Folklore Nodes

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See also: Ephemeral Nodes and Unspoiled Nodes

Folklore Nodes are unlocked after you purchase the corresponding Tomes of Regional Folklore from the Splendors Vendor. These nodes are all prefixed Legendary. As with Unspoiled Nodes, each node only lasts 2 in-game hours.

After the collectable changes in patch 5.4, there are no collectables on the Folklore Nodes. Collectables have all been consolidated to the Unspoiled Nodes.



Folklore Tome Time Item Slot Location Coordinates Used to make
Potent spice icon1.png  Potent Spice 1 Elpis
Ultima Thule
Archon burger icon1.png  Archon Burger, Beef stroganoff icon1.png  Beef Stroganoff, Peach juice icon1.png  Peach Juice, Peach tart icon1.png  Peach Tart, Pumpkin potage icon1.png  Pumpkin Potage, Pumpkin ratatouille icon1.png  Pumpkin Ratatouille, Scallop curry icon1.png  Scallop Curry, Scallop salad icon1.png  Scallop Salad, Sykon cookie icon1.png  Sykon Cookie, Thavnairian chai icon1.png  Thavnairian Chai
Ancient 6AM/PM Mempisang log icon1.png  Mempisang Log 6 Elpis (x33.1,y14.7) Mempisang lumber icon1.png  Mempisang Lumber
Ilsabardian 8AM/PM Golden cocoon icon1.png  Golden Cocoon 4 Thavnair (x25.4,y21.8) Golden silk icon1.png  Golden Silk
Celestial 10AM/PM Double-edged herb icon1.png  Double-edged Herb 2 Ultima Thule (x28.0,y13.1) Grade 6 strength alkahest icon1.png  Grade 6 Strength Alkahest, Grade 6 dexterity alkahest icon1.png  Grade 6 Dexterity Alkahest, Grade 6 vitality alkahest icon1.png  Grade 6 Vitality Alkahest, Grade 6 intelligence alkahest icon1.png  Grade 6 Intelligence Alkahest, Grade 6 mind alkahest icon1.png  Grade 6 Mind Alkahest


Folklore Tome Time Item Slot Location Coordinates Used to make
Vrandtic 2AM/PM Sandalwood log icon1.png  Sandalwood Log 6 The Rak'tika Greatwood (x24,y36) Sandalwood lumber icon1.png  Sandalwood Lumber
Vrandtic 2AM/PM Sandalwood sap icon1.png  Sandalwood Sap 4 The Rak'tika Greatwood (x24,y36) Pliable glass fiber icon1.png  Pliable Glass Fiber
Vrandtic 8AM/PM Merbau log icon1.png  Merbau Log 6 Il Mheg (x36,y27) Merbau lumber icon1.png  Merbau Lumber
Vrandtic 6AM/PM Silver beech log icon1.png  Silver Beech Log 6 Amh Araeng (x16,y10) Silver beech lumber icon1.png  Silver Beech Lumber
Vrandtic 12AM/PM Wattle petribark icon1.png  Wattle Petribark 5 Lakeland (x16,y10) Thylacoleo leather icon1.png  Thylacoleo Leather
Vrandtic 8AM/PM Ethereal cocoon icon1.png  Ethereal Cocoon 4 Lakeland (x26,y10) Ethereal silk icon1.png  Ethereal Silk
Vrandtic 4AM/PM Duskblooms icon1.png  Duskblooms 4 Amh Araeng (x32,y33) Duskcourt cloth icon1.png  Duskcourt Cloth
Vrandtic 12AM/PM Imperial fern icon1.png  Imperial Fern 4 Kholusia (x28,y21) Grade 3 strength alkahest icon1.png  Grade 3 Strength Alkahest, Grade 3 dexterity alkahest icon1.png  Grade 3 Dexterity Alkahest, Grade 3 vitality alkahest icon1.png  Grade 3 Vitality Alkahest, Grade 3 intelligence alkahest icon1.png  Grade 3 Intelligence Alkahest, Grade 3 mind alkahest icon1.png  Grade 3 Mind Alkahest
Vrandtic 12AM/PM Tender dill icon1.png  Tender Dill 5 Kholusia (x28,y21) Defthands dissolvent icon1.png  Defthand's Dissolvent
Vrandtic 10AM/PM Raindrop cotton boll icon1.png  Raindrop Cotton Boll 4 The Rak'tika Greatwood (x33,y13) Saffron cloth icon1.png  Saffron Cloth


