Fishing Level
Fishing Locations
Purchased From
Dropped By
Used to Craft
Abalathian Smelt |
Rivers |
35 |
Coerthas Western Highlands (x14,y15), Coerthas Western Highlands (x36,y6), Coerthas Central Highlands (x13,y23), Coerthas Central Highlands (x28,y17), Coerthas Central Highlands (x6,y22), Coerthas Western Highlands (x32,y27,33-20,23-24), Coerthas Western Highlands (x21,y11), Coerthas Central Highlands (x16,y21), Coerthas Central Highlands (x31,y7), Coerthas Western Highlands (x28,y18) |
Acorn Snail |
Rivers |
17 |
Lower La Noscea (x27,y15), Lower La Noscea (x21,y34), Eastern Thanalan (x13,y20), East Shroud (x17,y16), Eastern Thanalan (x17,y24), Western Thanalan (x17,y15), Central Thanalan (x27,y19) |
Aegis Shrimp |
Lakes |
26 |
Central Thanalan (x16,y23), Central Thanalan (x27,y19) |
Aether Eye |
Aetherochemical Spills |
56 |
Azys Lla (x10,y31), Azys Lla (x6,y35) |
Aetherlouse |
Lakes |
50 ★★★ |
Mor Dhona (x24,y12) |
Perfect Pounce
Aetherochemical Compound 123 |
Aetherochemical Spills |
57 |
Azys Lla (x30,y6) |
Aetherochemical Compound 666 |
???? |
?? |
Agelyss Carp |
Rivers |
46 |
Eastern La Noscea (x22,y25), Eastern La Noscea (x20,y30), Eastern La Noscea (x15,y27) |
Aithon's Colt |
Magma |
55 |
The Dravanian Forelands (x19,y10), The Dravanian Forelands (x9,y7) |
Ala Mhigan Fighting Fish |
Lakes |
16 |
Central Shroud (x15,y24), North Shroud (x??,y??), South Shroud (x27,y21), Central Shroud (x10,y22), Central Shroud (x13,y21), Lavender Beds (x??,y??), South Shroud (x18,y24), East Shroud (x24,y25), Mor Dhona (x12,y11), Mor Dhona (x14,y13), South Shroud (x18,y19), South Shroud (x32,y23) |
Albino Octopus |
Lakes |
53 |
Coerthas Western Highlands (x28,y18) |
Allagan Bladeshark |
???? |
?? |
Alligator Garfish |
Lakes |
50 ★ |
Northern Thanalan (x24,y25) |
Amber Salamander |
Rivers |
60 ★ |
The Dravanian Forelands (x31,y5) |
Ammonite |
Lakes |
54 |
Coerthas Western Highlands (x21,y11) |
Angelfish |
Deep Sea |
19 |
Eastern La Noscea (x35,y29), Middle La Noscea (x18,y21) |
Angry Pike |
Rivers |
50 |
Coerthas Central Highlands (x31,y7) |
Anomalocaris |
Skyfishing |
50 ★★★ |
Coerthas Central Highlands (x13,y14) |
Antlion Slug |
Dunefishing |
40 |
Southern Thanalan (x12,y35), Southern Thanalan (x27,y37) |
Aphotic Pirarucu |
Lakes |
60 |
Azys Lla (x10,y31) |
Archerfish |
Lakes |
45 |
Eastern La Noscea (x22,y25), Eastern La Noscea (x20,y30) |
Armor Fish |
???? |
?? |
Armored Catfish |
Rivers |
60 |
The Dravanian Hinterlands (x22,y35) |
Armored Pleco |
Lakes |
37 |
South Shroud (x19,y22), South Shroud (x18,y29) |
Armorer (Seafood) |
Deep Sea |
50 ★★ |
Western La Noscea (x34,y32) |
Ash Tuna |
Deep Sea |
32 |
Eastern La Noscea (x35,y29), Mist (x11,y10), Eastern La Noscea (x32,y24), Eastern La Noscea (x39,y24) |
Tuna Miq'abob
Assassin Betta |
Lakes |
47 |
North Shroud (x18,y19), Western Thanalan (x17,y6), Mor Dhona (x24,y12), Mor Dhona (x18,y17), Mor Dhona (x31,y6), Mor Dhona (x14,y13) |
Augmented High Allagan Helmet |
Aetherochemical Spills |
60 |
Azys Lla (x16,y12) |
Autumn Leaf |
Lakes |
57 |
The Dravanian Hinterlands (x18,y18) |
Azysfish |
Aetherochemical Spills |
56 |
Azys Lla (x6,y16), Azys Lla (x21,y21) |
Balloonfish |
Coastlines |
37 |
Western La Noscea (x17,y20), Eastern La Noscea (x32,y24), Eastern La Noscea (x39,y24) |
Barreleye |
Lakes |
60 ★ |
Azys Lla (x21,y21) |
Basking Shark |
???? |
?? |
Bat-o'-Nine-Tails |
Rivers |
50 ★★★ |
Western Thanalan (x15,y6) |
Battle Galley |
Rivers |
59 |
Coerthas Western Highlands (x14,y15) |
Beguiler Chub |
Rivers |
50 ★★ |
Middle La Noscea (x21,y21) |
Berserker Betta |
Rivers |
60 ★ |
The Dravanian Hinterlands (x20,y25) |
Bianaq Bream |
Deep Sea |
27 |
Eastern La Noscea (x35,y29), Mist (x11,y10), Eastern La Noscea (x32,y34) |
Boiled Bream, Fish Soup
Bishopfish |
???? |
?? |
Black Eel |
Rivers |
25 |
South Shroud (x24,y22), Central Shroud (x15,y24), Central Shroud (x13,y21), South Shroud (x18,y24), South Shroud (x18,y19), East Shroud (x20,y21), Eastern Thanalan (x25,y22) |
Eel Pie
Black Ghost |
Lakes |
28 |
South Shroud (x27,y21), Central Shroud (x13,y21) |
Black Magefish |
Magma |
60 |
The Dravanian Forelands (x9,y7) |
Black Sole |
Coastlines |
28 |
Eastern La Noscea (x32,y24), Lower La Noscea (x17,y36) |
Baked Sole
Blacklip Oyster |
Coastlines |
44 |
Western Thanalan (x9,y6), Western La Noscea (x12,y36), Western La Noscea (x14,y12), Western La Noscea (x17,y15), Western La Noscea (x15,y35) |
Black Pearl, Rainbow Spoon Lure, Yumizuno
Blind Manta |
Skyfishing |
48 |
Coerthas Central Highlands (x13,y14), Coerthas Central Highlands (x33,y18) |
Blindfish |
Lakes |
31 |
Lower La Noscea (x27,y15), Coerthas Central Highlands (x13,y23), Western Thanalan (x17,y6) |
Blood Red Bonytongue |
Lakes |
50 ★★★ |
Mor Dhona (x28,y10) |
Blood Skipper |
Aetherochemical Spills |
58 |
Azys Lla (x30,y6), Azys Lla (x16,y12) |
Bloodbath (Seafood) |
Rivers |
50 ★★★ |
Central Shroud (x10,y22) |
Bloodchaser |
???? |
?? |
Bloody Brewer |
Rivers |
50 ★★ |
New Gridania (x10,y11) |
Blowfish |
Coastlines |
22 |
Eastern La Noscea (x35,y29), Western Thanalan (x14,y18), Mist (x11,y10), Eastern La Noscea (x39,y24), Eastern La Noscea (x38,y24), Lower La Noscea (x17,y36) |
Weak Silencing Potion
Blue Corpse |
Rivers |
50 ★★★ |
Coerthas Central Highlands (x3,y21) |
Blue Medusa |
Floating Islands |
56 |
The Churning Mists (x29,y25) |
Blue Octopus |
Deep Sea |
21 |
Lower La Noscea (x34,y17), Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks (x7,y12), Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (x10,y11), Mist (x11,y10), Lower La Noscea (x26,y25), Lower La Noscea (x26,y34), Western La Noscea (x25,y27), Eastern La Noscea (x32,y34), Middle La Noscea (x14,y15), Western La Noscea (x34,y32), Western Thanalan (x11,y12), Middle La Noscea (x18,y21) |
Blue Widow |
Rivers |
50 ★★★ |
North Shroud (x??,y??) |
Bluebell Salmon |
Rivers |
20 |
Upper La Noscea (x9,y20), North Shroud (x??,y??), East Shroud (x24,y25) |
Salmon Meuniere, Oriental Breakfast
Blueclaw Shrimp |
Rivers |
52 |
The Dravanian Hinterlands (x11,y24), The Dravanian Forelands (x31,y10), The Dravanian Forelands (x31,y5), The Dravanian Forelands (x25,y25), The Dravanian Forelands (x30,y14) |
Seafood Stew
Bobgoblin Bass |
???? |
?? |
Boltfish |
Lakes |
48 |
Northern Thanalan (x16,y20), Western Thanalan (x15,y6), Mor Dhona (x14,y13) |
Bomb Puffer |
Floating Islands |
58 |
Azys Lla (x38,y18) |
Bombardfish |
Coastlines |
50 ★★★ |
Eastern La Noscea (x32,y24) |
Bone Cleaner |
Lakes |
33 |
Eastern Thanalan (x13,y20), Eastern Thanalan (x17,y24) |
Bone Crayfish |
Rivers |
5 |
Lower La Noscea (x27,y15), Northern Thanalan (x24,y25), Central Thanalan (x16,y23), Western Thanalan (x24,y21), South Shroud (x18,y29), East Shroud (x17,y16), East Shroud (x10,y22), Central Thanalan (x29,y21), Central Shroud (x26,y28), Mor Dhona (x14,y13), Central Thanalan (x27,y19), Central Thanalan (x23,y18) |
Bonytongue |
Lakes |
34 |
Central Shroud (x15,y24), South Shroud (x27,y21), North Shroud (x18,y19), Lavender Beds (x??,y??), Upper La Noscea (x27,y22), Outer La Noscea (x19,y18), Mor Dhona (x28,y10), Eastern Thanalan (x29,y24), South Shroud (x32,y23) |
