Difference between revisions of "Blacksmith Recipes/Level 71 - 79"

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Latest revision as of 01:06, 12 October 2023

Item Class Recipe Level Type Yield Durability Difficulty Max Quality Ingredients
Deepgold nugget icon1.png  Deepgold Nugget Blacksmith 71 Metal 1 40 597 3010
Custom gathering tool components icon1.png  Custom Gathering Tool Components Blacksmith 71 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 1195 3010
Honeybee trappings icon1.png  Honeybee Trappings Blacksmith 71 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 1195 3010
Patient necessities icon1.png  Patient Necessities Blacksmith 71 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 1195 3010
Deepgold anelace icon1.png  Deepgold Anelace Blacksmith 71 Gladiator's Arm 1 80 1195 3763
Deepgold awl icon1.png  Deepgold Awl Blacksmith 71 Leatherworker's Secondary Tool 1 80 1195 3763
Deepgold battleaxe icon1.png  Deepgold Battleaxe Blacksmith 71 Marauder's Arm 1 80 1195 3763
Deepgold blade icon1.png  Deepgold Blade Blacksmith 71 Samurai's Arm 1 80 1195 3763
Deepgold cinquedeas icon1.png  Deepgold Cinquedeas Blacksmith 71 Rogue's Arm 1 80 1195 3763
Deepgold claw hammer icon1.png  Deepgold Claw Hammer Blacksmith 71 Carpenter's Secondary Tool 1 80 1195 3763
Deepgold claymore icon1.png  Deepgold Claymore Blacksmith 71 Dark Knight's Arm 1 80 1195 3763
Deepgold cross-pein hammer icon1.png  Deepgold Cross-pein Hammer Blacksmith 71 Blacksmith's Primary Tool 1 80 1195 3763
Deepgold culinary knife icon1.png  Deepgold Culinary Knife Blacksmith 71 Culinarian's Secondary Tool 1 80 1195 3763
Deepgold file icon1.png  Deepgold File Blacksmith 71 Blacksmith's Secondary Tool 1 80 1195 3763
Deepgold gunblade icon1.png  Deepgold Gunblade Blacksmith 71 Gunbreaker's Arm 1 80 1195 3763
Deepgold hatchet icon1.png  Deepgold Hatchet Blacksmith 71 Botanist's Primary Tool 1 80 1195 3763
Deepgold head knife icon1.png  Deepgold Head Knife Blacksmith 71 Leatherworker's Primary Tool 1 80 1195 3763
Deepgold katars icon1.png  Deepgold Katars Blacksmith 71 Pugilist's Arm 1 80 1195 3763
Deepgold lapidary hammer icon1.png  Deepgold Lapidary Hammer Blacksmith 71 Goldsmith's Primary Tool 1 80 1195 3763
Deepgold mortar icon1.png  Deepgold Mortar Blacksmith 71 Alchemist's Secondary Tool 1 80 1195 3763
Deepgold pickaxe icon1.png  Deepgold Pickaxe Blacksmith 71 Miner's Primary Tool 1 80 1195 3763
Deepgold pliers icon1.png  Deepgold Pliers Blacksmith 71 Armorer's Secondary Tool 1 80 1195 3763
Deepgold raising hammer icon1.png  Deepgold Raising Hammer Blacksmith 71 Armorer's Primary Tool 1 80 1195 3763
Deepgold revolver icon1.png  Deepgold Revolver Blacksmith 71 Machinist's Arm 1 80 1195 3763
Deepgold saw icon1.png  Deepgold Saw Blacksmith 71 Carpenter's Primary Tool 1 80 1195 3763
Deepgold scythe icon1.png  Deepgold Scythe Blacksmith 71 Botanist's Secondary Tool 1 80 1195 3763
Deepgold sledgehammer icon1.png  Deepgold Sledgehammer Blacksmith 71 Miner's Secondary Tool 1 80 1195 3763
Deepgold war quoits icon1.png  Deepgold War Quoits Blacksmith 71 Dancer's Arm 1 80 1195 3763
Deepgold war scythe icon1.png  Deepgold War Scythe Blacksmith 71 Reaper's Arm 1 80 1195 3763
Deepgold ingot icon1.png  Deepgold Ingot Blacksmith 72 Metal 1 40 610 3040
Airship fittings icon1.png  Airship Fittings Blacksmith 72 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 1220 3040
