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Line 17: Line 17:
| entrance-coordinates = 14.2,30.6
| entrance-coordinates = 14.2,30.6
| req-quest = One More Night in Amdapor
| req-quest = One More Night in Amdapor
| modes = explorer
| patch = 3.2
| patch = 3.2
| release = heavensward
| release = heavensward

Revision as of 21:13, 10 November 2022

Disambig icon.png This article is about the optional level 60 dungeon from Heavensward. For the optional level 50 dungeon, see The Lost City of Amdapor.


The Lost City of Amdapor (Hard)

The Lost City of Amdapor (Hard).png
60 (Sync: 60)
Item Level
Party size
Light Party
4 man 1 Tank role.png 1 Healer role.png 2 DPS role.png
Time limit
90 minutes
Level 50/60/70/80 Dungeons"Level 50/60/70/80 Dungeons" is not in the list (Expert, Leveling, Main Scenario, Trials, Guildhests, Frontline, Mentor, Normal Raids, Alliance Raids, High-level Dungeons, ...) of allowed values for the "Is available for duty roulette" property.
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 40 
Req. quest
Feature quest One More Night in Amdapor
South Shroud (X:14.2, Y:30.6)

Following the defeat of Diabolos, the unnatural pall choking the crumbling city of Amdapor was lifted, and tranquility restored to the Twelveswood. Or so it had seemed. When the Hearers entered the ruins, however, they had scarce begun consigning the stones to the forest when their elemental allies fled in a sudden panic. By the spirits' agitated whispers did the Seedseers learn that a daunting and hostile presence yet lingered within Amdapor's moldering walls. Unable to complete their ritual of cleansing, once more have the Padjals called upon your aid. Once more must you delve deep inside the ancient city's husk, and purge its withered heart of an unknown evil...

— In-game description

The Lost City of Amdapor (Hard) is a level 60 dungeon introduced in patch 3.2 with Heavensward.


  1. Unfortunate eggs destroyed: 0/3
  2. Defeat Achamoth: 0/1
  3. Eliminate the threat in the Sanctum of Dreams: 0/1
  4. Defeat the winged lion: 0/1
  5. Eliminate the threat in the Crystallum: 0/1
  6. Defeat Kuribu: 0/1


The Lost City of Amdapor (Hard) Dungeon Guide

Aggressive difficulty r6.png Achamoth

Spawns poison clouds that tether to a player and follow them. They explode upon contact.


Psycho Squamae Frontal cone AE
Neura Squamae Spawns ghosts of the players, look into the walls to avoid to much AE on the platform
Toxic Squamae Platform wide AE
Enthrallment The spawned ghosts cast a frontal cone AE

Aggressive difficulty r6.png Winged Lion

Spawns Adds while casting Ancient Holy. Each player get a debuff that reduces their earth resistance or their wind resistance. They can walk in to the earth/wind bubbles that spawn on the platform for a moderate amount of damage to destroy them. Earth debuff walks into wind bubble and wind debuff walks into earth bubble.


Ancient Aero Circular AoE, leaves a wind bubble on the ground
Ancient Stone Circular AoE, leaves a stone bubble on the ground
Ancient Holy Winged Lion lifts into the air and can't be attacked and casts a circular AoE. Arcane sphere is spawned at his feet that must be killed to reduce damage.
Ancient Libra Gives or reassigns Wind or Earth vulnerabilities to each player

Aggressive difficulty r6.png Kuribu

Has a buff called Seed of Life with two stacks, kill it once to remove a stack, so you have to kill it three times total.

Spawns adds in phase 3 that tether to a player and interrupts him. Marked player will gain the 'Prey' status.


Glory: Frontal Cone AoE
Cure IV (light circle, Phase 1+3): Each player that steps into the circle removes a spike and reduces the HP she will recover
Cure IV (dark circle, Phase 2+3): Persistent Ground AoE, get out of it to avoid damage.
Regen: Applies Rehabilitation buff to Kuribu, causing health regen. Can be interrupted.
Cure III (Phase 2): Marks two players with large red ring AoEs; spread out to reduce damage taken.
Decoy Spawns an add that must be killed
Reverse: Changes Kuribu's Cure effects to damage players instead of healing Kuribu.


