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  '''System:''' You may continue the Eureka expedition upon reaching elemental level 51.
  '''System:''' You may continue the Eureka expedition upon reaching elemental level 51.
===Level 51 Quest===
====Talking to Krile (cutscene)====
'''Krile:''' Apologies for the wait! We now have everything we need to make use of the back door. To be sure, there's still a couple of things that require doing out there.
'''Krile:''' First, let us head to the Central Columns. It's due south of here, at the Val River Source. I'll explain everything once we arrive.
'''Krile:''' Oh, and I should mention that, from this point on, I'll be delegating the bulk of my duties to the good scholar. If you ever want for guidance, she's the first person you should seek out. Without further ado, then!
====At Central Columns (cutscene)====
'''Krile:''' <pant> Once again, I'm reminded of this isle's dangers... <pant> And how much of a boon you are to our efforts.
'''Krile:''' Without the lessons of your field investigations to draw upon, I don't think I would've made it here in one piece.
'''Krile:''' So, the back door. It's an aetherbridge that conveys you to the tower's entrance, built for those who lack the ability to teleport.
'''Krile:''' It's usable only by those with special permission, and right now it's not usable at all due to the obstruction in the Lifestream.
'''Krile:''' In order to restore operation, we must repair the three sets of columns of the aetherbridge.
'''Krile:''' This requires that we seek out spots of pooled aether...
'''Krile:''' ...And deploy these regulators to restore the flow. I would be grateful if you could assist with this task.
'''Krile:''' According to my readings of the nearby area, the aether has pooled in two locations along the river source, one in the north and another in the south.
'''Krile:''' I will search in the north, if you would do likewise in the south. You should have luck looking east of the Aetherbridge Foundation.
====Pooled Aether interaction (cutscene)====
'''System:''' You deploy the regulator at the spot of pooled aether. It appears to have immediate effect.
====Talking to Krile again at Central Columns====
'''Krile:''' By my readings, I presume you've found and rectified the pooled aether. Excellent. With some minor adjustments, these columns will be in good order again.
'''Krile:''' This may take a little time, though, so sit tight for now. Or go and smite the local wildlife if you prefer. I'd certainly welcome fewer of them snapping at my heels.
'''System:''' You may continue the Eureka expedition upon reaching elemental level 54.
===Level 54 Quest===
====Talking to Krile (cutscene)====
'''Krile:''' The adjustments are complete, Forename! Let's put our handiwork to the proof, shall we?
'''Krile:''' Yes, everything appears to be in order. Hopefully the remaining two sets of columns will prove no more difficult.
'''Krile:''' With that, let us make for the Western Columns. It's just south and east of Unverified Research. Right, silent as a mouse, silent as a mouse...
====Talking to Krile at Western Columns (cutscene)====
'''Krile:''' B-By the gods, but that was close... I literally saw into its gullet. Ugh, cannot unsee... <shudder>
'''Krile:''' ...Forgive me, I'm all right now. So, it appears there are two spots of pooled aether in this area as well.
'''Krile:''' Both are located in the northern reaches of the west bank. Let us split up and find them.
====Pooled Aether interaction (cutscene)====
'''System:''' You deploy the regulator at the spot of pooled aether. It appears to have immediate effect.
====Talking to Krile again====
'''Krile:''' There you are, Forename, and I see you managed to locate the other spot of pooled aether. I'll begin making my adjustments at once. As before, it may take a bit of time.
'''System:''' You may continue the Eureka expedition upon reaching elemental level 57.
===Level 57 Quest===
====Talking to Krile (cutscene)====
'''Krile:''' There you are, Forename, and I see you managed to locate the other spot of pooled aether. I'll begin making my adjustments at once. As before, it may take a bit of time.
'''Krile:''' Sorry for keeping you waiting! I've finished with my adjustments─let us see if they did the trick.
'''Krile:''' Good, no dramas here either. That leaves us with just the Eastern Columns.
'''Krile:''' As the name suggests, they're located on the eastern bank of the river. Off we go, then─and no more harrowing encounters!
====Talking to Krile at Eastern Columns====
'''Krile:''' After all this sneaking about, I've gotten somewhat used to it. Still, I'm a long way off strolling around this island as if it were a flower garden like you do.
'''Krile:''' But on to business. Again, we have two spots of pooled aether to account for. One is due east of here, while the other appears to lie at the northern edge of the river bank area.
'''Krile:''' I'll head east if you wouldn't mind taking your search north. See you back here afterwards, Forename.
====Pooled Aether interaction (cutscene)====
'''System:''' You deploy the regulator at the spot of pooled aether. It appears to have immediate effect.
====Talking to Krile again====
'''Krile:''' The regulator is in place? Excellent. As before, I'll need to carry out some adjustments. Pray bear with me a while.
'''System:''' You may continue the Eureka expedition upon reaching elemental level 60.
===Level 57 Quest===
====Talking to Krile (cutscene)====
'''Krile:''' Apologies for making you wait repeatedly. I'm pleased to say I've completed my adjustments, and with even greater care than usual. I don't even need to try to know that this will work.
'''Krile:''' See, what did I tell you? With all three sets of columns thus repaired, the aetherbridge should be operational again. At long last, we may enter the tower.
'''Krile:''' I've taken the liberty of granting you permission to use the bridge, so we may make the crossing at any time. Come, let us make our way thither.
====At the Aetherbridge Foundation====

