Difference between revisions of "Marauder's Arm/Level 61 - 70"

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{{weapon table row|Farsha +1}}
{{weapon table row|Farsha +2}}
{{weapon table row|Farsha Pagos +1}}
{{weapon table row|Elemental Battleaxe +1}}
{{weapon table row|Elemental Battleaxe +2}}
{{weapon table row|Hydatos Battleaxe +1}}

Revision as of 23:00, 27 May 2023

Item Icon Level Item Level Requirement Damage (Type) Materia Slots Stats and Attributes
Ghost Barque Battleaxe Ghost barque battleaxe icon1.png 61 260 MRD WAR 78 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +95 Vitality +98 Critical Hit +94 Determination +66 
High Steel Battleaxe High steel battleaxe icon1.png 62 265 MRD WAR 71 HQ icon.png79 Physical Damage.png 2 (5) Strength +86 HQ icon.png96Vitality +91 HQ icon.png101Critical Hit +60 HQ icon.png67Skill Speed +86 HQ icon.png95
Ruby Tide Axe Ruby tide axe icon1.png 63 270 MRD WAR 79 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +98 Vitality +103 Determination +96 Tenacity +67 
Doman Iron War Axe Doman iron war axe icon1.png 64 273 MRD WAR 71 HQ icon.png79 Physical Damage.png 2 (5) Strength +89 HQ icon.png99Vitality +94 HQ icon.png104Critical Hit +62 HQ icon.png69Tenacity +88 HQ icon.png98
The Impassible Peak The impassible peak icon1.png 65 276 MRD WAR 80 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +101 Vitality +104 Determination +100 Skill Speed +70 
Doman Steel Battleaxe Doman steel battleaxe icon1.png 66 279 MRD WAR 72 HQ icon.png80 Physical Damage.png 2 (5) Strength +92 HQ icon.png102Vitality +94 HQ icon.png105Skill Speed +93 HQ icon.png103Tenacity +65 HQ icon.png72
Kintoki Shin Kintoki shin icon1.png 67 282 MRD WAR 80 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +103 Vitality +105 Determination +74 Tenacity +105 
Molybdenum War Axe Molybdenum war axe icon1.png 68 285 MRD WAR 73 HQ icon.png81 Physical Damage.png 2 (5) Strength +94 HQ icon.png105Vitality +94 HQ icon.png105Critical Hit +97 HQ icon.png108Tenacity +68 HQ icon.png76
Sparth Sparth icon1.png 69 288 MRD WAR 81 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +106 Vitality +106 Skill Speed +109 Tenacity +76 
Farsha Anemos Replica Farsha anemos replica icon1.png 70 1 WAR 9 Physical Damage.png 0
Replica Elemental Battleaxe Replica elemental battleaxe icon1.png 70 1 WAR 9 Physical Damage.png 0
Replica Pyros Battleaxe Replica pyros battleaxe icon1.png 70 1 WAR 9 Physical Damage.png 0
Shamash Replica Shamash replica icon1.png 70 1 WAR 9 Physical Damage.png 0
Shamash Eureka Replica Shamash eureka replica icon1.png 70 1 WAR 9 Physical Damage.png 0
Susano's Rapturous War Axe Susanos rapturous war axe icon1.png 70 290 MRD WAR 73 HQ icon.png81 Physical Damage.png 2 (5) Strength +97 HQ icon.png108Vitality +95 HQ icon.png106Critical Hit +101 HQ icon.png112Determination +70 HQ icon.png78
Shinryu's Ephemeral War Axe Shinryus ephemeral war axe icon1.png 70 290 MRD WAR 73 HQ icon.png81 Physical Damage.png 2 (5) Strength +97 HQ icon.png108Vitality +95 HQ icon.png106Critical Hit +101 HQ icon.png112Determination +70 HQ icon.png78
Byakko's Enspirited Greataxe Byakkos enspirited greataxe icon1.png 70 290 MRD WAR 73 HQ icon.png81 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +97 HQ icon.png108Vitality +95 HQ icon.png106Determination +101 HQ icon.png112Skill Speed +70 HQ icon.png78
Tsukuyomi's Moonlit Greataxe Tsukuyomis moonlit greataxe icon1.png 70 290 MRD WAR 73 HQ icon.png81 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +97 HQ icon.png108Vitality +95 HQ icon.png106Critical Hit +70 HQ icon.png78Tenacity +101 HQ icon.png112
Suzaku's Flame-kissed Greataxe Suzakus flame-kissed greataxe icon1.png 70 290 MRD WAR 73 HQ icon.png81 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +97 HQ icon.png108Vitality +95 HQ icon.png106Critical Hit +101 HQ icon.png112Determination +70 HQ icon.png78
