Custom Deliveries/Adkiragh

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Adkiragh CD.png

Custom Deliveries for Adkiragh were introduced in patch 4.5.



Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Between a Rock and the Hard Place Feature quest 66 Geimlona
He Ain't Piggy, He's My Brother Feature quest 66 Melodie


The mysterious Adkiragh, illustrious proprietor of the Hard Place, has found himself on a proverbial precipice, and only by your custom deliveries can he make his way back from the brink. Those who contribute to his cause will not only earn special rewards, but permission to coordinate his attire besides. Will the visage behind the mask finally be revealed? There is only one way to find out!


Upon reaching maximum satisfaction level, the player is able to glamour Adkiragh's outfit.



Custom deliveries for this NPC are associated with the following achievements:

Name Points Task Reward Patch
Satisfaction guaranteed adkiragh i icon1.png  Satisfaction Guaranteed: Adkiragh I 5 Achieve a satisfaction level of 1 with Adkiragh. - 4.5
Satisfaction guaranteed adkiragh ii icon1.png  Satisfaction Guaranteed: Adkiragh II 5 Achieve a satisfaction level of 2 with Adkiragh. - 4.5
Satisfaction guaranteed adkiragh iii icon1.png  Satisfaction Guaranteed: Adkiragh III 5 Achieve a satisfaction level of 3 with Adkiragh. - 4.5
Satisfaction guaranteed adkiragh iv icon1.png  Satisfaction Guaranteed: Adkiragh IV 5 Achieve a satisfaction level of 4 with Adkiragh. - 4.5
Satisfaction guaranteed adkiragh v icon1.png  Satisfaction Guaranteed: Adkiragh V 10 Achieve a satisfaction level of 5 with Adkiragh. Achievement title icon.png Little Piggy 4.5