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(Added Dawntrail Fishing Collectibles)
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:''Note: The {{action icon|Collect (fisher)}} ability must be active to catch any fish as a collectible. Non-collectible versions of these fish have no use whatsoever.''
:''Note: The {{action icon|Collect (fisher)}} ability must be active to catch any fish as a collectible. Non-collectible versions of these fish have no use whatsoever.''
{| {{STDT|sortable gathering-role align-left}}
! Item
! Min. Collectability
! Location
! Catch Method
! Time/Weather
! Scrips
! Additional Info
| {{item icon|Urqofrog || 70 || [[Fishing Log: Karvarhur the First| Karvarhur the First]] || {{item icon|Red Maggots}} ||  10PM to 12AM|| {{scrip|orange gatherer|30}} || {{item icon|Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - Yok Tural}}
{{item icon|Modest Lure}}
|{{item icon|Yellow Peacock Bass}}
| [[Fishing Log: Marsh Ligaka|Marsh Ligaka ]]
|{{item icon|Golden Stonefly Nymph}}
|12PM to 1PM
|{{scrip|orange gatherer|113}}
|{{item icon|Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - Yok Tural}}
Mooched from {{item icon|Dumplingfish}}
|{{item icon|Chain Shark}}
|[[Fishing Log: Xty'iinbek Tsoly| Xty'iinbek Tsoly]]
|{{item icon|Crimson Lugworm}}
|6PM to 8PM
|{{scrip|orange gatherer|227}}
|{{item icon|Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - Yok Tural}}
Mooched from {{item icon|Yak T'el Crab}}
|{{item icon|Cloud Wasp}}
|[[Fishing Log: Eastbound Zorgor| Eastbound Zorgor]]
|{{item icon|Dragonfly}}
|{{scrip|orange gatherer|104}}
|{{item icon|Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - Xak Tural}}
{{item icon|Modest Lure}}
|{{item icon|Hydro Louvar}}
|[[Fishing Log: Canal Town South| Canal Town South]]
|{{item icon|Ghost Nipper}}
|{{scrip|orange gatherer|64}}
|{{item icon|Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - Alexandria}}
|{{item icon|Copper Shark}}
|[[Fishing Log: Canal Town North| Canal Town North]]
|{{item icon|Ghost Nipper}}
|{{weather icon|Clouds}} [[Clouds]]/{{weather icon|Fog}}[[Fog]]
|{{scrip|orange gatherer|78}}
|{{item icon|Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - Alexandria}}
{{item icon|Ambitious Lure}}
|{{item icon|Zorgor Condor}}
|[[Fishing Log: Westbound Zorgor| Westbound Zorgor]]
|{{item icon|Cactuar Jig}}
|{{scrip|orange gatherer|50}}
|{{item icon|Ambitious Lure}}
|{{item icon|Goldgrouper}}
|[[Fishing Log: Alexandrian Ruins| Alexandrian Ruins]]
|{{item icon|Popper Lure}}
|{{scrip|orange gatherer|39}}
|{{item icon|Ambitious Lure}}
|{{item icon|Iq Rrax Crab}}
|[[Fishing Log: Iq Rrax Tsoly Depths|Iq Rrax Tsoly Depths ]]
|{{scrip|orange gatherer|63}}
|{{item icon|Truth of Oceans}}
{{item icon|Glistening Discus}} 16x
{{item icon|Wivre Cod}} 2x
{{item icon|Speckled Peacock Bass}} 3x
|{{item icon|Wivre Cod}}
|[[Fishing Log: Iq Rrax Tsoly Depths| Iq Rrax Tsoly Depths]]
|{{scrip|orange gatherer|18}}
|{{item icon|Truth of Oceans}}
{{item icon|Glistening Discus}} 16x
|{{item icon|Toari Sucker}}
|[[Fishing Log: Lake Toari|Lake Toari ]]
|{{item icon|Popper Lure}}
|{{scrip|purple gatherer|29}}
|{{item icon|Moxutural Gar}}
|[[Fishing Log: Cenote Moxutural|Cenote Moxutural ]]
|{{item icon|Honeybee}}
|{{item icon|Glittergill}}
|[[Fishing Log: Sapsweet Cenote| Sapsweet Cenote]]
|{{item icon|Versatile Lure}}
|{{scrip|purple gatherer|26}}
|{{item icon|Mirror Carp}}
|[[Fishing Log: Yak Awak Tsoly|Yak Awak Tsoly ]]
|{{item icon|Popper Lure}}
|{{scrip|purple gatherer|17}}
|{{item icon|Plattershell}}
|[[Fishing Log: Waters Hanu|Waters Hanu ]]
|{{item icon|Honeybee}}
|{{scrip|purple gatherer|22}}
|{{item icon|Piraputanga}}
|[[Fishing Log: Marsh Ligaka Depths|Marsh Ligaka Depths ]]
|{{scrip|purple gatherer|16}}
|{{item icon|Truth of Oceans}}
{{item icon|Ligaka Blossom}} 16x
|{{item icon|Purussaurus}}
|[[Fishing Log: Marsh Ligaka Depths|Marsh Ligaka Depths ]]
|{{scrip|purple gatherer|11}}
|{{item icon|Truth of Oceans}}
{{item icon|Ligaka Blossom}} 16x
|{{item icon|Zorlortor}}
|[[Fishing Log: Chirwagur Lake | Chirwagur Lake ]]
|{{item icon|Silkmoth Pupa}}
|{{scrip|purple gatherer|18}}
| -
{| {{STDT|sortable gathering-role align-left}}
{| {{STDT|sortable gathering-role align-left}}

