UserWiki:Dr Agon

From Final Fantasy XIV Online Wiki
Revision as of 07:09, 14 August 2023 by Dr Agon (talk | contribs)
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Quest Image
AR-Caean Velvet Culottes of Gathering 376px
AR-Caean Velvet Hose of Crafting 376px
AR-Caean Velvet Jacket of Gathering 376px
AR-Caean Velvet Trapper's Hat of Gathering 376px
AR-Caean Velvet Work Cap of Crafting 376px
AR-Caean Velvet Work Shirt of Crafting 376px
Academic's Breeches 376px
Academic's Coat 376px
Academic's Gloves 376px
Academic's Longboots 376px
Academic's Mortarboard 376px
Allegiance Blinder 376px
Allegiance Coat 376px
Allegiance Gloves 376px
Allegiance Longboots 376px
Allegiance Trousers 376px
Anchorite's Cyclas 376px
Anchorite's Flame 376px
Anchorite's Gaskins 376px
Anchorite's Greaves 376px
Anchorite's Vambraces 376px
Astronomia Armlets 376px
Astronomia Chiton 376px
Astronomia Pantaloons 376px
Astronomia Sandals 376px
Astronomia Turban 376px
Atrophy Bliaud 376px
Atrophy Bottoms 376px
Atrophy Chapeau 376px
Atrophy Gloves 376px
Atrophy Thighboots 376px
Brioso Bottoms 376px
Brioso Chapeau 376px
Brioso Gilet 376px
Brioso Halfgloves 376px
Brioso Shoes 376px
Convoker's Coat 376px
Convoker's Gloves 376px
Convoker's Horn 376px
Convoker's Thighboots 376px
Convoker's Trousers 376px
Didact's Boots 376px
Didact's Coat 376px
Didact's Gaskins 376px
Didact's Gloves 376px
Didact's Visor 376px
Etoile Bottoms 376px
Etoile Dress Boots 376px
Etoile Halfgloves 376px
Etoile Headdress 376px
Etoile Longcoat 376px
Hachiya Chainmail 376px
Hachiya Somen 376px
Hachiya Tekko 376px
Hachiya Tsutsu-hakama 376px
Hachiya Zori 376px
Hero's Shield 376px
Ignominy Burgeonet 376px
Ignominy Cuirass 376px
Ignominy Gauntlets 376px
Ignominy Sollerets 376px
Ignominy Trousers 376px
Ophiotauroskin Boots of Gathering 376px
Ophiotauroskin Halfgloves of Crafting 376px
Ophiotauroskin Halfgloves of Gathering 376px
Ophiotauroskin Workboots of Crafting 376px
Painter's Beret 376px
Painter's Halfgloves 376px
Painter's Pattens 376px
Painter's Slops 376px
Painter's Tabard 376px
Pioneer's Boots 376px
Pioneer's Bottoms 376px
Pioneer's Coat 376px
Pioneer's Gloves 376px
Pioneer's Scope 376px
Pummeler's Boots 376px
Pummeler's Burgeonet 376px
Pummeler's Cuisses 376px
Pummeler's Gauntlets 376px
Pummeler's Vest 376px
Reaper's Armguards 376px
Reaper's Boots 376px
Reaper's Chapeau 376px
Reaper's Corselet 376px
Reaper's Poleyns 376px
Reverence Coronet 376px
Reverence Cuirass 376px
Reverence Gauntlets 376px
Reverence Skirt 376px
Reverence Sollerets 376px
Saotome Hakama 376px
Saotome Hanbo 376px
Saotome Jin-baori 376px
Saotome Kote 376px
Saotome Sune-ate 376px
Snakebite Boots 376px
Snakebite Gaskins 376px
Snakebite Gilet 376px
Snakebite Halfgloves 376px
Snakebite Headband 376px
Spaekona's Coat 376px
Spaekona's Petasos 376px
Spaekona's Shoes 376px
Spaekona's Skirt 376px
Spaekona's Wrist Torques 376px
Theophany Circlet 376px
Theophany Robe 376px
Theophany Shortgloves 376px
Theophany Skirt 376px
Theophany Thighboots 376px
Tiamat Armet 376px
Tiamat Gauntlets 376px
Tiamat Greaves 376px
Tiamat Mail 376px
Tiamat Trousers 376px
Boltsoph's Boots 376px
Boltsoph's Cuffs 376px
Boltsoph's Hat 376px
Boltsoph's Slacks 376px
Boltsoph's Swallowtail 376px
Cauldronsoph's Gloves 376px
Cauldronsoph's Hat 376px
Cauldronsoph's Kecks 376px
Cauldronsoph's Mantle 376px
Cauldronsoph's Shoes 376px
