Aetherflow & Trance Gauge
Aetherflow & Trance Gauge is Summoner's Job Gauge.
Aetherflow Gauge in PvE
Upon learning the action Energy Drain, the Aetherflow Gauge will be displayed, indicating stacks of Aetherflow. Maximum Stacks of Aetherflow can be accumulated using Energy Drain and Energy Siphon, then used to execute certain actions such as Fester and Painflare (acquired at level 40).
Simple Mode
Trance Gauge in PvE
When you learn the action Aethercharge, the Trance Gauge will be displayed, showing the amount of time remaining for Aethercharge. Aethercharge will grant Ruby Arcanum, Topaz Arcanum, and Emerald Arcanum. Using these will allow you to summon from three pets by performing Summon Ifrit, Summon Topaz, or Summon Emerald.
When you summon a pet, you will gain the attunement that is associated with it. Attunement Stacks and their duration will be displayed on the Trance Gauge. They will change the qualities of Gemshine and Precious Brilliance (acquired at level 26).
When you learn the trait Aethercharge Mastery, the Trance Gauge will be displayed, showing the amount of time remaining for Dreadwyrm Trance. Dreadwyrm Trance will grant Ruby Arcanum, Topaz Arcanum, and Emerald Arcanum. While Dreadwyrm Trance is active, Ruin III becomes Astral Impulse, and Outburst becomes Astral Flare.
When you summon a pet, you will gain the aether that is associated with it. Aether stacks and their duration will be displayed on the Trance Gauge. They will change the qualities of Gemshine and Precious Brilliance (acquired at level 26).
Upon learning the trait Enhanced Dreadwyrm Trance, you will be able to use Summon Bahamut and call forth Demi-Bahamut. The time remaining on Demi-Bahamut's summon will be displayed on the Trance Gauge. Summon Bahamut will grant Ruby Arcanum, Topaz Arcanum, and Emerald Arcanum. Ruin III will become Astral Impulse, Outburst will become Astral Flare, and Astral Flow will become Deathflare.
When you summon a pet, you will gain the aether that is associated with it.
Aether stacks and their duration will be displayed on the Trance Gauge. They will change the qualities of Gemshine and Precious Brilliance (acquired at level 26).
When you learn the trait Enhanced Summon Bahamut, you will be able to use Summon Phoenix and call forth Demi-Phoenix. The time remaining on Demi-Phoenix's summon will be displayed on the Trance Gauge. Summon Phoenix will grant Ruby Arcanum, Topaz Arcanum, and Emerald Arcanum. Ruin III will become Fountain of Fire, Tri-disaster will become Brand of Purgatory, and Astral Flow will become Rekindle.
When you summon a pet, you will gain the aether that is associated with it. Aether stacks and their duration will be displayed on the Trance Gauge. They will change the qualities of Gemshine and Precious Brilliance (acquired at level 26). Upon learning the trait Elemental Mastery (acquired at level 86), Astral Flow will change to match the type of attunement.
Simple Mode
Aetherflow Gauge
Trance Gauge
Aetherflow Gauge in PvP
Using Energy Drain will fill the Aetherflow Gauge, which is required to execute Fester, Summon Bahamut, and Summon Phoenix.
Simple Mode
Trance Gauge in PvP
The Trance Gauge will indicate the time remaining until either Demi-Bahamut or Demi-Phoenix must return.
Using Summon Bahamut will call forth Demi-Bahamut, illuminating the Trance Gauge.
When Demi-Bahamut returns, the gauge's appearance will change, indicating Demi-Phoenix can be summoned after accumulating the requisite units of Aetherflow.
Using Summon Phoenix will call forth Demi-Phoenix, illuminating the Trance Gauge. When Demi-Phoenix returns, the gauge will change once more, indicating you can summon Demi-Bahamut.
Simple Mode