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Item Rarity is as follows: Basic -> Aetherial -> Dungeon -> Tomestone -> Relic. Rarity does not indicate anything about an item's power, merely how it is obtained. For gear power, see Item Level.

  • Basic gear is purchasable from NPC vendors or craftable by the player. Most of the time Basic gear is also available as a HQ icon.png High Quality variant. Only the HQ icon.png HQ variant will have appropriate stats for the Item Level. Normal quality or NQ gear will have a 10% penalty in stats. The only source of HQ icon.png HQ crafted gear for Gil Gil is from other players via the Market Board.
  • Aetherial gear used to drop more commonly from Dungeons. However, with various quality-of-life adjustments culminating in Patch 5.3, dungeons now vary rarely have Aetherial items. The only real source for them now is Treasure Hunting maps and Guildleve bonus chests. All Aetherial gear has random substats, but the main stats are in line with HQ icon.png High Quality Basic gear.
  • Tomestone gear includes anything currently or formerly bought with Allagan Tomestones. This also includes weapons that drop from (Extreme) Trials and Raid gear.
  • Relic gear is the various expansions' Relic Weapons which are very grindy and time-consuming to acquire. Relics are never the best-in-slot until the very last patch in an expansion. They are primarily intended as cosmetic status symbols.