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  Alphinaud: As I am sure you will agree, it is past time we entered the Stone Vigil. Pay Lord Drillemont a visit and remind him of his obligation to us─Cid and I will follow anon.
===Accepting the Quest===
  '''Alphinaud:''' As I am sure you will agree, it is past time we entered the Stone Vigil. Pay Lord Drillemont a visit and remind him of his obligation to us─Cid and I will follow anon.

  Drillemont: We owe you all a great debt of gratitude. Had it not been for you, the heretic masquerading as Inquisitor Guillaime would still be among us, free to prey upon the innocent.
===Speaking with Drillemont (Cutscene)===
  Drillemont: I see now that I was a fool to dismiss your claims out of hand... But you must understand, it seemed too much to hope that the Scions of the Seventh Dawn still lived, to say nothing of Master Garlond!
  '''Drillemont:''' We owe you all a great debt of gratitude. Had it not been for you, the heretic masquerading as Inquisitor Guillaime would still be among us, free to prey upon the innocent.
  Drillemont: Never have I been happier to be proven wrong.
  '''Drillemont:''' I see now that I was a fool to dismiss your claims out of hand... But you must understand, it seemed too much to hope that the Scions of the Seventh Dawn still lived, to say nothing of Master Garlond!
  '''Drillemont:''' Never have I been happier to be proven wrong.

  Alphinaud: Well, it is gratifying to know that ''someone'' has derived a measure of enjoyment from your error.
  '''Alphinaud:''' Well, it is gratifying to know that ''someone'' has derived a measure of enjoyment from your error.
  Alphinaud: Now, if you have no further objections, we would appreciate it if you would permit us to enter the Stone Vigil and retrieve our airship.
  '''Alphinaud:''' Now, if you have no further objections, we would appreciate it if you would permit us to enter the Stone Vigil and retrieve our airship.

  Drillemont: Yes! Yes, of course. It is the very least I can do, given all that you have done for us.
  '''Drillemont:''' Yes! Yes, of course. It is the very least I can do, given all that you have done for us.
  Drillemont: But entering the outpost is the least of your concerns, I fear...
  '''Drillemont:''' But entering the outpost is the least of your concerns, I fear...

  Alphinaud: You speak of the Dravanians that now hold the ruin.
  '''Alphinaud:''' You speak of the Dravanians that now hold the ruin.

  Drillemont: ...In part, yes. I should explain: shortly after you first arrived, I had my men scour the old records. They confirmed that an abandoned airship had been seized by the soldiers garrisoned at the Stone Vigil in the days following the Calamity.
  '''Drillemont:''' ...In part, yes. I should explain: shortly after you first arrived, I had my men scour the old records. They confirmed that an abandoned airship had been seized by the soldiers garrisoned at the Stone Vigil in the days following the Calamity.
  Drillemont: As far as we have been able to ascertain, it was still in their custody when the outpost was overrun by the dragons. Whether it was damaged or destroyed during the battle, I cannot say, nor can I give you any assurances that it has not been removed in the intervening years.
  '''Drillemont:''' As far as we have been able to ascertain, it was still in their custody when the outpost was overrun by the dragons. Whether it was damaged or destroyed during the battle, I cannot say, nor can I give you any assurances that it has not been removed in the intervening years.
  Drillemont: For far too long, the ruin has served as a Dravanian foothold in Coerthas, from which they have struck out at us with depressing regularity.
  '''Drillemont:''' For far too long, the ruin has served as a Dravanian foothold in Coerthas, from which they have struck out at us with depressing regularity.
  Drillemont: Though we have pushed them back behind the walls, we have as yet been unable to drive them out, and I cannot say when the situation will change.
  '''Drillemont:''' Though we have pushed them back behind the walls, we have as yet been unable to drive them out, and I cannot say when the situation will change.