Revision as of 15:49, 17 September 2024

See also: Collectables and Custom Deliveries

Collectability listed is the minimum requirement for turn-ins to Collectable Appraisers for EXP and Scrips. Fish that reduce into Aethersand can be found on the Ephemeral Nodes page.

Note: The Collect fisher icon1.png  Collect ability must be active to catch any fish as a collectible. Non-collectible versions of these fish have no use whatsoever.


Item Min. Collectability Location Catch Method Time/Weather Scrips Additional Info
Urqofrog 70 Karvarhur the First Red maggots icon1.png  Red Maggots 10PM to 12AM Orange Gatherers' Scrip 30 Tome of ichthyological folklore - yok tural icon1.png  Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - Yok Tural

Modest Lure.png  Modest Lure

Yellow peacock bass icon1.png  Yellow Peacock Bass 348 Marsh Ligaka Golden stonefly nymph icon1.png  Golden Stonefly Nymph 12PM to 1PM Orange Gatherers' Scrip 113 Tome of ichthyological folklore - yok tural icon1.png  Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - Yok Tural

Mooched from Dumplingfish icon1.png  Dumplingfish

Chain shark icon1.png  Chain Shark 491 Xty'iinbek Tsoly Crimson lugworm icon1.png  Crimson Lugworm 6PM to 8PM Orange Gatherers' Scrip 227 Tome of ichthyological folklore - yok tural icon1.png  Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - Yok Tural

Mooched from Yak tel crab icon1.png  Yak T'el Crab

Cloud wasp icon1.png  Cloud Wasp 89 Eastbound Zorgor Dragonfly icon1.png  Dragonfly Orange Gatherers' Scrip 104 Tome of ichthyological folklore - xak tural icon1.png  Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - Xak Tural

Modest Lure.png  Modest Lure

Hydro louvar icon1.png  Hydro Louvar 1078 Canal Town South Ghost nipper icon1.png  Ghost Nipper Orange Gatherers' Scrip 64 Tome of ichthyological folklore - alexandria icon1.png  Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - Alexandria
Copper shark icon1.png  Copper Shark 1141 Canal Town North Ghost nipper icon1.png  Ghost Nipper Clouds.png Clouds/Fog.pngFog Orange Gatherers' Scrip 78 Tome of ichthyological folklore - alexandria icon1.png  Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - Alexandria

Ambitious Lure.png  Ambitious Lure

Zorgor condor icon1.png  Zorgor Condor 469 Westbound Zorgor Cactuar jig icon1.png  Cactuar Jig Orange Gatherers' Scrip 50 Ambitious Lure.png  Ambitious Lure
Goldgrouper icon1.png  Goldgrouper 440 Alexandrian Ruins Popper lure icon1.png  Popper Lure Orange Gatherers' Scrip 39 Ambitious Lure.png  Ambitious Lure
Iq rrax crab icon1.png  Iq Rrax Crab 21 Iq Rrax Tsoly Depths Spearfishing Orange Gatherers' Scrip 63 Truth of Oceans.png  Truth of Oceans