Folklore Tome Time Item Slot Location Coordinates Used to make
Gyr Abanian 6AM/PM Torreya log icon1.png  Torreya Log 6 The Lochs (x11,y13) Torreya lumber icon1.png  Torreya Lumber
Gyr Abanian 4AM/PM Black Willow Log.png  Black Willow Log 6 The Fringes (x15,y21) Black Willow Lumber Icon.png  Black Willow Lumber
Gyr Abanian 4AM/PM Hardened Veteran Tree Sap.png  Hardened Veteran Tree Sap 4 The Fringes (x15,y21) Veteran Tree Sap.png  Veteran Tree Sap
Gyr Abanian 4AM/PM Urunday log icon1.png  Urunday Log 6 The Peaks (x32,y10) Urunday lumber icon1.png  Urunday Lumber
Gyr Abanian 2AM/PM Hingan flax icon1.png  Hingan Flax 4 The Peaks (x24,y36) True linen icon1.png  True Linen
Othardian 12AM/PM Rhea icon1.png  Rhea 4 The Azim Steppe (x20,y8) Rhea cloth icon1.png  Rhea Cloth
Othardian 12AM/PM Azim cotton boll icon1.png  Azim Cotton Boll 5 The Azim Steppe (x20,y8) Ala mhigan burdet icon1.png  Ala Mhigan Burdet
Othardian 2AM/PM Yanxian cotton boll icon1.png  Yanxian Cotton Boll 4 Yanxia (x28,y35) Stardust cotton cloth icon1.png  Stardust Cotton Cloth


Folklore Tome Time Item Slot Location Coordinates Used to make
Coerthan 6AM/PM Frost cotton boll icon1.png  Frost Cotton Boll 4 Coerthas Western Highlands (x36.7,y13.0,z1.3) Eikon cloth icon1.png  Eikon Cloth
Coerthan 6AM/PM Dravanian paprika icon1.png  Dravanian Paprika 3 Coerthas Western Highlands (x27,y33) Seafood stew icon1.png  Seafood Stew, Loaghtan steak icon1.png  Loaghtan Steak, Pasta ortolano icon1.png  Pasta Ortolano, Shakshouka icon1.png  Shakshouka, Shakshouka pot icon1.png  Shakshouka Pot
Coerthan 6AM/PM Vanilla beans icon1.png  Vanilla Beans 3 Coerthas Western Highlands (x23,y21) Creme brulee icon1.png  Creme Brulee, Spiced cider icon1.png  Spiced Cider, Apple strudel icon1.png  Apple Strudel
Dravanian 8AM/PM Old-growth camphorwood log icon1.png  Old-growth Camphorwood Log 6 The Churning Mists (x11.6,y10.6,z3.3) Treated camphorwood lumber icon1.png  Treated Camphorwood Lumber
Dravanian 8AM/PM Crystallized sap icon1.png  Crystallized Sap 4 The Churning Mists (x11.6,y10.6,z3.3) Luminous fiber icon1.png  Luminous Fiber
Dravanian 10AM/PM Brown mushroom icon1.png  Brown Mushroom 7 The Churning Mists (x12,y37) Wildwood scrambled eggs icon1.png  Wildwood Scrambled Eggs, Priestly omelette icon1.png  Priestly Omelette
Dravanian 4AM/PM Seventh heaven icon1.png  Seventh Heaven 1 The Churning Mists (x16,y36) Astral oil icon1.png  Astral Oil
Dravanian 6AM/PM Noble sage icon1.png  Noble Sage 1 The Dravanian Forelands (x33,y30) Supramax-potion of strength icon1.png  Supramax-Potion of Strength, Supramax-potion of dexterity icon1.png  Supramax-Potion of Dexterity, Supramax-potion of vitality icon1.png  Supramax-Potion of Vitality, Supramax-potion of intelligence icon1.png  Supramax-Potion of Intelligence, Supramax-potion of mind icon1.png  Supramax-Potion of Mind
Dravanian 10AM/PM Snurbleberry icon1.png  Snurbleberry 2 The Dravanian Hinterlands (x39,y26) Snurbleberry tart icon1.png  Snurbleberry Tart and Nameday cake icon1.png  Nameday Cake
Dravanian 12AM/PM Teak log icon1.png  Teak Log 6 The Dravanian Hinterlands (x6,y28) Teak lumber icon1.png  Teak Lumber
Abalathian 12AM/PM Honeydew almonds icon1.png  Honeydew Almonds 2 The Sea of Clouds (x24,y6) Almond cream croissant icon1.png  Almond Cream Croissant
Abalathian 2AM/PM Wattle bark icon1.png  Wattle Bark 5 Azys Lla (x22,y8) Griffin leather icon1.png  Griffin Leather, Eikon leather icon1.png  Eikon Leather, Hemicyon leather icon1.png  Hemicyon Leather
Abalathian 4AM/PM Star cotton boll icon1.png  Star Cotton Boll 4 Azys Lla (x9,y31) Star velvet icon1.png  Star Velvet