  Alphinaud: Or ''how'' it will change. Forgive me, Lord Drillemont, but there is no guarantee that you will prevail. In any event, we have not the time to wait. We will secure our property without Ishgardian aid.
  '''Alphinaud:''' Or ''how'' it will change. Forgive me, Lord Drillemont, but there is no guarantee that you will prevail. In any event, we have not the time to wait. We will secure our property without Ishgardian aid.

  Drillemont: I see. Well, that may be for the best.
  '''Drillemont:''' I see. Well, that may be for the best.
  Drillemont: I will inform Ser Nathelain of your impending visit. May Halone guide you, Scions.  
  '''Drillemont:''' I will inform Ser Nathelain of your impending visit. May Halone guide you, Scions.  

  Nathelain: Hail, [Forename]! Lord Drillemont has apprised me of the situation. You may enter the Stone Vigil whensoever you will.
===Speaking with Nathelain===
Nathelain: Every knight in Whitebrim Front is praying for your success. May the Fury guide and protect you.
  '''Nathelain:''' Hail, [Forename]! Lord Drillemont has apprised me of the situation. You may enter the Stone Vigil whensoever you will.

  Alphinaud: Look! It's the ''Enterprise''!
'''Nathelain:''' Every knight in Whitebrim Front is praying for your success. May the Fury guide and protect you.

  Cid: Yes...just beyond that enormous sleeping dragon.
===Inside the Stone Vigil (Cutscene)===
  '''Alphinaud:''' Look! It's the ''Enterprise''!

  Alphinaud: The dragon is not our concern. We have come for the airship, and only the airship.
  '''Cid:''' Yes...just beyond that enormous sleeping dragon.
Alphinaud: Cid─you and I will sneak aboard the ''Enterprise'' and prepare it for launch.
Alphinaud: [Forename]─you stay here and keep an eye on the beast.
Alphinaud: If it wakes, we may need you to provide a distraction until we are ready to depart. You can manage that, can't you?
Alphinaud: That settles it, then. Shall we, Cid?

  Cid: As you command...
  '''Alphinaud:''' The dragon is not our concern. We have come for the airship, and only the airship.
'''Alphinaud:''' Cid─you and I will sneak aboard the ''Enterprise'' and prepare it for launch.
'''Alphinaud:''' [Forename]─you stay here and keep an eye on the beast.
'''Alphinaud:''' If it wakes, we may need you to provide a distraction until we are ready to depart. You can manage that, can't you?
'''Alphinaud:''' That settles it, then. Shall we, Cid?

  Lahabrea: ...So you mean to slay Garuda next? Interesting. Most interesting.
  '''Cid:''' As you command...
Lahabrea: And you are aware that her strength greatly exceeds that of your previous primal conquests? ...A testament to the fanatical devotion of her followers. The Ixal are nothing if not zealous.
Lahabrea: In spite of your past achievements, I labor to believe that you will best this foe.
Lahabrea: Yet only a fool would underestimate the great Bringer of Light, slayer of Ifrit, bane of Titan...
Lahabrea: If any mortal is capable of defeating the Lady of the Vortex, it is you.
Lahabrea: Win or lose, the battle should at least make for an entertaining spectacle.
Lahabrea: ...Assuming, of course, you live that long.

  Cid: Alphinaud! The dragon!
  '''Lahabrea:''' ...So you mean to slay Garuda next? Interesting. Most interesting.
'''Lahabrea:''' And you are aware that her strength greatly exceeds that of your previous primal conquests? ...A testament to the fanatical devotion of her followers. The Ixal are nothing if not zealous.
'''Lahabrea:''' In spite of your past achievements, I labor to believe that you will best this foe.
'''Lahabrea:''' Yet only a fool would underestimate the great Bringer of Light, slayer of Ifrit, bane of Titan...
'''Lahabrea:''' If any mortal is capable of defeating the Lady of the Vortex, it is you.
'''Lahabrea:''' Win or lose, the battle should at least make for an entertaining spectacle.
...Assuming, of course, you live that long.

  Alphinaud: Confound it all!
  '''Cid:''' Alphinaud! The dragon!