Revision as of 06:02, 10 December 2023

Initial quest

Krile: Ever a sight for sore eyes, Forename. By now it's no secret, but we can't well continue our work without you.
Krile: As always, let us begin by taking stock of the situation. Through our previous investigation, we learned that the founders had sealed away the primal Eureka on this isle.
Krile: However, Ejika then came along and, acting at Eureka's behest, sabotaged the proto-aetheryte─what may be considered the beating heart of the ward. On account of which the ward has ceased to function.
Krile: For a blessing, we discovered a way to restore it: by infusing magicite with copious amounts of aether to create a new focal point. It took considerable time and effort, but the preparations are now ready. All that remains is to reach the primal and seal it away once more.
Krile: In order to do that, as per our original objective, we must gain entry to the Students' headquarters. However, this has been rendered complicated owing to a number of factors.
Krile: Aside from lying beyond impassable terrain, the structure is protected by a ward of its own─did you ever doubt it? Ordinarily, members of the Students are able to teleport inside, but the high concentration of aether we've measured makes doing so extremely dangerous. We must ascertain the conditions first, or we risk not emerging from the Lifestream.
Krile: So I've a mind to enter via the “back door,” as it were. Yet this method of ingress, too, isn't without its problems, but it's better to explain it out in the field.
Krile: ...And that's where we stand. Now, before we set out, there's one last matter I'd like to attend to.
Krile: You see, I had tasked the expedition scholar with researching legends pertaining to Eureka. Call it a scholar's hunch, but I thought that a hint might be scrounged from amongst the tales. But come, let us see what the good scholar has dug up for us.