Folklore Tome Time Item Slot Location Coordinates Used to make
Stonehard water icon1.png  Stonehard Water 2
Mare Lamentorum
Grade 6 tincture of strength icon1.png  Grade 6 Tincture of Strength, Grade 6 tincture of dexterity icon1.png  Grade 6 Tincture of Dexterity, Grade 6 tincture of vitality icon1.png  Grade 6 Tincture of Vitality, Grade 6 tincture of intelligence icon1.png  Grade 6 Tincture of Intelligence, Grade 6 tincture of mind icon1.png  Grade 6 Tincture of Mind
Ilsabardian 12AM/PM Rime dolomite icon1.png  Rime Dolomite 1 Garlemald (x32.2,y34.8) Amynodon leather icon1.png  Amynodon Leather
Ancient 4AM/PM Rhodium sand icon1.png  Rhodium Sand 2 Elpis (x13.5,y7.3) Rhodium ingot icon1.png  Rhodium Ingot
Celestial 2AM/PM Lunar adamantite ore icon1.png  Lunar Adamantite Ore 6 Mare Lamentorum (x9.6,y23.1) Lunar adamantite ingot icon1.png  Lunar Adamantite Ingot


Folklore Tome Time Item Slot Location Coordinates Used to make
Vrandtic 10AM/PM Tungsten ore icon1.png  Tungsten Ore 3 The Tempest (x32,y7) Tungsten steel ingot icon1.png  Tungsten Steel Ingot
Vrandtic 4AM/PM Prismstone icon1.png  Prismstone 7 Il Mheg (x30,y21) Prismatic ingot icon1.png  Prismatic Ingot
Vrandtic 4AM/PM Beryllium ore icon1.png  Beryllium Ore 5 Il Mheg (x30,y21) Alumina whetstone icon1.png  Alumina Whetstone
Vrandtic 2AM/PM Fireheart cobalt icon1.png  Fireheart Cobalt 6 Lakeland (x5,y34) Cobalt alloy ingot icon1.png  Cobalt Alloy Ingot
Vrandtic 2AM/PM Brashgold ore icon1.png  Brashgold Ore 7 Lakeland (x5,y34) Brashgold plate icon1.png  Brashgold Plate
Vrandtic 8AM/PM Dolomite icon1.png  Dolomite 6 The Rak'tika Greatwood (x8,y30) Duraluminum ingot icon1.png  Duraluminum Ingot
Vrandtic 4AM/PM Hard water icon1.png  Hard Water 1 Kholusia (x35,y12) Grade 4 strength alkahest icon1.png  Grade 4 Strength Alkahest, Grade 4 dexterity alkahest icon1.png  Grade 4 Dexterity Alkahest, Grade 4 vitality alkahest icon1.png  Grade 4 Vitality Alkahest, Grade 4 intelligence alkahest icon1.png  Grade 4 Intelligence Alkahest, Grade 4 mind alkahest icon1.png  Grade 4 Mind Alkahest
Vrandtic 6AM/PM Purpure shell chip icon1.png  Purpure Shell Chip 1 The Tempest (x33,y31) Purpure bead icon1.png  Purpure Bead
Vrandtic 10AM/PM Ashen alumen icon1.png  Ashen Alumen 2 Amh Araeng (x20,y8) Megalania leather icon1.png  Megalania Leather
Vrandtic 2AM/PM Solstice stone icon1.png  Solstice Stone 7 Il Mheg (x35,y9) Solstice ingot icon1.png  Solstice Ingot