Bowfin |
Rivers |
50 ★ |
North Shroud (x18,y19) |
Box Turtle |
???? |
?? |
Boxing Pleco |
Rivers |
49 |
North Shroud (x18,y19), Mor Dhona (x12,y11), South Shroud (x32,y23) |
Brass Loach |
Lakes |
9 |
North Shroud (x??,y??), Central Thanalan (x16,y23), North Shroud (x??,y??), Western Thanalan (x24,y21), East Shroud (x24,y25), Central Thanalan (x29,y21), The Goblet (x??,y??), Central Shroud (x26,y28), Central Shroud (x22,y21), Central Thanalan (x23,y18) |
Holasfhis |
Bronze Lake Trout |
Lakes |
41 |
Upper La Noscea (x27,y22), Outer La Noscea (x19,y18), Outer La Noscea (x15,y11), Coerthas Central Highlands (x16,y21) |
Brown Bolo |
Floating Islands |
?? |
Bubble Eye |
Rivers |
54 |
The Sea of Clouds (x29,y35) |
Bullfrog |
Lakes |
55 |
The Dravanian Hinterlands (x20,y25), The Dravanian Hinterlands (x11,y24), The Diadem (xEasy (X14,yY31), The Sea of Clouds (x30,y39), The Sea of Clouds (x29,y35) |
Bullwhip |
Aetherochemical Spill |
56 |
Azys Lla (x30,y6), Azys Lla (x16,y12) |
Buoyant Oviform |
Floating Islands |
54 |
The Diadem (xEasy (X14,yY14), The Sea of Clouds (x14,y38), The Sea of Clouds (x7,y11) |
Cadaver Carp |
Lakes |
50 ★★ |
Mor Dhona (x14,y13) |
Caiman |
Rivers |
58 |
The Dravanian Forelands (x31,y5), The Sea of Clouds (x29,y35) |
Canavan |
Rivers |
50 ★★★ |
Mor Dhona (x31,y6) |
Capelin |
Lakes |
60 ★ |
Coerthas Western Highlands (x36,y6) |
Captain Nemo |
???? |
?? |
Caravan Eel |
Dunefishing |
50 ★ |
Southern Thanalan (x27,y37) |
Carp Diem |
Lakes |
50 ★★ |
Old Gridania (x8,y8, 11-8, 12-6) |
Caterwauler |
Rivers |
50 ★★ |
Lower La Noscea (x24,y23) |
Catkiller |
Lakes |
60 |
The Sea of Clouds (x30,y39) |
Cave Cherax |
Lakes |
50 |
Coerthas Central Highlands (x13,y23) |
Ceti |
???? |
?? |
Charibenet |
???? |
?? |
Charon's Lantern |
Lakes |
?? |
Cherry Trout |
Lakes |
59 |
Coerthas Western Highlands (x8,y10) |
Chirurgeon |
Rivers |
50 ★★ |
Central Shroud (x22,y21) |
Chub |
Rivers |
3 |
Middle La Noscea (x17,y14), Middle La Noscea (x21,y21), Lower La Noscea (x24,y23), Middle La Noscea (x20,y17) |
Cindersmith |
Magma |
56 |
The Dravanian Forelands (x19,y10), The Dravanian Forelands (x13,y13), The Dravanian Forelands (x9,y7) |
Cirrostratus |
???? |
?? |
Climbing Perch |
Lakes |
27 |
South Shroud (x18,y24), South Shroud (x18,y29), East Shroud (x20,y21) |
Cloud Cutter |
Skyfishing |
48 |
Coerthas Central Highlands (x13,y14), Coerthas Central Highlands (x33,y18) |
Dagger Soup
Cloud Jellyfish |
Skyfishing |
45 |
Coerthas Central Highlands (x13,y14), Coerthas Central Highlands (x33,y18) |
Cloud Rider |
Floating Islands |
55 |
The Churning Mists (x29,y25), The Churning Mists (x18,y39), The Churning Mists (x20,y6), The Churning Mists (x20,y6), The Churning Mists (x20,y6) |
Cloudfish |
Rivers |
53 |
The Diadem (xHard (X14,yY34), The Churning Mists (x36,y30), The Diadem (xEasy (??), Normal (X11,yY9), The Diadem (xEasy (X14,yY31), The Sea of Clouds (x30,y39), The Sea of Clouds (x29,y35), The Churning Mists (x9,y8) |
Clown Loach |
Lakes |
36 |
Southern Thanalan (x15,y31), Central Shroud (x13,y21), Eastern La Noscea (x15,y27), Southern Thanalan (x25,y20) |
Cobrafish |
Floating Islands |
59 |
Azys Lla (x38,y18) |
Coelacanth |
Coastlines |
50 ★ |
Western La Noscea (x12,y36) |
Coelacanthus |
Coastlines |
50 ★★★ |
Western La Noscea (x12,y36) |
Coerthan Clione |
Lakes |
60 |
Coerthas Western Highlands (x28,y18) |
Coerthan Crab |
Lakes |
52 |
Coerthas Western Highlands (x36,y6), Coerthas Western Highlands (x32,y27,33-20,23-24) |
Seafood Stew
Coerthan Oyster |
Lakes |
60 ★ |
Coerthas Western Highlands (x13,y8,10-10) |
Oyster Confit
Coerthan Puffer |
Lakes |
55 |
Coerthas Western Highlands (x32,y27,33-20,23-24) |
Coeurlfish |
Lakes |
50 ★★ |
Upper La Noscea (x13,y24) |
Cometoise |
Magma |
57 |
The Dravanian Forelands (x19,y10), The Dravanian Forelands (x7,y5), The Dravanian Forelands (x13,y13), The Dravanian Forelands (x13,y13) |
Common Sculpin |
Rivers |
44 |
Northern Thanalan (x24,y25), Upper La Noscea (x13,y24), East Shroud (x26,y20), Coerthas Central Highlands (x31,y7) |
Copperfish |
Lakes |
20 |
Southern Thanalan (x21,y15), Eastern La Noscea (x22,y25), South Shroud (x24,y22), Lower La Noscea (x21,y34), Upper La Noscea (x9,y20), Southern Thanalan (x15,y31), Western Thanalan (x24,y21), Eastern La Noscea (x20,y30), Western Thanalan (x17,y15), The Goblet (x??,y??), Eastern La Noscea (x17,y32), East Shroud (x20,y21), Middle La Noscea (x21,y12) |
Coral Butterfly |
Coastlines |
9 |
Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks (x7,y12), Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (x10,y11), Eastern La Noscea (x32,y34), Middle La Noscea (x18,y21) |
Kobold Vendor, EsmenetKobold Vendor |
Fish Glue
Cornelia |
Rivers |
50 ★★★ |
North Shroud (x18,y19) |
Crayfish |
Rivers |
2 |
New Gridania (x12,y13), New Gridania (x10,y11), Middle La Noscea (x21,y21), Western Thanalan (x17,y15), Lower La Noscea (x24,y23), Central Shroud (x22,y21), Old Gridania (x8,y8, 11-8, 12-6), Middle La Noscea (x20,y17), Old Gridania (x15,y6) |
Holasfhis |
Crayfish Ball
Crimson Crayfish |
Rivers |
8 |
Upper La Noscea (x33,y24), Lower La Noscea (x21,y34), Upper La Noscea (x9,y20), Eastern La Noscea (x30,y23) |
Holasfhis |
Boiled Crayfish
Crimson Trout |
Rivers |
40 |
Coerthas Central Highlands (x20,y30), Coerthas Central Highlands (x28,y17), Coerthas Central Highlands (x3,y21), Coerthas Central Highlands (x16,y21), Coerthas Central Highlands (x31,y7) |
Crown Trout |
Floating Islands |
60 |
The Diadem (xHard (X14,yY34), The Diadem (xEasy (X8,yY31), The Diadem (xEasy (X14,yY31) |
Scrip Exchange, Scrip Exchange |
Crystal Perch |
Rivers |
50 ★★★ |
Middle La Noscea (x21,y12) |
Crystal Pigeon |
???? |
?? |
Crystalfin |
Rivers |
58 |
Azys Lla (x6,y35) |
Cupfish |
Lakes |
50 ★★★ |
Lower La Noscea (x27,y15) |
Daniffen's Mark |
Rivers |
50 ★★★ |
Coerthas Central Highlands (x20,y30) |
Dark Ambusher |
Rivers |
50 ★★★ |
East Shroud (x10,y22) |
Dark Bass |
Lakes |
25 |
Southern Thanalan (x21,y15), Upper La Noscea (x9,y20), South Shroud (x27,y21), Central Thanalan (x16,y23), Upper La Noscea (x13,y24), East Shroud (x17,y16), Central Thanalan (x29,y21), Mor Dhona (x12,y11), The Goblet (x??,y??), Central Thanalan (x27,y19), Central Thanalan (x23,y18), Eastern Thanalan (x25,y22) |
Bass Ball
Dark Knight (Seafood) |
Lakes |
50 ★★★ |
Central Thanalan (x27,y19) |
Dark Sleeper |
Rivers |
18 |
South Shroud (x24,y22), North Shroud (x??,y??), Eastern La Noscea (x30,y23), Lavender Beds (x??,y??), South Shroud (x19,y22), East Shroud (x10,y22), South Shroud (x18,y19) |
Darkstar |
Rivers |
50 ★★★ |
Coerthas Central Highlands (x31,y7) |
Dawn Maiden |
Rivers |
50 ★★★ |
Coerthas Central Highlands (x28,y17) |
Desert Catfish |
Dunefishing |
37 |
Southern Thanalan (x27,y37) |
Dimorphodon |
???? |
?? |
Dinichthys |
Deep Sea |
50 ★★ |
Western La Noscea (x14,y12) |
Dirty Herry |
Coastlines |
50 ★★★ |
Western Thanalan (x15,y29) |
Discobolus |
Rivers |
50 ★★★ |
Southern Thanalan (x25,y20) |
Discus |
Rivers |
40 |
Eastern La Noscea (x22,y25), Eastern La Noscea (x30,y23), Eastern La Noscea (x20,y30), Eastern La Noscea (x15,y27), Eastern Thanalan (x29,y24), Southern Thanalan (x25,y20) |
