Precious Reclamation
Precious Reclamation
- Quest giver
- Kozakura
- Location
- Doman Enclave (X:5.5, Y:5.5)
- Quest line
- Doman Reconstruction
- Level
- 70
- Required items
- 1 Hien's Missive
- Requirements
- Elation and Trepidation
- Experience
- Gil
- Next quest
A Thousand and One Farewells
- Patch
- 4.2
“Kozakura is working like a woman possessed.
— In-game description
- Choose one of the following options:
- The answers to the Doman's questions are as follows.
- Homei: "Anything for his back should do."
- Doware: "Aelina? I thought she dealt in primal arms and whatnot."
- Higiri: "Oh, you must mean Ruby."
- Hozan: "Maybe just try to stay in touch?"
- Deliver Hien's missive to Slafborn in Revenant's Toll.
- Speal with Hozan.
- Wait for Domans to seek your counsel.
- While visiting the enclave one day you meet with Kozakura, a senior official of the Shazenkai, who tells you of her organization's purpose: to facilitate the reconstruction and revitalization of the settlement. To aid them in their endeavor, she and Lord Hien would have you journey to Revenant's Toll, refuge for the Domans in Eorzea, and bid them return to their homeland. Of course, this matter must also be discussed with Slafborn of the Adventurers' Guild.
- As they have come to view the Domans as family, the people of Revenant's Toll will be sad to see them go. Nevertheless, this is a happy occasion, and Slafborn is eager to do everything in his power to see them on their way. Moreover, he states that he will encourage the Eorzean frontier hands to accompany the Domans to Yanxia, that they might assist their Far Eastern comrades in the reconstruction.
- Hozan and his Doman brethren are overjoyed to hear that they may return to their homeland at last. However, this happiness soon gives way to apprehension, for they dare not leave without properly repaying the kindness of the many Eorzeans to whom they owe so much. Seeing this, Hozan declares that he will ensure that they have sufficient time to put their personal and professional affairs in order. In the meantime, he asks that you assist them with their final preparations by making yourself available should he or any other Domans require a consultation.
- The questions the Domans put to you are many and varied, but you answer them to the best of your ability, and their affairs are resolved accordingly. Progress has been made, to be sure, but there is much and more left to be done...
Accepting the Quest
Kozakura: Oh, [Player]! It is a rare honor indeed to receive heroes such as you.
Kozakura: Pray allow me to introduce myself. My name is Kozakura, and I manage the accounts of the Shazenkai.
Kozakura: Oh, but you must be unfamiliar with our organization! Forgive me, forgive me. At present, we are largely concerned with facilitating the reconstruction and revitalization of the enclave.
Kozakura: Needless to say, we have our work cut out for us! It's quite fortuitous actually, you being here. I had mind to petition your assistance--
Kozakura: Ah, right you are, it's rather difficult to converse while staring at one's feet. And you would doubtless benefit from an explanation.
Kozakura: As you may know, the enclave was once the economic and cultural center of Doma. Alas, it suffered terrible devastation at the hands of the Empire both during and following the failed rebellion of yesteryear.
Kozakura: That it and other ruins might stand as testament to the folly of resistance, extensive reconstruction was forbidden by the imperial viceroy. Of course, that is no longer a concern.
Kozakura: At long last, we are free to rebuild the enclave -- to restore the heart of our once great nation and show the world that Doma lives on!
Kozakura: But as I said before, we have our work cut out for us. We have limited funds and material resources, not to mention a lack of skilled craftsmen...
Kozakura: Which brings me back to the matter I wished to discuss with you: that of our brothers and sisters in Eorzea -- the refugees that settled in Revenant's Toll.
Kozakura: I am given to understand that they have worked closely with the local leadership to build and maintain much of the settlement. Many knew trades before they left, and those that did not doubtless learned that they might earn their keep.
Kozakura: If they were to return home and aid us in the reconstruction effort, it would be a tremendous boon. Would you be willing to speak with them on our behalf?
Hien: Ah, [Player]. Taken an interest in the Shazenkai?
Hien: Well, this seems as good a time as any to discuss the matter.
Hien: I am grateful beyond measure to you and the Scions of the Seventh Dawn for welcoming Yugiri and my people in their hour of need.
Hien: As the beneficiaries of this kindness, they have made every effort to repay you and the people of Revenant's Toll. Nevertheless, we here bear a responsibility as well.
Hien: Kozakura, if you would be so kind.
Kozakura: Yes, my lord!
Hien: We will send them a considerable gift as a gesture of gratitude and goodwill. However, I would like that missive to be delivered to the Adventurers' Guild representative in advance.
Hien: If you were to personally hand it to the man, I would be honored.
Hien: Excellent! I knew I could count on you, my friend.
Hien: Pardon my interruption, Kozakura. I look forward to seeing your progress.
Kozakura: Oh dear... I hope we don't disappoint him... Anyway, I'll not keep you. Thank you again for the assistance, and safe travels!
Kozakura: Lord Hien's request takes precedence, of course, but perhaps you can use it as an opportunity to broach the subject of the refugees' return?