Glistening discus icon1.png  Glistening Discus 16x Wivre cod icon1.png  Wivre Cod 2x Speckled peacock bass icon1.png  Speckled Peacock Bass 3x

Wivre cod icon1.png  Wivre Cod 425 Iq Rrax Tsoly Depths Spearfishing Orange Gatherers' Scrip 18 Truth of Oceans.png  Truth of Oceans

Glistening discus icon1.png  Glistening Discus 16x

Toari sucker icon1.png  Toari Sucker 508 Lake Toari Popper lure icon1.png  Popper Lure Purple Gatherers' Scrip 29
Moxutural gar icon1.png  Moxutural Gar 480 Cenote Moxutural Honeybee icon1.png  Honeybee Blank image.png 25
Glittergill icon1.png  Glittergill 56 Sapsweet Cenote Versatile lure icon1.png  Versatile Lure Purple Gatherers' Scrip 26
Mirror carp icon1.png  Mirror Carp 503 Yak Awak Tsoly Popper lure icon1.png  Popper Lure Purple Gatherers' Scrip 17
Plattershell icon1.png  Plattershell 151 Waters Hanu Honeybee icon1.png  Honeybee Purple Gatherers' Scrip 22
Piraputanga icon1.png  Piraputanga 182 Marsh Ligaka Depths Spearfishing Purple Gatherers' Scrip 16 Truth of Oceans.png  Truth of Oceans

Ligaka blossom icon1.png  Ligaka Blossom 16x

Purussaurus icon1.png  Purussaurus 401 Marsh Ligaka Depths Spearfishing Purple Gatherers' Scrip 11 Truth of Oceans.png  Truth of Oceans

Ligaka blossom icon1.png  Ligaka Blossom 16x

Zorlortor icon1.png  Zorlortor 135 Chirwagur Lake Silkmoth pupa icon1.png  Silkmoth Pupa Purple Gatherers' Scrip 18 -