Silver Coffer (small).png Achamoth

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Dravanian bracelet of aiming icon1.png  Dravanian Bracelet of Aiming Bracelets 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian bracelet of casting icon1.png  Dravanian Bracelet of Casting Bracelets 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian bracelet of fending icon1.png  Dravanian Bracelet of Fending Bracelets 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian bracelet of healing icon1.png  Dravanian Bracelet of Healing Bracelets 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian bracelet of slaying icon1.png  Dravanian Bracelet of Slaying Bracelets 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian greaves of fending icon1.png  Dravanian Greaves of Fending Feet 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian greaves of maiming icon1.png  Dravanian Greaves of Maiming Feet 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian jackboots of casting icon1.png  Dravanian Jackboots of Casting Feet 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian jackboots of healing icon1.png  Dravanian Jackboots of Healing Feet 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian ring of aiming icon1.png  Dravanian Ring of Aiming Ring 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian ring of casting icon1.png  Dravanian Ring of Casting Ring 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian ring of fending icon1.png  Dravanian Ring of Fending Ring 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian ring of healing icon1.png  Dravanian Ring of Healing Ring 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian ring of slaying icon1.png  Dravanian Ring of Slaying Ring 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian thighboots of aiming icon1.png  Dravanian Thighboots of Aiming Feet 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian thighboots of scouting icon1.png  Dravanian Thighboots of Scouting Feet 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian thighboots of striking icon1.png  Dravanian Thighboots of Striking Feet 195 BGreen 1

Silver Coffer (small).png Winged Lion

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Dravanian armguards of casting icon1.png  Dravanian Armguards of Casting Hands 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian armguards of healing icon1.png  Dravanian Armguards of Healing Hands 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian choker of aiming icon1.png  Dravanian Choker of Aiming Necklace 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian choker of casting icon1.png  Dravanian Choker of Casting Necklace 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian choker of fending icon1.png  Dravanian Choker of Fending Necklace 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian choker of healing icon1.png  Dravanian Choker of Healing Necklace 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian choker of slaying icon1.png  Dravanian Choker of Slaying Necklace 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian earrings of aiming icon1.png  Dravanian Earrings of Aiming Earrings 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian earrings of casting icon1.png  Dravanian Earrings of Casting Earrings 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian earrings of fending icon1.png  Dravanian Earrings of Fending Earrings 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian earrings of healing icon1.png  Dravanian Earrings of Healing Earrings 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian earrings of slaying icon1.png  Dravanian Earrings of Slaying Earrings 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian gauntlets of fending icon1.png  Dravanian Gauntlets of Fending Hands 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian gauntlets of maiming icon1.png  Dravanian Gauntlets of Maiming Hands 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian hairpin of fending icon1.png  Dravanian Hairpin of Fending Head 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian hairpin of maiming icon1.png  Dravanian Hairpin of Maiming Head 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian hat of casting icon1.png  Dravanian Hat of Casting Head 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian hat of healing icon1.png  Dravanian Hat of Healing Head 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian tricorne of aiming icon1.png  Dravanian Tricorne of Aiming Head 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian tricorne of scouting icon1.png  Dravanian Tricorne of Scouting Head 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian tricorne of striking icon1.png  Dravanian Tricorne of Striking Head 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian wristgloves of aiming icon1.png  Dravanian Wristgloves of Aiming Hands 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian wristgloves of scouting icon1.png  Dravanian Wristgloves of Scouting Hands 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian wristgloves of striking icon1.png  Dravanian Wristgloves of Striking Hands 195 BGreen 1

