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Odder Otter Mansion Walls

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Revision as of 14:51, 28 April 2022 by Freedom4556 (talk | contribs)
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Odder Otter Mansion Walls

Item type
Material type
Exterior Wall
Vendor Value
Gil 4,812

A set of four walls for those who wish to make their homes much odder.

※Can only be used with mansions on large plots of land.

— In-game description


Exterior Walls

Phase 1

Class Level Quantity Total Material
Botanist 70 15 45 Zelkova log icon1.png  Zelkova Log
Weaver 68 25 75 Twinsilk icon1.png  Twinsilk
Armorer 64 15 45 Oroshigane ingot icon1.png  Oroshigane Ingot
Alchemist 66 15 45 Persimmon tannin icon1.png  Persimmon Tannin

Phase 2

Class Level Quantity Total Material
Carpenter 66 25 75 Persimmon lumber icon1.png  Persimmon Lumber
Leatherworker 68 25 75 Gazelle leather icon1.png  Gazelle Leather
Miner 70 15 45 Palladium sand icon1.png  Palladium Sand

Phase 3

Class Level Quantity Total Material
Carpenter 66 15 45 Persimmon lumber icon1.png  Persimmon Lumber
Armorer 68 15 45 Molybdenum ingot icon1.png  Molybdenum Ingot
Botanist 15 25 75 Straw icon1.png  Straw


Phase 1

Class Level Quantity Total Material
Botanist 70 25 75 Persimmon log icon1.png  Persimmon Log
Armorer 66 15 45 Tama-hagane ingot icon1.png  Tama-hagane Ingot
Alchemist 64 15 45 Beetle glue icon1.png  Beetle Glue

Phase 2

Class Level Quantity Total Material
Carpenter 68 25 75 Zelkova lumber icon1.png  Zelkova Lumber
Weaver 64 15 45 Kudzu cloth icon1.png  Kudzu Cloth
Leatherworker 64 15 45 Tiger leather icon1.png  Tiger Leather
Armorer 68 15 45 Molybdenum ingot icon1.png  Molybdenum Ingot

Phase 3

Class Level Quantity Total Material
Carpenter 68 15 45 Zelkova lumber icon1.png  Zelkova Lumber
Goldsmith 50 15 45 Platinum ingot icon1.png  Platinum Ingot
Botanist 15 150 450 Straw icon1.png  Straw


Class Level Quantity Total Material
Carpenter 66 3 9 Persimmon lumber icon1.png  Persimmon Lumber
Armorer 68 3 9 Molybdenum ingot icon1.png  Molybdenum Ingot
Leatherworker 64 2 6 Tiger leather icon1.png  Tiger Leather
Botanist 15 2 6 Straw icon1.png  Straw


Class Level Quantity Total Material
Carpenter 66 3 9 Persimmon lumber icon1.png  Persimmon Lumber
Botanist 70 3 9 Persimmon log icon1.png  Persimmon Log
Armorer 68 2 6 Molybdenum ingot icon1.png  Molybdenum Ingot
Goldsmith 50 2 6 Platinum ingot icon1.png  Platinum Ingot


Class Level Quantity Total Material
Botanist 50 2 6 Bamboo stick icon1.png  Bamboo Stick
Carpenter 68 3 9 Zelkova lumber icon1.png  Zelkova Lumber
Miner 70 2 6 Durium sand icon1.png  Durium Sand
Weaver 64 2 6 Kudzu cloth icon1.png  Kudzu Cloth
Botanist 15 15 45 Straw icon1.png  Straw


Class Level Quantity Total Material
Goldsmith 50 3 9 Platinum ingot icon1.png  Platinum Ingot
Armorer 64 2 6 Zelkova lumber icon1.png  Zelkova Lumber
Armorer 66 2 6 Tama-hagane ingot icon1.png  Tama-hagane Ingot
Miner 70 3 9 Durium sand icon1.png  Durium Sand

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