Custom weaving components icon1.png  Custom Weaving Components Blacksmith 72 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 1220 3040
Medical supplies icon1.png  Medical Supplies Blacksmith 72 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 1220 3040
Deepgold axe icon1.png  Deepgold Axe Blacksmith 72 Marauder's Arm 1 80 1220 3800
Deepgold daggers icon1.png  Deepgold Daggers Blacksmith 72 Rogue's Arm 1 80 1220 3800
Deepgold greatsword icon1.png  Deepgold Greatsword Blacksmith 72 Dark Knight's Arm 1 80 1220 3800
Deepgold sickle icon1.png  Deepgold Sickle Blacksmith 72 Reaper's Arm 1 80 1220 3800
Deepgold sword icon1.png  Deepgold Sword Blacksmith 72 Gladiator's Arm 1 80 1220 3800
Deepgold uchigatana icon1.png  Deepgold Uchigatana Blacksmith 72 Samurai's Arm 1 80 1220 3800
Rarefied deepgold anelace icon1.png  Rarefied Deepgold Anelace Blacksmith 72 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 80 1220 3800
Beehive souvenir icon1.png  Beehive Souvenir Blacksmith 73 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 1290 3120
Custom crafting tool components icon1.png  Custom Crafting Tool Components Blacksmith 73 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 1290 3120
Rehabilitation aids icon1.png  Rehabilitation Aids Blacksmith 73 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 1290 3120
Metal worm jar icon1.png  Metal Worm Jar Blacksmith 73 Other 1 80 903 2145
Deepgold arquebus icon1.png  Deepgold Arquebus Blacksmith 73 Machinist's Arm 1 80 1290 3900
Deepgold bayonet icon1.png  Deepgold Bayonet Blacksmith 73 Gunbreaker's Arm 1 80 1290 3900
Deepgold chakrams icon1.png  Deepgold Chakrams Blacksmith 73 Dancer's Arm 1 80 1290 3900
Deepgold knuckles icon1.png  Deepgold Knuckles Blacksmith 73 Pugilist's Arm 1 80 1290 3900
Bluespirit tile icon1.png  Bluespirit Tile Blacksmith 74 Stone 1 40 680 3200
Handpicked culinary essentials icon1.png  Handpicked Culinary Essentials Blacksmith 74 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 1360 3200
Bluespirit awl icon1.png  Bluespirit Awl Blacksmith 74 Leatherworker's Secondary Tool 1 80 1360 4000
Bluespirit axe icon1.png  Bluespirit Axe Blacksmith 74 Marauder's Arm 1 80 1360 4000
Bluespirit claw hammer icon1.png  Bluespirit Claw Hammer Blacksmith 74 Carpenter's Secondary Tool 1 80 1360 4000
Bluespirit culinary knife icon1.png  Bluespirit Culinary Knife Blacksmith 74 Culinarian's Secondary Tool 1 80 1360 4000
Bluespirit file icon1.png  Bluespirit File Blacksmith 74 Blacksmith's Secondary Tool 1 80 1360 4000
Bluespirit guillotine icon1.png  Bluespirit Guillotine Blacksmith 74 Dark Knight's Arm 1 80 1360 4000
Bluespirit gunblade icon1.png  Bluespirit Gunblade Blacksmith 74 Gunbreaker's Arm 1 80 1360 4000
Bluespirit handgonne icon1.png  Bluespirit Handgonne Blacksmith 74 Machinist's Arm 1 80 1360 4000
Bluespirit mortar icon1.png  Bluespirit Mortar Blacksmith 74 Alchemist's Secondary Tool 1 80 1360 4000
Bluespirit pliers icon1.png  Bluespirit Pliers Blacksmith 74 Armorer's Secondary Tool 1 80 1360 4000
Bluespirit scythe icon1.png  Bluespirit Scythe Blacksmith 74 Botanist's Secondary Tool 1 80 1360 4000
Bluespirit sickle icon1.png  Bluespirit Sickle Blacksmith 74 Reaper's Arm 1 80 1360 4000
Bluespirit sledgehammer icon1.png  Bluespirit Sledgehammer Blacksmith 74 Miner's Secondary Tool 1 80 1360 4000
Bluespirit sword icon1.png  Bluespirit Sword Blacksmith 74 Gladiator's Arm 1 80 1360 4000
