Storm Rider
“These sand-dwelling fish will skip across the desert unless they are fortunate enough to stumble across a sandstorm, in which case they will spread their fins and ride the storm great distances.
[Suitable for printing on small canvases.]
— In-game description
Storm Rider is a Seafood.
Basic Information
- Recommended Fishing Level: 39
- Fish Type: Sands (Dunefishing)
- Aquarium Type: Unknown
- Sizes: Smallest - 7.1im, Largest - 17.6im
- Fish Guide Preferred Bait: Sand Leech
- Prime Locations: Thanalan - Southern Thanalan - Sagolii Dunes
These sand-dwelling fish will skip across the desert until they are fortunate enough to stumble across a sandstorm, in which case they will spread their fins and ride the storm great distances.
Purchased From
Dropped By
Fishing Log: Sagolii Desert
- Location: Southern Thanalan (x12,y35)
- Hole Level: 35
- Baits: Sand Leech, Sand Gecko, Rolling Stone
- Mooched From:
- Condition:
- Weather:
Fishing Log: Sagolii Dunes
- Location: Southern Thanalan (x27,y37)
- Hole Level: 35
- Baits: Sand Leech, Sand Gecko, Versatile Lure
- Mooched From:
- Hookset: Powerful Hookset (!!)
- Condition:
- Weather:
Used For
- See also: Small Angler's Canvas
Mooching with a "large" size Storm Rider, or using the ability "Makeshift Bait" for mooching with an average size Storm Rider, will allow you to catch a Dune Manta or a Caravan Eel.
Crafting Ingredient
Class: Culinarian
Potential Results:
- Yellow Pigment x1
- Allagan Bronze Piece x1
- Fine Sand x1
- Earth Shard x1-3
- Water Shard x1-3