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==Walkthrough== | ==Walkthrough== | ||
{{#ev:youtube|LF-BLsUgYYU|350|left|Bonds of Adamant(ite) - full cutscenes}}<br><br><br><br><br><br> | |||
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==Dialogue== | ==Dialogue== |
Revision as of 08:33, 14 December 2021
Bonds of Adamant(ite)
- Quest giver
- Kokkol Dankkol
- Location
- Labyrinthos (X:21.6, Y:33.8)
- Quest line
- Endwalker Main Scenario Quests
- Level
- 88
- Experience
- Gil
- Previous quest
Once Forged
- Next quest
Her Children, One and All
- Patch
- 6.0
“Kokkol Dankkol is, as usual, worked up over the aetherburner.
— In-game description
- Unlocks
- Wait at the destination.
- Speak with Alphinaud.
- Speak with Fourchenault at Aporia.
- Speak with Clarilaine.
- Speak with Fourchenault.
- Proceed to the entrance of Thaumazein.
- Speak with Fourchenault.
Kokkol Dankkol:
- <sigh> I do trust you to deliver on your promise, I do. Only...
- I hate waitin'! I want that adamantite, and I want it now!
G'raha Tia:
- We...er, share your impatience, I assure you. Is there truly nothing else we can assist with in the meantime?
- I wish! This sittin' about's unbearable. Pity the Forum frowns on recreational explosions...
- Well, so long as they can't prove it was premeditated. Get you gone─I've mistakes to make!
G'raha Tia:
- ...In that case, I suppose I should go and return the key to the reactor. I'll have one more look to make sure that nothing has gone wrong. Unintentionally or otherwise.
- I'm certain there are better uses for your time, however. I will join you in Sharlayan Hamlet anon!
- All set, I take it?
- We've finished what we could. Delivered supplies, tracked down escaped animals...trivial tasks as they may be.
- That's enough, don't you think? If there was anything more important still undone, that would be a problem in itself.
G'raha Tia:
- The vessel is essentially ready for departure. All that remains is to load the final batch of supplies and see everyone on board. Once we've readied the aetherburner, that is...
- Ah...had a feeling we might find you all here.
- Our consultations with the Loporrits, too, have run their course. Pleased I am to say that our researchers' concerns have for the most part been allayed, though some insist on making adjustments to the very end.
- For their part, Livingway and her peers have graciously offered to stay and keep the people company, lest any lingering queries go unanswered.
- All that remains is to wait for the refined adamantite...
- Alphinaud, are you there? It's me, Krile.
- Your special delivery has arrived! Round up everyone and come to the harbor at once!
- Speak of the devil... Let us go at once!
Rostra Steward:
- Forgive the intrusion, Master Fourchenault─I bring urgent news!
- A great commotion has broken out in Scholar's Harbor. Your presence is requested with all speed!
- Now, where might this delivery be?
- Oh!
Worldly Affairs Official:
- I'm sure it's very important, but we cannot accept these without the proper permits!
- By the Twelve! Surely these can't all be...
Kokkol Dankkol:
- Bleedin' hellfire! They're bringin' 'em by sea and by air! All these folks and these crates...
- And more on the way. Got your adamantite right here─a bigger haul than any o' these sorry bastards brought, and that's no lie!
- Yes, because you were charged with seeing the shipments from Gridania and Ul'dah here along with your own. Give credit where credit is due.
- Sounds like the sorry whingin' of a sore loser─an' a hypocrite to boot. Ain't no way a scrawny whelp like you took a dozen steps inside a Dalamud shard.
- I'll have you know I went all the way to the entrance! I played a vital role in keeping a lookout whilst our expeditionary forces secured the adamantite.
- Left you outside so you wouldn't get anyone killed, did they? Well then, credit where credit's due─you did a right fine job sittin' on your arse!
- My, what a grand welcome party!
- Hancock! And Soroban!
- We come bearing relics both sacred and Allagan─as well as a few other gifts that may be of help─to be presented with best wishes from the Eastern alliance.
- Our friends in Bozja, for instance, have sent along a few artifacts for the “brave allies of the Resistance.” That's you!
- I myself have come with a sacred relic of Reisen Temple. 'Twas passing fortunate that Senri's dango craving brought us to Kugane─we arrived precisely as Hancock was making his arrangements.
- Upon learning of your need, we made haste back to Hells' Lid─with our dango, never fear─and consulted with the other auspices. All consented to the lending of Tenzen's legendary Phoenix Blade for this noble cause.
- Suzaku and Seiryu were nevertheless worried that it might be lost in transit, however, and insisted upon accompanying me to Onokoro, where I had intended to entrust it to our Confederate allies.
- I thought instead to give it over to Hancock when we chanced to cross paths yet again, but alas, Seiryu remained ill at ease, and ordered me see the blade into your hands personally “or die trying”...
