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Lalafell Summoner with Ifrit-Egi, wearing Artifact Armor
Hyur Summoner


"The beast tribes of Eorzea worship and summon forth beings known as primals, among which are Ifrit, Garuda, and Titan. Yet what is a god to one man is a demon to another, for the city-states of Eorzea see these beings as a grave threat to their collective survival.
In times immemorial, there lived mages who had not only the power to summon the primals, but also the means to transmute the primals' essences, thus binding them to their will. Known simply as summoners, the existence of these men and women and their arcane art have been all but lost to the ages." — Game Description

General Information

Summoner is a spell casting job that specializes in the summoning of Primal-egis in the forms of Ifrit, Garuda and Titan. The ability, Summon, calls forth the spell casting Garuda-Egi. Summon II brings forth the tanky Titan-Egi. Summon III allows the player to summon Ifrit-Egi, the melee damage dealer. Wielding books, Summoners have all the abilities and traits of Arcanists. Primal-Egis spawned by the summoner are smaller versions of their Eorzea counterparts. The most important stat for the summoner is intelligence, which increases attack magic potency. The level of your Summoner is equivalent to that of your Arcanist. Summoner acquires the Ifrit-Egi at level 30, Titan-Egi at level 35 and Garuda-Egi at level 45.


Trainer Locations

NPC Location Description
Thubyrgeim Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks (x5,y11) Job Start for ARR
Y'mhitra Old Gridania (x11,y6) Job Trainer for 30-50
Y'mhitra Old Gridania (x11,y6) Job Start for Heavensward
Y'mhitra Old Gridania (x11,y6) Job Trainer for lvl 52
Dancing Wolf Ul'dah - Steps of Nald (x9,y9) Job Trainer for 54-60
Y'mhitra Old Gridania (x10.9,y6.3) Job Start for Stormblood


Summoners use all the Arcanist Actions in addition to having their own unique actions for their Job:

Action Icon Level Type Cast Time Cooldown Range Radius Description Stormblood Adjustment
Ruin Ruin.png 1 spell 2.5s 2.5s 25y 0y Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 100. Action now exclusive to arcanist, summoner, and scholar.
Potency increased from 80 to 100.
Bio Bio.png 2 spell 0s 2.5s 25y 0y Deals unaspected damage over time.
Potency: 40
Duration: 18s
Summon Summon.png 4 spell 6s 2.5s 0y 0y Summons a caster-type pet to fight at your side.
Physick Physick.png 4 spell 2s 2.5s 30y 0y Restores target's HP.
Cure Potency: 400
Action now exclusive to arcanist, summoner, and scholar.
Aetherflow Aetherflow.png 6 ability 0s 60s 0y 0y Restores 10% of maximum MP.
Additional Effect: Aetherflow III
Duration: Infinite
Aetherflow not granted to gauge slots affected by Aethertrail Attunement. Cannot use while under the effect of Dreadwyrm Trance.
MP restored reduced from 20% to 10% of maximum.
Stacks of aetherflow granted now reduced by one for each stack of aethertrail attunement gained.
Aetherflow can no longer be used when Dreadwyrm Trance is active.
Energy Drain Energy Drain.png 6 ability 0s 3s 25y 0y Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 150.
Additional Effect: Absorbs a portion of damage dealt as HP and restores MP
Additional Effect: Aethertrail Attunement
Aetherflow Gauge Cost: 1
Now acquired at level 6 (previously level 8).
Miasma Miasma.png 10 spell 2.5s 2.5s 25y 0y Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 20.
Additional Effect: Unaspected damage over time
Potency: 35
Duration: 24s
The additional effect "Heavy" has been removed.
The additional effect "Malady" has been removed.
Summon II Summon II.png 15 spell 6s 2.5s 0y 0y Summons a tank-type pet to fight at your side.
Resurrection Resurrection.png 18 spell 8s 2.5s 35y 0y Resurrects target to a weakened state. Now acquired at level 18 (previously level 22).
Bio II Bio II.png 26 spell 0s 2.5s 25y 0y Deals unaspected damage over time.
Potency: 35
Duration: 30s
Cast time has been made instant.
Bane Bane.png 30 ability 0s 10s 25y 8y Spreads a target's Bio and Miasma effects to nearby enemies.
Potency is reduced by 20% for the second enemy, 40% for the third, 60% for the fourth, and 80% for all remaining enemies.
Duration: Time remaining on original effect
Additional Effect: 15% chance that Bio and Miasma duration resets if shorter than original effect duration
Additional Effect: Aethertrail Attunement
Aetherflow Gauge Cost: 1
Potency now reduced by 20% for the second enemy, 40% for the third, 60% for the fourth, and 80% for all remaining enemies.
Summon III Summon III.png 30 spell 6s 2.5s 0 0 Summons an attacker-type pet to fight at your side.
Fester Fester.png 35 ability 0s 10s 25y 0 Cause wounds inflicted by Bio and Miasma spells to fester, dealing damage with a potency of 150 for one effect, 300 for both.
Can only be executed when the original spells were cast by you.
Additional Effect: Aethertrail Attunement
Aetherflow Gauge Cost: 1
Recast time reduced from 10 to 5 seconds.
Potency dealt for one effect increased from 100 to 150.
Potency dealt for two effects increased from 200 to 300.
No longer gains potency for third effect.
Ruin II Ruin II.png 38 spell 0s 2.5s 25y 0y Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 100. Potency increased from 80 to 100.
The additional effect "Blind" has been removed.
Tri-bind Tri-bind.png 40 spell 3s 2.5s 25y 0 Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 30 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Additional Effect: Bind
Duration: 20s
Rouse Rouse.png 42 ability 0s 60s 25y 0y Increases healing magic potency and damage dealt by pet by 40%. While roused, pet will be immune to Stun, Sleep, Bind, and Heavy.
Duration: 20s
Immunity to the effects "Paralysis" and "Disease" has been removed.
Shadow Flare Shadow Flare.png 50 ability 0s 60s 25y 5y Envelops a designated area in a veil of magicked shadows, dealing damage with a potency of 50 to any enemies who enter.
Duration: 15s
Additional Effect: Slow +5%
Cannot be used with any other area-creating actions.
Is now an ability.
Cast time has been made instant.
Recast time increased from 2.5 to 60 seconds.
Potency increased from 25 to 50.
Duration reduced from 30 to 15 seconds.
MP cost has been removed.
Enkindle Enkindle.png 50 ability 0s 180s 30y 0 Commands pet to use its signature attack.
Painflare Painflare.png 52 ability 0s 10s 25y 2y Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 200 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Additional Effect: Aethertrail Attunement
Aetherflow Gauge Cost: 1
Recast time reduced from 10 to 5 seconds.
Ruin III Ruin III.png 54 spell 2.5s 2.5s 25y 0y Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 150.
MP cost reduced while in Dreadwyrm Trance.
Potency reduced from 200 to 150.
Tri-disaster Tri-disaster.png 56 ability 0s 60s 25y 0y Inflicts target with Bio III and Miasma III.
Additional Effect: Inflicts target with Ruination, increasing the potency of Ruin spells used against target by 20
Duration: 15s
The additional effect "Inflicts target with Ruination, increasing the potency of Ruin spells used against target by 20" has been added.
Dreadwyrm Trance Dreadwyrm Trance.png 58 ability 0s 30s 0y 0y Increases magic damage dealt by 10% while lowering the MP cost of Ruin III.
Duration: 16s
Additional Effect: Resets Tri-disaster recast timer
Increases Trance Gauge when effect ends.
Can only be executed when Aethertrail Attunement stack is 3 and Demi-Bahamut is not summoned.
Cannot execute Aetherflow while under the effect of Dreadwyrm Trance.
Recast time reduced from 30 to 20 seconds.
The effects of this ability have been completely revamped.
Deathflare Deathflare.png 60 ability 0s 30s 25y 2y Deals unaspected damage to a target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 400 for the first enemy, 10% less for the second, 20% less for the third, 30% less for the fourth, 40% less for the fifth, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Can only be executed while in Dreadwyrm Trance. Dreadwyrm Trance fades upon execution.
Recast time reduced from 30 to 15 seconds.
Potency now reduced by 10% for the second enemy, 20% for the third, 30% for the fourth, 40% for the fifth, and 50% for all remaining enemies.
Ruin IV Ruin IV.png 62 spell 2.5s 2.5s 25y 0y Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 200.
Can only be executed while under the effect of Further Ruin.
New Action
Aetherpact Aetherpact (summoner).png 64 ability 0s 90s 0y 0y Orders pet to execute Devotion. Party member must be within 30 yalms of the pet. Devotion increases dmg and healing while decreasing dmg taken. New Action
Devotion Devotion.png 64 ability 0s 0s 30y 0y Increases attack potency and healing magic potency of the closest party member within a 30-yalm radius by 5%. Also reduces damage taken by that party member by 5%.
Duration: 15s
New Action
Bio III Bio III.png 66 spell 0s 2.5s 25y 0y Deals unaspected damage over time.
Potency: 50
Duration: 30s
New Action
Miasma III Miasma III.png 66 spell 2.5s 2.5s 25y 0y Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 50.
Additional Effect: Unaspected damage over time
Potency: 50
Duration: 30s
New Action
Summon Bahamut Summon Bahamut.png 70 ability 0s 30s 0y 0y Summons Demi-Bahamut to fight by your side. Each time you use an action on a target, Demi-Bahamut will execute Wyrmwave on the same target.
Duration: 20s
Dreadwyrm Aether Cost: 2
Cannot summon Demi-Bahamut unless a pet is already summoned. Current pet will leave the battlefield while Demi-Bahamut is present, and return once gone. Cannot use while under the effect of Dreadwyrm Trance.
New Action
Wyrmwave Wyrmwave.png 70 spell 0s 1.5s ?? ?? Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 160.
Will only execute while Demi-Bahamut is summoned.
New Action
Enkindle Bahamut Enkindle Bahamut.png 70 ability 0s 13s 25y 0y Orders Demi-Bahamut to execute Akh Morn. New Action
Akh Morn Akh Morn.png 70 ability 0s -s ?? ?? Deals unaspected damage to a target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 680 for the first enemy, 10% less for the second, 20% less for the third, 30% less for the fourth, 40% less for the fifth, and 50% less for all remaining enemies.
Can only be executed while Demi-Bahamut is summoned.
New Action