Rarefied deepgold culinary knife icon1.png  Rarefied Deepgold Culinary Knife Blacksmith 74 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 80 1360 4000
High tea essentials icon1.png  High Tea Essentials Blacksmith 75 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 1430 3280
Printing essentials icon1.png  Printing Essentials Blacksmith 75 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 1430 3280
Intricate censer icon1.png  Intricate Censer Blacksmith 75 Other 1 80 1001 2255
Metal trident icon1.png  Metal Trident Blacksmith 75 Other 1 80 1001 2255
Bluespirit cross-pein hammer icon1.png  Bluespirit Cross-pein Hammer Blacksmith 75 Blacksmith's Primary Tool 1 80 1430 4100
Bluespirit halfheart saw icon1.png  Bluespirit Halfheart Saw Blacksmith 75 Carpenter's Primary Tool 1 80 1430 4100
Bluespirit hatchet icon1.png  Bluespirit Hatchet Blacksmith 75 Botanist's Primary Tool 1 80 1430 4100
Bluespirit lapidary hammer icon1.png  Bluespirit Lapidary Hammer Blacksmith 75 Goldsmith's Primary Tool 1 80 1430 4100
Bluespirit pickaxe icon1.png  Bluespirit Pickaxe Blacksmith 75 Miner's Primary Tool 1 80 1430 4100
Bluespirit raising hammer icon1.png  Bluespirit Raising Hammer Blacksmith 75 Armorer's Primary Tool 1 80 1430 4100
Bluespirit round knife icon1.png  Bluespirit Round Knife Blacksmith 75 Leatherworker's Primary Tool 1 80 1430 4100
Titanbronze ingot icon1.png  Titanbronze Ingot Blacksmith 76 Metal 1 40 750 3360
Crystarium stove icon1.png  Crystarium Stove Blacksmith 76 Table 1 80 1500 2100
Rarefied bluespirit gunblade icon1.png  Rarefied Bluespirit Gunblade Blacksmith 76 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 80 1500 4200
Titanbronze battleaxe icon1.png  Titanbronze Battleaxe Blacksmith 76 Marauder's Arm 1 80 1500 4200
Titanbronze bayonet icon1.png  Titanbronze Bayonet Blacksmith 76 Gunbreaker's Arm 1 80 1500 4200
Titanbronze chakrams icon1.png  Titanbronze Chakrams Blacksmith 76 Dancer's Arm 1 80 1500 4200
Titanbronze daggers icon1.png  Titanbronze Daggers Blacksmith 76 Rogue's Arm 1 80 1500 4200
Titanbronze fists icon1.png  Titanbronze Fists Blacksmith 76 Pugilist's Arm 1 80 1500 4200
Titanbronze guillotine icon1.png  Titanbronze Guillotine Blacksmith 76 Dark Knight's Arm 1 80 1500 4200
Titanbronze kilij icon1.png  Titanbronze Kilij Blacksmith 76 Gladiator's Arm 1 80 1500 4200
Titanbronze musketoon icon1.png  Titanbronze Musketoon Blacksmith 76 Machinist's Arm 1 80 1500 4200
Titanbronze uchigatana icon1.png  Titanbronze Uchigatana Blacksmith 76 Samurai's Arm 1 80 1500 4200
Titanbronze zaghnal icon1.png  Titanbronze Zaghnal Blacksmith 76 Reaper's Arm 1 80 1500 4200
Art supplies icon1.png  Art Supplies Blacksmith 77 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 60 1570 3440
Titanbronze awl icon1.png  Titanbronze Awl Blacksmith 77 Leatherworker's Secondary Tool 1 80 1570 4300
Titanbronze ball-pein hammer icon1.png  Titanbronze Ball-pein Hammer Blacksmith 77 Armorer's Primary Tool 1 80 1570 4300
Titanbronze claw hammer icon1.png  Titanbronze Claw Hammer Blacksmith 77 Carpenter's Secondary Tool 1 80 1570 4300
Titanbronze creasing knife icon1.png  Titanbronze Creasing Knife Blacksmith 77 Leatherworker's Primary Tool 1 80 1570 4300
Titanbronze culinary knife icon1.png  Titanbronze Culinary Knife Blacksmith 77 Culinarian's Secondary Tool 1 80 1570 4300
Titanbronze file icon1.png  Titanbronze File Blacksmith 77 Blacksmith's Secondary Tool 1 80 1570 4300
Titanbronze hatchet icon1.png  Titanbronze Hatchet Blacksmith 77 Botanist's Primary Tool 1 80 1570 4300