Expedition Scholar: Greetings, Mistress Krile, Master Forename! May I assume you have come about the legends?
Krile: Indeed we have. Did your efforts bear fruit?
Expedition Scholar: They did, I'm pleased to say. First of all, it must be noted that there are several legends describing the forbidden land, Eureka.
Expedition Scholar: Despite their many divergences, however, all are united in one detail: that Eureka was a repository for transcendent weapons hidden beneath the Crystal Tower.
Expedition Scholar: Combining this fact with your account of Eureka's avatar forging a blade for Master Ejika, I'm led to conclude that the primal possesses the ability to create weapons.
Krile: Weapons forged by a primal, put in the hands of mortals... What could possibly go wrong?
Expedition Scholar: In his visions, Master Forename heard the words “exposure places the bearer's very soul at hazard,” did he not? I take that to mean that those who wield such weapons are at risk of becoming the primal's vessel.
Krile: This calls to mind Urianger's report on the Dark Divinity, Odin, and his sword Zantetsuken. The primal was not the rider, but the weapon.
Expedition Scholar: Odin is said to have appeared during the age of the Allagan Empire. It may well be that Zantetsuken was forged by Eureka.
Krile: Recognizing the danger, the Allagans sealed Eureka's weapons beneath the Crystal Tower. And this gave rise to the myriad legends of a “forbidden land”..
Krile: Curious, though... Assuming Eureka was born of prayers, one would expect a deity the likes of Byregot to manifest. A brawny smithy working the forge.
Krile: Yet what we have is a primal possessed of an autonomous avatar, which goes around promising power and glory. Not the kind of entity that would arise from homespun legends. No, it feels all too purposeful. Calculated.
Krile: But such musings are for another time. I have some few things to prepare in order to make use of the aforementioned back door. In the meantime, would you go and pay Gerolt a visit?
Krile: I understand he's devised yet more ways to ease your labors. Come and find me when you're done speaking with him.
Expedition Scholar: A moment, Master Forename. There is one more matter I wish to speak with you about.
Expedition Scholar: It pertains to the members of the Students believed trapped inside the headquarters. We've been speaking of rescue, but based on what we know, that may be an overly optimistic view.
Expedition Scholar: The concentration of aether we've measured inside the tower is, to be blunt, not conducive to life. Certainly not over long periods. And all this time, there's been no observable movement from within.
Expedition Scholar: Of course, the Students are knowledgeable and skilled folk, and they may have found some way to survive. But even as we cling to this hope, we should prepare ourselves for the worst.
Expedition Scholar: Forgive me for bothering you with gloomy talk. I won't keep you any longer; pray go and seek out Master Gerolt!

Talking to Gerolt (cutscene)

Gerolt: Everythin' sorted with Krile? Good, good. As before, I've got a bunch o' things to catch ye up on. Prick up yer ears an' listen.
Gerolt: First, regardin' the logos manipulator. We've improved the vials we use to store transubstantiated mnemes, meanin' ye can carry around more o' the stuff. The expedition alchemist can tell ye all about it.
Gerolt: Next, yer magia board. If ye was already impressed with six pieces o' magicite─rejoice! We can now augment the thing to hold seven stones. If ye talk to the expedition engineer, he'll fix ye up rightwise.
Gerolt: An' last but not least, me favorite topic.
...No, not me godsdamned debts, ye cheeky bloody sod. Weapons! I've found a way to make yer weapons even stronger. If this tickles yer fancy, ye jus' let me know
Gerolt: Ah, an' while yer here...
Gerolt: Drake! Get yer arse over here an' tell the man about the logograms!
Drake: Sir, I am pleased to inform you that we have discovered new varieties of logograms here in Hydatos.
Drake: Certain combinations of these may yield heretofore unseen mnemes, and I encourage you to experiment with the logograms you come upon.
Gerolt: ...So, this is lookin' to be the final stage o' the expedition. I've stuck with ye all this way, so don't go disappointin' me now, eh? See the job finished!
Drake: From myself as well, sir, I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors here!
Gerolt: Right, everythin' what needed sayin's been said. If ye want to know about weapon enhancement, we can talk now. Otherwise ye can piss off back to Krile.
System: Upon recording fifty-six or more unique entries in your Logos Action Log and speaking with Drake, you will be able to acquire new items.
System: Please be advised that these items will only become available after you have gained access to the Eureka armor offered by the expedition artisan in Northpoint.

Talking to Krile

Krile: Everything sorted with Gerolt? Excellent. Let us set out at once!
Krile: ...Is what I'd like to say, but I'm afraid I need more time to complete my tasks.
Krile: Rather than standing idle at camp, though, may I suggest you acquaint yourself with the area outside? I should be able to complete my tasks meanwhile.
System: You may continue the Eureka expedition upon reaching elemental level 51.

Level 51 Quest

Talking to Krile (cutscene)

Krile: Apologies for the wait! We now have everything we need to make use of the back door. To be sure, there's still a couple of things that require doing out there.
Krile: First, let us head to the Central Columns. It's due south of here, at the Val River Source. I'll explain everything once we arrive.
Krile: Oh, and I should mention that, from this point on, I'll be delegating the bulk of my duties to the good scholar. If you ever want for guidance, she's the first person you should seek out. Without further ado, then!

