Trials Achievements

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Main article: Battle Achievements
Achievement Points Task Reward
Going Up in Flames 10 Defeat Ifrit in the Bowl of Embers (Extreme).
Gone with the Wind 10 Defeat Garuda in the Howling Eye (Extreme).
Earth to Earth 10 Defeat Titan in the Navel (Extreme).
I Eat Whorls for Breakfast 10 Defeat Leviathan on the Whorleater (Extreme).
Good Kingslayer 10 Defeat Good King Moggle Mog XII in Thornmarch (Extreme).
Contempt of Court 10 Defeat Ramuh at the Striking Tree (Extreme).
Let it Go 10 Defeat Shiva in the Akh Afah Amphitheatre (Extreme).
Missed the Cut 10 Defeat Odin at Urth's Fount. Title: The Unsevered
Broken Bridges 10 Defeat Vishap on the Steps of Faith.
Enough Expository Banter 10 Defeat Gilgamesh and Enkidu at the Battle in the Big Keep.
Secret Ascian Man 10 Defeat Nabriales in the Chrysalis.