Item Min. Collectability Location Catch Method Time/Weather Scrips Additional Info
Topminnow icon1.png  Topminnow 18 Unmoved Source Alpha Gold salmon roe icon1.png  Gold Salmon Roe, Sky spoon lure icon1.png  Sky Spoon Lure, Mayfly icon1.png  Mayfly Purple Gatherers' Scrip 66 Purple
Othardian wrasse icon1.png  Othardian Wrasse 181 Exile Spearfishing Purple Gatherers' Scrip 30 Purple
Shoguns kabuto icon1.png  Shogun's Kabuto 400 Northwestern Onokoro Spearfishing Purple Gatherers' Scrip 38 Purple Truth of Oceans.png  Truth of Oceans + Cloudy cat shark icon1.png  Cloudy Cat Shark x10
Pipefish icon1.png  Pipefish 31 Northwestern Onokoro Spearfishing Purple Gatherers' Scrip 53 Purple Truth of Oceans.png  Truth of Oceans + Cloudy cat shark icon1.png  Cloudy Cat Shark x10
Seema duta icon1.png  Seema Duta 188 Meghaduta Gold salmon roe icon1.png  Gold Salmon Roe, Leech icon1.png  Leech, Sky spoon lure icon1.png  Sky Spoon Lure, Mayfly icon1.png  Mayfly Purple Gatherers' Scrip 68 Purple
Pantherscale grouper icon1.png  Pantherscale Grouper 217 Yedlihmad Shrimp ball icon1.png  Shrimp Ball, Mackerel strip icon1.png  Mackerel Strip Purple Gatherers' Scrip 63 Purple
Xiphactinus icon1.png  Xiphactinus 423 Outer Akyaali Spearfishing Purple Gatherers' Scrip 45 Purple Truth of Oceans.png  Truth of Oceans + Hedonfish icon1.png  Hedonfish x10
Fleeting brand icon1.png  Fleeting Brand 244 The Frozen Fissure Grey worm icon1.png  Grey Worm, Chimera worm icon1.png  Chimera Worm Purple Gatherers' Scrip 108 Purple Can be Mooch.png  Mooched from Calicia icon1.png  Calicia
Forgeflame icon1.png  Forgeflame 211 Ksiroda Leech icon1.png  Leech, Sky spoon lure icon1.png  Sky Spoon Lure, Mayfly icon1.png  Mayfly Purple Gatherers' Scrip 83 Purple
Banana eel icon1.png  Banana Eel 385 Pavana's Remorse Leech icon1.png  Leech, Sky spoon lure icon1.png  Sky Spoon Lure, Mayfly icon1.png  Mayfly Purple Gatherers' Scrip 80 Purple
Kitefin shark icon1.png  Kitefin Shark 425 Northeastern Bekko Spearfishing Purple Gatherers' Scrip 35 Purple
Tebqeyiq smelt icon1.png  Tebqeyiq Smelt 33 Outer Akyaali Spearfishing Purple Gatherers' Scrip 170 Purple Truth of Oceans.png  Truth of Oceans + Hedonfish icon1.png  Hedonfish x10
Echinos icon1.png  Echinos 330 Limne 3-α Panic jig icon1.png  Panic Jig, Stardust icon1.png  Stardust Purple Gatherers' Scrip 75 Purple
Foun myhk icon1.png  Foun Myhk 433 Apohelos 18-β Grey worm icon1.png  Grey Worm, Chimera worm icon1.png  Chimera Worm Purple Gatherers' Scrip 79 Purple
Phallaina icon1.png  Phallaina 1181 Limne 3-β Panic jig icon1.png  Panic Jig, Stardust icon1.png  Stardust 10PM to 4AM Purple Gatherers' Scrip 1,400 Purple Mooch.png  Mooched from Horizon event icon1.png  Horizon Event
Mangar icon1.png  Mangar 501 Rumination's Ramble Gold salmon roe icon1.png  Gold Salmon Roe Clouds.png Clouds Purple Gatherers' Scrip 146 Purple Mooch.png  Mooched from Albino loach icon1.png  Albino Loach
Lunar deathworm icon1.png  Lunar Deathworm 1181 The Chlorophospond Grey worm icon1.png  Grey Worm Fair Skies.png Fair Skies Purple Gatherers' Scrip 291 Purple Mooch.png  Mooched from Calicia icon1.png  Calicia
Basilosaurus icon1.png  Basilosaurus 1055 The Perfumed Tides Mackerel strip icon1.png  Mackerel Strip Fair Skies.png Fair Skies Purple Gatherers' Scrip 209 Purple Mooch.png  Mooched from Puff-paya icon1.png  Puff-paya
Red drum icon1.png  Red Drum 417 The Wakeful Torana Leech icon1.png  Leech, Sky spoon lure icon1.png  Sky Spoon Lure, Mayfly icon1.png  Mayfly Showers.png Showers/Clouds.png Clouds -> Fair Skies.png Fair Skies Purple Gatherers' Scrip 68 Purple
Labyrinthos tilapia icon1.png  Labyrinthos Tilapia 398 Deepmoat Leech icon1.png  Leech 8AM-4PM Purple Gatherers' Scrip 94 Purple Mooch.png  Mooched from Astacus aetherius icon1.png  Astacus Aetherius