Gold Coffer (small).png Kuribu

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Dravanian coat of fending icon1.png  Dravanian Coat of Fending Body 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian coat of maiming icon1.png  Dravanian Coat of Maiming Body 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian longkilt of casting icon1.png  Dravanian Longkilt of Casting Legs 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian longkilt of fending icon1.png  Dravanian Longkilt of Fending Legs 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian longkilt of healing icon1.png  Dravanian Longkilt of Healing Legs 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian longkilt of maiming icon1.png  Dravanian Longkilt of Maiming Legs 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian robe of casting icon1.png  Dravanian Robe of Casting Body 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian robe of healing icon1.png  Dravanian Robe of Healing Body 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian trousers of aiming icon1.png  Dravanian Trousers of Aiming Legs 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian trousers of scouting icon1.png  Dravanian Trousers of Scouting Legs 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian trousers of striking icon1.png  Dravanian Trousers of Striking Legs 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian tunic of aiming icon1.png  Dravanian Tunic of Aiming Body 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian tunic of scouting icon1.png  Dravanian Tunic of Scouting Body 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian tunic of striking icon1.png  Dravanian Tunic of Striking Body 195 BGreen 1
Morpho icon2.png  Morpho Minion N/A ABasic 1

Additional Treasure Coffers

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 1 (X: 12.6 Y: 10.3)

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Dravanian greaves of fending icon1.png  Dravanian Greaves of Fending Feet 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian greaves of maiming icon1.png  Dravanian Greaves of Maiming Feet 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian thighboots of striking icon1.png  Dravanian Thighboots of Striking Feet 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian thighboots of scouting icon1.png  Dravanian Thighboots of Scouting Feet 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian thighboots of aiming icon1.png  Dravanian Thighboots of Aiming Feet 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian jackboots of casting icon1.png  Dravanian Jackboots of Casting Feet 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian jackboots of healing icon1.png  Dravanian Jackboots of Healing Feet 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian bracelet of fending icon1.png  Dravanian Bracelet of Fending Bracelets 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian bracelet of slaying icon1.png  Dravanian Bracelet of Slaying Bracelets 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian bracelet of aiming icon1.png  Dravanian Bracelet of Aiming Bracelets 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian bracelet of casting icon1.png  Dravanian Bracelet of Casting Bracelets 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian bracelet of healing icon1.png  Dravanian Bracelet of Healing Bracelets 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian ring of fending icon1.png  Dravanian Ring of Fending Ring 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian ring of slaying icon1.png  Dravanian Ring of Slaying Ring 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian ring of aiming icon1.png  Dravanian Ring of Aiming Ring 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian ring of casting icon1.png  Dravanian Ring of Casting Ring 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian ring of healing icon1.png  Dravanian Ring of Healing Ring 195 BGreen 1

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 2 (X: 11.1 Y: 11.8)

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Dravanian hairpin of fending icon1.png  Dravanian Hairpin of Fending Head 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian hairpin of maiming icon1.png  Dravanian Hairpin of Maiming Head 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian tricorne of striking icon1.png  Dravanian Tricorne of Striking Head 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian tricorne of scouting icon1.png  Dravanian Tricorne of Scouting Head 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian tricorne of aiming icon1.png  Dravanian Tricorne of Aiming Head 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian hat of casting icon1.png  Dravanian Hat of Casting Head 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian hat of healing icon1.png  Dravanian Hat of Healing Head 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian gauntlets of fending icon1.png  Dravanian Gauntlets of Fending Hands 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian gauntlets of maiming icon1.png  Dravanian Gauntlets of Maiming Hands 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian wristgloves of striking icon1.png  Dravanian Wristgloves of Striking Hands 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian wristgloves of scouting icon1.png  Dravanian Wristgloves of Scouting Hands 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian wristgloves of aiming icon1.png  Dravanian Wristgloves of Aiming Hands 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian armguards of casting icon1.png  Dravanian Armguards of Casting Hands 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian armguards of healing icon1.png  Dravanian Armguards of Healing Hands 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian earrings of fending icon1.png  Dravanian Earrings of Fending Earrings 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian earrings of slaying icon1.png  Dravanian Earrings of Slaying Earrings 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian earrings of aiming icon1.png  Dravanian Earrings of Aiming Earrings 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian earrings of casting icon1.png  Dravanian Earrings of Casting Earrings 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian earrings of healing icon1.png  Dravanian Earrings of Healing Earrings 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian choker of fending icon1.png  Dravanian Choker of Fending Necklace 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian choker of slaying icon1.png  Dravanian Choker of Slaying Necklace 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian choker of aiming icon1.png  Dravanian Choker of Aiming Necklace 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian choker of casting icon1.png  Dravanian Choker of Casting Necklace 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian choker of healing icon1.png  Dravanian Choker of Healing Necklace 195 BGreen 1

