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===Zone 1===
{{Fate list bozja header|show-boss=true}}
{{Fate list bozja header|show-boss=true}}
{{Fate list bozja row|All Pets Are Off}}
{{Fate list bozja row|Brought to Heal}}
{{Fate list bozja row|Can Carnivorous Plants Bloom Even on a Battlefield?}}
{{Fate list bozja row|Conflicting with the First Law}}
{{Fate list bozja row|More Machine Now than Man}}
{{Fate list bozja row|None of Them Knew They Were Robots}}
{{Fate list bozja row|Seeq and Destroy}}
{{Fate list bozja row|Sneak & Spell}}
{{Fate list bozja row|The Beasts Must Die}}
{{Fate list bozja row|Unrest for the Wicked}}
{{Fate list bozja row|Kill It with Fire}}
{{Fate list bozja row|Kill It with Fire}}
{{Fate list bozja row|The Baying of the Hound(s)}}
{{Fate list bozja row|The Shadow of Death's Hand}}
{{Fate list bozja row|Vigil for the Lost}}
{{Fate list bozja row|Aces High}}

Revision as of 23:49, 20 April 2024

Zone 1

FATE Boss Location EXP Experience Mettle Mettle Tomestones Allagan Tomestone of Poetics Lockboxes/Coins Notable Rewards Prereq. Mob/FATE
Bozjan Fight.png
All Pets Are Off
(X:17, Y:26.8) 206,568-319,770 Experience 200-6,000 Mettle 30 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 1 Southern front lockbox icon1.png  Southern Front Lockbox
1 Bozjan coin icon1.png  Bozjan Coin
1 Field notes on marsak icon1.png  Field Notes on Marsak
1-? Forgotten fragment of preparation icon1.png  Forgotten Fragment of Preparation
4th Legion Nimrod
Bozjan Fight.png
Brought to Heal
(X:28.6, Y:26.1) 206,568-319,770 Experience 200-6,000 Mettle 30 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 1 Southern front lockbox icon1.png  Southern Front Lockbox
1 Bozjan coin icon1.png  Bozjan Coin
1 Field notes on dyunbu icon1.png  Field Notes on Dyunbu
1-? Forgotten fragment of preparation icon1.png  Forgotten Fragment of Preparation
Bozjan Fight.png
Can Carnivorous Plants Bloom Even on a Battlefield?
(X:33.5, Y:19.3) 206,568-319,770 Experience 200-6,000 Mettle 30 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 1 Southern front lockbox icon1.png  Southern Front Lockbox
1 Bozjan coin icon1.png  Bozjan Coin
1 Field notes on stanik icon1.png  Field Notes on Stanik
Bozjan NM.png
Conflicting with the First Law
(X:33.5, Y:29.3) 206,568-319,770 Experience 200-6,000 Mettle 30 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 1 Southern front lockbox icon1.png  Southern Front Lockbox
1 Bozjan coin icon1.png  Bozjan Coin
1 Field notes on isolde icon1.png  Field Notes on Isolde
1-? Forgotten fragment of skill icon1.png  Forgotten Fragment of Skill
Bozjan Fight.png
More Machine Now than Man
(X:27.9, Y:28.9) 206,568-319,770 Experience 200-6,000 Mettle 30 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 1 Southern front lockbox icon1.png  Southern Front Lockbox
1 Bozjan coin icon1.png  Bozjan Coin
1 Field notes on bajsaljen icon1.png  Field Notes on Bajsaljen
1 Forgotten fragment of skill icon1.png  Forgotten Fragment of Skill
4th Legion Slasher
Bozjan Fight.png
None of Them Knew They Were Robots
(X:24.4, Y:27.7) 206,568-319,770 Experience 200-6,000 Mettle 30 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 1 Southern front lockbox icon1.png  Southern Front Lockbox
1 Bozjan coin icon1.png  Bozjan Coin
1 Field notes on aggie icon1.png  Field Notes on Aggie
1 Forgotten fragment of preparation icon1.png  Forgotten Fragment of Preparation
Bozjan Fight.png
Seeq and Destroy
