Patch 5.3
Revision as of 04:34, 14 February 2022 by Freedom4556 (talk | contribs) (→System Changes and Additions)
Patch 5.3
"Reflections in Crystal"
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Patch 5.3: Reflections in Crystal is the third major content update introduced for Shadowbringers.
Notable Features, Additions, and Changes
New Content
- Main Story: Reflections in Crystal (12 quests)
- Alliance Raid: The Puppets' Bunker, the second chapter of the YoRHa: Dark Apocalypse story and raid series
- Dungeon: The Heroes' Gauntlet
- Trials: The Seat of Sacrifice, The Seat of Sacrifice (Extreme)
- Chronicles of a New Era: The Sorrow of Werlyt - chapter two
- Quest & single-player duty: Sleep Now in Sapphire
- Save the Queen: Blades of Gunnhildr: Second chapter
- Resistance Weapons upgrades
- Exploratory Mission: The Bozjan Southern Front
- Faux Hollows: The Akh Afah Amphitheatre (Unreal)
- Custom Deliveries: Ehll Tou
- Ishgardian Restoration: Commercial District
- Beast Tribe Quests and Reputation: Dwarves
System Changes and Additions
- A Realm Reborn main story quest pruning and overhaul
- As part of this pruning, all Poetics now gear comes augmented, and pre-Shadowbringers augment items and tokens have been retired to reduce inventory bloat.
- New Game+: A Realm Reborn and Seventh Astral Era main story campaign, and class quests
- Mounts can now fly in A Realm Reborn zones after players complete
The Ultimate Weapon.
- Crafting: Trial Synthesis - Allows the player to do a "dry run" of crafting an item without actually crafting it or consuming materials.
- Sundry Splendors: Easy-to-find vendors located in major cities, exchanging tomestones and scrips for rewards
- Orchestrion: Search function added
- Watching the intro video to an expansion from the title screen will change the title screen to that expansion.
- Heavensward expansion as baseline added to all accounts
- Free trial: Heavensward expansion added, level cap increased to 60, full access to the entire Palace of the Dead, through level 200