Difference between revisions of "Seasonal Events Achievements"

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#REDIRECT [[Category:Quests→Seasonal Events achievements]]
{| {{STDT| mech1 sortable align-left}}
{{achievement table header}}
{{achievement table row|Cascadier Reborn}}
{{achievement table row|Oh My Gourd}}
{{achievement table row|Cold as Ice}}
{{achievement table row|Horsing About}}
{{achievement table row|Spreading the Love}}
{{achievement table row|Pretty in Pink}}
{{achievement table row|Eggspert Hunter}}
{{achievement table row|All's Faire in Love and War}}
{{achievement table row|A Bloom with a View}}
{{achievement table row|Monster Party}}
{{achievement table row|Smile-high}}
{{achievement table row|On the Lamb (Achievement)}}
{{achievement table row|Love Actually}}
{{achievement table row|Welcome to the Dollhouse}}
{{achievement table row|Eggspialidocious}}
{{achievement table row|All's Faire in Love and War II}}
{{achievement table row|A Room with a You}}
{{achievement table row|I Need Your Clothes, Your Boots, and Your Broom}}
{{achievement table row|Heaven Eleven}}
{{achievement table row|Needs More Bell}}
{{achievement table row|Gluten Free}}
{{achievement table row|If You Believe in Love after Life}}
{{achievement table row|False Idols}}
{{achievement table row|Even Eggs Fall from Trees}}
{{achievement table row|Gold Digger}}
{{achievement table row|End of Watch}}
{{achievement table row|Go Go Posing Rangers}}
{{achievement table row|Third Rise's a Charm}}
{{achievement table row|It's the Wake Pumpkin, Circus Clown}}
{{achievement table row|Beautiful Youngling Too Good for this World Too Pure}}
{{achievement table row|Dying for Paissa}}
{{achievement table row|I Kiss You}}
{{achievement table row|Eorzean Idol}}
{{achievement table row|Kindred Surprise}}
{{achievement table row|All Saucer Everything}}
{{achievement table row|The Faire and the Maidens There}}
{{achievement table row|Fourth Time's Also a Charm}}
{{achievement table row|Rise of the Lupin}}
{{achievement table row|The Nightbear Before Starlight}}
{{achievement table row|Sitting with the Dog}}
{{achievement table row|Exciting and New}}
{{achievement table row|The Fan in Fanatic}}
{{achievement table row|Eggsit Stage Left}}
{{achievement table row|MeetMog}}
{{achievement table row|Tonight, the Stars Align}}
{{achievement table row|Give Me Five}}
{{achievement table row|Ghost with the Most}}
{{achievement table row|Theatgrhythdaniam: Curtain Call}}
{{achievement table row|Cats and Hogs}}
{{achievement table row|Cupid}}
{{achievement table row|Princess Maker}}
{{achievement table row|Eggspedia}}
{{achievement table row|On the Inside}}
{{achievement table row|Brother from Another Mothercrystal}}
{{achievement table row|Vouched Four}}
{{achievement table row|At Sixes and Sevens}}
{{achievement table row|I Have the Evil-ish Eye}}
{{achievement table row|Starlight de Chocobo}}
{{achievement table row|Mo Mochi! Mo Mochi! Mo Mochi!}}
{{achievement table row|Warrior of Love}}
{{achievement table row|Just Peachy}}
{{achievement table row|Egg-hunter and Egg-hunted}}
{{achievement table row|Service with a Smile}}
{{achievement table row|Smile, You Son of a...}}
{{achievement table row|Magnificent Seven}}
{{achievement table row|Snow Day}}
{{achievement table row|Happy Moo Year}}