(X:28.6, Y:26) 206,568-319,770 Experience 200-6,000 Mettle 30 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 1 Southern front lockbox icon1.png  Southern Front Lockbox
1 Bozjan coin icon1.png  Bozjan Coin
1 Forgotten fragment of skill icon1.png  Forgotten Fragment of Skill
Brought to Heal
Bozjan Fight.png
The Beasts Must Die
(X:20, Y:27.1) 206,568-319,770 Experience 200-6,000 Mettle 30 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 1 Southern front lockbox icon1.png  Southern Front Lockbox
1 Bozjan coin icon1.png  Bozjan Coin
1 Field notes on xeven icon1.png  Field Notes on Xeven
1 Forgotten fragment of skill icon1.png  Forgotten Fragment of Skill
Bozjan Fight.png
Unrest for the Wicked
(X:24.3, Y:27.6) 206,568-319,770 Experience 200-6,000 Mettle 30 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 1 Southern front lockbox icon1.png  Southern Front Lockbox
1 Bozjan coin icon1.png  Bozjan Coin
1 Garlean synthetic fabric icon1.png  Garlean Synthetic Fabric
1 Forgotten fragment of preparation icon1.png  Forgotten Fragment of Preparation
Critical engagement notorious monster (map icon).png
Kill It with Fire
Peerifool (X:17.2, Y:27) 516,420-799,425 Experience 500-15,000 Mettle 70 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 2 Southern front lockbox icon1.png  Southern Front Lockbox
3 Bozjan coin icon1.png  Bozjan Coin
1 Field notes on clarricie icon1.png  Field Notes on Clarricie
1 Garlean synthetic fabric icon1.png  Garlean Synthetic Fabric
All Pets Are Off
Critical engagement notorious monster (map icon).png
The Baying of the Hound(s)
Canus Dirus (X:22, Y:29) 516,420-799,425 Experience 500-15,000 Mettle 70 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 2 Southern front lockbox icon1.png  Southern Front Lockbox
3 Bozjan coin icon1.png  Bozjan Coin
4th Legion Death Claw
Critical engagement notorious monster (map icon).png
The Shadow of Death's Hand
Akbaba (X:35.4, Y:26.2) 516,420-799,425 Experience 500-15,000 Mettle 70 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 2 Southern front lockbox icon1.png  Southern Front Lockbox
3 Bozjan coin icon1.png  Bozjan Coin
1 Field notes on xeven icon1.png  Field Notes on Xeven
4th Legion Roader
Critical engagement notorious monster (map icon).png
Vigil for the Lost
Vigilia (X:27.9, Y:30) 516,420-799,425 Experience 500-15,000 Mettle 70 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 2 Southern front lockbox icon1.png  Southern Front Lockbox
3 Bozjan coin icon1.png  Bozjan Coin
More Machine Now than Man
Critical engagement solo (map icon).png
Aces High
Gabriel (boss) (X:31.6, Y:26.8) - Experience 2,500-75,000 Mettle 120 Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 99 Southern front lockbox icon1.png  Southern Front Lockbox
3 Bozjan coin icon1.png  Bozjan Coin
1 Field notes on dabog icon1.png  Field Notes on Dabog
Vigil for the Lost

false, true

Bozjan Runner's Secrets <Body Gear>

1 (25, 0, Anemos Lockbox, Item, false, false), 2 (50, 0, Anemos Crystal, Item, false, false), 3 (3, 0, Pazuzu's Feather, Item, false, false), 4 (1, 0, Altar to Pazuzu, Item, false, false), 5 (1, 0, Pazuzu Card, Item, false, false)

1 (10, 0, Ice Shard, Item, false, false), 2 (1, 0, Hi-Potion, Item, false, false), 3 (1, 0, Hempen Acton, Item, true, false), 4 (1, 0, Hempen Cowl, Item, true, false), 5 (1, 0, Allagan Bronze Piece, Item, true, false)

  • Restoration node
  • Ulan

Paladin frame icon.png Mandervillous PLD back.jpg Mandervillous PLD side.jpg Mandervillous PLD unsheathed1.jpg Mandervillous PLD unsheathed2.jpg