Dragon's Soul |
Floating Islands |
58 |
The Churning Mists (x29,y25) |
Dragonhead (Seafood) |
Rivers |
55 |
The Dravanian Forelands (x31,y5) |
Dravanian Bass |
Rivers |
56 |
The Dravanian Forelands (x30,y14) |
Dravanian Smelt |
Rivers |
60 |
The Dravanian Forelands (x31,y10) |
Dravanian Squeaker |
Lakes |
54 |
The Churning Mists (x9,y8) |
Dream Goby |
Rivers |
50 ★★ |
Central Thanalan (x23,y18) |
Dune Manta |
Dunefishing |
41 |
Southern Thanalan (x12,y35), Southern Thanalan (x27,y37) |
Dusk Goby |
Rivers |
6 |
Lower La Noscea (x21,y34), Central Thanalan (x16,y23), Western Thanalan (x24,y21), Eastern Thanalan (x13,y20), Middle La Noscea (x17,y14), Eastern Thanalan (x17,y24), Central Thanalan (x29,y21), Lower La Noscea (x24,y23), Central Thanalan (x23,y18), Middle La Noscea (x21,y12) |
Holasfhis |
Goby Ball
Dustfish |
Dunefishing |
38 |
Southern Thanalan (x12,y35), Southern Thanalan (x27,y37) |
Dwarf Catfish |
Rivers |
4 |
Middle La Noscea (x17,y14), Middle La Noscea (x21,y21), Lower La Noscea (x24,y23), Middle La Noscea (x20,y17), Middle La Noscea (x21,y12) |
Eastern Sea Pickle |
???? |
?? |
Emperor Fish |
Rivers |
50 ★ |
Coerthas Central Highlands (x16,y21) |
Flint Caviar
Endoceras |
Deep Sea |
50 ★★★ |
Western La Noscea (x12,y36) |
Eunuch Crayfish |
Rivers |
22 |
South Shroud (x24,y22), Lower La Noscea (x21,y34), South Shroud (x18,y24), Western Thanalan (x24,y21), East Shroud (x24,y25), East Shroud (x10,y22), Western Thanalan (x17,y15), The Goblet (x??,y??), Central Shroud (x22,y21), South Shroud (x18,y19), Middle La Noscea (x21,y12) |
Euphotic Pirarucu |
Lakes |
60 ★ |
Azys Lla (x10,y31) |
Eurhinosaur |
Floating Islands |
60 |
The Diadem (x28,y33) |
Scrip Exchange, Scrip Exchange |
Faerie Bass |
Lakes |
17 |
Upper La Noscea (x33,y24), South Shroud (x24,y22), Lower La Noscea (x21,y34), North Shroud (x??,y??), South Shroud (x18,y24), Eastern Thanalan (x13,y20), Upper La Noscea (x13,y24), Eastern Thanalan (x17,y24), Western Thanalan (x17,y15), The Goblet (x??,y??), South Shroud (x18,y19) |
Faerie Queen |
Lakes |
50 ★★★ |
Lower La Noscea (x21,y34) |
Fall Jumper |
Rivers |
43 |
Upper La Noscea (x9,y20), East Shroud (x20,y21) |
Fanged Clam |
Lakes |
52 |
Coerthas Western Highlands (x14,y15), Coerthas Western Highlands (x21,y11), Coerthas Western Highlands (x13,y8,10-10) |
Clam Chowder
Fat Purse |
Lakes |
60 |
Coerthas Western Highlands (x32,y27,33-20,23-24) |
Finger Shrimp |
Coastlines |
4 |
Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks (x7,y12), Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (x10,y11), Eastern La Noscea (x39,y24), Middle La Noscea (x14,y15), Middle La Noscea (x18,y21) |
Holasfhis |
Tuna Miq'abob, Bouillabaisse
Fingers |
Coastlines |
50 ★★★ |
Western Thanalan (x14,y18) |
Five-ilm Pleco |
Lakes |
26 |
South Shroud (x27,y21), South Shroud (x19,y22) |
Flarefish |
???? |
?? |
Fleece Stingray |
Floating Islands |
60 ★ |
The Sea of Clouds (x14,y38) |
Floating Boulder |
Lakes |
50 ★★★ |
South Shroud (x18,y24) |
Fossiltongue |
Magma |
58 |
The Dravanian Forelands (x7,y5) |
Fountfish |
Lakes |
58 |
Azys Lla (x10,y31), Azys Lla (x6,y35) |
Four-eyed Fish |
Rivers |
24 |
Upper La Noscea (x9,y20), Upper La Noscea (x27,y22), Outer La Noscea (x19,y18), Upper La Noscea (x13,y24) |
Frilled Shark |
Deep Sea |
50 ★★★ |
Western La Noscea (x15,y35) |
Fullmoon Sardine |
Coastlines |
34 |
Eastern La Noscea (x35,y29), Western La Noscea (x15,y29), Western La Noscea (x12,y36), Mist (x11,y10), Western La Noscea (x17,y15), Eastern La Noscea (x32,y34) |
Deviled Eggs
Functional Proto-hropken |
Aetherochemical Spills |
?? |
Garpike |
Lakes |
48 |
Northern Thanalan (x24,y25), Western Thanalan (x17,y6), Mor Dhona (x28,y10) |
Gem Marimo |
Floating Islands |
60 |
The Diadem (xEasy (X31,yY11) |
Scrip Exchange, Scrip Exchange |
Max-Potion, Max-Ether
Ghost Carp |
Rivers |
50 ★★★ |
Central Shroud (x26,y28) |
Ghost Faerie |
Lakes |
145 |
Coerthas Western Highlands (x36,y6) |
Giant Bass |
Lakes |
37 |
Northern Thanalan (x24,y25), Coerthas Central Highlands (x20,y30), Upper La Noscea (x27,y22), Outer La Noscea (x19,y18), Eastern La Noscea (x20,y30), Mor Dhona (x18,y17), Mor Dhona (x28,y10), East Shroud (x26,y20), Mor Dhona (x12,y11), Outer La Noscea (x15,y11), Coerthas Central Highlands (x16,y21), Mor Dhona (x31,y6), Coerthas Central Highlands (x31,y7) |
Giant Catfish |
Lakes |
50 ★ |
Upper La Noscea (x27,y22), Outer La Noscea (x19,y18) |
Steamed Catfish
Giant Donko |
Rivers |
50 ★ |
Outer La Noscea (x15,y11) |
Giant Squid |
Deep Sea |
50 ★ |
Eastern La Noscea (x38,y24), Western La Noscea (x15,y35) |
Giant Takitaro |
Lakes |
50 ★★★ |
South Shroud (x32,y23) |
Gigant Clam |
Deep Sea |
50 ★★★ |
Eastern La Noscea (x32,y34) |
Gigant Grouper |
Lakes |
55 |
Coerthas Western Highlands (x14,y15) |
Gigant Octopus |
Deep Sea |
50 ★★ |
Eastern La Noscea (x39,y24), Western La Noscea (x30,y30) |
Gigantshark |
Deep Sea |
50 ★★ |
Middle La Noscea (x14,y15) |
Glacier Core |
Skyfishing |
51 |
Coerthas Western Highlands (x35,y26) |
Glass Perch |
Rivers |
24 |
Middle La Noscea (x21,y12) |
Glimmerscale |
Lakes |
50 ★★ |
Western Thanalan (x24,y21) |
Gnomefish |
Rivers |
60 |
The Dravanian Hinterlands (x11,y24) |
Sweet Gnomefish
Gobbie Mask |
Floating Islands |
56 |
The Churning Mists (x18,y39) |
Goblin Bass |
Rivers |
60 |
The Dravanian Hinterlands (x20,y25) |
Goblin Perch |
Rivers |
46 |
South Shroud (x27,y21) |
Golden Loach |
Lakes |
39 |
Northern Thanalan (x24,y25), Coerthas Central Highlands (x13,y23), Southern Thanalan (x15,y31), North Shroud (x20,y20) |
Goldenfin |
Coastlines |
50 ★★ |
Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (x10,y11) |
Goldfish |
Lakes |
50 |
Northern Thanalan (x16,y20), North Shroud (x18,y19), Mor Dhona (x24,y12), Mor Dhona (x18,y17), Eastern La Noscea (x15,y27), The Goblet (x??,y??), Mor Dhona (x31,y6) |
Goldsmith Crab |
Floating Islands |
60 |
The Diadem (xHard (X14,yY34) |
Scrip Exchange, Scrip Exchange |
Goosefish |
Deep Sea |
50 |
Western La Noscea (x25,y27) |
Granite Crab |
Magma |
55 |
The Dravanian Forelands (x19,y10), The Dravanian Forelands (x7,y5), The Dravanian Forelands (x13,y13), The Dravanian Forelands (x9,y7) |
Grass Carp |
Rivers |
53 |
The Dravanian Forelands (x31,y10) |
Great Gudgeon |
Rivers |
50 ★★ |
Middle La Noscea (x20,y17) |
Grip Killifish |
Lakes |
32 |
Northern Thanalan (x16,y20), Lower La Noscea (x21,y34), Western Thanalan (x17,y6), Western Thanalan (x15,y6), Eastern La Noscea (x17,y32) |
Gudgeon |
Rivers |
8 |
New Gridania (x12,y13), New Gridania (x10,y11), Western Thanalan (x24,y21), Middle La Noscea (x17,y14), Central Shroud (x26,y28), Lower La Noscea (x24,y23), Central Shroud (x22,y21), Old Gridania (x8,y8, 11-8, 12-6), Middle La Noscea (x20,y17), Old Gridania (x15,y6) |
Haddock |
???? |
?? |
Battered Fish
Hailfinder |
???? |
?? |
Halibut |
Deep Sea |
50 ★ |
Western La Noscea (x34,y32) |
Hammerhead Shark |
Deep Sea |
29 |
Western La Noscea (x17,y20), Western Thanalan (x15,y29) |
Shark Oil
Hannibal |
Lakes |
50 ★★★ |
Northern Thanalan (x24,y25) |
