Unlike a Dragon
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Unlike a Dragon
- Quest giver
- Ryu Bugyo
- Location
- Middle La Noscea (X:20.9, Y:18.1)
- Quest line
- Heavensturn (2024)
- Level
- 15
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
To Be a Mascot
- Patch
- 6.5
“The ryu bugyo has a mind to make for Woad Whisper Canyon.
※This quest is available for a limited time only.— In-game description
- Unlocks
- Speak with the ryu bugyo south of Woad Whisper Canyon.
- Speak with the ryu bugyo in Limsa Lominsa.
- Speak with residents of the upper decks while accompanied by Ryunosuke and the ryu bugyo. 0/3
- Speak with the ryu metsuke while accompanied by Ryunosuke and the ryu bugyo.
- The ryu bugyo has a mind to make for Woad Whisper Canyon.
- ※This quest is available for a limited time only.
- Having taken a moment to contemplate her approach, the ryu bugyo is now ready to tell her tale. She sets off for the waterfalls at Woad Whisper Canyon, which she believes will provide the perfect backdrop.
- ※Please note that you will be unable to complete this quest after the seasonal event has ended. For details, check the Lodestone.
- Over the quiet rush of the falls, the ryu bugyo tells you of the mighty Seiryu, one of the Four Lords of Far Eastern myth. According to the tales passed down through the bugyo's line, Seiryu was a deity who possessed mastery over water, which he used to aid mortals by quelling storms and calming seas. The existence of such a benevolent being serves to assure Sibly, who gives the bugyo her heartfelt thanks. With her task thus accomplished to her satisfaction, the bugyo suggests returning to Limsa Lominsa.
- Their initial dilemma with Sibly resolved, the ryu bugyo and Ryunosuke greet you with newfound confidence. Hoping to continue her draconic discussions with those of the upper decks, the bugyo is eager to try approaching the locals once more. For this, too, she requests your assistance, and together you set off to seek out those who may be receptive to her message.
- ※You must be accompanied by the ryu bugyo and Ryunosuke to complete this task. Speak with either of them again should you become separated.
- The ryu bugyo is overjoyed that she and Ryunosuke have inspired the residents of Limsa Lominsa to take an interest in the ryu. With your primary task completed, you head back to the Aftcastle to rejoin the ryu metsuke.
- ※You must be accompanied by the ryu bugyo and Ryunosuke to complete this task. Speak with either of them again should you become separated.
- Upon arriving at the Aftcastle, you are pleased to discover a lively crowd gathering before the ryu metsuke, who you manage to spot in its midst. With an exuberation that nearly defies his years, he thanks the ryu bugyo for her service to their divine beast. The bugyo, however, will not accept the praise alone, and credits you and Ryunosuke for your tireless efforts to make this Heavensturn a successful celebration. Even as she ponders a suitable reward for your invaluable aid, the chocobo chick flutters towards your side with many a happy kweh. Both the bugyo and the metsuke interpret the gesture to mean that he wishes to join you, and you duly accept the honor. Thus accompanied by the new year's symbol of good fortune, you take a moment to revel in the celebration you have helped save.
Accepting the quest:
Ryu Bugyo: Come, let us head to these waterfalls. They would provide the perfect setting for my tale.
Speaking with the ryu bugyo south of Woad Whisper Canyon:
Ryu Bugyo: Ahem! Let us begin... The ryu is a creature that shares many similarities with the dragons of Eorzea, but as I myself recently discovered, it is in fact a distinct being.
Ryu Bugyo: Nor is there just the one ryu. Nay, there exist myriad individuals, all of whom have their own tales. And the creature I will speak about is the mighty Seiryu, one of the Four Lords, who legend holds birthed a great waterfall in the Far East.
Ryunosuke: Kweh!
Sibly: Hee hee! That does sound exciting, doesn't it!
Ryu Bugyo: In the region of Yanxia flows the One River, and its plentiful waters nourish nearby lands. In ages past, it is said Seiryu drank so deeply of the river that he altered its very course, and in so doing gave rise to a waterfall─the Dragon's Struggle.
Ryu Bugyo: While it is not widely known, Seiryu was also regarded as a guardian deity who protected people from disasters of water.
Sibly: Disasters like storms and floods?
