Blue Magic Spellbook
The Blue Magic Spellbook displays all learned blue magic spells. Here, spells can be added to and removed from your Active Actions.
The world is full of wondrous techniques for Blue Mages to learn, and this handy spellbook will prove indispensible. Find out where to seek new magic and view a wealth of information for spells you have already acquired.
Where Is Each Spell Learned From
- See also: Blue Mage Spells Learning Guide and List of blue mage actions
The Blue Magic Spellbook displays all learned blue magic spells. Here, spells can be added to and removed from your Active Actions.
The world is full of wondrous techniques for Blue Mages to learn, and this handy spellbook will prove indispensible. Find out where to seek new magic and view a wealth of information for spells you have already acquired.
Where Is Each Spell Learned From
- See also: Blue Mage Spells Learning Guide and List of blue mage actions
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