Trait Icon Level Description Stormblood Adjustment
Aetherdam Aetherdam.png 6 Allows the stacking of one Aetherflow. Now acquired at level 6 (previously level 8).
Enhanced Intelligence Enhanced Intelligence.png 20 Increases intelligence by 8. Now acquired at level 20 (previously level 14).
Intelligence bonus increased from 2 to 8.
Maim and Mend Maim and Mend.png 20 Increases base action damage and HP restoration by 10%. Also increases base damage and HP restoration of your pet by 10%.
Aetherdam II Aetherdam II.png 20 Allows the stacking of up to two Aetherflows.
Corruption Mastery Corruption Mastery.png 26 Upgrades Bio to Bio II. New Trait
Enhanced Intelligence II Enhanced Intelligence II.png 40 Increases intelligence by 16. Now acquired at level 40 (previously level 16).
Intelligence bonus increased from 4 to 16.
Maim and Mend II Maim and Mend II.png 40 Increases base action damage and HP restoration by 30%. Also increases base damage and HP restoration of your pet by 30%.
Aetherdam III Aetherdam III.png 40 Allows the stacking of up to three Aetherflows.
Enhanced Intelligence III Enhanced Intelligence III.png 60 Increases intelligence by 24. Now acquired at level 60 (previously level 32).
Intelligence bonus increased from 6 to 24.
Ruin Mastery Ruin Mastery.png 62 Grants a 15% chance that Ruin and Ruin III are upgraded to Ruin IV after a pet uses an action. New Trait
Enhanced Ruin II Enhanced Ruin II.png 62 Grants a 15% chance that a pet action will trigger Further Ruin, upgrading Ruin II to Ruin IV. New Trait
Corruption Mastery II Corruption Mastery II.png 66 Upgrades Bio II to Bio III and Miasma to Miasma III. New Trait
Enhanced Enkindle Enhanced Enkindle.png 68 Reduces Enkindle recast time by 10 seconds when Ruin Mastery upgrades Ruin or Ruin III to Ruin IV. New Trait
Enhanced Dreadwyrm Trance Enhanced Dreadwyrm Trance.png 70 Grants Dreadwyrm Aether upon the end of the Dreadwyrm Trance. New Trait

Pet Actions

Note: Garuda-Egi and Titan-Egi replace Carbuncle as the Summoner's Summon I and II when acquired, with the abilities listed below.