At Central Columns (cutscene)

Krile: <pant> Once again, I'm reminded of this isle's dangers... <pant> And how much of a boon you are to our efforts.
Krile: Without the lessons of your field investigations to draw upon, I don't think I would've made it here in one piece.
Krile: So, the back door. It's an aetherbridge that conveys you to the tower's entrance, built for those who lack the ability to teleport.
Krile: It's usable only by those with special permission, and right now it's not usable at all due to the obstruction in the Lifestream.
Krile: In order to restore operation, we must repair the three sets of columns of the aetherbridge.
Krile: This requires that we seek out spots of pooled aether...
Krile: ...And deploy these regulators to restore the flow. I would be grateful if you could assist with this task.
Krile: According to my readings of the nearby area, the aether has pooled in two locations along the river source, one in the north and another in the south.
Krile: I will search in the north, if you would do likewise in the south. You should have luck looking east of the Aetherbridge Foundation.

Pooled Aether interaction (cutscene)

System: You deploy the regulator at the spot of pooled aether. It appears to have immediate effect.

Talking to Krile again at Central Columns

Krile: By my readings, I presume you've found and rectified the pooled aether. Excellent. With some minor adjustments, these columns will be in good order again.
Krile: This may take a little time, though, so sit tight for now. Or go and smite the local wildlife if you prefer. I'd certainly welcome fewer of them snapping at my heels.
System: You may continue the Eureka expedition upon reaching elemental level 54.

Level 54 Quest

Talking to Krile (cutscene)

Krile: The adjustments are complete, Forename! Let's put our handiwork to the proof, shall we?
Krile: Yes, everything appears to be in order. Hopefully the remaining two sets of columns will prove no more difficult.
Krile: With that, let us make for the Western Columns. It's just south and east of Unverified Research. Right, silent as a mouse, silent as a mouse...

Talking to Krile at Western Columns (cutscene)

Krile: B-By the gods, but that was close... I literally saw into its gullet. Ugh, cannot unsee... <shudder>
Krile: ...Forgive me, I'm all right now. So, it appears there are two spots of pooled aether in this area as well.
Krile: Both are located in the northern reaches of the west bank. Let us split up and find them.

Pooled Aether interaction (cutscene)

System: You deploy the regulator at the spot of pooled aether. It appears to have immediate effect.

Talking to Krile again

Krile: There you are, Forename, and I see you managed to locate the other spot of pooled aether. I'll begin making my adjustments at once. As before, it may take a bit of time.
System: You may continue the Eureka expedition upon reaching elemental level 57.

Level 57 Quest

Talking to Krile (cutscene)

Krile: There you are, Forename, and I see you managed to locate the other spot of pooled aether. I'll begin making my adjustments at once. As before, it may take a bit of time.
Krile: Sorry for keeping you waiting! I've finished with my adjustments─let us see if they did the trick.
Krile: Good, no dramas here either. That leaves us with just the Eastern Columns.
Krile: As the name suggests, they're located on the eastern bank of the river. Off we go, then─and no more harrowing encounters!

Talking to Krile at Eastern Columns

Krile: After all this sneaking about, I've gotten somewhat used to it. Still, I'm a long way off strolling around this island as if it were a flower garden like you do.
Krile: But on to business. Again, we have two spots of pooled aether to account for. One is due east of here, while the other appears to lie at the northern edge of the river bank area.
Krile: I'll head east if you wouldn't mind taking your search north. See you back here afterwards, Forename.

Pooled Aether interaction (cutscene)

System: You deploy the regulator at the spot of pooled aether. It appears to have immediate effect.

Talking to Krile again

Krile: The regulator is in place? Excellent. As before, I'll need to carry out some adjustments. Pray bear with me a while.
System: You may continue the Eureka expedition upon reaching elemental level 60.

Level 57 Quest

Talking to Krile (cutscene)

Krile: Apologies for making you wait repeatedly. I'm pleased to say I've completed my adjustments, and with even greater care than usual. I don't even need to try to know that this will work.
Krile: See, what did I tell you? With all three sets of columns thus repaired, the aetherbridge should be operational again. At long last, we may enter the tower.
Krile: I've taken the liberty of granting you permission to use the bridge, so we may make the crossing at any time. Come, let us make our way thither.

At the Aetherbridge Foundation