Item Min. Collectability Location Catch Method Time/Weather Scrips Additional Info
Albino caiman icon1.png  Albino Caiman 346 The Rift of Sighs Robber ball icon1.png  Robber Ball Purple Gatherers' Scrip 20 Purple
Little bismarck icon1.png  Little Bismarck 362 Eastern Isle of Ken Spearfishing Purple Gatherers' Scrip 20 Purple Truth of Oceans.png  Truth of Oceans + Noblefish icon1.png  Noblefish x10
Bothriolepis icon1.png  Bothriolepis 417 Eastern Isle of Ken Spearfishing Purple Gatherers' Scrip 28 Purple Truth of Oceans.png  Truth of Oceans + Noblefish icon1.png  Noblefish x10
Weedy seadragon icon1.png  Weedy Seadragon 62 The Eastern Kholusian Coast Short bill minnow icon1.png  Short Bill Minnow Purple Gatherers' Scrip 26 Purple
Golden lobster icon1.png  Golden Lobster 96 Saint Fathric's Temple Marble nymph icon1.png  Marble Nymph Purple Gatherers' Scrip 27 Purple
Raktika goby icon1.png  Rak'tika Goby 29 Deep Lake Tusi Mek'ta Spearfishing Purple Gatherers' Scrip 25 Purple Truth of Oceans.png  Truth of Oceans + Treescale icon1.png  Treescale x10
Elder pixie icon1.png  Elder Pixie 62 East Longmirror Lake Spearfishing Purple Gatherers' Scrip 25 Purple Truth of Oceans.png  Truth of Oceans + Sauldia ruby icon1.png  Sauldia Ruby x10
Viis ear icon1.png  Viis Ear 31 Deep Lake Tusi Mek'ta Spearfishing Purple Gatherers' Scrip 33 Purple Truth of Oceans.png  Truth of Oceans + Treescale icon1.png  Treescale x10
Blue mountain bubble icon1.png  Blue Mountain Bubble 181 East Longmirror Lake Spearfishing Purple Gatherers' Scrip 33 Purple Truth of Oceans.png  Truth of Oceans + Sauldia ruby icon1.png  Sauldia Ruby x10
Diamond pipira icon1.png  Diamond Pipira 201 The Red Chalice Robber ball icon1.png  Robber Ball 12PM-8PM Purple Gatherers' Scrip 41 Purple
Eryops icon1.png  Eryops 314 Lake Tusi Mek'ta Robber ball icon1.png  Robber Ball Purple Gatherers' Scrip 260 Purple Mooch.png  Mooched from Clown tetra icon1.png  Clown Tetra
Winged hatchetfish icon1.png  Winged Hatchetfish 6 Upper Watts River Robber ball icon1.png  Robber Ball Purple Gatherers' Scrip 41 Purple
Pancake octopus icon1.png  Pancake Octopus 31 East Caliban Gap Squid strip icon1.png  Squid Strip Purple Gatherers' Scrip 40 Purple
Ondo harpoon icon1.png  Ondo Harpoon 236 The Flounders' Floor Squid strip icon1.png  Squid Strip Purple Gatherers' Scrip 49 Purple
Aapoak icon1.png  Aapoak 314 West Caliban Gap Short bill minnow icon1.png  Short Bill Minnow Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
Purple Gatherers' Scrip 1,050 Purple Mooch.png  Mooched from Ancient shrimp icon1.png  Ancient Shrimp
Darkdweller icon1.png  Darkdweller 14 Woven Oath Baitbugs icon1.png  Baitbugs Fog.png Fog
Purple Gatherers' Scrip 60 Purple
Toadhead icon1.png  Toadhead 26 Father Collard's Failings Baitbugs icon1.png  Baitbugs Clear Skies.png Clear Skies Purple Gatherers' Scrip 95 Purple
Thorned lizard icon1.png  Thorned Lizard 944 The Hills of Amber Desert dessert frog icon1.png  Desert Dessert Frog Clear Skies.png Clear Skies/Fair Skies.png Fair Skies/Heat Waves.png Heat Waves
Purple Gatherers' Scrip 467 Purple Mooch.png  Mooched from Web-footed sand gecko icon1.png  Web-footed Sand Gecko
Henodus icon1.png  Henodus 157 The Eastern Kholusian Coast Short bill minnow icon1.png  Short Bill Minnow Clouds.png Clouds/Fog.png Fog
Purple Gatherers' Scrip 367 Purple Mooch.png  Mooched from Spearhead squid icon1.png  Spearhead Squid
Platinum guppy icon1.png  Platinum Guppy 9 The Rusted Reservoir Baitbugs icon1.png  Baitbugs Clear Skies.png Clear Skies Purple Gatherers' Scrip 101 Purple