Action Icon Level Cast Time Cooldown Range Radius Description
Summon Summon.png 4 6.0s 2.5s 0 0 Summons a caster-type pet to fight at your side.
Wind Blade Wind blade.png 4 1.0s 3.0s 25y 0 Deals wind damage with a potency of 110.
Shockwave Shockwave.png 4 Instant 90s 5y 0 Deals wind damage with a potency of 90.
Additional Effect: 15-yalm knockback
Aerial Slash Aerial Slash.png 20 Instant 30s 25y 5y Deals wind damage with a potency of 90 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Contagion Contagion.png 40 Instant 60s 25y 0 Increases targets magic damage taken by 10%. Duration 15s.
Aerial Blast Aerial Blast.png 50 Instant 300s 25y 5y Deals wind damage with a potency of 250 to target and all enemies nearby it.


Action Icon Level Cast Time Cooldown Range Radius Description
Summon II Summon ii.png 15 6.0s 2.5s 0 0 Summons a tank-type pet to fight at your side.
Rock Buster Rock Buster.png 15 Instant 3.0s 3y 0 Delivers an attack with a potency of 85.
Additional Effect: Increased enmity.
Mountain Buster Mountain Buster.png 15 Instant 15s 0 4y Delivers an attack with a potency of 70 to all nearby enemies.
Additional Effect: Increased enmity
Earthen Ward Earthen Ward.png 20 Instant 120s 0 0 Decreases damage suffered by pet by 20% for 20s.
Landslide Landslide.png 40 Instant 40s 3y 0 Delivers an attack with a potency of 70.
Additional Effect: Stun for 2s
Earthen Fury Earthen Fury.png 50 Instant 300s 0 5y Deals earth damage with a potency of 200 to all nearby targets.
Additional Effect: Razed earth for 15s


Action Icon Level Cast Time Cooldown Range Radius Description
Summon III Summon iii.png 30 6.0s 2.5s 0 0 Summons an attacker-type pet to fight at your side.
Crimson Cyclone Crimson Cyclone.png 30 Instant 40s 3y 0 Delivers an attack with a potency of 110.
Additional Effect: Stun for 2s
Burning Strike Burning Strike.png 30 Instant 3s 3y 0 Delivers an attack with a potency of 135.
Radiant Shield Radiant Shield.png 30 Instant 60s 0 0 Delivers an attack with a potency of 50 every time physical damage is suffered for 20s.
Flaming Crush Flaming Crush.png 40 Instant 30s 0 3y Delivers an attack with a potency of 110 to all nearby enemies.
Inferno Inferno.png 50 Instant 300s 5y 5y Deals fire damage with a potency of 200 to all enemies in a cone before it.
Additional Effect: Fire damage over time with potency of 20 for 15s (combined total potency of 300 per target).

General Commands

Action Icon Description
Away Away.png Order pet to leave the battlefield.
Heel Heel.png Order pet to follow behind you.
Place Place.png Order pet to move to a specific location.
Stay Stay.png Order pet to remain where it is.
Guard Guard.png Order pet to refrain from attacking until you attack or are attacked.
Steady Steady.png Order pet to refrain from attacking until ordered to do so.
Sic Sic.png Order pet to attack.
Obey Obey.png Order pet to attack, but refrain from using certain actions until ordered to do so.

