Heavensward content

Hemicyon Hide

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Hemicyon Hide

Item type
Material type
Leatherworker frame icon.png 60
Vendor Value
Gil 4

The thick bristly hide of an ancient breed of canine believed unchanged for seven Astral Eras.

— In-game description



Vendor Location / Coordinates Section Cost Unlock req.
Hismena Idyllshire (5.7, 5.2) Allagan Tomestones of Poetics (Other) Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 10 Main Scenario QuestA Great New Nation
Rowena's Representative Foundation (10.5, 11.8) Combat Supplies → Materials Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 10 Main Scenario QuestHeavensward
Spoils Collector The Lavender Beds (7.3, 11.2) Sky Pirate Spoils (Brass) Brass sky pirate spoil icon1.png 1 Brass Sky Pirate Spoil
Spoils Collector Mist (10.9, 8.9) Sky Pirate Spoils (Brass) Brass sky pirate spoil icon1.png 1 Brass Sky Pirate Spoil
Spoils Collector Shirogane (9.2, 13.3) Sky Pirate Spoils (Brass) Brass sky pirate spoil icon1.png 1 Brass Sky Pirate Spoil
Spoils Collector The Goblet (11.7, 7.3) Sky Pirate Spoils (Brass) Brass sky pirate spoil icon1.png 1 Brass Sky Pirate Spoil
Spoils Collector The Pillars (14.7, 11) Sky Pirate Spoils (Brass) Brass sky pirate spoil icon1.png 1 Brass Sky Pirate Spoil

Used For

Crafting Ingredient

Item Rarity Class Level Ingredients
Hemicyon leather icon1.png  Hemicyon Leather
(Learned from: Master Leatherworker IV)
ABasic Leatherworker frame icon.png LTW 60 ★★★★