Folklore Tome Time Item Slot Location Coordinates Used to make
Gyr Abanian 10AM/PM Chromite ore icon1.png  Chromite Ore 6 The Peaks (x23,y36) Chromite ingot icon1.png  Chromite Ingot, True griffin leather icon1.png  True Griffin Leather
Gyr Abanian 10AM/PM Gyr abanian spring water icon1.png  Gyr Abanian Spring Water 1 The Peaks (x16.0,y33.9) Ala mhigan burdet icon1.png  Ala Mhigan Burdet, Grade 3 reisui of strength icon1.png  Grade 3 Reisui of Strength, Grade 3 reisui of dexterity icon1.png  Grade 3 Reisui of Dexterity, Grade 3 reisui of vitality icon1.png  Grade 3 Reisui of Vitality, Grade 3 reisui of intelligence icon1.png  Grade 3 Reisui of Intelligence, Grade 3 reisui of mind icon1.png  Grade 3 Reisui of Mind, Grade 2 infusion of strength icon1.png  Grade 2 Infusion of Strength, Grade 2 infusion of dexterity icon1.png  Grade 2 Infusion of Dexterity, Grade 2 infusion of vitality icon1.png  Grade 2 Infusion of Vitality, Grade 2 infusion of intelligence icon1.png  Grade 2 Infusion of Intelligence, Grade 2 infusion of mind icon1.png  Grade 2 Infusion of Mind
Gyr Abanian 12AM/PM Gyr abanian ore icon1.png  Gyr Abanian Ore 3 The Fringes (x31,y27) Chigusa ingot icon1.png  Chigusa Ingot
Gyr Abanian 10AM/PM Evergleam ore icon1.png  Evergleam Ore 6 The Lochs (x22,y13) Evergleam ingot icon1.png  Evergleam Ingot
Othardian 4AM/PM Palladium ore icon1.png  Palladium Ore 6 Yanxia (x20.5,y10.4)) Palladium ingot icon1.png  Palladium Ingot
Othardian 6AM/PM Nightsteel ore icon1.png  Nightsteel Ore 3 The Ruby Sea ( x11,y23) Nightsteel ingot icon1.png  Nightsteel Ingot
Othardian 8AM/PM Silvergrace ore icon1.png  Silvergrace Ore 6 The Azim Steppe (x23,y36) Silvergrace Ingot Icon.png  Silvergrace Ingot
Othardian 6AM/PM Hawk's Eye Icon1.png  Hawk's Eye 7 The Ruby Sea (x23,y36) Hawks eye sand icon1.png  Hawk's Eye Sand
Othardian 8AM/PM Azim spring water icon1.png  Azim Spring Water 1 The Azim Steppe (x23,y36) Grade 4 reisui of strength icon1.png  Grade 4 Reisui of Strength, Grade 4 reisui of dexterity icon1.png  Grade 4 Reisui of Dexterity, Grade 4 reisui of vitality icon1.png  Grade 4 Reisui of Vitality, Grade 4 reisui of intelligence icon1.png  Grade 4 Reisui of Intelligence, Grade 4 reisui of mind icon1.png  Grade 4 Reisui of Mind, Grade 3 infusion of strength icon1.png  Grade 3 Infusion of Strength, Grade 3 infusion of dexterity icon1.png  Grade 3 Infusion of Dexterity, Grade 3 infusion of vitality icon1.png  Grade 3 Infusion of Vitality, Grade 3 infusion of intelligence icon1.png  Grade 3 Infusion of Intelligence, Grade 3 infusion of mind icon1.png  Grade 3 Infusion of Mind