Item Min. Collectability Location Catch Method Time/Weather Scrips Additional Info
Velodyna grass carp icon1.png  Velodyna Grass Carp 315 The Velodyna River Metal spinner icon1.png  Metal Spinner, Nightcrawler icon1.png  Nightcrawler, Salmon roe icon1.png  Salmon Roe, Stonefly larva icon1.png  Stonefly Larva, Suspending minnow icon1.png  Suspending Minnow Purple Gatherers' Scrip 46 Purple
Butterfly fish icon1.png  Butterfly Fish 53 Shoal Rock Blue bobbit icon1.png  Blue Bobbit, Bream lure icon1.png  Bream Lure, Live shrimp icon1.png  Live Shrimp, Metal spinner icon1.png  Metal Spinner Purple Gatherers' Scrip 41 Purple
Yanxian koi icon1.png  Yanxian Koi 206 The One River (East) Metal spinner icon1.png  Metal Spinner, Nightcrawler icon1.png  Nightcrawler, Stonefly larva icon1.png  Stonefly Larva, Suspending minnow icon1.png  Suspending Minnow Purple Gatherers' Scrip 41 Purple
Killifish icon1.png  Killifish 5 Nem Khaal
The Silver Canal
Midge larva icon1.png  Midge Larva
Midge larva icon1.png  Midge Larva, Stonefly larva icon1.png  Stonefly Larva
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies Purple Gatherers' Scrip 68 Purple
Mitsukuri shark icon1.png  Mitsukuri Shark 395 The Eastern Ruby Sea Spearfishing Purple Gatherers' Scrip 18 Purple Truth of Oceans.png  Truth of Oceans + Bashful batfish icon1.png  Bashful Batfish x7
Silken sunfish icon1.png  Silken Sunfish 370 Loch Seld Deep Lakebed Spearfishing Purple Gatherers' Scrip 18 Purple Truth of Oceans.png  Truth of Oceans + Mercenary crab icon1.png  Mercenary Crab x7
Eternal eye icon1.png  Eternal Eye 20 Azim Khaat Southern Lakebed Spearfishing Purple Gatherers' Scrip 18 Purple Truth of Oceans.png  Truth of Oceans + Glaring perch icon1.png  Glaring Perch x10
Cherubfish icon1.png  Cherubfish 129 The Sunken Junk's South Side Spearfishing Purple Gatherers' Scrip 18 Purple Truth of Oceans.png  Truth of Oceans + Ichthyosaur icon1.png  Ichthyosaur x10
Mosasaur icon1.png  Mosasaur 402 Loch Seld Deep Lakebed Spearfishing Purple Gatherers' Scrip 23 Purple Truth of Oceans.png  Truth of Oceans + Mercenary crab icon1.png  Mercenary Crab x7
Soul of the stallion icon1.png  Soul of the Stallion 25 Azim Khaat Southern Lakebed Spearfishing Purple Gatherers' Scrip 23 Purple Truth of Oceans.png  Truth of Oceans + Glaring perch icon1.png  Glaring Perch x10
Fangshi icon1.png  Fangshi 147 The Sunken Junk's South Side Spearfishing Purple Gatherers' Scrip 23 Purple Truth of Oceans.png  Truth of Oceans + Ichthyosaur icon1.png  Ichthyosaur x10
Thousandfang icon1.png  Thousandfang 403 The Eastern Ruby Sea Spearfishing Purple Gatherers' Scrip 23 Purple Truth of Oceans.png  Truth of Oceans + Bashful batfish icon1.png  Bashful Batfish x7
Tao bitterling icon1.png  Tao Bitterling 23 Tao Khaal Midge larva icon1.png  Midge Larva, Stonefly larva icon1.png  Stonefly Larva, Suspending minnow icon1.png  Suspending Minnow Purple Gatherers' Scrip 44 Purple
Samurai fish icon1.png  Samurai Fish 7 Doma Castle Midge larva icon1.png  Midge Larva, Stonefly larva icon1.png  Stonefly Larva Purple Gatherers' Scrip 46 Purple
Daio squid icon1.png  Daio Squid 470 The Isle of Zekki Blue bobbit icon1.png  Blue Bobbit, Bream lure icon1.png  Bream Lure Purple Gatherers' Scrip 30 Purple Can be Mooch.png  Mooched from Ruby shrimp icon1.png  Ruby Shrimp
Seraphim icon1.png  Seraphim 23 The One River (West) Stonefly larva icon1.png  Stonefly Larva, Suspending minnow icon1.png  Suspending Minnow 4PM-12AM Purple Gatherers' Scrip 37 Purple
Ala mhigan ribbon icon1.png  Ala Mhigan Ribbon 19 The Arms of Meed Stonefly larva icon1.png  Stonefly Larva, Suspending minnow icon1.png  Suspending Minnow Purple Gatherers' Scrip 40 Purple
Wraithfish icon1.png  Wraithfish 99 Dimwold Stonefly larva icon1.png  Stonefly Larva Fog.png Fog
Purple Gatherers' Scrip 90 Purple
Swordfish icon1.png  Swordfish 456 Onokoro Blue bobbit icon1.png  Blue Bobbit Clouds.png Clouds/Wind.png Wind
Purple Gatherers' Scrip 45 Purple Can be Mooch.png  Mooched
Deemster icon1.png  Deemster 377 The Ephor Stonefly larva icon1.png  Stonefly Larva Wind.png Wind Purple Gatherers' Scrip 68 Purple
Silken koi icon1.png  Silken Koi 314 Plum Spring Stonefly larva icon1.png  Stonefly Larva Rain.png Rain Purple Gatherers' Scrip 89 Purple
Sculptor icon1.png  Sculptor 785 Loch Seld Silkworm icon1.png  Silkworm Thunderstorms.png Thunderstorms
Purple Gatherers' Scrip 700 Purple Mooch.png  Mooched from Rock saltfish icon1.png  Rock Saltfish
Hak bitterling icon1.png  Hak Bitterling 17 Hak Khaal Stonefly larva icon1.png  Stonefly Larva Rain.png Rain
Purple Gatherers' Scrip 66 Purple


