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Revision as of 15:04, 6 September 2022 by Deo (talk | contribs)
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Custom Delivery (map icon).png



Male ♂
Mystel (Seeker of the Sun)
Eulmore (11.3,9.1)
Quest NPC
Voiced by (JP)
Mutsuki Iwanaka
Voiced by (EN)
Charlie Rix
Voiced by (FR)
Arnaud Laurent
Voiced by (DE)
Mirko Böttcher

Thank you...again...

— In-game description

Kai-Shirr is a Mystel in Eulmore.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Nowhere to Turn Main Scenario quest 80 Kai-Shirr
Oh, Beehive Yourself Feature quest 70 Kai-Shirr

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
Emergent Splendor Main Scenario quest 70 Alphinaud
Rich Veins of Hope Main Scenario quest 78 Crystal Exarch

Custom Delivery

Rank Crafted Gathered Fished
Level 1 Flyer printing set icon1.png  Flyer Printing SetCollectable Raven coal icon1.png  Raven CoalCollectable Laxan inkhorn icon1.png  Laxan InkhornCollectable
Level 2 Kholusian cuisine set icon1.png  Kholusian Cuisine SetCollectable Amh araeng seasonings icon1.png  Amh Araeng SeasoningsCollectable White oil perch icon1.png  White Oil PerchCollectable
Level 3 Honeybee trappings icon1.png  Honeybee TrappingsCollectable Clinquant stones icon1.png  Clinquant StonesCollectable Faeshine clam icon1.png  Faeshine ClamCollectable
Level 4 Airship fittings icon1.png  Airship FittingsCollectable Airship fitting components icon1.png  Airship Fitting ComponentsCollectable Areng dire icon1.png  Areng DireCollectable
Level 5 Beehive souvenir icon1.png  Beehive SouvenirCollectable Kholusian miscellany icon1.png  Kholusian MiscellanyCollectable Kholusian king crab icon1.png  Kholusian King CrabCollectable

Additional Information