Folklore Tome Time Item Slot Location Coordinates Used to make
Coerthan 12AM/PM Astral moraine icon1.png  Astral Moraine 4 Coerthas Western Highlands (x37,y16) Astral oil icon1.png  Astral Oil, Shishi-odoshi icon1.png  Shishi-odoshi, Tier 3 aquarium icon1.png  Tier 3 Aquarium, Tier 4 aquarium icon1.png  Tier 4 Aquarium
Coerthan 12AM/PM Violet quartz icon1.png  Violet Quartz 6 Coerthas Western Highlands (x11,y23) Aurum regis ingot icon1.png  Aurum Regis Ingot
Coerthan 2AM/PM Tungstite icon1.png  Tungstite 4 Coerthas Western Highlands (x10,y9) Heavy metal ingot icon1.png  Heavy Metal Ingot
Dravanian 2AM/PM Lumythrite ore icon1.png  Lumythrite Ore 2 The Churning Mists (x6.2,y20.3,z3.4) High mythrite ingot icon1.png  High Mythrite Ingot
Dravanian 2AM/PM Aurum regis ore icon1.png  Aurum Regis Ore 6 The Churning Mists (x11,y38) Aurum regis ingot icon1.png  Aurum Regis Ingot
Dravanian 6AM/PM Blue quartz icon1.png  Blue Quartz 7 The Dravanian Hinterlands (x11,y16) Adamantite ingot icon1.png  Adamantite Ingot
Dravanian 8AM/PM Zeolite ore icon1.png  Zeolite Ore 4 The Dravanian Hinterlands (x13,y31) Grade 3 strength dissolvent icon1.png  Grade 3 Strength Dissolvent, Grade 3 dexterity dissolvent icon1.png  Grade 3 Dexterity Dissolvent, Grade 3 vitality dissolvent icon1.png  Grade 3 Vitality Dissolvent, Grade 3 intelligence dissolvent icon1.png  Grade 3 Intelligence Dissolvent, Grade 3 mind dissolvent icon1.png  Grade 3 Mind Dissolvent
Abalathian 4AM/PM Tungstite icon1.png  Sun Mica 2 The Sea of Clouds (x35,y39) Adamantite ingot icon1.png  Adamantite Ingot, Boltmasters needle icon1.png  Boltmaster's Needle, Wrapped adamantite culinary knife icon1.png  Wrapped Adamantite Culinary Knife, Balanced adamantite scythe icon1.png  Balanced Adamantite Scythe, Sun mica grinding wheel icon1.png  Sun Mica Grinding Wheel
Abalathian 10AM/PM Red alumen icon1.png  Red Alumen 2 Azys Lla (x35,y16) Griffin leather icon1.png  Griffin Leather
Abalathian 8AM/PM Smithsonite ore icon1.png  Smithsonite Ore 2 The Sea of Clouds (x38.1,y14.8,z2.2) Eikon iron ingot icon1.png  Eikon Iron Ingot
Abalathian 8AM/PM Meteorite icon1.png  Meteorite 3 The Sea of Clouds (x38.1,y14.8,z2.2) Luminous fiber icon1.png  Luminous Fiber
Abalathian 6AM/PM Luminium ore icon1.png  Luminium Ore 6 Azys Lla (x5,y17) Scintillant ingot icon1.png  Scintillant Ingot


Any item satisfying Min. Collectability can be turned in at Rowena's for ExperienceEXP and Scrips.