Fieldsoph's Crakows 376px
Fieldsoph's Gloves 376px
Fieldsoph's Hood 376px
Fieldsoph's Shirt 376px
Fieldsoph's Slops 376px
Forgesoph's Apron 376px
Forgesoph's Boots 376px
Forgesoph's Goggles 376px
Forgesoph's Trousers 376px
Forgesoph's Work Gloves 376px
Galleysoph's Apron 376px
Galleysoph's Cap 376px
Galleysoph's Mittens 376px
Galleysoph's Shoes 376px
Galleysoph's Trousers 376px
Gemsoph's Hat 376px
Gemsoph's Thighboots 376px
Gemsoph's Trousers 376px
Gemsoph's Vest 376px
Gemsoph's Wristdresses 376px
Hammersoph's Apron 376px
Hammersoph's Trousers 376px
Hammersoph's Visor 376px
Hammersoph's Work Gloves 376px
Hammersoph's Workboots 376px
Hidesoph's Apron 376px
Hidesoph's Boots 376px
Hidesoph's Cap 376px
Hidesoph's Gloves 376px
Hidesoph's Kecks 376px
Millsoph's Apron 376px
Millsoph's Bandana 376px
Millsoph's Breeches 376px
Millsoph's Gaiters 376px
Millsoph's Gloves 376px
Minesoph's Helmet 376px
Minesoph's Slops 376px
Minesoph's Work Gloves 376px
Minesoph's Work Shirt 376px
Minesoph's Workboots 376px
Moonward Armguards of Scouting 376px
Moonward Armguards of Striking 376px
Moonward Armlets of Aiming 376px
Moonward Armlets of Casting 376px
Moonward Armlets of Healing 376px
Moonward Boots of Aiming 376px
Moonward Boots of Casting 376px
Moonward Boots of Healing 376px
Moonward Boots of Scouting 376px
Moonward Boots of Striking 376px
Moonward Bottoms of Casting 376px
Moonward Bottoms of Healing 376px
Moonward Breeches of Aiming 376px
Moonward Circlet of Fending 376px
Moonward Circlet of Maiming 376px
Moonward Cloak of Scouting 376px
Moonward Cloak of Striking 376px
Moonward Gaskins of Scouting 376px
Moonward Gaskins of Striking 376px
Moonward Gauntlets of Fending 376px
Moonward Gauntlets of Maiming 376px
Moonward Hairpin of Casting 376px
Moonward Hairpin of Healing 376px
Moonward Hat of Aiming 376px
Moonward Hose of Fending 376px
Moonward Hose of Maiming 376px
Moonward Kite Shield 376px
Moonward Mail of Fending 376px
Moonward Mail of Maiming 376px
Moonward Sollerets of Fending 376px
Moonward Sollerets of Maiming 376px
Moonward Top of Casting 376px
Moonward Top of Healing 376px
Moonward Veil of Scouting 376px
Moonward Veil of Striking 376px
Moonward Vest of Aiming 376px
Tacklesoph's Hat 376px
Tacklesoph's Jacket 376px
Tacklesoph's Slops 376px
Tacklesoph's Work Gloves 376px
Tacklesoph's Workboots 376px
Darbar Boots of Fending 376px
Darbar Boots of Maiming 376px
Darbar Boots of Striking 376px
Darbar Bottoms of Aiming 376px
Darbar Bottoms of Casting 376px
Darbar Bottoms of Healing 376px
Darbar Breeches of Fending 376px
Darbar Breeches of Maiming 376px
Darbar Coat of Aiming 376px
Darbar Coat of Casting 376px
Darbar Coat of Healing 376px
Darbar Doublet of Scouting 376px
Darbar Doublet of Striking 376px
Darbar Gloves of Aiming 376px
Darbar Gloves of Fending 376px
Darbar Gloves of Maiming 376px
Darbar Gloves of Scouting 376px
Darbar Gloves of Striking 376px
Darbar Hat of Casting 376px
Darbar Hat of Healing 376px
Darbar Jacket of Fending 376px
Darbar Jacket of Maiming 376px
Darbar Mitts of Casting 376px
Darbar Mitts of Healing 376px
Darbar Serpus of Aiming 376px
Darbar Serpus of Fending 376px
Darbar Serpus of Maiming 376px
Darbar Serpus of Scouting 376px
Darbar Serpus of Striking 376px
Darbar Thighboots of Aiming 376px
Darbar Thighboots of Casting 376px
Darbar Thighboots of Healing 376px
Darbar Thighboots of Scouting 376px