Role Actions

Magic Ranged DPS Role Actions

PvP Actions

Action Icon Type Cost Cast Time Cooldown Range Radius Description
Ruin III (PvP) Ruin III (PvP).png spell - 0s 2.3s ?? ?? Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 750.
※Action changes to Ruin IV while under the effect of Dreadwyrm Trance.
Bio III (PvP) Bio III (PvP).png spell 1500 MP 0s 2.3s ?? ?? Deals unaspected damage over time.
Potency: 400
Duration: 18s
Miasma III (PvP) Miasma III (PvP).png spell 1500 MP 1.8s 2.3s ?? ?? Deals unaspected damage over time.
Potency: 300
Duration: 18s
Additional Effect: Reduces target's HP recovered by healing magic by 10%
Tri-bind (PvP) Tri-bind (PvP).png spell 1500 MP 2.3s 2.3s ?? ?? Deals unaspected damage to a target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 750 for the first enemy, 25% less for the second, 50% less for the third, and 75% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Bind
Duration: 4s
Aetherflow (PvP) Aetherflow (PvP).png ability - 0s 45s ?? ?? Restores 2,000 MP.
Additional Effect: Aetherflow III
Cannot use while under the effect of Dreadwyrm Trance.
Energy Drain (PvP) Energy Drain (PvP).png ability Aetherflow: 1 0s 1s ?? ?? Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 1,000.
Additional Effect: Absorbs 100% of damage dealt as HP and restores 1,000 MP
Additional Effect: Aethertrail Attunement
Aetherflow Gauge Cost: 1
Fester (PvP) Fester (PvP).png ability Aetherflow: 1 0s 5s ?? ?? Cause wounds inflicted by Bio III and Miasma III spells to fester, dealing damage with a potency of 750 for one effect, 1,500 for both. Can only be executed when the original spells were cast by you.
Additional Effect: Aethertrail Attunement
Aetherflow Gauge Cost: 1
Dreadwyrm Trance (PvP) Dreadwyrm Trance (PvP).png ability Aethertrail: 3 0s 10s ?? ?? Increases magic damage dealt by 10%.
Duration: 15s
Increases Trance Gauge when effect ends.
Can only be executed when Aethertrail Attunement stack is 3 and Demi-Bahamut is not summoned.
Aethertrail Attunement is achieved when an Aetherflow action used by you inflicts an effect on a target.
Cannot execute Aetherflow while under the effect of Dreadwyrm Trance.
※Action changes to Deathflare while under the effect of Dreadwyrm Trance.
Summon Bahamut (PvP) Summon Bahamut (PvP).png ability Dreadwyrm Aether 0s 10s ?? ?? Summons Demi-Bahamut to fight by your side. Each time you use an action on a target, Demi-Bahamut will execute Wyrmwave on the same target.
Duration: 20s
Dreadwyrm Aether Cost: 1
※Action changes to Enkindle Bahamut when executed while Demi-Bahamut is summoned.
Ruin IV (PvP) Ruin IV (PvP).png spell - 1.8s 2.3s ?? ?? Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 1,500.
Can only be executed while under the effect of Dreadwyrm Trance.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Deathflare (PvP) Deathflare (PvP).png ability Dreadwyrm Trance 0s 30s ?? ?? Deals unaspected damage to a target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 2,000 for the first enemy, 25% less for the second, 50% less for the third, and 75% less for all remaining enemies.
Can only be executed while in Dreadwyrm Trance. Dreadwyrm Trance fades upon execution.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Enkindle Bahamut (PvP) Enkindle Bahamut (PvP).png ability - 0s 30s ?? ?? Orders Demi-Bahamut to execute Akh Morn.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Wyrmwave (PvP) Wyrmwave (PvP).png spell - 0s 1.5s ?? ?? Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 750.
Will only execute while Demi-Bahamut is summoned.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Akh Morn (PvP) Akh Morn (PvP).png ability - 0s -s ?? ?? Deals unaspected damage to a target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 1,500 for the first enemy, 25% less for the second, 50% less for the third, and 75% less for all remaining enemies.
Can only be executed while Demi-Bahamut is summoned.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.


