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Female ♀
Hyur (Midlander)
Triple Triad Player
Mor Dhona (21.9,5.1)
Quest NPC

Rowena is a Hyur in Mor Dhona.

In patch 3.0, The Splendors Exchange was introduced. It allows players to craft or gather collectible items to be exchanged for experience points, scrips, and gil.

Quests Started

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
An Unexpected Proposal Feature quest 60 Rowena

Quests Involved In

Quest Type Level Quest Giver
A Love Beyond Lifetimes Class quest 70 Popokkuli
A Relic Reborn (Artemis Bow) Feature quest 50 Gerolt
A Relic Reborn (Bravura) Feature quest 50 Gerolt
A Relic Reborn (Curtana) Feature quest 50 Gerolt
A Relic Reborn (Gae Bolg) Feature quest 50 Gerolt
A Relic Reborn (Omnilex) Feature quest 50 Gerolt
A Relic Reborn (Sphairai) Feature quest 50 Gerolt
A Relic Reborn (Stardust Rod) Feature quest 50 Gerolt
A Relic Reborn (The Veil of Wiyu) Feature quest 50 Gerolt
A Relic Reborn (Thyrus) Feature quest 50 Gerolt
A Relic Reborn (Yoshimitsu) Feature quest 50 Gerolt
A Self-improving Man Feature quest 15 Wiscard
An Unexpected Proposal Feature quest 60 Rowena
And We Shall Call it Eureka Feature quest 70 Galiena
Body and Soul Feature quest 60 Automaton
Celestial Radiance Feature quest 50 Jalzahn
From Hells Feature quest 55 Wiltwaek
Li'l Rascals Sidequest 54 Yozan
Mask of Grief Main Scenario quest 50 Minfilia Warde
Off the Record Job quest 68 Y'mhitra
Rise and Shine Feature quest 50 Jalzahn
Soul without Life Repeatable Feature quest 60 Ardashir
Submission Impossible Feature quest 15 Wiscard
The Weaponsmith of Legend Feature quest 50 Nedrick Ironheart
To Tussle with Gods Feature quest 50 Urianger
Toll Booty Sidequest 54 Rhesh Polaali
Trials of the Braves Feature quest 50 Jalzahn
Where the Money Takes You Class quest 68 Nonowato
Words of Wisdom Feature quest 60 Ardashir

Triple Triad NPC


Gerolt card1.png, Bahamut card1.png, Baderon tenfingers card1.png, Louisoix leveilleur card1.png, Nero tol scaeva card1.png, Gilgamesh and enkidu card1.png, Godbert manderville card1.png


MGP Rewards

Win Draw Lose
118 48 17

Card Rewards

Gerolt card1.png, Louisoix leveilleur card1.png

Additional Information