Note: The Collect fisher icon1.png  Collect ability must be active to catch any fish as a collectible. Non-collectible versions of these fish have no use whatsoever.


Folklore Tome Time Item Location Coordinates Additional Info
Ilsabardian ANY Basilosaurus icon1.png  Basilosaurus Thavnair (x7.3,y7.6) Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Ilsabardian ANY Labyrinthos tilapia icon1.png  Labyrinthos Tilapia Labyrinthos (x20.5,y16.1)
Ilsabardian ANY Red drum icon1.png  Red Drum Thavnair (x30.8,y9.3) Showers.png Showers OR Clouds.png Clouds->Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Celestial ANY Lunar deathworm icon1.png  Lunar Deathworm Mare Lamentorum (x31.0,y32.1)
Celestial 10PM-4AM Phallaina icon1.png  Phallaina Collectable Ultima Thule (x25,y17) 1181 Min. Collectability
Ancient ANY Mangar icon1.png  Mangar Elpis (x11,y19) Clouds.png Clouds


Folklore Tome Time Item Location Coordinates Additional Info


Folklore Tome Time Item Location Coordinates Additional Info
Gyr Abanian ANY Alligator snapping turtle icon1.png  Alligator Snapping Turtle The Peaks (x25,y32)
Gyr Abanian 8AM-12PM Bloodtail zombie icon1.png  Bloodtail Zombie Rhalgr's Reach (x12,y6)
Gyr Abanian ANY Bondsplitter icon1.png  Bondsplitter The Peaks (x6,y15)
Gyr Abanian 7PM-11PM Cardinalfish icon1.png  Cardinalfish The Fringes (x13,y31)
Gyr Abanian 8PM-12AM Corpse chub icon1.png  Corpse Chub The Fringes (x27,y16)
Gyr Abanian ANY Diamond-eye icon1.png  Diamond-eye The Lochs (x21,y21)
Gyr Abanian ANY Downstream loach icon1.png  Downstream Loach The Fringes (x19,y4)
Gyr Abanian 4PM-8PM Hardhead trout icon1.png  Hardhead Trout The Fringes (x11,y18)
Gyr Abanian 2PM-8PM Hemon icon1.png  Hemon The Peaks (x25,y32)
Gyr Abanian ANY Hookstealer icon1.png  Hookstealer Rhalgr's Reach (x11,y14)
Gyr Abanian 12PM-4PM Lily of the veil icon1.png  Lily of the Veil The Peaks (x9,y37)
Gyr Abanian 4AM-8AM Mirage mahi icon1.png  Mirage Mahi The Fringes (x27,y16)
Gyr Abanian ANY Moksha icon1.png  Moksha The Peaks (x31,y17)
Gyr Abanian ANY Redtail icon1.png  Redtail Rhalgr's Reach (x12,y6)
Gyr Abanian 12PM-4PM Rockfish icon1.png  Rockfish The Peaks (x9,y37)
Gyr Abanian ANY Saltmill icon1.png  Saltmill The Lochs (x21,y21)
Gyr Abanian ANY Sapphire fan icon1.png  Sapphire Fan The Fringes (x9,y29)
Gyr Abanian ANY Sculptor icon1.png  Sculptor Collectable The Lochs (x21,y21) 785 Min. Collectability
Gyr Abanian 11AM-4PM The archbishop icon1.png  The Archbishop The Fringes (x13,y31)
Gyr Abanian ANY The last tear icon1.png  The Last Tear The Peaks (x31,y7)
Gyr Abanian 8AM-12PM The undecided icon1.png  The Undecided The Peaks (x23,y9)
Gyr Abanian ANY Watcher catfish icon1.png  Watcher Catfish Rhalgr's Reach (x11,y10)
Gyr Abanian 12AM-4AM Wraithfish icon1.png  Wraithfish Collectable The Fringes (x9,y29) 99 Min. Collectability
Gyr Abanian 4PM-8PM Xenacanthus icon1.png  Xenacanthus The Fringes (x11,y18)