Darbar Trousers of Scouting 376px
Darbar Trousers of Striking 376px
Classical Dimachaerius's Caligae 376px
Classical Dimachaerius's Loincloth 376px
Classical Dimachaerius's Lorica 376px
Classical Dimachaerius's Manicae 376px
Classical Dimachaerius's Mask 376px
Classical Eques's Caligae 376px
Classical Eques's Chiton 376px
Classical Eques's Headgear 376px
Classical Eques's Loincloth 376px
Classical Eques's Manicae 376px
Classical Hoplomachus's Greaves 376px
Classical Hoplomachus's Headgear 376px
Classical Hoplomachus's Loincloth 376px
Classical Hoplomachus's Lorica 376px
Classical Hoplomachus's Manicae 376px
Classical Medicus's Caligae 376px
Classical Medicus's Chiton 376px
Classical Medicus's Laurel Wreath 376px
Classical Medicus's Loincloth 376px
Classical Medicus's Wrist Torque 376px
Classical Sagittarius's Caligae 376px
Classical Sagittarius's Chiton 376px
Classical Sagittarius's Headband 376px
Classical Sagittarius's Loincloth 376px
Classical Sagittarius's Wrist Torque 376px
Classical Secutor's Caligae 376px
Classical Secutor's Loincloth 376px
Classical Secutor's Lorica 376px
Classical Secutor's Manicae 376px
Classical Secutor's Mask 376px
Classical Shield 376px
Classical Signifer's Caligae 376px
Classical Signifer's Chiton 376px
Classical Signifer's Culottes 376px
Classical Signifer's Fingerless Gloves 376px
Classical Signifer's Horns 376px
Limbo Boots of Aiming 376px
Limbo Boots of Fending 376px
Limbo Boots of Scouting 376px
Limbo Breeches of Maiming 376px
Limbo Breeches of Striking 376px
Limbo Chiton of Casting 376px
Limbo Chiton of Fending 376px
Limbo Chiton of Healing 376px
Limbo Circlet of Aiming 376px
Limbo Circlet of Fending 376px
Limbo Circlet of Scouting 376px
Limbo Face Guard of Maiming 376px
Limbo Face Guard of Striking 376px
Limbo Gaiters of Casting 376px
Limbo Gaiters of Healing 376px
Limbo Gloves of Aiming 376px
Limbo Gloves of Scouting 376px
Limbo Halfgloves of Maiming 376px
Limbo Halfgloves of Striking 376px
Limbo Headgear of Casting 376px
Limbo Headgear of Healing 376px
Limbo Himation of Aiming 376px
Limbo Himation of Maiming 376px
Limbo Himation of Scouting 376px
Limbo Himation of Striking 376px
Limbo Hose of Aiming 376px
Limbo Hose of Scouting 376px
Limbo Shoes of Maiming 376px
Limbo Shoes of Striking 376px
Limbo Skirt of Fending 376px
Limbo Trousers of Casting 376px
Limbo Trousers of Healing 376px
Limbo Vambraces of Fending 376px
Limbo Wristbands of Casting 376px
Limbo Wristbands of Healing 376px
Ornate Classical Dimachaerius's Lorica 376px
Ornate Classical Eques's Chiton 376px
Ornate Classical Hoplomachus's Lorica 376px
Ornate Classical Medicus's Chiton 376px
Ornate Classical Sagittarius's Chiton 376px
Ornate Classical Secutor's Lorica 376px
Ornate Classical Signifer's Chiton 376px
Shield of Divine Light 376px
Augmented Classical Dimachaerius's Caligae 376px
Augmented Classical Dimachaerius's Loincloth 376px
Augmented Classical Dimachaerius's Lorica 376px
Augmented Classical Dimachaerius's Manicae 376px
Augmented Classical Dimachaerius's Mask 376px
Augmented Classical Eques's Caligae 376px
Augmented Classical Eques's Chiton 376px
Augmented Classical Eques's Headgear 376px
Augmented Classical Eques's Loincloth 376px
Augmented Classical Eques's Manicae 376px
Augmented Classical Hoplomachus's Greaves 376px
Augmented Classical Hoplomachus's Headgear 376px
Augmented Classical Hoplomachus's Loincloth 376px