Seiryu's Sanctified War Axe Seiryus sanctified war axe icon1.png 70 290 MRD WAR 73 HQ icon.png81 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +97 HQ icon.png108Vitality +95 HQ icon.png106Critical Hit +101 HQ icon.png112Determination +70 HQ icon.png78
Antiquated Farsha Antiquated farsha icon1.png 70 290 WAR 81 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +108 Vitality +106 Determination +78 Tenacity +112 
Axe of the Crimson Lotus Axe of the crimson lotus icon1.png 70 300 MRD WAR 82 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +112 Vitality +111 Critical Hit +114 Skill Speed +80 
Ala Mhigan Battleaxe Ala mhigan battleaxe icon1.png 70 310 MRD WAR 83 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +118 Vitality +116 Determination +82 Tenacity +117 
Chromite Axe Chromite axe icon1.png 70 320 MRD WAR 76 HQ icon.png84 Physical Damage.png 2 (5) Strength +108 HQ icon.png120Vitality +108 HQ icon.png120Determination +108 HQ icon.png120Skill Speed +76 HQ icon.png84
Susano's War Axe Susanos war axe icon1.png 70 320 MRD WAR 84 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +120 Vitality +120 Critical Hit +120 Determination +84 
Lost Allagan Battleaxe Lost allagan battleaxe icon1.png 70 330 MRD WAR 85 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +123 Vitality +125 Determination +124 Tenacity +87 
Farsha Farsha icon1.png 70 335 WAR 86 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +125 Vitality +126 Critical Hit +88 Skill Speed +126 
Shinryu's War Axe Shinryus war axe icon1.png 70 335 MRD WAR 86 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +125 Vitality +126 Critical Hit +126 Determination +88 
Augmented Lost Allagan Battleaxe Augmented lost allagan battleaxe icon1.png 70 340 MRD WAR 86 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +127 Vitality +129 Determination +126 Tenacity +88 
Farsha +1 Farsha +1 icon1.png 70 340 WAR 86 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +127 Vitality +129 Critical Hit +88 Skill Speed +126 
Farsha +2 Farsha +2 icon1.png 70 345 WAR 87 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +129 Vitality +130 Critical Hit +89 Skill Speed +127 
Genji Greataxe Genji greataxe icon1.png 70 345 MRD WAR 87 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +129 Vitality +130 Critical Hit +89 Tenacity +127 
Ultimate Dreadwyrm Bardiche Ultimate dreadwyrm bardiche icon1.png 70 345 MRD WAR 87 Physical Damage.png 3 Strength +129 Vitality +130 Critical Hit +89 Tenacity +127 
Nightsteel Battleaxe Nightsteel battleaxe icon1.png 70 350 MRD WAR 78 HQ icon.png87 Physical Damage.png 2 (5) Strength +117 HQ icon.png130Vitality +119 HQ icon.png132Critical Hit +116 HQ icon.png129Tenacity +81 HQ icon.png90
Byakko's Greataxe Byakkos greataxe icon1.png 70 355 MRD WAR 88 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +132 Vitality +134 Determination +130 Skill Speed +91 
Farsha Anemos Farsha anemos icon1.png 70 355 WAR 88 Physical Damage.png 5 Strength +132 Vitality +134 Critical Hit +91 Skill Speed +130 
Augmented Nightsteel Battleaxe Augmented nightsteel battleaxe icon1.png 70 360 MRD WAR 79 HQ icon.png88 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +120 HQ icon.png133Vitality +123 HQ icon.png137Critical Hit +118 HQ icon.png131Tenacity +83 HQ icon.png92
Farsha Pagos Farsha pagos icon1.png 70 360 WAR 88 Physical Damage.png 5 Strength +133 Vitality +137 Critical Hit +92 Skill Speed +131 
Mikazuki Mikazuki icon1.png 70 360 MRD WAR 88 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +133 Vitality +137 Skill Speed +92 Tenacity +131 
Empyrean War Axe Empyrean war axe icon1.png 70 365 MRD WAR 89 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +135 Vitality +139 Critical Hit +134 Determination +94 
