Gold Saucer Glamour Set

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Sets purchased from the Gold Saucer Attendant using MGP. Set consist of several subsets.

Bunny Girl Attire

Bunny Girl Attire
Icon Item Name Slot
Bunny crown icon1.png Bunny Crown Head
Bunny bustier icon1.png Bunny Bustier Chest
Bunny loops icon1.png Bunny Loops Hand
Bunny tights icon1.png Bunny Tights Leg
Bunny pumps icon1.png Bunny Pumps Foot

Bunny Chief Attire

Icon Item Name Slot
Bunny chief crown icon1.png Bunny Chief Crown Head
Bunny chief bustier icon1.png Bunny Chief Bustier Chest
Bunny chief loops icon1.png Bunny Chief Loops Hand
Bunny chief tights icon1.png Bunny Chief Tights Leg
Bunny chief pumps icon1.png Bunny Chief Pumps Foot

Gambler's Attire

Gambler's Attire
Icon Item Name Slot
Gamblers trenchcoat icon1.png Gambler's Trenchcoat Chest
Gamblers gloves icon1.png Gambler's Gloves Hand
Gamblers trousers icon1.png Gambler's Trousers Leg
Gamblers boots icon1.png Gambler's Boots Foot

Glade Set

Icon Item Name Slot
Glade tunic icon1.png Glade Tunic Chest
Glade slops icon1.png Glade Slops Leg
Glade shoes icon1.png Glade Shoes Foot

Oasis Set

Icon Item Name Slot
Oasis doublet icon1.png Oasis Doublet Chest ♂
Oasis halftrews icon1.png Oasis Halftrews Leg ♂
Oasis tunic icon1.png Oasis Tunic Chest ♀
Oasis sarouel icon1.png Oasis Sarouel Leg ♀

Riviera Set

Icon Item Name Slot
Riviera doublet icon1.png Riviera Doublet Chest ♂
Riviera slops icon1.png Riviera Slops Leg
Riviera dress icon1.png Riviera Dress Chest ♀

Swine Set

Swine Set
Icon Item Name Slot
Swine head icon1.png Swine Head Head
Swine body icon1.png Swine Body Chest

Spring Set

See also: Fashion Report and Kasumi
Icon Item Name Slot
Spring shirt icon1.png  Spring Shirt Body
Spring bottoms icon1.png  Spring Bottoms Legs
Spring shoes icon1.png  Spring Shoes Feet


Set 1

Icon Item Name Slot
Ai apaec icon1.png  Ai Apaec Fist Weapon
Blood sword icon1.png  Blood Sword Sword
Colibri cannon icon1.png  Colibri Cannon Firearms
Crescent bow icon1.png  Crescent Bow Bow
Cross pattee icon1.png  Cross Pattee Greatsword
Gigas axe icon1.png  Gigas Axe Greataxe
Heartless icon1.png  Heartless Staff
Khanjars icon1.png  Khanjars Daggers
Mindbreaker icon1.png  Mindbreaker Cane
Skjoldr icon1.png  Skjoldr Shield
Trench harpoon icon1.png  Trench Harpoon Polearm

Senor Sabotender's Set

Icon Item Name Slot
Senor sabotenders blade icon1.png  Senor Sabotender's Blade Sword
Senor sabotenders bushido blade icon1.png  Senor Sabotender's Bushido Blade Katana
Senor sabotenders cane icon1.png  Senor Sabotender's Cane Cane
Senor sabotenders codex icon1.png  Senor Sabotender's Codex Book
Senor sabotenders fans icon1.png  Senor Sabotender's Fans Daggers
Senor sabotenders grimoire icon1.png  Senor Sabotender's Grimoire Book
Senor sabotenders headbutters icon1.png  Senor Sabotender's Headbutters Fist Weapon
Senor sabotenders labrys icon1.png  Senor Sabotender's Labrys Greataxe
Senor sabotenders longbow icon1.png  Senor Sabotender's Longbow Bow
Senor sabotenders pistola icon1.png  Senor Sabotender's Pistola Firearms
Senor sabotenders planisphere icon1.png  Senor Sabotender's Planisphere Star Globe
Senor sabotenders rapier icon1.png  Senor Sabotender's Rapier Rapier
Senor sabotenders rod icon1.png  Senor Sabotender's Rod Staff
Senor sabotenders shield icon1.png  Senor Sabotender's Shield Shield
Senor sabotenders spiked rod icon1.png  Senor Sabotender's Spiked Rod Greatsword
Senor sabotenders trident icon1.png  Senor Sabotender's Trident Polearm

Set 2

Icon Item Name Slot
Bokuto icon1.png  Bokuto Katana
Colossus guillotine icon1.png  Colossus Guillotine Greatsword
Faust lance icon1.png  Faust Lance Polearm
Giant axe icon1.png  Giant Axe Greataxe
Gigas shield icon1.png  Gigas Shield Shield
Halicarnassus sword icon1.png  Halicarnassus Sword Sword
Kum kum staff icon1.png  Kum Kum Staff Staff
The emperors new shield icon1.png  The Emperor's New Shield Shield


Icon Item Name Slot
Cockscomb icon1.png Cockscomb Head
Coeurl mask icon1.png Coeurl Mask Head
Sharlayan goggles icon1.png Sharlayan Goggles Head
Succubus horns icon1.png Succubus Horns Head
Claws of the beast icon1.png Claws of the Beast Hand
Arch demon horns icon1.png  Arch Demon Horns Head
Far eastern smock icon1.png  Far Eastern Smock Body
Ishgardian gown icon1.png  Ishgardian Gown Body
Ishgardian thighboots icon1.png  Ishgardian Thighboots Feet