Augmented Classical Hoplomachus's Lorica 376px
Augmented Classical Hoplomachus's Manicae 376px
Augmented Classical Medicus's Caligae 376px
Augmented Classical Medicus's Chiton 376px
Augmented Classical Medicus's Laurel Wreath 376px
Augmented Classical Medicus's Loincloth 376px
Augmented Classical Medicus's Wrist Torque 376px
Augmented Classical Sagittarius's Caligae 376px
Augmented Classical Sagittarius's Chiton 376px
Augmented Classical Sagittarius's Headband 376px
Augmented Classical Sagittarius's Loincloth 376px
Augmented Classical Sagittarius's Wrist Torque 376px
Augmented Classical Secutor's Caligae 376px
Augmented Classical Secutor's Loincloth 376px
Augmented Classical Secutor's Lorica 376px
Augmented Classical Secutor's Manicae 376px
Augmented Classical Secutor's Mask 376px
Augmented Classical Shield 376px
Augmented Classical Signifer's Caligae 376px
Augmented Classical Signifer's Chiton 376px
Augmented Classical Signifer's Culottes 376px
Augmented Classical Signifer's Fingerless Gloves 376px
Augmented Classical Signifer's Horns 376px
Pactmaker's Boots of Gathering 376px
Pactmaker's Breeches of Gathering 376px
Pactmaker's Coat of Gathering 376px
Pactmaker's Gloves of Gathering 376px
Pactmaker's Halfgloves of Crafting 376px
Pactmaker's Pumps of Crafting 376px
Pactmaker's Sarouel of Crafting 376px
Pactmaker's Turban of Crafting 376px
Pactmaker's Ushanka of Gathering 376px
Pactmaker's Vest of Crafting 376px
Panthean Armguards of Aiming 376px
Panthean Armguards of Casting 376px
Panthean Armguards of Healing 376px
Panthean Armguards of Scouting 376px
Panthean Circlet of Fending 376px
Panthean Circlet of Maiming 376px
Panthean Circlet of Striking 376px
Panthean Corselet of Maiming 376px
Panthean Corselet of Striking 376px
Panthean Cuirass of Fending 376px
Panthean Cuisses of Aiming 376px
Panthean Cuisses of Fending 376px
Panthean Cuisses of Scouting 376px
Panthean Gauntlets of Fending 376px
Panthean Gauntlets of Maiming 376px
Panthean Gauntlets of Striking 376px
Panthean Hat of Casting 376px
Panthean Hat of Healing 376px
Panthean Hose of Maiming 376px
Panthean Hose of Striking 376px
Panthean Mail of Aiming 376px
Panthean Mail of Scouting 376px
Panthean Robe of Casting 376px
Panthean Robe of Healing 376px
Panthean Skirt of Casting 376px
Panthean Skirt of Healing 376px
Panthean Sollerets of Aiming 376px
Panthean Sollerets of Casting 376px
Panthean Sollerets of Fending 376px
Panthean Sollerets of Healing 376px
Panthean Sollerets of Maiming 376px
Panthean Sollerets of Scouting 376px
Panthean Sollerets of Striking 376px
Panthean Wimple of Aiming 376px
Panthean Wimple of Scouting 376px
Perfectionist's Boots of Crafting 376px
Perfectionist's Boots of Gathering 376px
Perfectionist's Cap of Crafting 376px
Perfectionist's Doublet of Crafting 376px
Perfectionist's Doublet of Gathering 376px
Perfectionist's Fingerless Gloves of Crafting 376px
Perfectionist's Halfgloves of Gathering 376px
Perfectionist's Hat of Gathering 376px
Perfectionist's Trousers of Crafting 376px
Perfectionist's Trousers of Gathering 376px
Radiant's Cuisses of Fending 376px
Radiant's Cuisses of Maiming 376px
Radiant's Gauntlets of Fending 376px
Radiant's Gauntlets of Maiming 376px
Radiant's Gloves of Casting 376px
Radiant's Gloves of Healing 376px
Radiant's Gloves of Scouting 376px
Radiant's Greaves of Casting 376px
Radiant's Greaves of Healing 376px