Quest Level NPC Zone Coordinates EXP Reward
Austerities of Flame 30 Thubyrgeim Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks (x4,y11) 7410 Soul of the summoner icon1.png, Summon iii icon1.png
Austerities of Earth 35 Y'mhitra Old Gridania (x10,y6) 9020 Fester icon1.png
Shadowing the Summoner 40 Y'mhitra Old Gridania (x10,y6) 11270 Tri-bind icon1.png
Allagan Attire 45 Y'mhitra Old Gridania (x10,y6) 12420 Evokers waistclout icon1.png, Evokers ringbands icon1.png, Evokers thighboots icon1.png, Evokers horn icon1.png, Summoners waistclout icon1.png, Summoners ringbands icon1.png, Summoners thighboots icon1.png, Summoners horn icon1.png
Austerities of Wind 45 Y'mhitra Old Gridania (x10,y6) 12420 Spur icon1.png
Primal Burdens 50 Y'mhitra Old Gridania (x10,y6) 0 Evokers doublet icon1.png, Summoners doublet icon1.png, Heros belt of casting icon1.png, Enkindle icon1.png
A Relic Reborn (The Veil of Wiyu) 50 Gerolt North Shroud (x30,y20) 0 The veil of wiyu icon1.png
A Fitting Tomestone 50 Y'mhitra Old Gridania (x10,y6) 24000 1093 Gil
A Matter of Fact 52 Y'mhitra Old Gridania (x10,y6) 26400 Painflare icon1.png
A Miner Negotiation 54 Dancing Wolf Ul'dah - Steps of Nald (x8,y9) 31200 Ruin iii icon1.png
Mad, Bad, and Ebon-clad 56 Dancing Wolf Ul'dah - Steps of Nald (x8,y9) 36000 Tri-disaster icon2.png
I Could Have Tranced All Night 58 Dancing Wolf Ul'dah - Steps of Nald (x8,y9) 40800 Dreadwyrm trance icon1.png
A Flare for the Dramatic 60 Dancing Wolf Ul'dah - Steps of Nald (x8,y9) 167400 Deathflare icon1.png
A Book with Bite 60 Y'mhitra Old Gridania (x10.9,y6.3) 167400 1,326 Gil
Performing for Prin 63 Y'mhitra Old Gridania (x10.9,y6.3) 191700 1,625 Gil
An Egi-stential Crisis 65 Y'mhitra Old Gridania (x10.9,y6.3) 207900 2,577 Gil
Off the Record 68 Y'mhitra Old Gridania (x10.9,y6.3) 232200 1,429 Gil
An Art for the Living 70 Y'mhitra Old Gridania (x10.9,y6.3) 232200 3,200 Gil File:Channelers attier coffer icon1.png, Summon Bahamut.png, Enhanced Dreadwyrm Trance.png

Side Quests

Quest Level NPC Zone Coordinates EXP Reward
An Egi By Any Other Name 50 Thubyrgeim Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks (x4,y11) 0 Ability to glamour egi

Job Gauge

Official Lodestone Job Guide (Always up-to-date)

Aetherflow & Trance Gauge is Summoner's Job Gauge.

Aetherflow Gauge

Aetherflow gauge summoner pve1.png Upon learning the action Energy Drain.png  Energy Drain, the Aetherflow Gauge will be displayed, indicating stacks of Aetherflow. Maximum Stacks of Aetherflow can be accumulated using Energy Drain and Energy Siphon.png  Energy Siphon, then used to execute certain actions such as Fester.png  Fester and Painflare.png  Painflare (acquired at level 40).

Simple Mode

Aetherflow gauge summoner pve simple mode1.png

Trance Gauge

Trance gauge pve55.png

When you learn the action Aethercharge.png  Aethercharge, the Trance Gauge will be displayed, showing the amount of time remaining for Aethercharge. Aethercharge will grant Ruby Arcanum, Topaz Arcanum, and Emerald Arcanum. Using these will allow you to summon from three pets by performing Summon Ifrit.png  Summon Ifrit, Summon Titan.png  Summon Titan, or Summon Garuda.png  Summon Garuda.

Trance gauge pve56.png When you summon a pet, you will gain the attunement that is associated with it. Attunement Stacks and their duration will be displayed on the Trance Gauge. They will change the qualities of Gemshine.png  Gemshine and Precious Brilliance.png  Precious Brilliance (acquired at level 26).

Trance gauge pve66.png

When you learn the trait Aethercharge Mastery.png  Aethercharge Mastery, the Trance Gauge will be displayed, showing the amount of time remaining for Dreadwyrm Trance.png  Dreadwyrm Trance. Dreadwyrm Trance will grant Ruby Arcanum, Topaz Arcanum, and Emerald Arcanum. While Dreadwyrm Trance is active, Ruin III.png  Ruin III becomes Astral Impulse.png  Astral Impulse, and Outburst.png  Outburst becomes Astral Flare.png  Astral Flare.