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 3 (X: 10.5 Y: 11.6)

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Dravanian coat of fending icon1.png  Dravanian Coat of Fending Body 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian coat of maiming icon1.png  Dravanian Coat of Maiming Body 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian tunic of striking icon1.png  Dravanian Tunic of Striking Body 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian tunic of scouting icon1.png  Dravanian Tunic of Scouting Body 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian tunic of aiming icon1.png  Dravanian Tunic of Aiming Body 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian robe of casting icon1.png  Dravanian Robe of Casting Body 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian robe of healing icon1.png  Dravanian Robe of Healing Body 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian longkilt of fending icon1.png  Dravanian Longkilt of Fending Legs 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian longkilt of maiming icon1.png  Dravanian Longkilt of Maiming Legs 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian trousers of striking icon1.png  Dravanian Trousers of Striking Legs 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian trousers of scouting icon1.png  Dravanian Trousers of Scouting Legs 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian trousers of aiming icon1.png  Dravanian Trousers of Aiming Legs 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian longkilt of casting icon1.png  Dravanian Longkilt of Casting Legs 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian longkilt of healing icon1.png  Dravanian Longkilt of Healing Legs 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian bracelet of fending icon1.png  Dravanian Bracelet of Fending Bracelets 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian bracelet of slaying icon1.png  Dravanian Bracelet of Slaying Bracelets 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian bracelet of aiming icon1.png  Dravanian Bracelet of Aiming Bracelets 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian bracelet of casting icon1.png  Dravanian Bracelet of Casting Bracelets 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian bracelet of healing icon1.png  Dravanian Bracelet of Healing Bracelets 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian ring of fending icon1.png  Dravanian Ring of Fending Ring 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian ring of slaying icon1.png  Dravanian Ring of Slaying Ring 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian ring of aiming icon1.png  Dravanian Ring of Aiming Ring 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian ring of casting icon1.png  Dravanian Ring of Casting Ring 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian ring of healing icon1.png  Dravanian Ring of Healing Ring 195 BGreen 1

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 4 (X: 12.2 Y: 9.4)

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Dravanian earrings of fending icon1.png  Dravanian Earrings of Fending Earrings 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian earrings of slaying icon1.png  Dravanian Earrings of Slaying Earrings 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian earrings of aiming icon1.png  Dravanian Earrings of Aiming Earrings 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian earrings of casting icon1.png  Dravanian Earrings of Casting Earrings 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian earrings of healing icon1.png  Dravanian Earrings of Healing Earrings 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian choker of fending icon1.png  Dravanian Choker of Fending Necklace 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian choker of slaying icon1.png  Dravanian Choker of Slaying Necklace 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian choker of aiming icon1.png  Dravanian Choker of Aiming Necklace 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian choker of casting icon1.png  Dravanian Choker of Casting Necklace 195 BGreen 1
Dravanian choker of healing icon1.png  Dravanian Choker of Healing Necklace 195 BGreen 1