Ryu Bugyo: Indeed. Long ago, it was believed that calamities could be quelled by sacrificing a young maiden to a divine beast such as Seiryu.
Ryu Bugyo: And while no written records exist, there is a tale of a seaside village that fell in the path of a raging storm. Desperate to calm the heavens, the villagers offered unto Seiryu one of their daughters.
Ryu Bugyo: However, Seiryu showed no interest whatsoever in the young girl. To merely know the villagers' plight was enough for him, it seemed, and he turned the course of the storm and spared them untold devastation.
Ryu Bugyo: A benevolent being is Seiryu, who wields his power over water for good. Even now he hears our prayers, and protects us and our loved ones from harm.
Ryu Bugyo: That, my dear, is just one example of the noble beast we celebrate this Heavensturn. Together, let us offer a prayer to Seiryu, and wish your father safe travels and calm waters.
Sibly: That sounds perfect, miss! Thank you so much!
Ryu Bugyo: We must thank Ryunosuke as well. Were it not for him, I might not have recalled the tale of Seiryu.
Sibly: Now you can pray to Seiryu for safe travels too, adventurer! ...Oh, but perhaps you already heard this story?
Q: What will you say?
A1: It's not ringing any bells... A2: That was my first time hearing it too. Sibly: Really? Well, then, I'm glad we could hear it together!1
1Sibly's response is the same regardless of the chosen answer.
Sibly: Now that I think on it, miss, you said that no written records exist of that tale. How did you come to know it?
Ryu Bugyo: An astute observation, Sibly. You see, my family is said to be descended from the maiden who was offered to Seiryu.
Ryu Bugyo: As long ago as the event took place, there is no way to confirm the tale's veracity. But if true, then it is by the grace of Seiryu that I am here, alive. Thus have I made it my mission to spread the word of his noble kind.
Ryu Bugyo: Looking back, from the time you followed after Sibly, it is as if you have been guiding me, little one. I may be your caretaker, but it was you who was watching over me.
Sibly: Just like an honest-to-gods ryu!
Ryu Bugyo: With this, I now know what I must do to initiate people into our traditions, and I shall continue doing so for as long as the ryu reigns in the heavens.
Ryu Bugyo: Come, let's head back to the city together. We wouldn't want to make your father worry, now would we, Sibly?
Speaking with the ryu bugyo in Limsa Lominsa:
Ryu Bugyo: There you are, adventurer. Lest you wonder, young Sibly is now safely home, and I have just apprised the ryu metsuke of our fruitful outing.
Ryu Bugyo: Now that I have discovered a more suitable approach to my draconic dilemma, I wish to wander the city again for onlookers. Though I regret to impose upon you once more, your support with Sibly was most helpful... Might you accompany me while I make my rounds about the area?
Ryu Bugyo: With your discerning eyes, I am certain that you could readily identify those who might be receptive to our message. What say you?
Ryu Bugyo: I'm truly grateful! Come, let us set forth at once! The ryu bugyo and Ryunosuke are now accompanying you. Keep them at yourside in order to proceed with quest objectives.
You can leave the ryu bugyo and Ryunosuke behind by entering a different area, or by speaking to them and selecting the option to part ways.
If you wish to have the ryu bugyo and Ryunosuke accompany you again, return and speak with them at their original location.
Speaking with residents of the upper decks while accompanied by Ryunosuke and the ryu bugyo:
Ale-sipping Sailor: Hm? What the hells is that chocobo chick supposed to be dressed up as?
Ryu Bugyo: Ryunosuke here is wearing a costume that mimics the ryu─dragons of the Far East. It is held that these creatures have mastery over water, and a sailor such as your good self may benefit from knowing about them.
Ale-sipping Sailor: Huh, if you ask me, it looks more like a sea serpent. Hold it... It wouldn't have anythin' to do with that thrice-damned primal Leviathan, would it?
Ryu Bugyo: I-I assure you there is no connection whatsoever. Far from causing disasters of water, the ryu is a benevolent beast that protects us from them. If you are interested in knowing more, I invite you to seek us out at the Aftcastle.
Ale-sipping Sailor: Is that right? Still, here in Limsa, we've got the Navigator. That's all the protection we need on the high seas.