- We did, of course, need quite the impressive vessel to get it all here in time.
- Fortunately, our Majestic associates have been more than helpful. “'Tis an honor to join the Warrior of Light on another adventure,” they tell me!
- That is all wonderful to hear, but what of the extraordinary cost? I shudder to think of the ransom we must pay for such a bounty...
- Fret not for your coinpurse, young Alphinaud!
- Lord Lolorito looks ever towards the profits of the future, and thus the East Aldenard Trading Company went to some lengths to reduce the financial liability.
- And since the Scions funded the entire venture, not a gil need be rendered up in compensation. Everything is already yours!
- We funded the venture? When...?
- Muahahaha!
- Don't let the name fool you─this coinkeeper knows a thing or two about spending.
- When it comes to capital investiture, a sprinkling of gil here and there will not do! You need enough savings to make waves when it really counts...which is why frugality is paramount.
- We also had the benefit of a generous patron─“generous” being rather an understatement...
- She has supported us from the shadows since the very founding of the Scions, ere we even had coffers to fill...
- Mother!?
- Ameliance...
- I remain, of course, an entirely neutral party. I simply thought our family's coffers were needlessly full.
- We can hardly take them with us on your “teeny-tiny toy boat,” now, can we? And 'twould be a shame to leave all that hard-earned wealth unspent.
- How ever did you manage so much in so short a time, though? We expected word to reach only a fraction of our allies...
- Did I not tell you I have my ways?
- Erenville!? You were involved, too?
- I received a letter from Krile after we parted ways in Labyrinthos.
- She explained what the Scions were trying to accomplish, and why you might soon require the services of the gleaners, spread across the world as we are.
- I pray you do not interpret this as a betrayal of Sharlayan. I accept that the Forum's aim in pushing us to our limits was to preserve what knowledge we have, and I bear you no ill will for it.
- Yet, in collecting that knowledge, what I came to appreciate most about our star is that there remains so much we do not know.
- That is why I chose to help the Scions─to combat the obliteration of those countless undiscovered wonders. I held no illusions that they would be less demanding taskmasters...though rest assured, if I had, I would have been sorely disappointed.
- To make a long story short─the whole of the guildship cooperated to ensure your call was heard far and wide.
- What's this about a ship that can fly to the moon?
- And why didn't you mention it sooner? The one time you don't beg my aid, your problem's a bloody ship that can fly to the moon!
G'raha Tia:
- Cid! You brought the team!
- Of course! Garlond Ironworks' finest. You need only point us towards my new favorite ship...
Hoary Boulder:
- As you like as not suspect, we've also brought adamantite from Mor Dhona's Dalamud shard.
- I admit to some consternation upon first receiving Krile's message. So few Scions remain at the Rising Stones now─far too few for such an expedition.
- However, the gleaners were able to secure us reinforcements, Idyllshire's treasure hunters not least among them.
- And ho, how the gobbieflock fought!
- Slowfix's gratitude for the safe return of his daughter has not waned, and he gathered his kin to our side with an astounding quickness.
- The clash between their machina and the Allagan defenses was a sight to behold. I wager even you would have been impressed by the magnitude of the gobbiebooms!
- Fascinating as all this is, I fail to see how it explains your presence here. Does Radz-at-Han not have more pressing concerns?
- We do─yet averting the Final Days would be the most expedient solution. That, and I am indebted to you.
- Though they chose to take their leave of Thavnair, those you saved in Garlemald remain my people. My gratitude is beyond words.
- 'Tis appropriate that I aid you in kind. If in the doing we bring salvation to others of this star, so much the better.
- You will recall that I spoke of my father, Midgardsormr, and his journey across the great expanse.
- As he traveled betwixt the stars, his resplendent scales drank of the aether in those nigh-empty surrounds, and imparted to him the strength to persevere...
- Thinking they might further your cause, I called out to my kin for consent.
- Azdaja's answer was silence, as ever.
- Tiamat and Hraesvelgr, however, responded favorably to the suggestion.
- My sire, too, stirred from his slumber long enough to speak and say, “Very well...”
- Thus have I brought you his own wyrmscales. Fit them to your purpose, and seek a worthier fate for us all.
- You'd be hard-pressed to find someone else so familiar with the unique properties of dragon scales, so I invited myself along.
Kokkol Dankkol:
- Bugger me, this is so unbelievable I've gone right back round to believin' it again!
- Forget a six percent gain in efficiency. With all these goodies, we could get seven─no, ten─no! Fourteen bleedin' percent!
- Think of how far we could go─what we could do with that much power! What we could blow up!
- If Kokkol is duly convinced, then it must be true─in which case, the Scions' end of the bargain has been fulfilled. Would you not agree?
- Yes, Father?
- I know not what you seek of Hydaelyn, nor for what purpose you would take command of our ship.