Trance gauge pve67.png When you summon a pet, you will gain the aether that is associated with it. Aether stacks and their duration will be displayed on the Trance Gauge. They will change the qualities of Gemshine.png  Gemshine and Precious Brilliance.png  Precious Brilliance (acquired at level 26).

Trance gauge pve77.png

Upon learning the trait Enhanced Dreadwyrm Trance.png  Enhanced Dreadwyrm Trance, you will be able to use Summon Bahamut.png  Summon Bahamut and call forth Demi-Bahamut. The time remaining on Demi-Bahamut's summon will be displayed on the Trance Gauge. Summon Bahamut will grant Ruby Arcanum, Topaz Arcanum, and Emerald Arcanum. Ruin III.png  Ruin III will become Astral Impulse.png  Astral Impulse, Outburst.png  Outburst will become Astral Flare.png  Astral Flare, and Astral Flow.png  Astral Flow will become Deathflare.png  Deathflare.

Trance gauge pve78.png When you summon a pet, you will gain the aether that is associated with it.

Aether stacks and their duration will be displayed on the Trance Gauge. They will change the qualities of Gemshine.png  Gemshine and Precious Brilliance.png  Precious Brilliance (acquired at level 26).

Trance gauge pve88.png

When you learn the trait Enhanced Summon Bahamut.png  Enhanced Summon Bahamut, you will be able to use Summon Phoenix.png  Summon Phoenix and call forth Demi-Phoenix. The time remaining on Demi-Phoenix's summon will be displayed on the Trance Gauge. Summon Phoenix will grant Ruby Arcanum, Topaz Arcanum, and Emerald Arcanum. Ruin III.png  Ruin III will become Fountain of Fire.png  Fountain of Fire, Tri-disaster.png  Tri-disaster will become Brand of Purgatory.png  Brand of Purgatory, and Astral Flow.png  Astral Flow will become Rekindle.png  Rekindle.

Trance gauge pve89.png When you summon a pet, you will gain the aether that is associated with it. Aether stacks and their duration will be displayed on the Trance Gauge. They will change the qualities of Gemshine.png  Gemshine and Precious Brilliance.png  Precious Brilliance (acquired at level 26). Upon learning the trait Elemental Mastery.png  Elemental Mastery (acquired at level 86), Astral Flow.png  Astral Flow will change to match the type of attunement.

Trance gauge pve90.png

Upon learning the trait Enhanced Summon Bahamut II.png  Enhanced Summon Bahamut II, it is possible to summon Solar Bahamut to fight at your side. Summoning Solar Bahamut also grants you Ruby Arcanum, Topaz Arcanum, and Emerald Arcanum. The Trance Gauge will indicate Solar Bahamut's time remaining on the battlefield, during which Ruin III.png  Ruin III will be upgraded to Umbral Impulse.png  Umbral Impulse, Tri-disaster.png  Tri-disaster to Umbral Flare (PvE action).png  Umbral Flare, and Astral Flow.png  Astral Flow to Sunflare.png  Sunflare.

Trance gauge pve91.png When you summon a pet, you will gain the aether that is associated with it.

Aether stacks and their duration will be displayed on the Trance Gauge. They will change the qualities of Gemshine.png  Gemshine and Precious Brilliance.png  Precious Brilliance (acquired at level 26). Upon learning the trait Elemental Mastery.png  Elemental Mastery (acquired at level 86), Astral Flow.png  Astral Flow will change to match the type of attunement.

Simple Mode

Aetherflow Gauge

Trance gauge pve simple mode11.png

Trance Gauge

Trance gauge pve simple mode44.png Dreadwyrm Trance.png  Dreadwyrm Trance

Trance gauge pve simple mode45.png Aether

Trance gauge pve simple mode55.png Summon Bahamut.png  Summon Bahamut

Trance gauge pve simple mode66.png Aether

Trance gauge pve simple mode77.png Summon Phoenix.png  Summon Phoenix

Trance gauge pve simple mode88.png Aether

Trance gauge pve simple mode99.png Summon Solar Bahamut.png  Summon Solar Bahamut

Trance gauge pve simple mode100.png Aether

Summoner Guide

Summoner Endgame Rotations

Summoner Macros


Summoner Concept Art Summoner3.jpg

Center: Summoner with Ifrit-Egi

Template:Classes and Jobs