Warrior frame icon.png Mandervillous WAR back.jpg Mandervillous WAR unsheathed1.jpg Mandervillous WAR unsheathed2.jpg

Dark Knight frame icon.png Mandervillous DRK back.jpg Mandervillous DRK unsheathed1.jpg Mandervillous DRK unsheathed2.jpg

Gunbreaker frame icon1.png Mandervillous GNB back.jpg Mandervillous GNB unsheathed1.jpg Mandervillous GNB unsheathed2.jpg

Dragoon frame icon.png Mandervillous DRG back.jpg Mandervillous DRG unsheathed1.jpg Mandervillous DRG unsheathed2.jpg

Reaper frame icon.png Mandervillous RPR back.jpg Mandervillous RPR unsheathed1.jpg Mandervillous RPR unsheathed2.jpg

Monk frame icon.png 100px 100px 100px

Samurai frame icon.png Mandervillous SAM side.jpg Mandervillous SAM unsheathed1.jpg Mandervillous SAM unsheathed2.jpg

Ninja frame icon.png Mandervillous NIN side.jpg Mandervillous NIN unsheathed1.jpg Mandervillous NIN unsheathed2.jpg

Bard frame icon.png Mandervillous BRD back.jpg Mandervillous BRD unsheathed1.jpg Mandervillous BRD unsheathed2.jpg

Machinist frame icon.png Mandervillous MCH back.jpg Mandervillous MCH unsheathed1.jpg Mandervillous MCH unsheathed2.jpg

Dancer frame icon1.png Mandervillous DNC side.jpg Mandervillous DNC unsheathed1.jpg Mandervillous DNC unsheathed2.jpg

Black Mage frame icon.png Mandervillous BLM back.jpg Mandervillous BLM unsheathed1.jpg Mandervillous BLM unsheathed2.jpg

Summoner frame icon.png Mandervillous SMN side.jpg Mandervillous SMN unsheathed1.jpg Mandervillous SMN unsheathed2.jpg

Red Mage frame icon.png Mandervillous RDM side.jpg Mandervillous RDM unsheathed1.jpg Mandervillous RDM unsheathed2.jpg

White Mage frame icon.png Mandervillous WHM back.jpg Mandervillous WHM unsheathed1.jpg Mandervillous WHM unsheathed2.jpg

Scholar frame icon.png Mandervillous SCH side.jpg Mandervillous SCH unsheathed1.jpg Mandervillous SCH unsheathed2.jpg

Astrologian frame icon.png Mandervillous AST back.jpg Mandervillous AST unsheathed1.jpg Mandervillous AST unsheathed2.jpg

Sage frame icon.png Mandervillous SGE back.jpg Mandervillous SGE unsheathed1.jpg Mandervillous SGE unsheathed2.jpg

Category:Missing universalis link

fending > maiming > striking > scouting > aiming > casting > healing

  • 027000 - pomanders
  • 28-29 - fish
  • 30-49 - gear
  • 50-57 - furniture, belts, accessories
  • 58-59 - barding, minions, mounts
  • 60 - some ui, weather, map symbol
  • 061000 - custom delivery portraits
  • 062000 - job icons
  • 070000 - misc location banners, variant dungeon lore
  • 072000/073000 - blue mage, bozja lore, duty support/trust, solo duty portraits
  • 080000 - relic weapon inlays
  • 081000 - sightseeing
  • 110000 - fishing log banners?
  • 112000 - duty banners
  • 113000 - WT banners

Category:Needs role future proofing

{| {{STDT|equip align-center sortable}}
{{weapon table header}}
{{weapon table row|}}
{{weapon table row|}}
{{weapon table row|}}
{{weapon table row|}}
{{weapon table row|}}
{{weapon table row|}}
{{weapon table row|}}
{{weapon table row|}}
{{weapon table row|}}
{{weapon table row|}}
{{weapon table row|}}
{{weapon table row|}}
{{weapon table row|}}
{{weapon table row|}}
{{weapon table row|}}

{| {{STDT|equip align-center sortable}}
{{shield table header}}
{{shield table row|}}

{| {{STDT|equip align-center sortable}}
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