Haraldr Haddock |
Deep Sea |
34 |
Western Thanalan (x9,y6) |
Haddock Dip
Harbor Herring |
Coastlines |
7 |
Lower La Noscea (x34,y17), Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks (x7,y12), Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (x10,y11), Mist (x11,y10), Lower La Noscea (x26,y34), Eastern La Noscea (x32,y24), Eastern La Noscea (x39,y24), Middle La Noscea (x14,y15), Western La Noscea (x34,y32), Western La Noscea (x30,y30), Western Thanalan (x11,y12), Middle La Noscea (x18,y21) |
Hedgemole Cricket |
Rivers |
53 |
The Dravanian Hinterlands (x20,y25), The Dravanian Hinterlands (x11,y24), The Dravanian Hinterlands (x18,y18), The Sea of Clouds (x30,y39), The Dravanian Hinterlands (x22,y35), The Sea of Clouds (x29,y35) |
Helicoprion |
Dunefishing |
50 ★★★ |
Southern Thanalan (x12,y35) |
Heliobatis |
Rivers |
50 ★★ |
Mor Dhona (x24,y12) |
Helmet Crab |
Coastlines |
16 |
Western La Noscea (x30,y30), Lower La Noscea (x17,y36) |
Crab Ball
Helmsman's Hand |
Deep Sea |
50 ★★★ |
Western La Noscea (x15,y29) |
High Allagan Helmet |
Aetherochemical Spills |
56 |
Azys Lla (x16,y12) |
High Perch |
Rivers |
50 ★★ |
Middle La Noscea (x17,y14) |
Hinterlands Perch |
Lakes |
60 |
The Dravanian Hinterlands (x18,y18) |
Hospitalier Fish |
Lakes |
53 |
Coerthas Western Highlands (x8,y10) |
Hotrod |
Rivers |
52 |
Coerthas Western Highlands (x36,y6) |
Hraesvelgr's Tear |
???? |
?? |
Hundred Fin |
Lakes |
57 |
The Churning Mists (x9,y8) |
Hundred-eyed Axolotl |
???? |
?? |
Ice Faerie |
Lakes |
51 |
Coerthas Western Highlands (x14,y15), Coerthas Western Highlands (x36,y6), Coerthas Western Highlands (x21,y11), Coerthas Western Highlands (x28,y18), Coerthas Western Highlands (x13,y8,10-10) |
Icepick |
Lakes |
51 |
Coerthas Western Highlands (x21,y11), Coerthas Western Highlands (x28,y18) |
Ignus Horn |
Lakes |
50 ★★★ |
Mor Dhona (x12,y11) |
Ignus Snail |
Lakes |
41 |
Northern Thanalan (x24,y25), Northern Thanalan (x16,y20), Mor Dhona (x24,y12), Western Thanalan (x15,y6), Mor Dhona (x18,y17), Eastern Thanalan (x29,y24), Mor Dhona (x12,y11), Outer La Noscea (x15,y11), Mor Dhona (x31,y6), Southern Thanalan (x25,y20) |
Illuminati Perch |
Rivers |
58 |
The Dravanian Hinterlands (x18,y18) |
Ilsabardian Bass |
Lakes |
48 |
Northern Thanalan (x16,y20), Mor Dhona (x24,y12), Western Thanalan (x15,y6), Mor Dhona (x18,y17), Mor Dhona (x28,y10), Mor Dhona (x31,y6), Mor Dhona (x14,y13) |
Imperial Goldfish |
Lakes |
50 ★★★ |
Eastern La Noscea (x15,y27) |
Indigo Herring |
Coastlines |
31 |
Eastern La Noscea (x35,y29), Mist (x11,y10), Western Thanalan (x15,y29) |
Herring Ball
Inkfish |
Rivers |
60 |
The Sea of Clouds (x29,y35) |
Iron Noose |
Lakes |
50 ★★★ |
Southern Thanalan (x15,y31) |
Jacques the Snipper |
Coastlines |
50 ★★ |
Lower La Noscea (x26,y34) |
Jade Eel |
Rivers |
22 |
Upper La Noscea (x33,y24), Upper La Noscea (x9,y20), Upper La Noscea (x27,y22), Outer La Noscea (x19,y18), Upper La Noscea (x13,y24) |
Jeweled Jellyfish |
Aetherochemical Spills |
59 |
Azys Lla (x21,y21) |
Joan of Trout |
Rivers |
50 ★★★ |
Upper La Noscea (x9,y20) |
Judgeray |
Lakes |
50 ★★★ |
North Shroud (x??,y??) |
Judgment Staff |
Lakes |
50 ★ |
South Shroud (x18,y29) |
Jungle Catfish |
Rivers |
50 ★ |
Eastern La Noscea (x15,y27) |
Junkmonger (Seafood) |
Deep Sea |
50 ★★★ |
Western La Noscea (x25,y27) |
King of the Spring |
Lakes |
50 ★★★ |
Upper La Noscea (x27,y22), Outer La Noscea (x19,y18) |
Kissing Fish |
Rivers |
54 |
The Churning Mists (x36,y30) |
Kissing Trout |
Rivers |
50 |
Coerthas Central Highlands (x20,y30), Coerthas Central Highlands (x28,y17), Coerthas Central Highlands (x6,y22), Coerthas Central Highlands (x16,y21) |
Knifefish |
Rivers |
43 |
Northern Thanalan (x24,y25), Mor Dhona (x18,y17), Eastern La Noscea (x15,y27), Mor Dhona (x28,y10), Eastern Thanalan (x29,y24), Mor Dhona (x12,y11) |
Kobold Puffer |
Rivers |
45 |
Eastern La Noscea (x30,y23) |
Kuno the Killer |
Lakes |
50 ★★★ |
Mor Dhona (x31,y6) |
La Noscean Perch |
Rivers |
18 |
Middle La Noscea (x17,y14), Middle La Noscea (x21,y21), Middle La Noscea (x20,y17), Middle La Noscea (x21,y12) |
La Reale |
Rivers |
60 |
Coerthas Western Highlands (x14,y15) |
Lake Urchin |
Lakes |
52 |
Coerthas Western Highlands (x14,y15), Coerthas Western Highlands (x21,y11), Coerthas Western Highlands (x13,y8,10-10) |
Urchin Loaf
Lamp Marimo |
Lakes |
31 |
Lower La Noscea (x27,y15), Coerthas Central Highlands (x13,y23), The Churning Mists (x36,y30), Coerthas Central Highlands (x6,y22), Mor Dhona (x24,y12), Mor Dhona (x18,y17), Mor Dhona (x28,y10), Mor Dhona (x31,y6), Coerthas Central Highlands (x31,y7) |
Lamprey |
Rivers |
29 |
Southern Thanalan (x21,y15), Eastern La Noscea (x22,y25), Southern Thanalan (x15,y31), Eastern La Noscea (x20,y30), Eastern La Noscea (x17,y32) |
Lava Crab |
Magma |
54 |
The Dravanian Forelands (x19,y10), The Dravanian Forelands (x13,y13) |
Lava Snail |
Magma |
60 |
The Dravanian Forelands (x7,y5) |
Lavalord |
Magma |
60 ★ |
The Dravanian Forelands (x7,y5) |
Lavender Remora |
Deep Sea |
36 |
Eastern La Noscea (x35,y29), Western La Noscea (x17,y20), Western La Noscea (x15,y29) |
Leafy Seadragon |
Coastlines |
33 |
Lower La Noscea (x34,y17), Eastern La Noscea (x38,y24) |
Letter Puffer |
Floating Islands |
58 |
The Churning Mists (x29,y25) |
Levinlight |
Rivers |
50 ★★★ |
Central Shroud (x15,y24) |
Little Thalaos |
Deep Sea |
50 ★ |
Eastern La Noscea (x35,y29), Eastern La Noscea (x38,y24) |
Lominsan Anchovy |
Coastlines |
3 |
Lower La Noscea (x20,y38), Western Thanalan (x14,y18), Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks (x7,y12), Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (x10,y11), Western La Noscea (x14,y12), Western La Noscea (x34,y32), Western Thanalan (x15,y29), Western Thanalan (x11,y12), Middle La Noscea (x18,y21) |
Holasfhis |
Loosetongue |
Lakes |
60 ★ |
The Dravanian Hinterlands (x22,y35) |
Lovers' Clam |
Rivers |
150 |
The Churning Mists (x9,y8) |
Loyal Pleco |
Lakes |
42 |
Eastern La Noscea (x22,y25), North Shroud (x20,y20), Eastern La Noscea (x20,y30), Eastern Thanalan (x29,y24) |
Lungfish |
Lakes |
60 ★ |
Azys Lla (x6,y35) |
Madam Butterfly |
???? |
?? |
Magic Carpet |
Dunefishing |
50 ★★★ |
Southern Thanalan (x12,y35) |
Magicked Mushroom |
Lakes |
50 ★★★ |
East Shroud (x26,y20) |
Magma Louse |
Magma |
57 |
The Dravanian Forelands (x19,y10) |
Magma Tree |
Magma |
55 |
The Dravanian Forelands (x7,y5), The Dravanian Forelands (x9,y7) |
Mahar |
Skyfishing |
50 ★★★ |
Coerthas Central Highlands (x33,y18) |
Mahi-Mahi |
Deep Sea |
50 ★ |
Lower La Noscea (x24,y39) |
Pan-fried Mahi-Mahi
Mahu Wai |
Floating Islands |
53 |
The Diadem (xEasy (X14,yY14), The Diadem (xEasy (X31,yY11), The Sea of Clouds (x14,y38), The Diadem (x28,y33) |
Maiboi |
Lakes |
53 |
The Diadem (xHard (X14,yY34), The Diadem (xEasy (X14,yY31), The Sea of Clouds (x29,y35) |
Maiden Carp |
Rivers |
10 |
Coerthas Central Highlands (x20,y30), North Shroud (x??,y??), New Gridania (x12,y13), New Gridania (x10,y11), Central Thanalan (x16,y23), North Shroud (x??,y??), Western Thanalan (x24,y21), Middle La Noscea (x17,y14), East Shroud (x24,y25), East Shroud (x10,y22), Central Thanalan (x29,y21), Central Shroud (x26,y28), Central Thanalan (x27,y19), Central Shroud (x22,y21), Old Gridania (x8,y8, 11-8, 12-6), Central Thanalan (x23,y18), Old Gridania (x15,y6) |
