous yabbies crawling about south of the White Aisle? I have some large hemp sacks you can use to drag them back here. Just be sure to tire them out a bit beforehand─any fight left in them and they'll rip right through the sack with those spiky tails of theirs. (Optional) J'zula Tia: As I said, make certain to knock the fight out of those yabbies before you shove them in the sacks. And watch out for those tails!
Delivering the squirming hemp sacks to J'Zula Tia
J'zula Tia: Were you able to capture those yabbies for me? <Hand Over 2 Squirming Hemp Sack> J'zula Tia: Oho, these are some lively nippers─I'd best get them in a pen before they tear their way free. It's a good thing they're ill-tempered, though.
(If not completed Stormblood) J'zula Tia: Why is that, you ask? Well, just between you and me, we're planning on using the yabbies as a secret weapon to disrupt imperial military camps. I'd love to see the look on a Garlean officer's face to find one of these beauties running wild in his command tent.
(If completed Stormblood) J'zula Tia: Why is that, you ask? Well, we're planning on using the yabbies to help train new recruits. You never know when the Empire might try to reclaim lost territory, and a little battle experience is better than none.
(Both) J'zula Tia: Thank you, [Forename]. I was growing tired of sewing up the holes in those gigantic sacks...