{{achievement table row|Celebrating in Sync}}
{{achievement table row|A Fowl Temper}}
{{achievement table row|Objection!}}
{{achievement table row|You Say Good-bye I Say Hielo...}}
{{achievement table row|The Great Eight}}
{{achievement table row|The Winners Club}}
{{achievement table row|Friend to the Furry}}
{{achievement table row|Feline Fun}}
{{achievement table row|Honorificabilitudinitatibus}}
{{achievement table row|Walk the Walk (Achievement)}}
{{achievement table row|Happy Hunting}}
{{achievement table row|Senor Advisor}}
{{achievement table row|Ever Dependable Grandmentor}}
{{achievement table row|The Whole Nine Yalms}}
{{achievement table row|Hoppy New Year!}}
{{achievement table row|Many Faces}}
{{achievement table row|To Thine Own Self Be True}}
[[Category:Quests achievements]]

Revision as of 07:45, 25 December 2022

Name Points Task Reward Patch
Striped summer halter icon1.png  Cascadier Reborn 10 Obtain a summer morning, summer evening, or striped cascadier uniform during the Moonfire Faire festivities. Achievement title icon.png Elite Cascadier 2.0
Oh My Gourd.png  Oh My Gourd 10 Complete the quest “Monstrous Mummery.” The howling spirit icon1.png  The Howling Spirit 2.05
Snowman head icon1.png  Cold as Ice 10 Obtain either a snowman head, a snowman suit, or a pair of snowman mitts during the Starlight Celebration. - 2.1
Zoni icon1.png  Horsing About 10 Complete the quest “Thank Heavensturn for You.” - 2.1
Valentione apron dress icon1.png  Spreading the Love 10 Complete the quest “Never Say Farewell.” - 2.1
Pretty in pink icon1.png  Pretty in Pink 10 Complete the quest “A Real Peach.” - 2.16
Egg harness icon1.png  Eggspert Hunter 10 Complete the quest “Hard-boiled.” - 2.21
Pinwheel icon1.png  All's Faire in Love and War 10 Complete the quest “Remember Me This Moonfire Faire.” - 2.3
Starlight box icon1.png  A Bloom with a View 10 Complete the quest “What Blooms in the Night.” - 2.35
Eerie hat icon1.png  Monster Party 10 Complete the quest “Yes We Cant.” - 2.38
Starlight sugarloaf hat icon1.png  Smile-high 10 Complete the quest “Going the Extra Smile.” - 2.45
On the Lamb (Achievement) Icon.png  On the Lamb 10 Complete the quest "All's Wool That Ends Wool." - 2.45
Paramour barding icon1.png  Love Actually 10 Complete the quest “Now That We've Found Love.” Achievement title icon.png Cupid 2.5
Peach blossom choker icon1.png  Welcome to the Dollhouse 10 Complete the quest “A Father's Folly.” Achievement title icon.png Golemancer 2.51
Egg earrings icon1.png  Eggspialidocious 10 Complete the quest “Eggs Pluribus Unum.” Achievement title icon.png Half-boiled Hero (Male) / Half-boiled Heroine (Female) 2.55
Pinwheel icon1.png  All's Faire in Love and War II 10 Complete the quest “An Adventurer's Life for Me.” - 3.05
Starlight box icon1.png  A Room with a You 10 Complete the quest “A World Away.” - 3.05
I Need Your Clothes Your Boots and Your Broom icon1.png  I Need Your Clothes, Your Boots, and Your Broom 10 Complete the quest “Sweeping the Meadows.” - 3.07
Amatsu togi icon1.png  Heaven Eleven 10 Complete the quest “A Journey to Remember.” - 3.1
Reindeer antler headband icon1.png  Needs More Bell 10 Complete the quest “For Whom the Starlight Bell Tolls.” - 3.1
See no helm icon1.png  Gluten Free 10 Complete the quest “Monkey about Town.” - 3.1
