Callback Campaign

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Callback campaign banner1.png
See also: Campaigns

Campaign Period

From October 10, 2017 to January 4, 2018

  • The event was repeated for a second time from December 23, 2020 to January 13, 2021
  • The event was repeated a third time from September 7, 2022 to September 30, 2022
  • The event was repeated a fourth time from November 8, 2023 to December 14, 2023 [1]

How to Participate

Select an offline friend from your in-game friends list or free company member list, then select Invite Friend to Return from the subcommand menu. Provided your friend meets the requirements of the campaign, they will receive an e-mail indicating you wish to invite them back to play FINAL FANTASY XIV.

How to participate.png


  • Players to be invited to return must have a service account that has been inactive for at least 90 days (including the free play period). Those who fail to meet this requirement will not receive an e-mail even if they have been invited to return.
  • Players to be invited to return must have purchased and registered FINAL FANTASY XIV to their service account.


  • Each character registered to a service account can be used to invite friends up to five times. (The number of invitations allowed for each character will be reset after thirty days.)
  • Invitation e-mails will include the name of the character used to send the invitation and the World on which they reside.
  • Invitation e-mails will be sent once per day. In the event multiple players send invitations to the same character on the same day, a single e-mail will be sent listing the character names of all inviters.
  • Invitation e-mails will not be sent to players who do not meet the requirements of the campaign. Furthermore, we cannot guarantee recipients will receive invitation e-mails.
  • You will not be notified of whether or not the intended recipient meets the requirements of the campaign.

In-game Rewards

Rewards for players who invite friends to return

You will receive the following rewards via the moogle delivery service when friends who are invited to come back purchase a subscription within 90 days of their return.

5 Gold Chocobo Feathers

Trade to the Calamity Salvager NPC for special items. The Calamity Salvager NPC can be found in Limsa Lominsa, Gridania, or Ul'dah.

5 gold chocobo feathers.png

Items you can trade for with gold chocobo feathers:

Items you can trade for with gold chocobo feathers 1.jpg Items you can trade for with gold chocobo feathers 2.jpg Items you can trade for with gold chocobo feathers 3.jpg

Item Required Feathers
Twintania neurolink key icon1.png  Twintania Neurolink Key 15
Amber draught chocobo whistle icon1.png  Amber Draught Chocobo Whistle 8
Managarm horn icon1.png  Managarm Horn 8
Rare Dye x5 1
Aetheryte ticket icon1.png  Aetheryte Ticket x10 1

* Items available are subject to change in future updates.

* For items requiring a greater number of feathers, we suggest participating in other events such as the Recruit a Friend Campaign to earn more feathers.


  • Please note that even if two or more friends have been invited back to play, these rewards will only be awarded once. Rewards received for participation in a previous campaign will not be awarded again.
  • You can confirm the number of players you invited to return who purchased a subscription by logging into the Mog Station.
  • Invitations for this campaign apply to all characters registered to a given service account. As such, rewards will be granted when players invited to return log in using any character registered to their service account.

Rewards for players who are invited to return

After receiving your invitation e-mail, click Redeem Your Gift to proceed to the Mog Station and redeem the following:

* Rewards received for participation in a previous campaign will not be awarded again.

7 Days of Free Play

Enjoy new adventures in Eorzea for seven days starting from the first day you log back in.

7 days of free play 1.png

Aetheryte Ticket x 99

Players in possession of an aetheryte ticket when using Teleport will not incur a gil fee.

Aetheryte ticket x 99.png

10 Silver Chocobo Feathers

Trade to the Calamity Salvager NPC for special items. The Calamity Salvager NPC can be found in Limsa Lominsa, Gridania, or Ul'dah.

10 silver chocobo feathers 1.png

Items you can trade for with silver chocobo feathers:

Items you can trade for with silver chocobo feathers1.jpg

Item Required Feathers
Weapons for level 20 characters (Item Level 22) 1
Equipment for level 50 characters (Item Level 130) 5
Equipment for level 60 characters (Item Level 270) 5
Equipment for level 70 characters (Item Level 400) 5
Equipment for level 80 characters (Item Level 530) 5

Calamity Salvagers

The Calamity Salvager NPC can be found in any of the following locations:

Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks - Calamity Salvager

Limsa lominsa upper decks - calamity salvager1.jpg

Old Gridania - Calamity Salvager

Old gridania - calamity salvager1.jpg

Ul'dah - Steps of Thal - Calamity Salvager

Uldah steps of thal - calamity salvager1.jpg