  Lahabrea: Let us see how well your blasphemous gifts serve you this time, crystal bearer!
  '''Alphinaud:''' Confound it all!

  Alphinaud: [Forename]! [Forename]! Are you all right? Speak to me!
  '''Lahabrea:''' Let us see how well your blasphemous gifts serve you this time, crystal bearer!
Alphinaud: Twelve be praised, I feared the beast had injured you.
Alphinaud: I see now why the others rated you so highly. When you were caught in the midst of that aetheric bubble with the dragon, I was all but certain my next mission would be to find a new champion.
Alphinaud: Thank the gods for sparing me that inconvenience. I have quite enough to do already. Which reminds me─Cid is working on the ''Enterprise'' as we speak. Let us go and see what he has to say.
Alphinaud: What say you, Cid? Will she fly?

  Cid: Yes...though it will not be a pleasant ride.
===Post dungeon Cutscene===
  '''Alphinaud:''' [Forename]! [Forename]! Are you all right? Speak to me!
'''Alphinaud:''' Twelve be praised, I feared the beast had injured you.
'''Alphinaud:''' I see now why the others rated you so highly. When you were caught in the midst of that aetheric bubble with the dragon, I was all but certain my next mission would be to find a new champion.
'''Alphinaud:''' Thank the gods for sparing me that inconvenience. I have quite enough to do already. Which reminds me─Cid is working on the ''Enterprise'' as we speak. Let us go and see what he has to say.

  Alphinaud: Well, I daresay it will be no more unpleasant than staying here. 'Tis a pity the ''Enterprise'' is not in a better state, but if she will allow us to quit this place, I shall not complain.
  '''Alphinaud:''' What say you, Cid? Will she fly?
Alphinaud: If all are in agreement, let us return to Gridania.
Alphinaud: Though I would like nothing more than to set course for the Howling Eye, it is plain the ''Enterprise'' is in no condition to weather the storm. She must needs be repaired if we are to proceed with our mission.

  Cid: This is all so familiar. I...I ''know'' this airship. If I could just...
  '''Cid:''' Yes...though it will not be a pleasant ride.
Cid: Bah, it's no use.
Cid: ...Let's go.

  Alphinaud: Ah, how I have longed for the more agreeable climate of the Twelveswood.
  '''Alphinaud:''' Well, I daresay it will be no more unpleasant than staying here. 'Tis a pity the ''Enterprise'' is not in a better state, but if she will allow us to quit this place, I shall not complain.
  Alphinaud: Yet I will not deny the Holy See had its charms. Endless detours aside, our Ishgardian jaunt proved quite an adventure!
  '''Alphinaud:''' If all are in agreement, let us return to Gridania.
  Alphinaud: Alas, our work is far from done. We still have an airship to repair and a primal to slay. No rest for the heroic, eh?
  '''Alphinaud:''' Though I would like nothing more than to set course for the Howling Eye, it is plain the ''Enterprise'' is in no condition to weather the storm. She must needs be repaired if we are to proceed with our mission.  

  Lionnellais: Greetings, sir/madam. Do you wish to proceed to your vessel?
  '''Cid:''' This is all so familiar. I...I ''know'' this airship. If I could just...
'''Cid:''' Bah, it's no use.
'''Cid:''' ...Let's go.

  Q1: Proceed to the landing area?
===Speaking with Alphinaud===
  A1: Yes
  '''Alphinaud:''' Ah, how I have longed for the more agreeable climate of the Twelveswood.
  A1: No
  '''Alphinaud:''' Yet I will not deny the Holy See had its charms. Endless detours aside, our Ishgardian jaunt proved quite an adventure!
  '''Alphinaud:''' Alas, our work is far from done. We still have an airship to repair and a primal to slay. No rest for the heroic, eh?

