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The Churning Mists

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The Churning Mists

Fair Skies.png Clear Skies.png Umbral Static.png Clouds.png Gales.png

The Churning Mists Map.jpg
Map of The Churning Mists

Req. quest(s)
Main Scenario quest Mourn in Passing
Connects to
The Dravanian Forelands (SE)
Moghome (X:27.9, Y:34.5)
Zenith (X:11.4, Y:29.0)

Heavensward artwork2.jpg
Loading screen

From the peak of Sohm Al stretch forth the Churning Mists, a vast heaven filled with myriad floating isles, and the ancestral home of moogles and dragons. All throughout can be found the remnants of beautiful buildings and sculptures erected in an ancient era in which man and dragon lived together in harmony.

— In-game description

The Churning Mists is a zone in Dravania.


Area Points of Interest
Sohm Al Summit
Settlement icon.png
Aetheryte (map icon).png
Chocobokeep (map icon).png
Summoning Stone
Dungeon (map icon).png
Sohm Al (Hard)
Eil Tohm
Landmark (map icon).png
The House of Letters
Landmark (map icon).png
Landlord Colony
Settlement icon.png
Four Arms
Dungeon (map icon).png
Sohr Khai
Landmark (map icon).png
Bahrr Lehs
Aetheryte (map icon).png
Chocobokeep (map icon).png
Summoning Stone
Ohl Tahn
Landmark (map icon).png
The Rookery
Landmark (map icon).png
Gron Rhei
Landmark (map icon).png
Tharl Oom Khash
Landmark (map icon).png
Sothton Walls
Landmark (map icon).png
Weston Waters
Landmark (map icon).png
Easton Eyes
Landmark (map icon).png
The Aery
Landmark (map icon).png
Mother of the Sheave
Landmark (map icon).png
The Lost Landlord


The Churning Mists Sidequests

The Churning Mists FATEs

Moogle Daily Quests

Shops & Services

Merchant Name Merchant Location
Merchant (map icon).png
Emptier of Purses
(X:28.4, Y:34.1)
Merchant (map icon).png
Mogmul Mogbelly
(X:15.9, Y:28.5)
Merchant (map icon).png
Moogle Mender & Merchant
(X:20.6, Y:26.3)

Aether Currents


Coordinates Description Number
(x30.9, y35.7, z0.3) Leave Moghome via the east tunnel and climb the rocky ramp on the east side of the cavern. 1
(x20.6, y27.0, z0.7) In Asah 2
(x7.0, y27.4, z2.0) At the top of the palace in Zenith. 3
(x29.3, y19.9, z0.5) On path leading to Monsterie 4
A map showing the locations of aether currents in The Churning Mists


Quest Level Coordinates Additional Information
Feature QuestThe Bathing Bully 54 (x29, y36) Unlocks after completing Heavensward MSQ Main Scenario QuestMoghan's Trial
Feature QuestWaiting to Inhale 54 (x32, y15) Unlocks after completing Heavensward MSQ Main Scenario QuestHeart of Ice
Feature QuestRoad Kill 54 (x27, y33) Unlocks after completing Heavensward MSQ Main Scenario QuestLeaving Moghome
Feature QuestHide Your Moogles 54 (x12, y29) Unlocks after completing Feature QuestThe Bathing Bully and the Heavensward MSQ Main Scenario QuestThe Wyrm's Lair
Main Scenario QuestInto the Aery 55 Foundation (x13, y11) Heavensward MSQ

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B Rank

A Rank

S Rank


See also: Sightseeing Log

Players can unlock Heavensward sightseeing logs by speaking to Kester Ironheart in The Dravanian Forelands (X:31.1, Y:22.2). Players must be a Disciple of War or Disciple of Magic level 50 or higher to obtain credit for these sightseeing logs. Vistas are small blue glowing orbs at which players need to /lookout or use another emote. While players need to have flying unlocked, there are no time or weather requirements.

# Name Zone Coordinate Emote Comment
15 Moghome The Churning Mists (X:29.4, Y:35.1, Z:0.2) Lookout.png  Lookout On a mushroom inside cave, overlooking center of Moghome
16 The Aery The Churning Mists (X:29.2, Y:13.0, Z:3.0) Lookout.png  Lookout End of bridge to the south of the "Easton Eyes"
17 Tharl Oom Khash The Churning Mists (X:18.6, Y:6.4, Z:3.6) Lookout.png  Lookout At the top of a wall north of "Thari Oom Khash" (Requires Flying)
18 Zenith The Churning Mists (X:7.8, Y:27.0, Z:5.4) Lookout.png  Lookout Top of giant structure, above the dungeon "Sohr Khai" (Requires Flying)
19 The Lost Landlord The Churning Mists (X:17.6, Y:37.2, Z:0.5) Pray.png  Pray On the ramp, between two pillars. (The Lost Landlord) (Requires Flying)
20 The House of Letters The Churning Mists (X:35.1, Y:20.4, Z:1.3) Lookout.png  Lookout At the top of the stairs at broken tower. (The House of Letters) (Requires Flying)
21 The Rookery The Churning Mists (X:23.2, Y:18.6, Z:1.5) Lookout.png  Lookout Under the building, on an outcropping. south east of "The Rookery" (Requires Flying)
51 Statue of the Unsung The Churning Mists (X:33.8, Y:32.4, Z:2.6) Pray.png  Pray Up on a floating island in front of statue, north of Mоghome. (Requires Flying)
52 Landlord Colony The Churning Mists (X:37.3, Y:14.4, Z:2.8) Lookout.png  Lookout On a small floating island, east of "Monsterie" (Requires Flying)
53 The Old Father The Churning Mists (X:14.7, Y:25.0, Z:1.9) Lookout.png  Lookout On a small floating island, north of "Bahrr Lehs" (Requires Flying)