Holasfhis |
Grilled Carp
Malm Kelp |
Coastlines |
4 |
Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks (x7,y12), Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (x10,y11), Lower La Noscea (x26,y25) |
Oriental Tea Set, Oriental Breakfast
Manasail |
Floating Islands |
56 |
The Churning Mists (x20,y6) |
Marble Oscar |
Lakes |
55 |
The Dravanian Forelands (x25,y25) |
Marrow Sucker |
Lakes |
50 ★★★ |
Eastern Thanalan (x13,y20) |
Matron Carp |
Rivers |
50 ★★ |
Old Gridania (x15,y6) |
Mazlaya Marlin |
Deep Sea |
50 |
Eastern La Noscea (x32,y24), Eastern La Noscea (x39,y24) |
Stuffed Mazlaya Marlin
Megalodon |
Deep Sea |
50 ★★ |
Eastern La Noscea (x38,y24), Western La Noscea (x15,y35) |
Megalodon Jaws, Shark Fin Soup
Merciless |
???? |
?? |
Mercy Staff |
Rivers |
55 |
Coerthas Western Highlands (x13,y8,10-10) |
Merlthor Goby |
Coastlines |
3 |
Western Thanalan (x9,y6), Lower La Noscea (x34,y17), Western La Noscea (x15,y29), Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks (x7,y12), Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (x10,y11), Lower La Noscea (x26,y25), Western La Noscea (x14,y12), Eastern La Noscea (x38,y24), Western La Noscea (x25,y27), Eastern La Noscea (x32,y34), Middle La Noscea (x14,y15), Western La Noscea (x15,y35), Middle La Noscea (x18,y21) |
Meteor Survivor |
Coastlines |
50 ★★★ |
Lower La Noscea (x17,y36) |
Meteortoise |
Magma |
60 |
The Dravanian Forelands (x13,y13) |
Mirrorscale |
Lakes |
50 ★★★ |
Eastern La Noscea (x17,y32) |
Miter Shell |
???? |
?? |
Mitre Slug |
Floating Islands |
54 |
The Diadem (xEasy (X14,yY14), The Diadem (xEasy (X31,yY11), The Sea of Clouds (x14,y38), The Diadem (x28,y33) |
Mitten Crab |
Rivers |
34 |
Eastern La Noscea (x22,y25), Central Shroud (x15,y24), Eastern La Noscea (x30,y23), South Shroud (x19,y22), Upper La Noscea (x27,y22), Outer La Noscea (x19,y18), North Shroud (x20,y20), Eastern La Noscea (x20,y30), Eastern La Noscea (x15,y27), South Shroud (x18,y29), Mor Dhona (x12,y11), South Shroud (x18,y19), South Shroud (x32,y23), Eastern Thanalan (x25,y22) |
Moat Carp |
Lakes |
19 |
Lower La Noscea (x21,y34), New Gridania (x12,y13), New Gridania (x10,y11), East Shroud (x17,y16), Central Shroud (x26,y28), Old Gridania (x8,y8, 11-8, 12-6), Old Gridania (x15,y6), Southern Thanalan (x25,y20) |
Moggle Mogpom |
???? |
?? |
Mogpom |
Lakes |
55 |
The Churning Mists (x8,y34, 14-35) |
Grade 1 Intelligence Dissolvent, Grade 3 Intelligence Dissolvent
Moldva |
Lakes |
50 ★★★ |
East Shroud (x24,y25) |
Monke Onke |
Rivers |
33 |
Eastern La Noscea (x22,y25), Central Shroud (x15,y24), Central Shroud (x10,y22), Lavender Beds (x??,y??), Mor Dhona (x12,y11), South Shroud (x32,y23) |
Monkfish |
Deep Sea |
26 |
Western Thanalan (x14,y18) |
Moogle Spirit |
Floating Islands |
59 |
The Sea of Clouds (x15,y7) |
Moraby Flounder |
Coastlines |
10 |
Lower La Noscea (x20,y38), Lower La Noscea (x34,y17), Lower La Noscea (x26,y25), Lower La Noscea (x26,y34), Lower La Noscea (x24,y39), Western La Noscea (x34,y32) |
Morinabaligi |
Rivers |
50 ★★ |
Mor Dhona (x31,y6) |
Mountain Kraken |
Lakes |
60 ★ |
Coerthas Western Highlands (x21,y11) |
Spaghetti Pescatore
Mucous Minnow |
Aetherochemical Spill |
58 |
Azys Lla (x6,y16) |
Mud Golem |
Lakes |
50 ★★ |
Western Thanalan (x17,y15) |
Mud Pilgrim |
Lakes |
50 ★★★ |
Eastern Thanalan (x17,y24) |
Mudcrab |
Rivers |
21 |
South Shroud (x24,y22), South Shroud (x27,y21), Central Shroud (x10,y22), Central Shroud (x13,y21), North Shroud (x18,y19), South Shroud (x18,y24), Eastern Thanalan (x13,y20), Mor Dhona (x28,y10), Eastern Thanalan (x17,y24), Western Thanalan (x17,y15), Eastern La Noscea (x17,y32), Central Thanalan (x27,y19), Southern Thanalan (x25,y20) |
Mudskipper |
Lakes |
13 |
Central Shroud (x10,y22), Central Shroud (x13,y21), Eastern Thanalan (x13,y20), Eastern Thanalan (x17,y24), Western Thanalan (x17,y15), Central Thanalan (x27,y19) |
Mummer Wrasse |
Deep Sea |
47 |
Western La Noscea (x12,y36), Western La Noscea (x15,y35) |
Mushroom Crab |
Lakes |
50 ★ |
East Shroud (x26,y20) |
Namitaro |
Lakes |
50 ★★★ |
South Shroud (x32,y23) |
Nautilus |
Coastlines |
45 |
Western La Noscea (x12,y36), Mist (x11,y10), Western La Noscea (x17,y15) |
Navigator's Brand |
Deep Sea |
50 ★★ |
Western La Noscea (x30,y30) |
Navigator's Dagger |
Deep Sea |
18 |
Lower La Noscea (x26,y34), Western La Noscea (x30,y30) |
Dagger Soup
Navigator's Ear |
???? |
?? |
Ndendecki |
Lakes |
50 ★★★ |
Western Thanalan (x17,y6) |
Nepto Dragon |
Deep Sea |
50 ★★★ |
Eastern La Noscea (x38,y24) |
Nether Newt |
???? |
?? |
Ninja Betta |
Lakes |
50 ★★★ |
Mor Dhona (x14,y13) |
Noontide Oscar |
Lakes |
57 |
The Churning Mists (x36,y30) |
Northern Pike |
Rivers |
45 |
Coerthas Central Highlands (x6,y22), Coerthas Central Highlands (x16,y21), Coerthas Central Highlands (x31,y7) |
Stuffed Cabbage
Nyctosaur |
Floating Islands |
60 ★ |
The Churning Mists (x20,y6) |
Oakroot |
Rivers |
44 |
North Shroud (x20,y20), East Shroud (x26,y20) |
Ocean Cloud |
Coastlines |
6 |
Lower La Noscea (x34,y17), Western La Noscea (x15,y29), Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks (x7,y12), Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (x10,y11), Lower La Noscea (x26,y25), Lower La Noscea (x26,y34), Middle La Noscea (x14,y15), Middle La Noscea (x18,y21) |
Octomammoth |
Deep Sea |
50 ★★ |
Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks (x7,y12) |
Ogre Barracuda |
Deep Sea |
25 |
Eastern La Noscea (x32,y24), Eastern La Noscea (x39,y24), Middle La Noscea (x14,y15), Western La Noscea (x30,y30) |
Ogre Horn Snail |
Rivers |
56 |
Coerthas Western Highlands (x8,y10) |
Oil Eel |
Aetherochemical Spills |
59 |
Azys Lla (x6,y16), Azys Lla (x21,y21) |
Old Hollow Eyes |
Rivers |
50 ★★★ |
Southern Thanalan (x21,y15) |
Old Softie |
Rivers |
50 ★★ |
Central Thanalan (x29,y21) |
Olgoi-Khorkhoi |
Dunefishing |
50 ★★★ |
Southern Thanalan (x27,y37) |
Oliphant's Trunk |
Aetherochemical Spills |
60 |
Azys Lla (x6,y16) |
Opabinia |
???? |
?? |
Orn Butterfly |
Lakes |
57 |
The Dravanian Hinterlands (x11,y24) |
Oschon's Print |
Coastlines |
50 ★★ |
Lower La Noscea (x26,y25) |
Oven Catfish |
Magma |
?? |
Paglth'an Discus |
Rivers |
49 |
Southern Thanalan (x25,y20) |
Paikiller |
???? |
?? |
Pebble Crab |
Coastlines |
12 |
Lower La Noscea (x20,y38), Lower La Noscea (x34,y17), Lower La Noscea (x26,y25), Lower La Noscea (x26,y34), Lower La Noscea (x24,y39), Western La Noscea (x34,y32), Lower La Noscea (x17,y36), Western Thanalan (x15,y29), Western Thanalan (x11,y12) |
Peteinosaur |
???? |
?? |
Peteinosaur Leather
Philosopher's Stone |
Rivers |
57 |
The Dravanian Hinterlands (x20,y25), The Dravanian Hinterlands (x18,y18) |
Pike Eel |
Deep Sea |
46 |
Western La Noscea (x15,y29), Western La Noscea (x15,y35) |
Pipira |
Rivers |
7 |
New Gridania (x12,y13), Lavender Beds (x??,y??), New Gridania (x10,y11), East Shroud (x10,y22), Central Shroud (x26,y28), Central Shroud (x22,y21), Old Gridania (x8,y8, 11-8, 12-6), Old Gridania (x15,y6) |