Item Min. Collectability Location Catch Method Time/Weather Scrips Additional Info
Amber salamander icon1.png  Amber Salamander 622 The Iron Feast Brute leech icon1.png  Brute Leech, Stonefly nymph icon1.png  Stonefly Nymph 6AM-12PM Purple Gatherers' Scrip 75 Purple
Stupendemys icon1.png  Stupendemys 650 The Habisphere Giant crane fly icon1.png  Giant Crane Fly Purple Gatherers' Scrip 53 Purple Can be Mooch.png  Mooched from Rudderfish icon1.png  Rudderfish
Barreleye icon1.png  Barreleye 393 The Flagship Fiend worm icon1.png  Fiend Worm Thunder weather.png Thunder Purple Gatherers' Scrip 700 Purple Mooch.png  Mooched from Platinum fish icon1.png  Platinum Fish
Loosetongue icon1.png  Loosetongue 1039 Upper Thaliak River Brute leech icon1.png  Brute Leech 1PM-8PM Purple Gatherers' Scrip 69 Purple Can be Mooch.png  Mooched from Hedgemole cricket icon1.png  Hedgemole Cricket or Sweetfish icon1.png  Sweetfish
Capelin icon1.png  Capelin 19 Clearpool Stonefly nymph icon1.png  Stonefly Nymph, Brute leech icon1.png  Brute Leech 12AM-6AM Purple Gatherers' Scrip 39 Purple
Tiny axolotl icon1.png  Tiny Axolotl 137 The Pappus Tree Bladed steel jig icon1.png  Bladed Steel Jig, Brute leech icon1.png  Brute Leech, Purse web spider icon1.png  Purse Web Spider 9PM-12AM Purple Gatherers' Scrip 34 Purple Can be Mooch.png  Mooched from Aether eye icon1.png  Aether Eye
Thunderbolt eel icon1.png  Thunderbolt Eel 346 The Iron Feast Bladed steel jig icon1.png  Bladed Steel Jig, Brute leech icon1.png  Brute Leech, Stonefly nymph icon1.png  Stonefly Nymph 10PM-4AM Purple Gatherers' Scrip 109 Purple Mooch.png  Mooched from Blueclaw shrimp icon1.png  Blueclaw Shrimp
Vampiric tapestry icon1.png  Vampiric Tapestry 557 Mok Oogl Island Giant crane fly icon1.png  Giant Crane Fly Purple Gatherers' Scrip 10 Purple Can be Mooch.png  Mooched from Sky faerie icon1.png  Sky Faerie
Dravanian smelt icon1.png  Dravanian Smelt 19 The Hundred Throes Brute leech icon1.png  Brute Leech Purple Gatherers' Scrip 66 Purple
Moogle spirit icon1.png  Moogle Spirit 508 Mok Oogl Island Giant crane fly icon1.png  Giant Crane Fly Purple Gatherers' Scrip 31 Purple Can be Mooch.png  Mooched from Sky faerie icon1.png  Sky Faerie
Illuminati perch icon1.png  Illuminati Perch 376 Thaliak River Stonefly nymph icon1.png  Stonefly Nymph,Brute leech icon1.png  Brute Leech, Goblin jig icon1.png  Goblin Jig Purple Gatherers' Scrip 26 Purple Mooch.png  Mooched from Hedgemole cricket icon1.png  Hedgemole Cricket or Sweetfish icon1.png  Sweetfish
Weston bowfin icon1.png  Weston Bowfin 171 Weston Waters Brute leech icon1.png  Brute Leech, Goblin jig icon1.png  Goblin Jig 8AM-12PM Purple Gatherers' Scrip 33 Purple
