The Wanderer's Palace

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See also: The Wanderer's Palace (Hard)

The Wanderer's Palace

The Wanderer's Palace.png
50 (Sync: 50)
Item Level
45 (Sync: 110)
Party size
Light Party
4 man 1 Tank role.png 1 Healer role.png 2 DPS role.png
Time limit
120 minutes
Level 50/60/70/80 Dungeons"Level 50/60/70/80 Dungeons" is not in the list (Expert, Leveling, Main Scenario, Trials, Guildhests, Frontline, Mentor, Normal Raids, Alliance Raids, High-level Dungeons, ...) of allowed values for the "Is available for duty roulette" property.
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 20 
Req. quest
Feature quest Trauma Queen
Upper La Noscea (X:26, Y:22)

Decades of kobold mining deep beneath O'Ghomoro gradually weakened upper La Noscea to the point that when the Calamity struck, the land surrounding Bronze Lake collapsed, draining its waters and revealing a palace of unparalleled beauty. Though to have been built by the Nymian civilization which thrived in the area some fifteen centuries ago, the palace appears to have been dedicated to their patron deity, Oschon, the Wanderer. In search of the bounty she many hold, treasure hunters have already begun to delve into this forsaken place... but will treasure be the only thing they find?

— In-game description

The Wanderer's Palace is a level 50 dungeon introduced in patch 2.0.


Level 50+ players need to talk to Allene in Vesper Bay, Western Thanalan (x11,y13), to start the quest Feature QuestTrauma Queen to unlock the dungeon.


  1. Clear Still Waters: 0/1
  2. Unlock the sealed gate: 0/1
  3. Climb the Endless Rise: 0/4
  4. Clear the Final Ease: 0/1
  5. Defeat the tonberry king: 0/1


Aggressive difficulty r6.png Keeper of Halidom

Wanderer's Palace Normal Run Guide
Wanderer's Palace Speed Run Guide

All non-tank players should not be in front of of Keeper of Halidom to avoid Beatdown and Moldy Sneeze. Healers should use Esuna.png  Esuna to remove Reduced Immunity icon1.png Reduced Immunity debuff if possible. Players should spread out across the room to avoid being pulled in by Inhale. If you are pulled in, move away from the boss as soon as you can because Keeper of Halidom will use Goobbue's Grief right after Inhale. Players should also move out of the AoE ground indicator of Moldy Phlegm.


Beatdown is an instant frontal melee attack that deals a small amount of damage.
Moldy Sneeze is an instant frontal attack that deals a moderate amount of damage and inflicts a debuff that reduces healing received on target.
Inhale is a large frontal cone AoE attack that pulls players into Keeper of Halidom's melee range.
Goobbue's Grief is a cloud of pollen that deals moderate amount of damage and Poison icon1.png Poisons all players within Keeper of Halidom's melee range.
Moldy Phlegm is a large circular AoE attack that targets a random player and deals moderate amount of damage and inflicts a debuff that reduces healing received to all players hit.

Aggressive difficulty r6.png Giant Bavarois

Giant Bavarois will use the spell Fire.png  Fire. Players can interrupt his spell cast by stunning the boss or moving behind him while he is casting. Throughout the fight Giant Bavarois will spawn White, Blue, Green and Purple Bavarois adds in groups of 3-4. Purple and White adds are most dangerous because they inflict Paralysis icon1.png Paralysis and Heavy icon1.png Heavy debuffs. They should be killed as soon as possible. Healers should remove the debuffs if possible. Occasionally, Giant Bavarois' eyes will focus onto a single target, causing him to chase that player, using Amorphic Flail when he gets close. The targeted player should run away to avoid the Amorphic Flail.


Fire is a spell that deals a moderate amount of damage to one target.
Amorphic Flail is a attack that deals a large amount of damage to the focused player.


White Bavarois has a Blizzard spell that deals small amount of damage and inflicts the debuff Heavy icon1.png Heavy.
Blue Bavarois has a Water spell that deals a small amount of damage.
Green Bavarois has an Aero spell that deals a small amount of damage and inflicts a DoT named Windburn icon1.png Windburn.
Purple Bavarois has a Thunder spell that deals a small amount of damage and inflicts the debuff Paralysis icon1.png Paralysis.

Aggressive difficulty r6.png Tonberry King

Tanks should stay in the middle of the room and within the melee range of the Tonberry King to avoid Scourge of Nym. Throughout the fight, Tonberry King will spawn small Tonberry adds. When they die they will give Tonberry King a stack of Rancor. Tonberry King will use Everybody's Grudge and deal moderate damage for every stack of Rancor it has. The ability also removes all the Rancor stacks on the boss. Do not let the Tonberry King have too many stacks of Rancor, avoid killing Tonberries if they aren't an issue.