Red-feathered flat hat icon1.png  If You Believe in Love after Life 10 Complete the quest “A Pair of Hearts.” - 3.15
Ladys suikan icon1.png  False Idols 10 Complete the quest “The Lead Starling.” - 3.2
Egg hunter barding icon1.png  Even Eggs Fall from Trees 10 Complete the quest “Eggsaltation of a Lark.” - 3.21
Mgp voucher icon1.png  Gold Digger 10 Complete the quest “An Inspector's Gadget.” - 3.25
Yo-kai watch icon1.png  End of Watch 10 Complete the quest “A Complete Game Changer.” - 3.35
Legacy warrior mail icon1.png  Go Go Posing Rangers 10 Complete the quest “A Battle Royal.” - 3.35
Starlight box icon1.png  Third Rise's a Charm 10 Complete the quest “After the Curtain Falls.” - 3.35
Vampires vest icon1.png  It's the Wake Pumpkin, Circus Clown 10 Complete the quest “In a Manor of Spooking.” - 3.4
Starlight robe icon1.png  Beautiful Youngling Too Good for this World, Too Pure 10 Complete the quest “I'll Be Home for Starlight.” - 3.45
Dying for Paissa Icon.png  Dying for Paissa 10 Complete the quest "A Thousand Blows." - 3.45
Angel of mercy icon1.png  I Kiss You 10 Complete the quest “The Magic Number.” - 3.51
Songbird jacket icon1.png  Eorzean Idol 10 Complete the quest “Idols Give Back.” - 3.55a
Eggshilaration system identification key icon1.png  Kindred Surprise 10 Complete the quest “Eggsistential Crisis.” - 3.57
Mgp voucher icon1.png  All Saucer Everything 10 Complete the quest “Golden Rain.” - 3.55a
Faire joi icon1.png  The Faire and the Maidens There 10 Complete the quest “The True Meaning of Summer.” - 4.05
Starlight box icon1.png  Fourth Time's Also a Charm 10 Complete the quest “A Reoccurring Bug.” - 4.05
Werewolf body icon1.png  Rise of the Lupin 10 Complete the quest “The Adventurer Who Cried Wolfman.” - 4.1
Starlight bear horn icon1.png  The Nightbear Before Starlight 10 Complete the quest “Starlight Stakeout.” - 4.1
Sitting with the Dog.png  Sitting with the Dog 10 Complete the quest "More Bark and Mochi Bite." - 4.1
Broken heart pendant (left) icon1.png  Exciting and New 10 Complete the quest “Lessons in Love.” - 4.2
Ballroom etiquette - improper praise 1 icon1.png  The Fan in Fanatic 10 Complete the quest “A Colorful Affair.” - 4.2
Eggsit Stage Left.png  Eggsit Stage Left 10 Complete the quest “Uneggseptable Losses.” - 4.2
Mgp voucher icon1.png  MeetMog 10 Complete the quest “Love and Kupo Nuts.” Achievement title icon.png Matchmaker 4.3
Endless summer glasses icon1.png  Tonight, the Stars Align 10 Complete the quest “If at First You Don't Succeed, Give Up.” Achievement title icon.png Eorzean Ninja Warrior 4.3
Starlight box icon1.png  Give Me Five 10 Complete the quest “In Adventurers We Trust.” Achievement title icon.png Calamatologist 4.35
Little yin icon1.png  Ghost with the Most 10 Complete the quest “The Sordid Cipher.” - 4.4
Choir robe icon1.png  Theatgrhythdaniam: Curtain Call 10 Complete the quest “Theatgrhythdaniam.” - 4.45
Cats and Hogs Icon.png  Cats and Hogs 10 Complete the quest "Hogging the Spotlight." - 4.45
Valentione lobster platter icon1.png  Cupid 10 Complete the quest “A Many-splendored Thing.” - 4.5
Flower crown icon1.png  Princess Maker 10 Complete the quest “Princess of Flowers.” - 4.55
Spriggan jacket icon1.png  Eggspedia 10 Complete the quest “Deus Eggs Machina.” - 4.5