Holasfhis |
Braised Pipira
Pipira Pira |
Rivers |
58 |
The Dravanian Forelands (x31,y10), The Dravanian Forelands (x31,y5), The Dravanian Forelands (x30,y14) |
Baked Pipira Pira
Pirarucu |
Lakes |
50 ★★ |
North Shroud (x20,y20) |
Pirate's Bane |
Deep Sea |
50 ★★★ |
Western Thanalan (x9,y6) |
Plaguefish |
Rivers |
29 |
Southern Thanalan (x21,y15), Southern Thanalan (x15,y31), Southern Thanalan (x25,y20) |
Plaice |
Coastlines |
48 |
Western Thanalan (x9,y6), Western La Noscea (x12,y36), Western La Noscea (x15,y35) |
Platinum Fish |
Aetherochemical Spills |
56 |
Azys Lla (x30,y6), Azys Lla (x16,y12), Azys Lla (x6,y16), Azys Lla (x21,y21) |
Pond Mussel |
Lakes |
23 |
Upper La Noscea (x33,y24), North Shroud (x18,y19), Upper La Noscea (x27,y22), Outer La Noscea (x19,y18), Upper La Noscea (x13,y24), North Shroud (x20,y20), East Shroud (x17,y16) |
Poxpike |
Lakes |
50 ★ |
Mor Dhona (x18,y17) |
Priestfish |
Lakes |
60 ★ |
Coerthas Western Highlands (x36,y6) |
Angler Stew
Princess Trout |
Rivers |
5 |
Middle La Noscea (x17,y14), Middle La Noscea (x21,y21), Lower La Noscea (x24,y23), Middle La Noscea (x20,y17) |
Holasfhis |
Fish Oil, Grilled Trout
Problematicus |
???? |
?? |
Proto-hropken |
Aetherochemical Spills |
58 |
Azys Lla (x30,y6) |
Pteranodon |
Floating Islands |
58 |
The Churning Mists (x18,y39), The Dravanian Hinterlands (x18,y18) |
Pterodactyl |
Floating Islands |
60 |
The Diadem (xEasy (X14,yY14), The Diadem (xEasy (X31,yY11) |
Scrip Exchange, Scrip Exchange |
Pterodactyl Leather, Pterodactyl Strap
Raimdellopterus |
???? |
?? |
Rainbow Trout |
Rivers |
15 |
Coerthas Central Highlands (x20,y30), Coerthas Central Highlands (x28,y17), South Shroud (x24,y22), North Shroud (x??,y??), South Shroud (x18,y24), South Shroud (x19,y22), North Shroud (x??,y??), Coerthas Central Highlands (x3,y21), East Shroud (x24,y25), South Shroud (x18,y19), East Shroud (x20,y21) |
Raincaller |
Rivers |
43 |
New Gridania (x12,y13), Old Gridania (x15,y6) |
Grilled Raincaller
Razor Clam |
Coastlines |
20 |
Western Thanalan (x14,y18), Western La Noscea (x25,y27), Lower La Noscea (x17,y36) |
Retribution Staff |
Floating Islands |
60 |
The Diadem (xEasy (??), Normal (X11,yY9), The Diadem (xEasy (X8,yY31) |
Scrip Exchange, Scrip Exchange |
Steamed Staff
Rhamphorhynchus |
Skyfishing |
50 ★★ |
Coerthas Central Highlands (x33,y18) |
Riddle |
???? |
?? |
Rift Sailor |
Skyfishing |
49 |
Coerthas Central Highlands (x13,y14), Coerthas Central Highlands (x33,y18) |
Rime Eater |
Skyfishing |
55 |
Coerthas Western Highlands (x35,y26) |
River Crab |
Rivers |
15 |
Upper La Noscea (x33,y24), Upper La Noscea (x9,y20), North Shroud (x??,y??), Upper La Noscea (x13,y24), East Shroud (x17,y16), East Shroud (x24,y25), East Shroud (x10,y22), South Shroud (x18,y19), East Shroud (x20,y21), Middle La Noscea (x21,y12) |
River Shrimp |
Rivers |
160 |
The Dravanian Forelands (x31,y10) |
Rivet Oyster |
Coastlines |
50 ★★★ |
Western Thanalan (x11,y12) |
Rock Lobster |
Coastlines |
50 |
Western Thanalan (x14,y18), Western La Noscea (x14,y12), Eastern La Noscea (x38,y24), Western Thanalan (x15,y29) |
Spaghetti Pescatore
Rock Mussel |
Lakes |
55 |
The Dravanian Forelands (x25,y25), The Dravanian Forelands (x30,y14) |
Seafood Stew, Spaghetti Pescatore
Rockclimber |
Lakes |
58 |
Azys Lla (x10,y31) |
Root Skipper |
Lakes |
33 |
South Shroud (x18,y29) |
Ropefish |
Lakes |
32 |
Southern Thanalan (x15,y31) |
Rothlyt Oyster |
Coastlines |
17 |
Lower La Noscea (x20,y38), Lower La Noscea (x26,y34), Lower La Noscea (x24,y39), Western La Noscea (x25,y27), Western La Noscea (x34,y32), Western La Noscea (x30,y30), Western Thanalan (x15,y29), Western Thanalan (x11,y12) |
Raw Oyster, Bouillabaisse
Rudderfish |
Floating Islands |
58 |
The Churning Mists (x18,y39), The Churning Mists (x20,y6), Azys Lla (x38,y18) |
Saber Sardine |
Deep Sea |
24 |
Western Thanalan (x14,y18), Western La Noscea (x17,y20) |
Sabertooth Cod |
Coastlines |
50 ★★ |
Lower La Noscea (x20,y38) |
Sagolii Monkfish |
Dunefishing |
50 |
Southern Thanalan (x12,y35) |
Sand Bream |
Dunefishing |
36 |
Southern Thanalan (x12,y35), Southern Thanalan (x27,y37) |
Sandfish |
Dunefishing |
35 |
Southern Thanalan (x12,y35) |
Saucerfish |
Skyfishing |
50 |
Coerthas Central Highlands (x33,y18) |
Scaleripper |
Rivers |
60 |
The Dravanian Forelands (x31,y10) |
Scallop Shell |
???? |
?? |
Scholar Sculpin |
Lakes |
54 |
The Dravanian Hinterlands (x20,y25), The Dravanian Hinterlands (x22,y35) |
Scorpionfly |
Floating Islands |
58 |
The Sea of Clouds (x15,y7) |
Sea Bo |
Coastlines |
26 |
Eastern La Noscea (x32,y34), Lower La Noscea (x17,y36) |
Sea Butterfly |
???? |
?? |
Sea Cucumber |
Coastlines |
7 |
Lower La Noscea (x26,y25), Lower La Noscea (x24,y39), Lower La Noscea (x17,y36), Middle La Noscea (x18,y21) |
Sea Devil |
Coastlines |
49 |
Western Thanalan (x9,y6), Western La Noscea (x12,y36), Western La Noscea (x17,y15) |
Sea Pickle |
Coastlines |
30 |
Western La Noscea (x17,y20), Eastern La Noscea (x32,y24) |
Seahag |
Deep Sea |
50 ★★★ |
Western La Noscea (x14,y12) |
Seema |
Rivers |
35 |
Coerthas Central Highlands (x20,y30), Coerthas Central Highlands (x28,y17), Central Shroud (x13,y21), South Shroud (x19,y22), North Shroud (x20,y20), Coerthas Central Highlands (x3,y21) |
Seema Patrician |
Lakes |
53 |
Coerthas Western Highlands (x21,y11) |
Royal Eggs
Shadow Catfish |
Lakes |
27 |
North Shroud (x??,y??), Lavender Beds (x??,y??) |
Shadowhisker |
Rivers |
55 |
The Dravanian Forelands (x31,y10) |
Shadowstreak |
Rivers |
50 ★★★ |
North Shroud (x20,y20) |
Shall Shell |
Coastlines |
50 ★ |
Lower La Noscea (x20,y38), Eastern La Noscea (x38,y24) |
Shark Tuna |
Deep Sea |
50 ★★★ |
Eastern La Noscea (x35,y29) |
Shipworm |
Rivers |
55 |
The Dravanian Hinterlands (x18,y18), The Dravanian Hinterlands (x22,y35) |
Shonisaurus |
Skyfishing |
50 ★★★ |
Coerthas Central Highlands (x33,y18) |
Silver Shark |
Deep Sea |
41 |
Western Thanalan (x9,y6), Eastern La Noscea (x35,y29), Western La Noscea (x15,y29), Eastern La Noscea (x32,y34), Middle La Noscea (x14,y15) |
Shark Oil
Silver Sovereign |
Deep Sea |
50 ★★ |
Lower La Noscea (x24,y39) |
Silverfish |
Lakes |
36 |
Northern Thanalan (x24,y25), Northern Thanalan (x16,y20), South Shroud (x27,y21), Central Shroud (x10,y22), North Shroud (x18,y19), Western Thanalan (x17,y6), Mor Dhona (x24,y12), Upper La Noscea (x27,y22), Outer La Noscea (x19,y18), Western Thanalan (x15,y6), Mor Dhona (x18,y17), Eastern La Noscea (x15,y27), Mor Dhona (x28,y10), The Goblet (x??,y??), Eastern La Noscea (x17,y32), Mor Dhona (x31,y6), Mor Dhona (x14,y13) |
Sky Faerie |
Floating Islands |
53 |
The Churning Mists (x29,y25), The Sea of Clouds (x15,y7), The Churning Mists (x18,y39), The Churning Mists (x20,y6), The Sea of Clouds (x7,y11), Azys Lla (x38,y18) |
Sky Sweeper |
Floating Islands |
57 |
The Sea of Clouds (x7,y11), Azys Lla (x38,y18) |
Skyfish |
Skyfishing |
47 |
Coerthas Central Highlands (x13,y14), Coerthas Central Highlands (x33,y18) |
Skyworm |
Skyfishing |
51 |
