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* 30% chance of {{item reward|3|Earth Shard}}
* 30% chance of {{item reward|3|Earth Shard}}
* 30% chance of {{item reward|3|Wind Shard}}
* 30% chance of {{item reward|3|Wind Shard}}
* 30% chance of {{item reward|2|Animal Skin}}
* 30% chance of {{item reward|2|Animal Hide}}
* 5% chance of {{item reward|28|Earth Shard}}
* 5% chance of {{item reward|28|Earth Shard}}
* 5% chance of {{item reward|28|Wind Shard}}
* 5% chance of {{item reward|28|Wind Shard}}

Latest revision as of 21:38, 7 July 2022

Levequest icon.png

Mind over Muzzle

Gridania Guildleve img.png
Quest giver
New Gridania (X:11, Y:13)
Required items
1 Leather wristbands icon1.png  Leather Wristbands
Experience 4,660
Gil 140

Since before the Calamity, farmers have constantly claimed about the ravenous nightwolves that enter their pens after dusk and feast upon their stock. It is one of the Wood Wailers' duties to hunt down these fearsome beasts, fit them with temporary muzzles, and transport them to those corners of the Twelveswood where they might hunt at no loss to the city-state. In the past, expensive metal muzzles forged by Lominsan blacksmiths were imported for this purpose, but a recent experiment conducted by a young Wood Wailer recruit with a background in tanning has shown that leather wristbands can serve as a simple yet cost-effective alternative. Anticipating future orders from the Lancers' Guild, Black Rabbit Traders are looking to increase their stock of the bands and are offering good coin to any leatherworkers with the talent to craft them.

— In-game description

Constancy guildleve1.jpg

Possible Rewards


Additional Information

Mind over Muzzle is a level 5 Tradecraft Leve Guildleve in New Gridania. Players can start the levequest by talking to Gontrant in New Gridania (x11,y13).

Tips and Tricks