Mgp voucher icon1.png  On the Inside 10 Complete the quest “The Sabotender Shimmy.” - 4.5
Brother from Another Mothercrystal.png  Brother from Another Mothercrystal 10 Complete the quest "Messenger of the Winds." Achievement title icon.png Kingsglaive 4.56
Moonfire Hachimaki.png  Vouched Four 10 Complete the quest “Anything You Can Do.” - 5.05
Starlight box icon1.png  At Sixes and Sevens 10 Complete the quest “Message in a Bottle.” - 5.05
Grani horn icon1.png  I Have the Evil-ish Eye 10 Complete the quest “Fear and Delight.” - 5.08
Saintly barding icon1.png  Starlight de Chocobo 10 Complete the quest “A Chocobo Carol.” - 5.1
Mo Mochi Mo Mochi Mo Mochi.png  Mo Mochi! Mo Mochi! Mo Mochi! 10 Complete the quest "Mochi to Be Desired." - 5.1
Valentione rose dress icon1.png  Warrior of Love 10 Help an aspiring emissary of ardor spread affection by completing “Astrid's Acumen,” “Bert's Big Idea,” or “Rodrigault's Revelation.” - 5.1
Princesss peach corsage icon1.png  Just Peachy 10 Complete the quest “Pretty in Peaches.” - 5.2
Rabbit head icon1.png  Egg-hunter and Egg-hunted 10 Complete the quest “A Procession Eggstraordinaire.” - 5.21
Mgp voucher icon1.png  Service with a Smile 10 Complete the quest “Caught Shorthanded.” - 5.35
Ballroom etiquette - the flame dance icon1.png  Smile, You Son of a... 10 Complete the quest “Flame On.” - 5.3
Starlight box icon1.png  Magnificent Seven 10 Complete the quest “Glass from the Past.” - 5.3
Snowman icon2.png  Snow Day 10 Complete the quest “Starlit Smiles.” - 5.4
Happy Moo Year Icon.png  Happy Moo Year 10 Complete the quest "Steering Clear of Trouble." - 5.4
Lovely moogle cap icon1.png  Celebrating in Sync 10 Complete the quest “Little Lady Adventurer.” - 5.45
Chicken Head.png  A Fowl Temper 10 Complete the quest “A Poultry Sum.” - 5.5
Ballroom etiquette - displaying displeasure icon1.png  Objection! 10 Complete the seasonal event quest “A Token of Thanks.” - 5.5
Costa del hielo icon1.png  You Say Good-bye, I Say Hielo... 10 Complete the quest “A Treat to Beat the Heat.” - 5.5
Starlight box icon1.png  The Great Eight 10 Complete the quest “Rising Calm.” - 5.55
The winners club icon1.png  The Winners Club 10 Complete the quest “A Feast to Remember.” - 6.0
Friend to the furry icon1.png  Friend to the Furry 10 Complete the quest “Time to Shine.” - 6.0
Feline Fun Icon.png  Feline Fun 10 Complete the quest "Tangle with a Tora." - 6.05
Honorificabilitudinitatibus icon1.png  Honorificabilitudinitatibus 10 Complete the quest “Love's Labors.” - 6.08
Little ladys crown icon1.png  Walk the Walk 10 Complete the quest “Fashion Face-off.” - 6.05
Happy hunting icon1.png  Happy Hunting 10 Complete the quest “Hippity, Hoppity, Happily.” - 6.1
Senor advisor icon1.png  Senor Advisor 10 Complete the quest “A Prickly Plaint.” - 6.11a
Ever dependable grandmentor icon1.png  Ever Dependable Grandmentor 10 Complete the quest “Fhul Me Once.” - 6.1
The whole nine yalms icon1.png  The Whole Nine Yalms 10 Complete the quest "Newfound Journey.” - 6.2
Hoppy new year icon1.png  Hoppy New Year! 10 Complete the quest “With Great Fortune Comes Great Responsibility.” - 6.28
Many faces icon1.png  Many Faces 10 Complete the quest “A Mad Masquerade.” - 6.2
To thine own self be true icon1.png  To Thine Own Self Be True 10 Complete the quest “Suited for Affection.” - 6.3