Coerthas Western Highlands (x35,y26) |
Slime King |
Lakes |
50 ★★ |
Central Thanalan (x16,y23) |
Sludgeskipper |
Lakes |
44 |
Northern Thanalan (x16,y20), Mor Dhona (x24,y12), Western Thanalan (x15,y6), Eastern La Noscea (x17,y32), Mor Dhona (x14,y13) |
Snowcaller |
Lakes |
55 |
Coerthas Western Highlands (x13,y8,10-10) |
Son of Levin |
Lakes |
50 ★★★ |
South Shroud (x18,y29) |
Sorcerer Fish |
Lakes |
52 |
Coerthas Western Highlands (x28,y18) |
Southern Pike |
Rivers |
45 |
North Shroud (x20,y20), East Shroud (x26,y20), Eastern Thanalan (x29,y24), South Shroud (x32,y23) |
Spearnose |
Rivers |
50 ★★★ |
The Goblet (x??,y??) |
Spotted Pleco |
Lakes |
30 |
Central Shroud (x15,y24), Lavender Beds (x??,y??), East Shroud (x20,y21) |
Spotted Puffer |
Rivers |
38 |
Western Thanalan (x14,y18), Eastern La Noscea (x30,y23) |
Spring Urchin |
Lakes |
60 ★ |
Coerthas Western Highlands (x8,y10) |
Urchin Loaf
Star Faerie |
Floating Islands |
53 |
The Churning Mists (x18,y39) |
Starbright |
Rivers |
50 ★★★ |
Coerthas Central Highlands (x16,y21) |
Starflower |
Floating Islands |
51 |
The Sea of Clouds (x14,y38), The Sea of Clouds (x15,y7) |
Luna VanuLuna Vanu |
Storm Chaser |
Floating Islands |
60 ★ |
The Churning Mists (x20,y6) |
Storm Core |
Floating Islands |
54 |
The Sea of Clouds (x7,y11) |
Storm Rider |
Dunefishing |
39 |
Southern Thanalan (x12,y35), Southern Thanalan (x27,y37) |
Stormdancer |
Rivers |
50 ★★ |
New Gridania (x12,y13) |
Striped Goby |
Rivers |
4 |
Coerthas Central Highlands (x20,y30), Coerthas Central Highlands (x13,y23), Coerthas Central Highlands (x28,y17), North Shroud (x??,y??), East Shroud (x10,y22), Coerthas Central Highlands (x16,y21), Central Shroud (x22,y21) |
Stupendemys |
Floating Islands |
60 ★ |
Azys Lla (x38,y18) |
Sundisc |
Rivers |
50 ★ |
Eastern Thanalan (x29,y24) |
Sunfish |
Deep Sea |
50 |
Western La Noscea (x15,y29) |
Sunrise Tellin |
???? |
?? |
Yew Radical, Oak Radical, Cobalt Winglet, Wolf Winglet, Velveteen Bandana, Linen Robe
Sunsail |
Floating Islands |
60 |
The Churning Mists (x29,y25) |
Sweetfish |
Rivers |
55 |
The Dravanian Hinterlands (x20,y25), The Dravanian Hinterlands (x18,y18), The Dravanian Hinterlands (x22,y35) |
Grilled Sweetfish
Sweetnewt |
Rivers |
50 ★★★ |
Lavender Beds (x??,y??) |
Syldra |
Coastlines |
50 ★★ |
Lower La Noscea (x34,y17) |
Sylphsbane |
Rivers |
50 ★★★ |
East Shroud (x20,y21) |
Takitaro |
Lakes |
50 ★★ |
South Shroud (x32,y23) |
Stuffed Takitaro
Thaliak Caiman |
Rivers |
60 |
The Dravanian Hinterlands (x20,y25) |
Thavnairian Leaf |
Rivers |
142 |
The Dravanian Hinterlands (x22,y35) |
The Assassin |
Rivers |
50 ★★★ |
East Shroud (x17,y16) |
The Captain's Chalice |
Coastlines |
50 ★★★ |
Western La Noscea (x17,y15) |
The Dreamweaver |
Lakes |
60 |
The Dravanian Forelands (x25,y25) |
The Drowned Sniper |
Lakes |
50 ★★★ |
Eastern La Noscea (x22,y25) |
The Ewer King |
Lakes |
60 |
The Dravanian Hinterlands (x18,y18) |
The Gobfather |
Rivers |
50 ★★★ |
South Shroud (x27,y21) |
The Greatest Bream in the World |
Deep Sea |
50 ★★★ |
Eastern La Noscea (x32,y34) |
The Green Jester |
Lakes |
50 ★★★ |
Central Shroud (x13,y21) |
The Grinner |
Rivers |
50 ★★★ |
South Shroud (x24,y22) |
The Impaler |
Lakes |
60 |
Coerthas Western Highlands (x8,y10) |
The Lone Ripper |
Deep Sea |
50 ★★★ |
Western La Noscea (x17,y20) |
The Lord of Lords |
???? |
?? |
The Matriarch |
Lakes |
50 ★★★ |
Coerthas Central Highlands (x6,y22) |
The Old Man in the Sea |
Deep Sea |
50 ★★★ |
Eastern La Noscea (x39,y24) |
The Salter |
Rivers |
50 ★★★ |
Eastern La Noscea (x30,y23) |
The Second One |
Floating Islands |
60 |
The Sea of Clouds (x7,y11) |
The Sinker |
Lakes |
50 ★★★ |
South Shroud (x19,y22) |
The Soul of the Martyr |
Floating Islands |
60 |
The Churning Mists (x29,y25) |
The Speaker |
???? |
?? |
The Terpsichorean |
Rivers |
50 ★★★ |
Eastern La Noscea (x20,y30) |
The Thousand-year Itch |
Lakes |
50 ★★★ |
Eastern Thanalan (x29,y24) |
The Warden's Wand |
Rivers |
50 ★★★ |
Eastern Thanalan (x25,y22) |
Thief Betta |
Floating Islands |
60 ★ |
The Diadem (xEasy (X8,yY31) |
Scrip Exchange, Scrip Exchange |
Thousand Fin |
???? |
?? |
Three-lip Carp |
Rivers |
53 |
The Diadem (xEasy (X8,yY31), The Dravanian Forelands (x25,y25), The Dravanian Forelands (x30,y14) |
Thunderbolt Eel |
Rivers |
60 |
The Dravanian Forelands (x31,y5) |
Thunderbolt Sculpin |
Rivers |
42 |
Eastern La Noscea (x20,y30), Outer La Noscea (x15,y11) |
Thundergut |
Rivers |
50 ★★★ |
Outer La Noscea (x15,y11) |
Thunderscale |
???? |
?? |
Tiger Cod |
Coastlines |
15 |
Lower La Noscea (x20,y38), Lower La Noscea (x34,y17), Lower La Noscea (x26,y34), Lower La Noscea (x24,y39), Western La Noscea (x25,y27), Western La Noscea (x34,y32), Western Thanalan (x15,y29), Western Thanalan (x11,y12) |
Holasfhis |
Salt Cod
Tigerfish |
Lakes |
55 |
The Dravanian Hinterlands (x11,y24) |
Tiny Axolotl |
Lakes |
60 |
Azys Lla (x6,y35) |
Titanic Sawfish |
Deep Sea |
50 ★★ |
Western Thanalan (x9,y6) |
Toramafish |
Lakes |
50 ★★★ |
Upper La Noscea (x13,y24) |
Tornado Shark |
Floating Islands |
60 |
The Diadem (x28,y33), The Sea of Clouds (x7,y11) |
Trader Eel |
Rivers |
39 |
Eastern Thanalan (x25,y22) |
Tri-colored Carp |
Rivers |
21 |
Lavender Beds (x??,y??), North Shroud (x??,y??), East Shroud (x17,y16), Central Shroud (x26,y28) |
Tricorn |
???? |
?? |
Tupuxuara |
Floating Islands |
60 |
Azys Lla (x38,y18) |
Twin-tongued Carp |
???? |
?? |
Twitchbeard |
Deep Sea |
50 ★★★ |
Mist (x11,y10) |
Unidentified Flying Biomass |
Floating Islands |
60 |
Azys Lla (x38,y18) |
Clam Chowder
Vampire Lampern |
Rivers |
50 |
Western Thanalan (x15,y6), Eastern La Noscea (x17,y32) |
Vampiric Tapestry |
Floating Islands |
60 |
The Sea of Clouds (x15,y7) |
Vanuhead |
Rivers |
55 |
The Sea of Clouds (x30,y39) |
Velodyna Carp |
Rivers |
38 |
South Shroud (x24,y22), South Shroud (x18,y24), South Shroud (x19,y22), East Shroud (x26,y20), South Shroud (x18,y19), South Shroud (x32,y23) |
Mugwort Carp
Vidofnir (Seafood) |
Lakes |
60 |
The Churning Mists (x36,y30) |
Vip Viper |
Rivers |
50 ★★★ |
South Shroud (x18,y19) |
Void Bass |
Lakes |
50 ★★★ |
Mor Dhona (x18,y17) |
Vongola Clam |
Coastlines |
8 |
Lower La Noscea (x20,y38), Lower La Noscea (x26,y25), Lower La Noscea (x24,y39), Middle La Noscea (x14,y15) |
Wahoo |
Deep Sea |
43 |
Western Thanalan (x9,y6), Western La Noscea (x15,y29), Western La Noscea (x14,y12), Eastern La Noscea (x38,y24), Western La Noscea (x25,y27), Western La Noscea (x15,y35) |
Wandering Sculpin |
Rivers |
50 |
Coerthas Central Highlands (x3,y21) |
Warballoon |
Skyfishing |
58 |
Coerthas Western Highlands (x35,y26) |
Warmwater Bichir |
Lakes |
56 |
The Dravanian Forelands (x25,y25) |
Warmwater Trout |
Rivers |
23 |
Southern Thanalan (x21,y15), Upper La Noscea (x9,y20), Southern Thanalan (x15,y31), Upper La Noscea (x13,y24), Outer La Noscea (x15,y11), Eastern Thanalan (x25,y22) |
Grilled Warmwater Trout
Weston Bowfin |
Lakes |
58 |
The Churning Mists (x9,y8) |
Whilom Catfish |
Rivers |
52 |
The Dravanian Forelands (x31,y10), The Dravanian Forelands (x25,y25), The Dravanian Forelands (x30,y14) |
Whitelip Oyster |