- Yet this much is certain─to do so will be to dictate the fate of this star and the lives upon it.
- The lives of each and every creature. In their magnitude and their fragility.
- Do you understand, and are you prepared?
- We have seen and we have felt how much each life shapes this world. And so we are determined to abandon none. We understand what is at stake, and we are prepared to bear this burden.
- Then I... I will bear it with you.
- I beg you─share your struggles with me. As family.
- You grasped my fingers with such tiny hands the day you were born. I thought my heart might burst.
- 'Twas love and happiness beyond expression. Overwhelming. And a conviction so powerful that I trembled with something close to rage.
- I had heard the Final Days foretold. I swore to myself then and there that I would not let them steal your futures.
- The great exodus would succeed. Must succeed. No sacrifice or sin was worse than the alternative.
- If anything gave me pause...'twas mine own father.
- The Archon Louisoix openly decried Sharlayan's policies, a perspective which I regarded with increasing disdain as I grew older.
- Yet even as part of me thought him a fool... Perhaps I also hoped that he, of all people, would devise a brilliant means to save my children.
- A naive hope─but stubborn enough that I could never bring myself to keep you apart.
- No, that was his doing, when he perished at Carteneau.
- As we pulled that twisted slab of Dalamud from the sea, I remembered the warmth of your newborn touch. Chastened, I vowed never again to suffer any interference in my mission to protect you.
- No matter that you yourselves wished otherwise.
- Detest me. Fight me tooth and nail. I would suffer it and more and be satisfied so long as I could force you onto the ship.
- I was wrong. You two have grown so much stronger, and so much wiser, than I dared dream.
- You have earned the right to walk your own path...and already begun to do so.
- Good! Because there are things we care about, and people we love...and none of them is replaceable. Not a one.
- It cannot have been an easy journey, for you to have come so far.
- We shall be glad to acquaint you with the finer details someday, once this danger has passed. All that we have seen and heard. That we have felt and learned in our travels.
- Ours is not a kind world, but it is beautiful. Always.
- Oh no, are you quite sure that's wise? After all, someone turns pale and flees the room when he sees so much as an envelope containing word of your adventures.
- What ever will happen if he learns what you were really up to?
- Ameliance!
- Though I have wronged my children most gravely, I owe you an apology as well.
- I assumed that it was the Scions' influence that made them so keen to charge headlong into danger.
- ...Yours, in particular.
- I see now that said influence instead brought them together with the many fine people gathered here today.
- In which case...I hope you continue to guide them.
G'raha Tia: If we've finished loitering about the harbor, might I suggest we put our plans into motion? People are beginning to look confused.
- Perhaps you can spare a few words ere they resume the tedious lugging of cargo? You've no small number of friends and admirers here, after all.
- Your assistance is appreciated. Now, in an orderly fashion, if you please!
- We've finally managed to clear the harbor, which means the rest is in the engineers' capable hands.
- Meanwhile, Father has issued to us an invitation.
- As was agreed, he will reveal the means by which Hydaelyn may be contacted.
- We are to meet him at Aporia when we're ready. Given the vital knowledge She holds, I suggest we leave without delay.
- It transpires, however, that the Forum's method for speaking with Her is not without risks. I am curious to hear what those might entail─but regardless, be warned.
- Most of those who arrived with the adamantite have offered to stay and see to any remaining tasks that need doing.
- The Forum has already asked for my assistance in overseeing the process, so you needn't worry about a thing!
- Thank you, Tataru. We're off to Aporia, then!
- Player. I have already shown the others inside.
- You will want to speak with Clarilaine. She has the key to the lift, and can send you down after me.
- You're with Master Fourchenault, yes? Just step inside the lift here.
- From here, we proceed to the heart of Labyrinthos, and its most closely guarded secret─Thaumazein.
- It marks the beginning and end of our efforts─whence we delved to seek audience with the star, and whence we will embark on our journey to the heavens.
- This way, if you please.
- I bid you welcome to Thaumazein. Direct your attention toward its center to behold the ark over which we have long labored.
- As you can see, 'twas designed as a medium-sized craft, the better to reduce fuel consumption. Miniaturizing magicks have been applied to its interior to ensure that the thrust-to-weight ratio does not place too great a limitation on its freight capacity.
- The aetherburner, as you know, has been removed for further modification, but we shall reattach it soon enough.
- I have received word that Kokkol and several of your allies are working on it with an intense fervor.
- They are sure to see it done. 'Twas by their expertise that many a prior disaster was averted.
- If anything, I fear they will not afford us much time for speaking with Hydaelyn ere they finish...
- Point taken. Let us move on. I must warn you again, however, that even with the benefit of our device, to treat with Her is not a simple feat.
- I have done what I can to impress upon you the gravity of what lies ahead.
- Are you prepared?