Oath Gauge

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Official Lodestone Job Guide (Always up-to-date) Oath Gauge is Paladin's Job Gauge.

Oath Gauge

Upon learning the action Iron Will (tank stance) at level 10, a symbol will appear on the screen indicating when it is in effect. Iron Will increases enmity gained from using other actions.

Oath gauge pve1.png

Upon learning the trait Oath Mastery, the symbol which indicates the use of Iron Will will change to also display the Oath Gauge.

Oath increases by 5 with every auto-attack: Auto-attack for Paladin occurs every 2.24 seconds. Every ability that uses Oath consumes 50 Oath, meaning that each of these abilities can be used once every 22.4 seconds.

Oath can be used on abilities Sheltron and its upgraded version Holy Sheltron, Intervention and Cover.

Oath gauge pve2.png

Simple Mode

Oath gauge pve simple mode1.png Iron Will (Active)

The gauge cannot be displayed in simple mode until learning the trait Oath Mastery at level 35.