Folklore Tome Time Item Location Coordinates Additional Info
Coerthan 10AM-2PM Bishopfish icon1.png  Bishopfish Coerthas Western Highlands (x36,y6)
Coerthan 12AM-6AM Capelin icon1.png  Capelin Collectable Coerthas Western Highlands (x36,y6) 19 Min. Collectability
Coerthan 5PM-3AM Charibenet icon1.png  Charibenet Coerthas Western Highlands (x36,y6)
Coerthan 12AM-4AM Coerthan clione icon1.png  Coerthan Clione Coerthas Western Highlands (x28,y18)
Coerthan ANY Coerthan oyster icon1.png  Coerthan Oyster Coerthas Western Highlands (x13,y8)
Coerthan ANY La reale icon1.png  La Reale Coerthas Western Highlands (x14,y15)
Coerthan ANY Merciless icon1.png  Merciless Coerthas Western Highlands (x13,y8)
Coerthan ANY Mountain kraken icon1.png  Mountain Kraken Coerthas Western Highlands (x21,y11)
Coerthan ANY Priestfish icon1.png  Priestfish Coerthas Western Highlands (x36,y6)
Coerthan ANY Spring urchin icon1.png  Spring Urchin Coerthas Western Highlands (x8,y10)
Coerthan ANY The impaler icon1.png  The Impaler Coerthas Western Highlands (x8,y10)
Dravanian 6AM-11AM Amber salamander icon1.png  Amber Salamander Collectable The Dravanian Forelands (x31,y5) 622 Min. Collectability
Dravanian 1AM-4AM Armor fish icon1.png  Armor Fish The Dravanian Hinterlands (x22,y35)
Dravanian ANY Armored catfish icon1.png  Armored Catfish The Dravanian Hinterlands (x22,y35)
Dravanian ANY Berserker betta icon1.png  Berserker Betta The Dravanian Hinterlands (x20,y25)
Dravanian ANY Bloodchaser icon1.png  Bloodchaser The Churning Mists (x20,y6)
Dravanian 2AM-6AM Bobgoblin bass icon1.png  Bobgoblin Bass The Dravanian Hinterlands (x20,y25)
Dravanian ANY Dimorphodon icon1.png  Dimorphodon The Churning Mists (x18,y39)
Dravanian ANY Gnomefish icon1.png  Gnomefish The Dravanian Hinterlands (x11,y24)
Dravanian 12AM-6AM Goblin bass icon1.png  Goblin Bass The Dravanian Hinterlands (x20,y25)
Dravanian 2AM-6AM Hraesvelgrs tear icon1.png  Hraesvelgr's Tear The Dravanian Forelands (x7,y5)
Dravanian ANY Lava snail icon1.png  Lava Snail The Dravanian Forelands (x7,y5)
Dravanian 10AM-5PM Lavalord icon1.png  Lavalord The Dravanian Forelands (x7,y5)
Dravanian 1PM-8PM Loosetongue icon1.png  Loosetongue Collectable The Dravanian Hinterlands (x22,y35) 1039 Min. Collectability
Dravanian 9PM-2AM Madam butterfly icon1.png  Madam Butterfly The Dravanian Hinterlands (x11,y24)
Dravanian ANY Meteortoise icon1.png  Meteortoise The Dravanian Forelands (x13,y13)
Dravanian 10AM-1PM Moggle mogpom icon1.png  Moggle Mogpom The Churning Mists (x8,y34), (x14,y35)
Dravanian ANY Nyctosaur icon1.png  Nyctosaur The Churning Mists (x20,y6)
Dravanian 4AM-2PM Problematicus icon1.png  Problematicus The Dravanian Forelands (x7,y5)
Dravanian 4AM-8AM Raimdellopterus icon1.png  Raimdellopterus The Churning Mists (x20,y6)
