Heavensward content

Dravanian Paprika

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Revision as of 21:55, 1 March 2022 by Freedom4556 (talk | contribs)
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Dravanian Paprika

A rare pepper that is more sweet than it is spicy.

— In-game description



Level 60★ Harvesting from level 60 Legendary Lush Vegetation Patch in Coerthas Western Highlands, The Watcher (X:22.5 Y:21.1)
6 AM/PM Eorzea time

Tome of botanical folklore - coerthas icon1.png  Tome of Botanical Folklore - Coerthas required

Retainer Ventures

Botany (level 60)

Used For

Crafting Ingredient

Item Rarity Class Level Ingredients
Seafood stew icon1.png  Seafood Stew (x3)
(Learned from: Master Culinarian III)
ABasic Culinarian frame icon.png CUL 60 ★
Loaghtan steak icon1.png  Loaghtan Steak (x3)
(Learned from: Master Culinarian IV)
ABasic Culinarian frame icon.png CUL 60 ★★★
Pasta ortolano icon1.png  Pasta Ortolano (x3)
(Learned from: Master Culinarian IV)
ABasic Culinarian frame icon.png CUL 60 ★★★
Shakshouka icon1.png  Shakshouka (x3)
(Learned from: Master Culinarian VI)
ABasic Culinarian frame icon.png CUL 70 ★★★★
Shakshouka pot icon1.png  Shakshouka Pot ABasic Culinarian frame icon.png CUL 80