At around quarter HP, Tonberry King will spawn multiple Tonberry Slashers around the room. These adds will periodically move closer to the center of the room. Players should away from the slashers and toward the center of the room. Slashers will do heavy amount of damage to players nearby and players that aggro them. Players should focus down the Tonberry King.


Lateral Slash is a instant melee attack that deals a small amount of damage one player.
Whetstone is an instant ability that gives the buff Sharpened Knife.png  Sharpened Knife to Tonberry King. Tonberry King's next Lateral Slash will be Sharpened Knife and deal extra damage.
Sharpened Knife.png  Sharpened Knife is an instant melee attack that deals a moderate amount of damage to one player. Blue Mages can learn this spell.
Scourge of Nym is an instant ranged attack that deals a heavy amount of damage and inflicts the debuff Heavy icon1.png Heavy. Tonberry King will only use this attack if its target is not in melee range.
Everybody's Grudge is an ability that consumes all the stacks of Rancor on Tonberry King and deals a moderate amount of damage for every stack of Rancor.


Tonberry has an ability named Scourge of Nym that inflicts the debuff Heavy icon1.png Heavy to its target when the target is not in melee range. When Tonberry dies, Tonberry King gains 1 stack of Rancor.
Tonberry Slasher has a powerful instant melee strike named Throat Stab that deals a heavy amount of damage. Its Scourge of Nym deals massive amount of damage and inflicts heavy to its target when the target is outside of melee range.
  • Do not get close or attack the Tonberry Slashers.


Silver Coffer (small).png Keeper of Halidom

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Mercenarys mitts icon1.png  Mercenary's Mitts Hands 55 BGreen 1
Mercenarys pot helm icon1.png  Mercenary's Pot Helm Head 55 BGreen 1
Sipahi gloves icon1.png  Sipahi Gloves Hands 55 BGreen 1
Sipahi turban icon1.png  Sipahi Turban Head 55 BGreen 1
Vermilion chain coif icon1.png  Vermilion Chain Coif Head 55 BGreen 1
Warlocks hat icon1.png  Warlock's Hat Head 55 BGreen 1
Warlocks ringbands icon1.png  Warlock's Ringbands Hands 55 BGreen 1

Silver Coffer (small).png Giant Bavarois

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Alpine war jacket icon1.png  Alpine War Jacket Body 55 BGreen 1
Mercenarys acton icon1.png  Mercenary's Acton Body 55 BGreen 1
Mercenarys slops icon1.png  Mercenary's Slops Legs 55 BGreen 1
Sipahi sarouel icon1.png  Sipahi Sarouel Legs 55 BGreen 1
Sipahi shirt icon1.png  Sipahi Shirt Body 55 BGreen 1
Vermilion haubergeon icon1.png  Vermilion Haubergeon Body 55 BGreen 1
Vermilion skirt icon1.png  Vermilion Skirt Legs 55 BGreen 1
Warlocks robe icon1.png  Warlock's Robe Body 55 BGreen 1
Warlocks tights icon1.png  Warlock's Tights Legs 55 BGreen 1

Gold Coffer (small).png Tonberry King

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Darklight arquebus icon1.png  Darklight Arquebus Machinist's Arm 55 BGreen 1
Darklight baghnakhs icon1.png  Darklight Baghnakhs Pugilist's Arm 55 BGreen 1
Darklight baselards icon1.png  Darklight Baselards Rogue's Arm 55 BGreen 1
Darklight bill icon1.png  Darklight Bill Marauder's Arm 55 BGreen 1
Darklight composite bow icon1.png  Darklight Composite Bow Archer's Arm 55 BGreen 1
Darklight greatsword icon1.png  Darklight Greatsword Dark Knight's Arm 55 BGreen 1
Darklight grimoire icon1.png  Darklight Grimoire Arcanist's Grimoire 55 BGreen 1
Darklight harpoon icon1.png  Darklight Harpoon Lancer's Arm 55 BGreen 1
Darklight kple kple icon1.png  Darklight Kple Kple Two-handed Conjurer's Arm 55 BGreen 1
Darklight planisphere icon1.png  Darklight Planisphere Astrologian's Arm 55 BGreen 1
Darklight square shield icon1.png  Darklight Square Shield Shield 55 BGreen 1
Darklight staff icon1.png  Darklight Staff Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm 55 BGreen 1
Mercenarys leggings icon1.png  Mercenary's Leggings Feet 55 BGreen 1
Paladins darklight arms (il 55) icon1.png  Paladin's Darklight Arms (IL 55) Other N/A BGreen 1
Sipahi crakows icon1.png  Sipahi Crakows Feet 55 BGreen 1
Vermilion sollerets icon1.png  Vermilion Sollerets Feet 55 BGreen 1
Warlocks pattens icon1.png  Warlock's Pattens Feet 55 BGreen 1

