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'''[[Western La Noscea Sidequests]]'''
[[Western La Noscea Sidequests]]
'''[[Western La Noscea FATEs]]'''
[[Western La Noscea FATEs]]
'''[[Sahagin Daily Quests]]'''

==Shops & Services==
==Shops & Services==

Latest revision as of 07:23, 24 September 2023

Western La Noscea

Clear Skies.png Fair Skies.png Fog.png Clouds.png Wind.png Gales.png

Western La Noscea Map.jpg
Map of Western La Noscea

La Noscea
Connects to
Middle La Noscea (E)
Upper La Noscea (N)
Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks (S)
Lower La Noscea (S)
Swiftperch (X:34, Y:31)
Aleport (X:26, Y:25)

Located in the southwest of Vylbrand, during the Sixth Astral Era, this region was a fertile land with a scattering of farmsteads that provided many of Limsa Lominsa's crops. After the Calamity, however, ruin has crept upon its rolling hills, with the Sahagin who bear down from the northwest posing a particular threat.

— In-game description

Western La Noscea is a zone in La Noscea.


Area Points of Interest
Landmark (map icon).png
The Flock
Landmark (map icon).png
The Brewer's Beacon
Settlement icon.png
Aetheryte (map icon).png
Chocobokeep (map icon).png
Chocobo Porter
Skull Valley
The Smith (map icon).png
Hall of the Novice
Landmark (map icon).png
Camp Skull Valley
Landmark (map icon).png
The Founder's Crypt
Landmark (map icon).png
North Tidegate
Landmark (map icon).png
South Tidegate
Dungeon (map icon).png
Settlement icon.png
Aetheryte (map icon).png
Aleport Aetheryte
Chocobokeep (map icon).png
Chocobo Porter
Ferry icon.png
Aleport Docks
The Isles of Umbra
Ferry icon.png
Isle of Umbra Docks
Landmark (map icon).png
The Ship Graveyard
Landmark (map icon).png
Moonshade Isle
Dungeon (map icon).png
Pharos Sirius
Landmark (map icon).png
Sahagin Landbase
Landmark (map icon).png
Novv's Nursery
Landmark (map icon).png
The Serpent's Tongue
Sapsa Spawning Grounds
Landmark (map icon).png
The Reef of Sending
Landmark (map icon).png
Reaver Hide


Western La Noscea Sidequests

Western La Noscea FATEs

Sahagin Daily Quests

Shops & Services

Merchant Name Merchant Location
Merchant (map icon).png
Armor Outfitter
(X:26, Y:26.1)
Merchant (map icon).png
Magic Pot
(X:12.1, Y:36.8)
Merchant (map icon).png
Merchant & Mender
(X:26.2, Y:26.1)
Merchant (map icon).png
Merchant & Mender
(X:22.5, Y:22.7)
Merchant (map icon).png
Merchant & Mender
(X:21.8, Y:20.1)
Merchant (map icon).png
Merchant & Mender
(X:19.9, Y:23.1)
Merchant (map icon).png
Merchant & Mender
(X:34.8, Y:31.3)
Merchant (map icon).png
Sahagin Vendor
(X:16, Y:22)



B Rank

A Rank

S Rank


See also: Sightseeing Log

Players can unlock the Sightseeing Log by completing the level 20 quest Feature QuestA Sight to Behold. After completing the first 20 vistas, players can unlock the remaining vistas by talking to the NPC Millith Ironheart in Old Gridania (X:10.7, Y:6.0).

# Name Zone Coordinate Weather Time Emote Comment
8 Brewer's Beacon Western La Noscea (X:29.9, Y:30.7) Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
5:00-8:00 Lookout.png  Lookout Go behind the lighthouse on the west side. The vista is located where the wooden barrier and the lighthouse's wall meet.
26 The Navigator Western La Noscea (X:26.9, Y:26.6) Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
17:00-18:00 Pray.png  Pray To the left hand side along the railing (if lookout out towards the sea).
27 The Ship Graveyard Western La Noscea (X:17.1, Y:36.2) Gales.png Gales 18:00-5:00 Lookout.png  Lookout Bottom SE corner of Isle of Umbral. Stand on top of the pot in the sand.
28 Camp Skull Valley Western La Noscea (X:22.8, Y:22.4) Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
8:00-12:00 Lookout.png  Lookout On top of the front-right spike (if facing) of the tents on the top of the fort. Jump on canvas roof then on spike.
29 Tidegate Western La Noscea (X:19.4, Y:22.4) Fair Skies.png Fair Skies
Clear Skies.png Clear Skies
12:00-17:00 Lookout.png  Lookout On the top of the center pole on the round tent (just after three tents). Jump onto the smaller pole then BACKWARDS HOP onto the higher bit. From there sprint jump to the top/middle pole.