Farsha Pagos +1 Farsha pagos +1 icon1.png 70 365 WAR 89 Physical Damage.png 5 Strength +135 Vitality +139 Critical Hit +94 Skill Speed +134 
Tsukuyomi's Greataxe Tsukuyomis greataxe icon1.png 70 365 MRD WAR 89 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +135 Vitality +139 Critical Hit +94 Tenacity +134 
Elemental Battleaxe Elemental battleaxe icon1.png 70 370 WAR 89 Physical Damage.png 5 Strength +137 Vitality +141 Critical Hit +94 Skill Speed +134 
Mikazuki Kai Mikazuki kai icon1.png 70 370 MRD WAR 89 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +137 Vitality +141 Skill Speed +94 Tenacity +134 
Bravura Ultima Bravura ultima icon1.png 70 375 MRD WAR 90 Physical Damage.png 3 Strength +139 Vitality +143 Critical Hit +136 Determination +95 
Diamond Axe Diamond axe icon1.png 70 375 MRD WAR 90 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +139 Vitality +143 Critical Hit +136 Determination +95 
Elemental Battleaxe +1 Elemental battleaxe +1 icon1.png 70 375 WAR 90 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +139 Vitality +143 Critical Hit +95 Skill Speed +136 
Elemental Battleaxe +2 Elemental battleaxe +2 icon1.png 70 380 WAR 90 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +140 Vitality +146 Critical Hit +96 Skill Speed +137 
Rakshasa Axe Rakshasa axe icon1.png 70 380 MRD WAR 81 HQ icon.png90 Physical Damage.png 2 (5) Strength +126 HQ icon.png140Vitality +131 HQ icon.png146Critical Hit +123 HQ icon.png137Tenacity +86 HQ icon.png96
Deepgold Battleaxe Deepgold battleaxe icon1.png 70 385 MRD WAR 82 HQ icon.png91 Physical Damage.png 2 (5) Strength +128 HQ icon.png142Vitality +134 HQ icon.png149Determination +87 HQ icon.png97Skill Speed +125 HQ icon.png139
Pyros Battleaxe Pyros battleaxe icon1.png 70 385 WAR 91 Physical Damage.png 0 Strength +142 Vitality +149 Item settings icon.png Customizable substats
Suzaku's Greataxe Suzakus greataxe icon1.png 70 385 MRD WAR 91 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +142 Vitality +149 Critical Hit +139 Determination +97 
Hydatos Battleaxe Hydatos battleaxe icon1.png 70 390 WAR 91 Physical Damage.png 0 Strength +144 Vitality +152 Item settings icon.png Customizable substats
Scaevan Magitek Axe Scaevan magitek axe icon1.png 70 390 MRD WAR 91 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +144 Vitality +152 Critical Hit +99 Tenacity +141 
Yama Axe Yama axe icon1.png 70 390 MRD WAR 82 HQ icon.png91 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +130 HQ icon.png144Vitality +137 HQ icon.png152Critical Hit +127 HQ icon.png141Tenacity +89 HQ icon.png99
Hydatos Battleaxe +1 Hydatos battleaxe +1 icon1.png 70 395 WAR 92 Physical Damage.png 0 Strength +146 Vitality +157 Item settings icon.png Customizable substats
Seiryu's War Axe Seiryus war axe icon1.png 70 395 MRD WAR 92 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +146 Vitality +157 Critical Hit +143 Determination +100 
Augmented Scaevan Magitek Axe Augmented scaevan magitek axe icon1.png 70 400 MRD WAR 92 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +148 Vitality +161 Critical Hit +101 Tenacity +144 
Shamash Shamash icon1.png 70 400 WAR 92 Physical Damage.png 0 Strength +148 Vitality +161 Item settings icon.png Customizable substats
Omega Battleaxe Omega battleaxe icon1.png 70 405 MRD WAR 93 Physical Damage.png 2 Strength +150 Vitality +162 Determination +103 Skill Speed +147 
Shamash Eureka Shamash eureka icon1.png 70 405 WAR 93 Physical Damage.png 0 Strength +150 Vitality +162 Item settings icon.png Customizable substats
Shamash Physeos Shamash physeos icon1.png 70 405 WAR 93 Physical Damage.png 0 Strength +150 Vitality +162 Item settings icon.png Customizable substats