Template talk:Vendor table row

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Revision as of 14:29, 30 October 2018 by Valento (talk | contribs)
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I have a vendor who sells two different items together, how do I show it with this template? and do we use this template to list desynthesis results on item pages or is there another template for that? Tweeky (talk) 09:04, 25 October 2018 (UTC)

Two different items together? Got an example? Regarding desynthesis results we still don't have that, I have to evaluate if a simple table would suffice as it seems to be a rather small system. Valento (talk) 12:03, 25 October 2018 (UTC)
The Hellhound War Pick + Hellhound Shield for 10 Wolf Collars is one example, the Calamity Salvager (Limsa Lominsa) does sword + shield and body + legs in the same way for a total of 23 combined items. I agree desynthesis results does look like it would only need a simple table the only things I can see it needing are yield and item.

Also is there a way to show the HQ symbol after an item in the list? there are some vendors like Enna who sell NQ and HQ items for different prices for example Tatara Iron Sand NQ for 20 Allagan Tomestone of Mendacity and HQ for 50 Allagan Tomestone of Mendacity. Tweeky (talk) 22:00, 25 October 2018 (UTC)
Multiple items acquired mmm... I'll look into this. Gonna take a look at the HQ/NQ. Valento (talk) 18:04, 26 October 2018 (UTC)
Man, this is harder than I thought lol... I'm still working on it. Valento (talk) 20:40, 26 October 2018 (UTC)
I've just tried adding the scrip exchange npc and came across a problem with the collectable status, for example to buy the Millking's Saw you need 550 yellow crafters' scrips + 1 Zelkova Lumber with a collectable rating of at least 625, I haven't been able to find a way of showing the collectable rating without messing up the Zelkova Lumber link. Tweeky (talk) 11:18, 27 October 2018 (UTC)
Ok, I gotta take note:
- Purchased item: add multiple items each with their own quantities; add HQ variation.
- Cost: add collectability
I'll work this out, you can rest assured. :) Valento (talk) 14:27, 27 October 2018 (UTC)
I'm fiddling with extra parameters, this has been a very challenging task. I'm not done yet as I have to ensure other templates won't misbehave, but you can check out the WIP here. Valento (talk) 21:19, 29 October 2018 (UTC)
I've had a look at it and the HQ icon is hard to see against the background. I also tested the template on some NPC's and discovered more things need to be added. The cost section needs to be able to show HQ for example J'tandhaa in Rhalgr's Reach sells you 27 resistance tokens for 1 HQ Nightsteel Claws. I also found that some items only unlock for sale when you meet certain requirements and there's currently no way to show that for example Kasumi in the gold saucer only sells the spring shirt when you've got 300+ points from the fashion report, beast tribe vendors require a certain reputation before they sell items, Junkmonger (The Doman Enclave) only sells Enclave Map and Yanxian Merchant's Haori after you complete the quest Lighting the Way and Calamity Salvager only sells items after you complete certain quests or achievement's. I was thinking this was going to be a simple template update it's surprised me with how much work has had to be done. Tweeky (talk) 06:55, 30 October 2018 (UTC)
I think it's better to break down the parameters into item1, item1-hq, cost1, cost1-collectability. Valento (talk) 12:38, 30 October 2018 (UTC)
No, too many parameters.... Valento (talk) 12:38, 30 October 2018 (UTC)
What about now, any more requirements? :D Valento (talk) 14:29, 30 October 2018 (UTC)