Dravanian 8AM-3PM Riddle icon1.png  Riddle The Dravanian Forelands (x19,y10)
Dravanian ANY Scaleripper icon1.png  Scaleripper The Dravanian Forelands (x31,y10)
Dravanian 3PM-5PM Sunsail icon1.png  Sunsail The Churning Mists (x29,y25)
Dravanian 10PM-2AM The dreamweaver icon1.png  The Dreamweaver The Dravanian Forelands (x26,y26)
Dravanian 8AM-4PM The lord of lords icon1.png  The Lord of Lords The Dravanian Forelands (x7,y5)
Dravanian 4AM-6AM The soul of the martyr icon1.png  The Soul of the Martyr The Churning Mists (x29,y25)
Dravanian ANY The speaker icon1.png  The Speaker The Dravanian Hinterlands (x22,y35)
Dravanian ANY Thousand fin icon1.png  Thousand Fin The Churning Mists (x9,y8)
Dravanian 6AM-8AM Thunderscale icon1.png  Thunderscale The Dravanian Forelands (x31,y5)
Dravanian 12PM-4PM Twin-tongued carp icon1.png  Twin-tongued Carp The Dravanian Forelands (x30,y14)
Dravanian 8AM-10AM Vidofnir icon1.png  Vidofnir The Churning Mists (x36,y30)
Abalathian ANY Aetherochemical compound 666 icon1.png  Aetherochemical Compound #666 Azys Lla (x30,y6)
Abalathian ANY Allagan bladeshark icon1.png  Allagan Bladeshark Azys Lla (x21,y21)
Abalathian 10PM-2AM Aphotic pirarucu icon1.png  Aphotic Pirarucu Azys Lla (x10,y31)
Abalathian ANY Barreleye icon1.png  Barreleye Collectable Azys Lla (x21,y21) 393 Min. Collectability
Abalathian ANY Basking shark icon1.png  Basking Shark The Sea of Clouds (x15,y7)
Abalathian 6PM-10PM Ceti icon1.png  Ceti Azys Lla (x6,y16)
Abalathian ANY Cirrostratus icon1.png  Cirrostratus The Sea of Clouds (x14,y38)
Abalathian ANY Crystal pigeon icon1.png  Crystal Pigeon Azys Lla (x40,y18)
Abalathian ANY Fleece stingray icon1.png  Fleece Stingray The Sea of Clouds (x14,y38)
Abalathian ANY Functional proto-hropken icon1.png  Functional Proto-hropken Azys Lla (x21,y21)
Abalathian ANY Heavens coral icon1.png  Heavens Coral The Sea of Clouds (x15,y7)
Abalathian 6AM-10AM Hundred-eyed axolotl icon1.png  Hundred-eyed Axolotl Azys Lla (x6,y35)
Abalathian 2PM-4PM Inkfish icon1.png  Inkfish The Sea of Clouds (x29,y35)
Abalathian 6PM-12AM Oliphants trunk icon1.png  Oliphant's Trunk Azys Lla (x6,y16)
Abalathian ANY Opabinia icon1.png  Opabinia Azys Lla (x21,y21)
Abalathian 8AM-12PM Paikiller icon1.png  Paikiller The Sea of Clouds (x30,y39)
Abalathian 5AM-7AM Sea butterfly icon1.png  Sea Butterfly The Sea of Clouds (x15,y7)
Abalathian ANY Stupendemys icon1.png  Stupendemys Collectable Azys Lla (x40,y18) 650 Min. Collectability
Abalathian ANY The second one icon1.png  The Second One The Sea of Clouds (x7,y11)

Botanist Miner Fisher

Regular Nodes
Unspoiled Nodes
Ephemeral Nodes
Folklore Nodes

Regular Nodes
Unspoiled Nodes
Ephemeral Nodes
Folklore Nodes

Fishing Locations
Big Fishing
Fishing Collectables
Folklore Fish