Ryu Bugyo: Ah, yes! I understand the people of your nation look to Llymlaen to favor them with safe voyages. Be that as it may, disasters of water can strike beyond the bounds of the sea─in which case, placing your faith in the ryu could provide you with added assurance.
Ale-sipping Sailor: Hah, I suppose it don't hurt to have more friends in high places, as it were. Fine, fine, I'll go and see what this is all about.
Resolute Resident: By the gods... I had just resolved to salve my soul with the sight of adorable creatures this year, and what should appear but the most charming of chocobo chicks! What's your name, little one, and what is that winsome outfit you're wearing?
Ryu Bugyo: You have a keen eye, sir. This little fellow is Ryunosuke, and he is dressed as a ryu─a dragon of the Far East. By thus attiring Eorzea's favorite beast of burden, we hoped to create a symbol of friendship between our lands.
Resolute Resident: Well now, that this adorable form should harbor such splendid symbolism! I'd never heard of this ryu before, but now I'm keen to know more!
Ryu Bugyo: In that case, sir, I invite you to seek us out at the Aftcastle anon. There, we will be glad to answer all your questions. Resolute Resident: Excellent, we shall head there at once!
Idle Yellowjacket: ...Yes? How can I assist you and your...curiously dressed chocobo chick?
Ryu Bugyo: If I may shed some light on the mystery of our mascot, little Ryunosuke here is named for the ryu─dragons of the Far East.
Idle Yellowjacket: Oh? I thought dragons are supposed to be fearsome. This fellow looks anything but.
Ryu Bugyo: Our costumed companion notwithstanding, the ryu is in fact a powerful and fearsome beast. Yet by the same token, they are fondly regarded as symbols of good fortune. Should you be curious about them, we would be glad to tell you more at the Aftcastle.
Idle Yellowjacket: A being that's regarded with both fear and fondness... Intriguing. Perhaps I'll pay a quick visit to the Aftcastle before returning to work.
After peaking with residents:
Ryu Bugyo: Oh, what a relief to see the locals take an interest in the ryu! I daresay we have gathered enough people, so let us head back to the Aftcastle.
Speaking with the ryu metsuke while accompanied by Ryunosuke and the ryu bugyo:
Ryu Metsuke: So our bugyo makes her triumphant return! You have done a tremendous job to pique the interest of so many.
Ryu Bugyo: You are too kind, metsuke. None of this would have been possible without the adventurer and Ryunosuke's help.
Sibly: There you are, miss! My papa wanted to meet you, so I've brought him.
Sibly's Father: So you're the kindly folks who helped my Sibly. I haven't the words to properly thank you, but...I'm truly grateful for what you've done. I'm glad to see my girl smiling again.
Ryu Bugyo: Pray do not mention it, sir. We, too, owe Sibly much and more. How fares the preparation for your journey, if I may ask?
Sibly's Father: Very well, thank you. And with Sibly praying to the legendary Seiryu for my safety, no matter how far I venture from home, I have no doubt that all will be well.
Ryu Bugyo: I shall pray for your safety as well. What little we might do to help you on your way, we gladly do it.
Ryu Metsuke: Indeed. While sharing the blessing of the divine beasts is a fine thing, naught is more rewarding to our delegation than fostering friendship between our lands.
Ryu Bugyo: For all the help you've afforded us, I wish to give you a proper reward. Yet I do not know what might be suitable...
Ryunosuke: Kweh! Kweh, kweh!
Ryu Bugyo: Ryunosuke? Are you saying you wish to accompany our adventurer friend?
Ryu Metsuke: Hm, I believe the little one wishes to be your charm against tumultuous waters─and he would be hard-pressed to choose a better companion. We still have Ryuji to aid us in our work, so if you so wish it, Ryunosuke is yours.
Ryu Bugyo: Ryunosuke, my little guardian... Thank you for everything. May your divine aura keep our friend safe.
Ryu Metsuke: And may you and yours enjoy the rest of the Heavensturn season, my friend. Know that wherever the ryu roars, good fortune shall be upon you. Should you wish to draw omikuji, the omikujishi has returned to offer his services for the remainder of the celebration. Seek him out for a Heavensturn fortune!
Furthermore, twelve extra fortunes have been divined this year. Keep a watchful eye on the "Adventure" section of your omikuji, and discover what new journeys might lie in wait for you.