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The bandersnatch is a deadly hunter which, instead of relying on stealth to subdue its prey, simply overwhelms it with speed and sheer strength. Trappers who work Abalathia's Spine have, on multiple occasions, claimed witnessing tense, bloody battles between bandersnatches and wyverns over something as simple as temporary domain over a watering hole—the former oft emerging the victor. For centuries, man has foolishly endeavered to tame the bandersnatch, with most attempts ending at best, in failure, and at worst, in decapitation.

— In-game description

Bandersnatch is a Beastkin in The Dravanian Forelands.


Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity


Zone Coordinates Level range
The Dravanian Forelands (X:35, Y:15.2) 52
The Dravanian Forelands (X:32, Y:18) 52


Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Saving the Bait Sidequest 52 Aimebert


Additional Information