This zone is associated with the following achievements:

Name Points Task Reward Patch
Mapping the realm western la noscea icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: Western La Noscea 10 Visit western La Noscea and unlock the area map. - 2.1



Located in the southwest of Vylbrand, during the Sixth Astral Era, this region was a fertile land with a scattering of farmsteads that provided many of Limsa Lominsa’s crops. After the Calamity, however, ruin has crept upon its rolling hills, with the Sahagin who bear down from the northwest posing a particular threat.


Though one in four parts of Quarterstone’s soil is rock, granaries and golden wheat were once abundant thanks in part to the tireless toiling of its former residents. Now the farmland is overgrown and wild, as the fields have stood stagnant since the farmers fled to Limsa Lominsa with the coming of the Calamity.


Constructed as part of a great plan to rebuild aetheryte camps, Swiftperch is a new settlement constructed around the remains of a watchtower that once served the Yellowjackets. Farmers who lived in Quarterstone are slowly returning, yet their lives are hard and prospects bleak.

The Flock

The wheat grew tall here, but for want of farmers the fields have been left fallow for five years. At present, the area has been reclaimed by a flock of feral dodos.

Brewer’s Beacon

This relatively new lighthouse was built soon after the Calamity claimed Swiftperch Tower to ensure safe passage for trade vessels carrying shipments of dark stouts and blonde barleywines out of Aleport. In addition, the candlekeeps also maintain watch for increasingly frequent rogue tidal waves caused by the stirrings of the Lord of the Whorl.

Skull Valley

The name of this valley bespeaks a grisly history. When kobolds ventured down from O’Ghomoro, they were slaughtered by Yellowjackets, and their skulls placed on display as a warning to others. With the changing times, the place is now more likely to face Sahagin incursion.

Sastasha Seagrot

Ages of pounding waves have worn away the sea cliff, leaving this natural cavern. While tales that the Seagrot is the lair of deadly coeurls abound, it has become clear that this was a ploy by the Serpent Reavers to keep people away. The cavern connects with the sea, and these pirates have built a hideout at its depths whence they aid the Sahagin.


Unlike water, ale will not go stagnant on long sea voyages. Thus, many ships put into this, the second harbor on Vylbrand, to fill their holds with the stuff. Subsequently, Aleport does a goodly trade in grog, a trade encouraged by low taxes on various brews. Less well known, however, is that this was a stratagem specifically designed to prevent large vessels from clogging the port of Limsa Lominsa.

Camp Skull Valley

Now a strategic outpost for the Maelstrom, Camp Skull Valley was once but a circle of tents occupied by a meager Yellowjacket unit charged with surveilling the area for kobold incursions. Those beastmen foolish enough to venture down from O’Ghomoro were slaughtered and beheaded—their skulls put on display as a warning to others.

The Founder's Crypt

The Founder’s Crypt stands to commemorate a settler named Aerghaemr—a hero who died so that many more could live. He alone stayed behind when the Sahagin attacked to buy his comrades precious time to flee.

North & South Tidegate

Taking advantage of the chaos left in the Calamity’s wake, a large force of Sahagin rose from the seas and laid claim to Halfstone, a distant Lominsan settlement on the far-western edge of La Noscea. To prevent any further swells of the beastman forces, a massive wall was erected between the enemy-occupied lowlands and the allied Skull Valley.


In spite of the high rock content in the soil, men toiled patiently to reclaim Halfstone, and eventually established a farming settlement. Yet, all this was washed away when the primal Leviathan unleashed a great tidal wave after the Calamity, and the area is now little more than a barren stretch of rocky shore.

The Serpent’s Tongue

This hidden harbor serves as a hideout for the rapacious Serpent Reavers, who have allied with the Sahagin against their fellow men.

Sapsa Spawning Grounds

The Sahagin swarmed this area after the tidal wave collided with the coast, and are laboriously transforming it into a spawning ground.

The Sahagin Landbase

Built by warriors from the seas, the Landbase has allowed the aquatic beastmen to assault the Maelstrom stationed at North and South Tidegate time and again.

The Reef of Sending

From the Reef of Sending, the Sahagin return the spirits of their brethren who perished on dry land to the embrace of the azure seas.

Novv’s Nursery

At this small beastman settlement, Clutchfather Novv raises his spawnlings alongside his unusually hospitable clutch.

The Isles of Umbra

The seas off the coast of Aleport are bespeckled by these islands, which include the mystical Moonshade Isle in their number.

The Ship Graveyard

For centuries, ships wrecked off the shores of southern Vylbrand have been carried upon currents to this quiet inlet—a timeless reminder of the deep’s boundless wrath. So many are the wooden corpses which populate this watery lichyard, it is said that for every hull visible above the waves, a score more slumber beneath.

Pharos Sirius

Pharos Sirius is a towering beacon built to guide ships safely into Aleport. Its fires were fueled by aetherial energy—a technology of Naldiq & Vymelli’s as radiant as it was innovative. During the Calamity, however, some projectile struck the lighthouse, and turned the aether inside to a great mass of corrupted crystal. [1]


  1. Encyclopaedia Eorzea: Volume I, page 109