Titanbronze lump hammer icon1.png  Titanbronze Lump Hammer Blacksmith 77 Blacksmith's Primary Tool 1 80 1570 4300
Titanbronze mortar icon1.png  Titanbronze Mortar Blacksmith 77 Alchemist's Secondary Tool 1 80 1570 4300
Titanbronze pickaxe icon1.png  Titanbronze Pickaxe Blacksmith 77 Miner's Primary Tool 1 80 1570 4300
Titanbronze pliers icon1.png  Titanbronze Pliers Blacksmith 77 Armorer's Secondary Tool 1 80 1570 4300
Titanbronze saw icon1.png  Titanbronze Saw Blacksmith 77 Carpenter's Primary Tool 1 80 1570 4300
Titanbronze scythe icon1.png  Titanbronze Scythe Blacksmith 77 Botanist's Secondary Tool 1 80 1570 4300
Titanbronze sledgehammer icon1.png  Titanbronze Sledgehammer Blacksmith 77 Miner's Secondary Tool 1 80 1570 4300
Titanbronze texture hammer icon1.png  Titanbronze Texture Hammer Blacksmith 77 Goldsmith's Primary Tool 1 80 1570 4300
Dwarven mythril ingot icon1.png  Dwarven Mythril Ingot Blacksmith 78 Metal 1 40 820 3520
Nullifying neckpiece icon1.png  Nullifying Neckpiece Blacksmith 78 Other 1 80 1148 2420
Ale tap icon1.png  Ale Tap Blacksmith 78 Tabletop 1 80 1640 2200
Weaponsmiths stall icon1.png  Weaponsmith's Stall Blacksmith 78 Outdoor Furnishing 1 80 1640 2200
Dwarven mythril glaives icon1.png  Dwarven Mythril Glaives Blacksmith 78 Dancer's Arm 1 80 1640 4400
Dwarven mythril guillotine icon1.png  Dwarven Mythril Guillotine Blacksmith 78 Dark Knight's Arm 1 80 1640 4400
Dwarven mythril hammer icon1.png  Dwarven Mythril Hammer Blacksmith 78 Marauder's Arm 1 80 1640 4400
Dwarven mythril knuckles icon1.png  Dwarven Mythril Knuckles Blacksmith 78 Pugilist's Arm 1 80 1640 4400
Dwarven mythril manatrigger icon1.png  Dwarven Mythril Manatrigger Blacksmith 78 Gunbreaker's Arm 1 80 1640 4400
Dwarven mythril pikenstock icon1.png  Dwarven Mythril Pikenstock Blacksmith 78 Gladiator's Arm 1 80 1640 4400
Dwarven mythril pistol icon1.png  Dwarven Mythril Pistol Blacksmith 78 Machinist's Arm 1 80 1640 4400
Dwarven mythril planisphere icon1.png  Dwarven Mythril Planisphere Blacksmith 78 Astrologian's Arm 1 80 1640 4400
Dwarven mythril rotaries icon1.png  Dwarven Mythril Rotaries Blacksmith 78 Rogue's Arm 1 80 1640 4400
Dwarven mythril uchigatana icon1.png  Dwarven Mythril Uchigatana Blacksmith 78 Samurai's Arm 1 80 1640 4400
Dwarven mythril war scythe icon1.png  Dwarven Mythril War Scythe Blacksmith 78 Reaper's Arm 1 80 1640 4400
Rarefied titanbronze pickaxe icon1.png  Rarefied Titanbronze Pickaxe Blacksmith 78 Collectable recipe icon.png Miscellany 1 80 1640 4400
Dwarven mythril awl icon1.png  Dwarven Mythril Awl Blacksmith 79 Leatherworker's Secondary Tool 1 80 1710 4500
Dwarven mythril claw hammer icon1.png  Dwarven Mythril Claw Hammer Blacksmith 79 Carpenter's Secondary Tool 1 80 1710 4500
Dwarven mythril culinary knife icon1.png  Dwarven Mythril Culinary Knife Blacksmith 79 Culinarian's Secondary Tool 1 80 1710 4500
Dwarven mythril file icon1.png  Dwarven Mythril File Blacksmith 79 Blacksmith's Secondary Tool 1 80 1710 4500
Dwarven mythril mortar icon1.png  Dwarven Mythril Mortar Blacksmith 79 Alchemist's Secondary Tool 1 80 1710 4500
Dwarven mythril pliers icon1.png  Dwarven Mythril Pliers Blacksmith 79 Armorer's Secondary Tool 1 80 1710 4500
Dwarven mythril scythe icon1.png  Dwarven Mythril Scythe Blacksmith 79 Botanist's Secondary Tool 1 80 1710 4500
Dwarven mythril sledgehammer icon1.png  Dwarven Mythril Sledgehammer Blacksmith 79 Miner's Secondary Tool 1 80 1710 4500