This zone is associated with the following achievements:

Name Points Task Reward Patch
Mapping the realm churning mists icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Churning Mists 10 Discover every location in the Churning Mists. - 3.0
Freebird churning mists icon1.png  Freebird: Churning Mists 5 Attune with all the aether currents in the Churning Mists. - 3.0



Sohm Al Summit

The sacred summit houses an enormous crystal at its core, and it could be said that the peak of the mountain is its own floating isle.


Moghome is a long-forgotten settlement that sits curiously atop Sohm Al, in the heart of the dragons’ demesne. It is said that the moogles forged a pact with the great wyrm Hraesvelgr to allow them to live here in peace.

Eil Tohm

Eil Tohm was a small, sleepy village which Nidhogg razed to the ground after the murder of Ratatoskr. As the dragons tell it, the destruction was so swift that its residents likely did not realize who was attacking them, much less why.

The House of Letters

The thousand-year-old ruins of a tower said to have been built by the hand of man and dragon in the days before the war. Even now, as it crumbles, one can still make out the letters engraved in its walls, which have led the moogles to give it the name by which it is now commonly known.


The moogles have asserted time and again that this structure was called the Monsteric. However, upon close examination of some of the surviving architecture, it appears to be quite similar to that of an Ishgardian cloister.

Landlord Colony

The many dwellings here show evidence of extensive damage, likely the work of a furious Nidhogg following the betrayal of man. The moogles tell that the ruins were once home to the “lords of the lower lands,” although their history was lost in the great wyrm’s wrath.


An enormous bridge that connects two floating isles, Asah once served as a place of rest for weary travelers making a pilgrimage to Zenith. It is currently being restored by moogles at the behest of Hraesvelgr and his brood.

Four Arms

Four Arms lies within the domain of the great wyrm, Hraesvelgr. It has been said that the reason why the structures remain unmarked by Dravanian claws is out of respect for the wyrm's memory of his beloved Shiva, compelling him to preserve the area in as pristine a condition as it was when she lived. The only other sanctuary in which the architecture remains unraked by dragon claws is Sohr Kai, the shining palace lair of Hraesvelgr's fallen brood-sister, Ratatoskr.


A majestic fortress in Hraesvelgr's domain, watched over at the great wyrm's behest by the moogles who make their home in the Churning Mists. Though the years-a thousand of them-have taken their toll, it still stands proud and strong, stirring the hearts of all who lay eyes upon it.

Ohl Tahn

Tahn, the ominous domain of Nidhogg, is not so easily overlooked; this northern enclave of the dread wyrm's brood crackles with aetheric energies that have been amplified by the dragons' rancor.

The Rookery

As the moogles tell it, the place known as the Rookery was once a bustling skyport where wayfarers came and went on the backs of trained wyverns. These days, the buildings remain, but the only dragons in sight are the vicious minions of Nidhogg.

Gron Rhei

In the language of the dragons, Gron Rhei means "trees praying," and it possibly alludes to the beautiful forest that once covered the isle. Nidhogg's brood relegated this scorched land to their lesser cousins, who maintain dominance by killing all who approach, much to the moogles' dismay.

Tharl Oom Khash

Tharl Oom Khash means "crystal from regret" in the dragon tongue, and is likely a reference to the deep purple clusters in which the ruins of the structure are buried. According to Dravanian elders, this was where the great wyrm Ratatoskr was lured into a trap by men and met her end.

Sothton Walls

The remnants of a bulwark south of Tharl Oom Khash, the Sothton Walls were once a shared line of defense for men and dragons against ferocious beasts that would migrate to the Churning Mists with the changing seasons. While the knights regarded this as a solemn duty, the dragons considered it more akin to a recreational sport.

Weston Waters

Named for one of the smaller springs in the Churning Mists, Weston Waters was once a place of leisure for the people who lived near there long ago.

Easton Eyes

The eastern watchtower also served as quarters for knights in the era of peace, from where they would set forth upon the backs of wyverns to patrol and ensure the security of the region.

The Aery

Vicious aetheric storms rage in Nidhogg’s lair, keeping out all those who would dare disturb the great wyrm in his slumber—be it one of years or centuries.


Greensward is a memorial to Saint Shiva, the Elezen maiden who strove to build a bridge between man and dragon. Although her life was brief, her sacrifice inspired her people to build a grand memorial to her on the isle, that the peace for which she stood would never be forgotten.

Mother of the Sheave

The Mother of the Sheave is an enormous statue towering over the Churning Mists, carved in the image of Saint Shiva. The saint’s likeness has been somewhat glorified, as it was erected nearly a century after her death, and the great wyrm and his brood contend that the effigy bears no resemblance to the real Shiva.

The Lost Landlord

This colossus stands on an island in Greensward. Its name was bestowed by the moogles, who believe it to be a statue of the “king of the land-dwellers,” though no records remain that could shed light on the identity of this individual, and whether or not he ever truly walked the realm. [1]


  1. Encyclopaedia Eorzea: Volume I, page 165