Revision as of 23:04, 31 October 2023

Main Scenario Quest icon.png

In Pursuit of the Past

Quest giver
Coerthas Central Highlands (X:12.7, Y:16.5)
Quest line
Seventh Umbral Era
Experience 22,000
Gil 4,616
Previous quest
Main Scenario QuestThe Heretic among Us
Next quest
Main Scenario QuestInto the Eye of the Storm
Feature QuestPeace for Thanalan
Feature QuestSeeking Solace
Feature QuestHighway Robbery
Feature QuestThey Came from the Deep
Feature QuestA Bad Bladder 

Alphinaud is eager to enter the Stone Vigil.

— In-game description




You have now unlocked the daily Tribal Quests for A Realm Reborn. These can be a good way to level up secondary jobs while earning unique cosmetic rewards.


Completion of this quest unlocks an increase to mount speed in Coerthas Central Highlands.



  • Now that the matter of the false inquisitor has been resolved, naught remains to prevent you from entering the Stone Vigil. Alphinaud instructs you to seek an audience with Lord Drillemont, vowing that he and Cid will follow shortly.
  • Lord Drillemont confirms that according to Ishgardian records the Enterprise was indeed seized by the troops garrisoned at the Stone Vigil shortly after the Calamity. However, it has now been some time since the outpost fell to the dragons, and he cannot vouch for the airship's preservation or even its presence. Though it may all be for naught, you have little choice but to search the ruins regardless. Make your way to the entrance to the Stone Vigil, which stands to the northwest of Whitebrim Front, and speak with Ser Nathelain to gain admission.
  • While fighting your way through the Stone Vigil, you stumble upon the Enterprise, which appears to be in one piece. Unfortunately, that piece is situated dangerously close to a vast sleeping dragon. Leaving you to keep an eye on the beast, Cid and Alphinaud sneak aboard the airship and begin preparing it for departure. It is at this moment that Lahabrea appears. After remarking that you of all mortals may well have the strength to defeat Garuda, the Ascian uses his magicks to awaken the dragon, and you are soon locked in a desperate struggle with the creature as Cid and Alphinaud look on.
  • After a titanic struggle, you somehow succeed in slaying the dragon, earning yourself the praise of Alphinaud in so doing. Your elation at having survived the encounter is dampened somewhat by the revelation that the Enterprise is more badly damaged than had been hoped. Thankfully, Cid manages to make sufficient repairs to the ship to enable you to make the flight back to Gridania. Speak with Alphinaud, and together determine how best to proceed.
  • Despite Alphinaud's claim that recovering the Enterprise would be a cause for celebration, the young Sharlayan seems disinclined to revel. Instead, he reminds you that your work is far from done, and that the airship was only ever a means to an end. Next, you must find a way to restore the Enterprise to its former glory.


Accepting the Quest

Alphinaud: As I am sure you will agree, it is past time we entered the Stone Vigil. Pay Lord Drillemont a visit and remind him of his obligation to us─Cid and I will follow anon.

Speaking with Drillemont (Cutscene)

Drillemont: We owe you all a great debt of gratitude. Had it not been for you, the heretic masquerading as Inquisitor Guillaime would still be among us, free to prey upon the innocent.
Drillemont: I see now that I was a fool to dismiss your claims out of hand... But you must understand, it seemed too much to hope that the Scions of the Seventh Dawn still lived, to say nothing of Master Garlond!
Drillemont: Never have I been happier to be proven wrong.
Alphinaud: Well, it is gratifying to know that someone has derived a measure of enjoyment from your error.
Alphinaud: Now, if you have no further objections, we would appreciate it if you would permit us to enter the Stone Vigil and retrieve our airship.
Drillemont: Yes! Yes, of course. It is the very least I can do, given all that you have done for us.
Drillemont: But entering the outpost is the least of your concerns, I fear...
Alphinaud: You speak of the Dravanians that now hold the ruin.
Drillemont: ...In part, yes. I should explain: shortly after you first arrived, I had my men scour the old records. They confirmed that an abandoned airship had been seized by the soldiers garrisoned at the Stone Vigil in the days following the Calamity.
Drillemont: As far as we have been able to ascertain, it was still in their custody when the outpost was overrun by the dragons. Whether it was damaged or destroyed during the battle, I cannot say, nor can I give you any assurances that it has not been removed in the intervening years.
Drillemont: For far too long, the ruin has served as a Dravanian foothold in Coerthas, from which they have struck out at us with depressing regularity.
Drillemont: Though we have pushed them back behind the walls, we have as yet been unable to drive them out, and I cannot say when the situation will change.
Alphinaud: Or how it will change. Forgive me, Lord Drillemont, but there is no guarantee that you will prevail. In any event, we have not the time to wait. We will secure our property without Ishgardian aid.
Drillemont: I see. Well, that may be for the best.
Drillemont: I will inform Ser Nathelain of your impending visit. May Halone guide you, Scions. 

