Heavensward content

Lumythrite Sand

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Revision as of 21:11, 13 April 2023 by Freedom4556 (talk | contribs)
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Lumythrite Sand

Item type
Material type
Blacksmith frame icon.png 60
Armorer frame icon.png 60
Goldsmith frame icon.png 60
Vendor Value
Gil 2

Glowing sand consisting of tiny grains of lumythrite.

— In-game description



Level 60* Quarrying in The Churning Mists at (28,20)

Retainer Ventures

Mining (level 60)

Free Company Submarine Ventures:

Sector Map Rank Alias
Airship Sub icon.pngGlittersand Basin Deep-sea Site 47 X

Used For

Crafting Ingredient

Item Rarity Class Level Ingredients
High mythrite nugget icon1.png  High Mythrite Nugget
(Learned from: Master Armorer IV)
ABasic Armorer frame icon.png ARM 60 ★★
High mythrite nugget icon1.png  High Mythrite Nugget
(Learned from: Master Blacksmith IV)
ABasic Blacksmith frame icon.png BSM 60 ★★
Cloud mythril ingot icon1.png  Cloud Mythril Ingot
(Learned from: Master Blacksmith IV)
ABasic Blacksmith frame icon.png BSM 60 ★★★
Cloud mythril ingot icon1.png  Cloud Mythril Ingot
(Learned from: Master Armorer IV)
ABasic Armorer frame icon.png ARM 60 ★★★
Cloud mythril ingot icon1.png  Cloud Mythril Ingot
(Learned from: Master Goldsmith IV)
ABasic Goldsmith frame icon.png GSM 60 ★★★