Noontide oscar icon1.png  Noontide Oscar 118 Eil Tohm Purse web spider icon1.png  Purse Web Spider, Brute leech icon1.png  Brute Leech Purple Gatherers' Scrip 30 Purple
Warmwater bichir icon1.png  Warmwater Bichir 311 The Smoldering Wastes Purse web spider icon1.png  Purse Web Spider, Brute leech icon1.png  Brute Leech 9PM-3AM Purple Gatherers' Scrip 32 Purple Can be Mooch.png  Mooched from Blueclaw shrimp icon1.png  Blueclaw Shrimp or Marble oscar icon1.png  Marble Oscar
Dravanian squeaker icon1.png  Dravanian Squeaker 72 Weston Waters Stonefly nymph icon1.png  Stonefly Nymph, Purse web spider icon1.png  Purse Web Spider, Brute leech icon1.png  Brute Leech 4PM-7PM Purple Gatherers' Scrip 33 Purple
Bubble eye icon1.png  Bubble Eye 74 Voor Sian Siran Stonefly nymph icon1.png  Stonefly Nymph, Purse web spider icon1.png  Purse Web Spider, Brute leech icon1.png  Brute Leech, Metal spinner icon1.png  Metal Spinner 10AM-6PM Purple Gatherers' Scrip 18 Purple Can be Mooch.png  Mooched from Hedgemole cricket icon1.png  Hedgemole Cricket
Sorcerer fish icon1.png  Sorcerer Fish 294 Unfrozen Pond Caddisfly larva icon1.png  Caddisfly Larva, Stonefly nymph icon1.png  Stonefly Nymph, Goblin jig icon1.png  Goblin Jig, Brute leech icon1.png  Brute Leech 8AM-8PM Purple Gatherers' Scrip 24 Purple Mooch.png  Mooched from Abalathian smelt icon1.png  Abalathian Smelt or Ice faerie icon1.png  Ice Faerie
Whilom catfish icon1.png  Whilom Catfish 209 Whilom River, The Smoldering Wastes, The Hundred Throes Metal spinner icon1.png  Metal Spinner, Stonefly nymph icon1.png  Stonefly Nymph, Purse web spider icon1.png  Purse Web Spider, Goblin jig icon1.png  Goblin Jig, Brute leech icon1.png  Brute Leech, Bladed steel jig icon1.png  Bladed Steel Jig Clouds.png Clouds/Fog.png Fog/Dust Storms.png Dust Storms Purple Gatherers' Scrip 63 Purple Can be Mooch.png  Mooched from Blueclaw shrimp icon1.png  Blueclaw Shrimp
Icepick icon1.png  Icepick 49 South Banepool, Unfrozen Pond Caddisfly larva icon1.png  Caddisfly Larva, Stonefly nymph icon1.png  Stonefly Nymph, Purse web spider icon1.png  Purse Web Spider, Goblin jig icon1.png  Goblin Jig, Brute leech icon1.png  Brute Leech Purple Gatherers' Scrip 11 Purple
Glacier core icon1.png  Glacier Core 141 Greytail Falls Balloon bug icon1.png  Balloon Bug, Red balloon icon1.png  Red Balloon, Giant crane fly icon1.png  Giant Crane Fly Blizzard (weather).png Blizzards/Snow.png Snow Purple Gatherers' Scrip 26 Purple Can be Mooch.png  Mooched from Skyworm icon1.png  Skyworm

Botanist Miner Fisher

Regular Nodes
Unspoiled Nodes
Ephemeral Nodes
Folklore Nodes

Regular Nodes
Unspoiled Nodes
Ephemeral Nodes
Folklore Nodes

Fishing Locations
Big Fishing
Fishing Collectables
Folklore Fish