Radiant's Greaves of Scouting 376px
Radiant's Helm of Fending 376px
Radiant's Helm of Maiming 376px
Radiant's Hose of Aiming 376px
Radiant's Hose of Casting 376px
Radiant's Hose of Healing 376px
Radiant's Hose of Scouting 376px
Radiant's Hose of Striking 376px
Radiant's Mail of Aiming 376px
Radiant's Mail of Casting 376px
Radiant's Mail of Healing 376px
Radiant's Mail of Scouting 376px
Radiant's Mail of Striking 376px
Radiant's Mask of Aiming 376px
Radiant's Mask of Striking 376px
Radiant's Sabatons of Aiming 376px
Radiant's Sabatons of Fending 376px
Radiant's Sabatons of Maiming 376px
Radiant's Sabatons of Striking 376px
Radiant's Scale Mail of Fending 376px
Radiant's Scale Mail of Maiming 376px
Radiant's Shield 376px
Radiant's Visor of Casting 376px
Radiant's Visor of Healing 376px
Radiant's Visor of Scouting 376px
Radiant's Wristgloves of Aiming 376px
Radiant's Wristgloves of Striking 376px
Bluefeather Shield 376px
Troian Armguards of Aiming 376px
Troian Armguards of Casting 376px
Troian Armguards of Healing 376px
Troian Bandana of Scouting 376px
Troian Bandana of Striking 376px
Troian Breeches of Scouting 376px
Troian Breeches of Striking 376px
Troian Circlet of Fending 376px
Troian Circlet of Maiming 376px
Troian Cloak of Aiming 376px
Troian Cloak of Casting 376px
Troian Cloak of Healing 376px
Troian Field Dressing of Aiming 376px
Troian Fingerless Gloves of Scouting 376px
Troian Fingerless Gloves of Striking 376px
Troian Hat of Casting 376px
Troian Hat of Healing 376px
Troian Hose of Fending 376px
Troian Hose of Maiming 376px
Troian Leg Wraps of Scouting 376px
Troian Leg Wraps of Striking 376px
Troian Longkilt of Aiming 376px
Troian Longkilt of Casting 376px
Troian Longkilt of Healing 376px
Troian Lorica of Fending 376px
Troian Lorica of Maiming 376px
Troian Sabatons of Fending 376px
Troian Sabatons of Maiming 376px
Troian Thighboots of Aiming 376px
Troian Thighboots of Casting 376px
Troian Thighboots of Healing 376px
Troian Top of Scouting 376px
Troian Top of Striking 376px
Troian Vambraces of Fending 376px
Troian Vambraces of Maiming 376px
Asphodelos Boots of Aiming 376px
Asphodelos Boots of Fending 376px
Asphodelos Boots of Scouting 376px
Asphodelos Breeches of Maiming 376px
Asphodelos Breeches of Striking 376px
Asphodelos Chiton of Casting 376px
Asphodelos Chiton of Fending 376px
Asphodelos Chiton of Healing 376px
Asphodelos Circlet of Fending 376px
Asphodelos Face Guard of Maiming 376px
Asphodelos Face Guard of Striking 376px
Asphodelos Gaiters of Casting 376px
Asphodelos Gaiters of Healing 376px
Asphodelos Gloves of Aiming 376px
Asphodelos Gloves of Scouting 376px
Asphodelos Halfgloves of Maiming 376px

... further results

Category:Missing universalis link

fending > maiming > striking > scouting > aiming > casting > healing

  • 027000 - pomanders
  • 28-29 - fish
  • 30-49 - gear
  • 50-57 - furniture, belts, accessories
  • 58-59 - barding, minions, mounts
  • 60 - some ui, weather, map symbol
  • 061000 - custom delivery portraits
  • 062000 - job icons
  • 070000 - misc location banners, variant dungeon lore
  • 072000/073000 - blue mage, bozja lore, duty support/trust, solo duty portraits
  • 081000 - sightseeing
  • 110000 - fishing log banners?
  • 112000 - duty banners
  • 113000 - WT banners

Category:Needs role future proofing

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