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The Haunted Manor (Duty)

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Main article: All Saints' Wake


The Haunted Manor

The Haunted Manor Image.png
Item Level
Party size
Light Party
4 man 1 Tank role.png 1 Healer role.png 2 DPS role.png
Time limit
30 minutes
Req. quest
Feature quest In a Manor of Spooking
Old Gridania (X:10.1, Y:9.3)

The Haunted Manor is a level 1 dungeon introduced in patch 3.4 with Heavensward.

The manor is an old, eerily-decorated house used by the Continental Circus to celebrate the season of All Saints' Wake. An accommodating imp will guide players as they explore the manor and complete a series of "games" for Pumpkin Cookies. The map itself is a variation on Haukke Manor.

There are no class, job, or level requirements for participation. Parties that register for the instance with less than four members will be filled out automatically via the matching system. Players can fail the instance if their sanity meter is fully depleted, either by alerting a Circus apparition or failing certain tasks (e.g. opening the wrong chest). Five Pumpkin Cookies are awarded upon successful completion.

This instance was available for a limited time only, first introduced during All Saints' Wake (2016) and later brought back for All Saints' Wake (2017), All Saints' Wake (2018), All Saints' Wake (2019), and All Saints' Wake (2021). In more recent All Saints' Wake editions, this area became merely an instanced explorable zone with no activities of note, except for housing the Inscrutable Imp and Unsavory Imp, who function as they do in Sneaky Hollow.


Each instance will require the player to complete a series of three games, given at random.

1. Pumpkin Hunt: Locate six pumpkin chests within the manor.

2. Coffercracker: Find the locked pumpkin coffer and unlock it by uttering the correct six-digit combination with /Say. Each digit of the combination can be found on notes scattered throughout the manor.

3. Arcane Circles: Find the four arcane circles and have each party member stand in one at the same time.

4. Light the Lanterns: Pick up the randomly-placed smoldering coals and use them to light the four jack-o'-lanterns.

5. Cookie Hunt: Open up treat baskets to obtain cookies. Bronze baskets contain 1 cookie, silver baskets contain 2 cookies, and gold baskets contain 3 cookies. Collect 15 cookies in all.

6. Jack-in-the-Box: Determine which two of the scattered boxes are untrapped. Clues as to their location are found on notes scattered throughout the manor.

7. Skinchanger: Use smoke bombs to determine which pumpkin is an imp in disguise. If blue smoke appears around the pumpkin, the imp has been found.


Entering the Manor

Accommodating Imp: Welcome to our haunted manor! Complete three of my terrifying tasks, and you shall have a reward!

System: Circus apparitions will temporarily immobilize anyone they detect─an experience which will deplete your sanity meter.

System: This meter is shared by the entire party. Once it reaches zero, you will be ejected from the instance.

The Games

Pumpkin Hunt

Accommodating Imp: There are six pumpkin chests hidden around the manor. Find them all to win the game!


Accommodating Imp: Can you find and open the pumpkin coffer? You'll need to call out five numbers to dispel the lock...

Accommodating Imp: Five little numbers...hiding here and there...

Arcane Circles

Accommodating Imp: I have scribed eldritch patterns on the floors of four rooms.

Accommodating Imp: Only when a mortal stands within each circle will I release you from this task!

Light the Lanterns

Accommodating Imp: Scoop up the smoldering coals and light the jack-o'-lanterns!

Accommodating Imp: You must ignite four before the clock ticks down!

Cookie Hunt

Accommodating Imp: Scour the manor for baskets and claim the treats they hold!

Accommodating Imp: Some baskets hold more and some hold less. Can you find fifteen cookies in time?


Accommodating Imp: Creep around the manor and find the untrapped boxes!

Accommodating Imp: Only two are safe, and there are clues to guide you. You could try trusting your gut, of course...


Accommodating Imp: Pumpkins abound, but only one is a transformed impostor!

Accommodating Imp: Make use of the smoke bombs, and look for that telltale blue...

Completing the First Game

Accommodating Imp: Well done, well done! But let us see how you fare with this next task!

Completing the Second Game

Accommodating Imp: I see your minds are yet unbroken. One final game, then, to test the limits of your courage!

Completing the Third Game

Accommodating Imp: An impressive performance. You shall have your reward, as promised!

Accommodating Imp: Your resilience is astounding. Here, take your cookies!

Accommodating Imp: But be warned, brave ones: we shall not be so gentle on your next visit!