Other Loot

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 1 (X:13.3, Y:16.5)

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Blunt aeolian scimitar icon1.png  Blunt Aeolian Scimitar Gladiator's Arm 45 ABasic 1
Vermilion sollerets icon1.png  Vermilion Sollerets Feet 55 BGreen 1
Sipahi crakows icon1.png  Sipahi Crakows Feet 55 BGreen 1
Mercenarys leggings icon1.png  Mercenary's Leggings Feet 55 BGreen 1
Warlocks pattens icon1.png  Warlock's Pattens Feet 55 BGreen 1
Coeurl skin icon1.png  Coeurl Skin Material N/A ABasic 1
Bloody cesti covers icon1.png  Bloody Cesti Covers Material N/A ABasic 1

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 2 (X:10.5, Y:8.1)

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Vermilion chain coif icon1.png  Vermilion Chain Coif Head 55 BGreen 1
Sipahi turban icon1.png  Sipahi Turban Head 55 BGreen 1
Mercenarys pot helm icon1.png  Mercenary's Pot Helm Head 55 BGreen 1
Warlocks hat icon1.png  Warlock's Hat Head 55 BGreen 1
Sipahi gloves icon1.png  Sipahi Gloves Hands 55 BGreen 1
Mercenarys mitts icon1.png  Mercenary's Mitts Hands 55 BGreen 1
Warlocks ringbands icon1.png  Warlock's Ringbands Hands 55 BGreen 1
Uraeus skin icon1.png  Uraeus Skin Material N/A ABasic 1
Bloody lance head icon1.png  Bloody Lance Head Material N/A ABasic 1
Bloody bow rim icon1.png  Bloody Bow Rim Material N/A ABasic 1
Bloody grimoire binding icon1.png  Bloody Grimoire Binding Material N/A ABasic 1

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 3 (X:13.6, Y:8.1)

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Vermilion haubergeon icon1.png  Vermilion Haubergeon Body 55 BGreen 1
Alpine war jacket icon1.png  Alpine War Jacket Body 55 BGreen 1
Sipahi shirt icon1.png  Sipahi Shirt Body 55 BGreen 1
Mercenarys acton icon1.png  Mercenary's Acton Body 55 BGreen 1
Warlocks robe icon1.png  Warlock's Robe Body 55 BGreen 1
Vermilion skirt icon1.png  Vermilion Skirt Legs 55 BGreen 1
Sipahi sarouel icon1.png  Sipahi Sarouel Legs 55 BGreen 1
Mercenarys slops icon1.png  Mercenary's Slops Legs 55 BGreen 1
Warlocks tights icon1.png  Warlock's Tights Legs 55 BGreen 1
Pinprick pebble icon1.png  Pinprick Pebble Material N/A ABasic 1
Hippogryph skin icon1.png  Hippogryph Skin Material N/A ABasic 1
Bloody bardiche head icon1.png  Bloody Bardiche Head Material N/A ABasic 1
Bloody knife blades icon1.png  Bloody Knife Blades Material N/A ABasic 1

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 4 (X:11.9, Y:4.8)

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Paladins darklight arms (il 55) icon1.png  Paladin's Darklight Arms (IL 55) Other N/A BGreen 1
Darklight bill icon1.png  Darklight Bill Marauder's Arm 55 BGreen 1
Darklight greatsword icon1.png  Darklight Greatsword Dark Knight's Arm 55 BGreen 1
Darklight harpoon icon1.png  Darklight Harpoon Lancer's Arm 55 BGreen 1
Darklight baghnakhs icon1.png  Darklight Baghnakhs Pugilist's Arm 55 BGreen 1
Darklight baselards icon1.png  Darklight Baselards Rogue's Arm 55 BGreen 1
Darklight composite bow icon1.png  Darklight Composite Bow Archer's Arm 55 BGreen 1
Darklight arquebus icon1.png  Darklight Arquebus Machinist's Arm 55 BGreen 1
Darklight staff icon1.png  Darklight Staff Two-handed Thaumaturge's Arm 55 BGreen 1
Darklight grimoire icon1.png  Darklight Grimoire Arcanist's Grimoire 55 BGreen 1
Darklight kple kple icon1.png  Darklight Kple Kple Two-handed Conjurer's Arm 55 BGreen 1
Darklight planisphere icon1.png  Darklight Planisphere Astrologian's Arm 55 BGreen 1
Darklight square shield icon1.png  Darklight Square Shield Shield 55 BGreen 1
Nymian orb icon1.png  Nymian Orb Material N/A ABasic 1
Bite-sized pudding icon2.png  Bite-sized Pudding Minion N/A ABasic 1
Hyper rainbow z orchestrion roll icon1.png  A Tonberry's Tears Orchestrion Roll Orchestrion Roll N/A ABasic 1