Coastlines |
35 |
Western Thanalan (x9,y6), Western La Noscea (x17,y20), Eastern La Noscea (x32,y24), Western La Noscea (x17,y15) |
Pearl, Spinner, Hamlet Puller's Hat
Whiteloom |
Floating Islands |
53 |
The Diadem (xEasy (X31,yY11), The Diadem (x28,y33), The Sea of Clouds (x7,y11) |
Luna VanuLuna Vanu |
Winged Gurnard |
Floating Islands |
59 |
The Sea of Clouds (x7,y11) |
Wootz Knifefish |
Lakes |
50 ★ |
Northern Thanalan (x16,y20) |
Wootz Knifefish Zenith |
Lakes |
50 ★★★ |
Northern Thanalan (x16,y20) |
Worm of Nym |
Rivers |
50 ★★★ |
Upper La Noscea (x33,y24) |
Tailor-made Eel Pie
Yalm Lobster |
Lakes |
59 |
Azys Lla (x10,y31), The Diadem (xHard (X14,yY34), The Dravanian Hinterlands (x11,y24), The Diadem (xEasy (X14,yY31), The Sea of Clouds (x30,y39), The Dravanian Hinterlands (x22,y35) |
Young Indigo Herring |
???? |
?? |
Yugr'am Salmon |
Rivers |
28 |
South Shroud (x27,y21), South Shroud (x18,y24), South Shroud (x19,y22), Eastern Thanalan (x29,y24), East Shroud (x20,y21), Eastern Thanalan (x25,y22) |
Zalera |
Deep Sea |
50 ★★ |
Middle La Noscea (x18,y21) |
Adamantite Bichir |
Lakes |
205 |
The Peaks (x31.8,y7.1) |
Aetherochemical Compound 123 |
Aetherochemical Spills |
142 |
Azys Lla (x30,y6) |
Aetherochemical Compound 666 |
Aetherochemical Spills |
230 |
Azys Lla (x30,y6) |
Alligator Snapping Turtle |
Lakes |
320 |
The Peaks (x25.0,y32.7) |
Appleseed |
???? |
150 |
The Azim Steppe (x17,y18) |
Argonautica |
Deep Sea |
340 |
The Ruby Sea (x 22.1,y 11.0) |
Arrowhead Snail |
???? |
150 |
The Azim Steppe (x12.4,y33.1) |
Blade Skipper |
Rivers |
340 |
The Azim Steppe (x17,y18) |
Bloodtail Zombie |
Lakes |
340 |
Rhalgr's Reach (x12,y6) |
Bokuden |
???? |
320 |
Yanxia (x14,y7) |
Bondsplitter |
???? |
320 |
The Peaks (x6.5,y15.6) |
Bonsai Fish |
Rivers |
320 |
Shirogane (x10,y11) |
Cardinalfish |
Lakes |
300 |
The Fringes (x13,y31) |
Coral Horse |
Deep Sea |
210 |
The Ruby Sea (x 38.4,y 38.5) |
Corpse Chub |
Rivers |
340 |
The Fringes (x27.5,y16.5) |
Crawling Cog |
???? |
150 |
The Azim Steppe (x12.4,y33.1) |
Crimson Copperfish |
???? |
145 |
The Azim Steppe (x22,y28) |
Curefish |
???? |
205 |
The Peaks (x6.5,y15.6) |
Diamond-eye |
???? |
320 |
The Lochs (x 21,y 21) |
Downstream Loach |
Rivers |
340 |
The Fringes (x 17.7,y 8.9) |
Dusk Scallop |
???? |
150 |
The Azim Steppe (x22,y28) |
Duskfish |
Lakes |
340 |
The Azim Steppe (x23,y23) |
Elder Gourami |
Rivers |
320 |
The Azim Steppe (x16,y14) |
Fatty Eel |
???? |
145 |
The Azim Steppe (x17,y18) |
Firelight Goldfish |
???? |
320 |
Yanxia (x29,y6) |
Fish Offering |
???? |
145 |
The Azim Steppe (x16,y14) |
Fishy Fish |
???? |
150 |
The Azim Steppe (x22,y28) |
Flagon Clam |
???? |
148 |
The Azim Steppe (x29,y20) |
Gigas Catfish |
???? |
148 |
The Azim Steppe (x23,y23) |
Granite Hardscale |
???? |
150 |
The Azim Steppe (x22,y28) |
Grass Shrimp |
???? |
148 |
The Azim Steppe (x 31,,y 26) |
Greasy Strangler |
???? |
148 |
The Azim Steppe (x23,y23) |
Green Prismfish |
Lakes |
320 |
Yanxia (x29,y6) |
Guppy |
Lakes |
300 |
The Azim Steppe (x23,y23) |
Gyr Abanian Chub |
Rivers |
205 |
The Fringes (x11.4,y18.0) |
Hagoromo Bijin |
Rivers |
340 |
Yanxia (x11.0,y33.0) |
Hagoromo Koi |
???? |
320 |
Yanxia (x36,y23) |
Hardhead Trout |
Rivers |
340 |
The Fringes (x11.4,y18.0) |
Hemon |
Lakes |
340 |
The Peaks (x25.0,y32.7) |
Hookstealer |
???? |
320 |
Rhalgr's Reach (x11,y14) |
Ichimonji |
Spearfishing |
300 |
The Ruby Sea (xX: 38.8 Y: 6.3 Z: ,y1.3) |
Illuminati Mask |
???? |
225 |
The Churning Mists (x9,y8) |
Indigo Prismfish |
Lakes |
320 |
Yanxia (x29,y6) |
Invisible Catfish |
???? |
150 |
The Azim Steppe (x 31,,y 26) |
Khaal Crab |
???? |
145 |
The Azim Steppe (x29,y20) |
Ku'er |
Deep Sea |
340 |
The Ruby Sea (x 38.4,y 38.5) |
Leatherscale |
???? |
150 |
The Azim Steppe (x17,y18) |
Maiden's Heart |
Lakes |
215 |
Yanxia (x34.7,y14.0) |
Mirage Mahi |
Rivers |
320 |
The Fringes (x27.5,y16.5) |
Mitsukuri Shark |
Spearfishing |
260 |
The Ruby Sea (xX: 38.8 Y: 6.3 Z: ,y1.3) |
Moksha |
Lakes |
340 |
The Peaks (x 31,y 17) |
Moon Oyster |
???? |
150 |
The Azim Steppe (x16,y14) |
Nhaama's Claw |
???? |
150 |
The Azim Steppe (x 31,,y 26) |
Plump Trout |
???? |
150 |
The Azim Steppe (x12.4,y33.1) |
Princess Killifish |
Rivers |
340 |
Shirogane (x10,y11) |
Purple Buckler |
Lakes |
225 |
The Peaks (x31.8,y7.1) |
Rainbow Killifish |
???? |
148 |
The Azim Steppe (x 31,,y 26) |
Rakshasa |
???? |
320 |
The Ruby Sea (x 8.3,y 26.6) |
Red Prismfish |
???? |
320 |
Yanxia (x29,y6) |
Redtail |
Lakes |
320 |
Rhalgr's Reach (x12,y6) |
Ribbon Eel |
Deep Sea |
320 |
Kugane (x12,y10.5) |
Rising Dragon |
???? |
320 |
Kugane (x12,y10.5) |
Rockfish |
Lakes |
300 |
The Peaks (x9.3,y37.5) |
Saltmill |
Salt Lakes |
320 |
The Lochs (x 21,y 21) |
Sapphire Fan |
???? |
320 |
The Fringes (x9.6,y29) |
Shirogane Clam |
???? |
220 |
The Ruby Sea (x 8.5,y 12.0) |
Shrieker |
???? |
290 |
The Ruby Sea (x25.9,y??) |
Snailfish |
Spearfishing |
300 |
[[]] (xX: 39.0 Y:2.0 Z:,y1.6) |
Snailfish Oil
Spearhead Snail |
???? |
150 |
The Azim Steppe (x29,y20) |
Spikefish |
???? |
150 |
The Azim Steppe (x23,y23) |
Steppe Barramundi |
???? |
148 |
The Azim Steppe (x12.4,y33.1) |
Steppe Sweetfish |
???? |
148 |
The Azim Steppe (x16,y14) |
Sunshell |
???? |
145 |
The Azim Steppe (x17,y18) |
The Archbishop |
???? |
320 |
The Fringes (x13,y31) |
The Gambler |
???? |
320 |
Shirogane (x8,y14) |
The Last Tear |
Lakes |
340 |
The Peaks (x31.8,y7.1) |
The Undecided |
???? |
320 |
The Peaks (x23.5,y9.0) |
The Winter Queen |
???? |
320 |
The Ruby Sea (x 32.5,y 8.3) |
The Word of God |
???? |
320 |
The Azim Steppe (x16,y14) |
Triplespine |
Coastlines |
320 |
The Ruby Sea (x 8.5,y 12.0) |
Ukiki |
Deep Sea |
300 |
The Ruby Sea (x25.9,y??) |
Usuginu Octopus |
Deep Sea |
320 |
The Ruby Sea (x 34.6,y 19.7) |
Velodyna Salmon |
Rivers |
220 |
The Fringes (x 17.7,y 8.9) |
Violet Prismfish |
Lakes |
300 |
Yanxia (x29,y6) |
Warmscale Pleco |
???? |
215 |
Coerthas Western Highlands (x13,y8) |
Watcher Catfish |
Lakes |
340 |
Rhalgr's Reach (x11,y10) |
Water Fan |
???? |
150 |
The Azim Steppe (x23,y23) |
White Goldfish |
???? |
290 |
Yanxia (x29,y6) |
Yat Khan |
???? |
320 |
The Azim Steppe (x22,y28) |
Zagas A'khaal |
???? |
145 |
The Azim Steppe (x16,y14) |
Axelrod |
???? |
340 |
Yanxia (x20,y24) |
Banderole |
???? |
?? |
Chakrafish |
???? |
?? |
Garden Skipper |
???? |
?? |
Glarramundi |
???? |
?? |
Hermit's End |
???? |
?? |
Lily of the Veil |
???? |
?? |
Nhaama's Treasure |
???? |
?? |
Northern Oyster |
Rivers |
230 |
Coerthas Western Highlands (x14,y15) |
Othardian Salmon |
???? |
?? |
Pinhead |
???? |
?? |
Pomegranate Trout |
???? |
?? |
Ruby Laver |
???? |
?? |
Seven Stars |
???? |
?? |
Suiten Ippeki |
???? |
?? |
The Unraveled Bow |
???? |
?? |
The Vegetarian |
???? |
?? |
Wicked Wartfish |
???? |
?? |
Drepanaspis |
???? |
370 |
The Peaks (x6.5,y15.6) |
Stethacanthus |
???? |
370 |
The Lochs (x 21,y 21) |
The Ruby Dragon |
???? |
?? |
The Unconditional |
Lakes |
370 |
The Azim Steppe (x12.4,y33.1) |
Warden of the Seven Hues |
???? |
380 |
Yanxia (x29,y6) |
Xenacanthus |
Rivers |
360 |