Speaking with Nathelain

Nathelain: Hail, [Forename]! Lord Drillemont has apprised me of the situation. You may enter the Stone Vigil whensoever you will.
Nathelain: Every knight in Whitebrim Front is praying for your success. May the Fury guide and protect you.

Inside the Stone Vigil (Cutscene)

Alphinaud: Look! It's the Enterprise!
Cid: Yes...just beyond that enormous sleeping dragon.
Alphinaud: The dragon is not our concern. We have come for the airship, and only the airship.
Alphinaud: Cid─you and I will sneak aboard the Enterprise and prepare it for launch.
Alphinaud: [Forename]─you stay here and keep an eye on the beast.
Alphinaud: If it wakes, we may need you to provide a distraction until we are ready to depart. You can manage that, can't you?
Alphinaud: That settles it, then. Shall we, Cid? 
Cid: As you command...
Lahabrea: ...So you mean to slay Garuda next? Interesting. Most interesting.
Lahabrea: And you are aware that her strength greatly exceeds that of your previous primal conquests? ...A testament to the fanatical devotion of her followers. The Ixal are nothing if not zealous.
Lahabrea: In spite of your past achievements, I labor to believe that you will best this foe.
Lahabrea: Yet only a fool would underestimate the great Bringer of Light, slayer of Ifrit, bane of Titan...
Lahabrea: If any mortal is capable of defeating the Lady of the Vortex, it is you.
Lahabrea: Win or lose, the battle should at least make for an entertaining spectacle.
...Assuming, of course, you live that long.
Cid: Alphinaud! The dragon!
Alphinaud: Confound it all!
Lahabrea: Let us see how well your blasphemous gifts serve you this time, crystal bearer!

Post dungeon Cutscene

Alphinaud: [Forename]! [Forename]! Are you all right? Speak to me!
Alphinaud: Twelve be praised, I feared the beast had injured you.
Alphinaud: I see now why the others rated you so highly. When you were caught in the midst of that aetheric bubble with the dragon, I was all but certain my next mission would be to find a new champion.
Alphinaud: Thank the gods for sparing me that inconvenience. I have quite enough to do already. Which reminds me─Cid is working on the Enterprise as we speak. Let us go and see what he has to say.
Alphinaud: What say you, Cid? Will she fly?
Cid: Yes...though it will not be a pleasant ride.
Alphinaud: Well, I daresay it will be no more unpleasant than staying here. 'Tis a pity the Enterprise is not in a better state, but if she will allow us to quit this place, I shall not complain.
Alphinaud: If all are in agreement, let us return to Gridania.
Alphinaud: Though I would like nothing more than to set course for the Howling Eye, it is plain the Enterprise is in no condition to weather the storm. She must needs be repaired if we are to proceed with our mission. 
Cid: This is all so familiar. I...I know this airship. If I could just...
Cid: Bah, it's no use.
Cid: ...Let's go.

Speaking with Alphinaud

Alphinaud: Ah, how I have longed for the more agreeable climate of the Twelveswood.
Alphinaud: Yet I will not deny the Holy See had its charms. Endless detours aside, our Ishgardian jaunt proved quite an adventure!
Alphinaud: Alas, our work is far from done. We still have an airship to repair and a primal to slay. No rest for the heroic, eh?