Difference between revisions of "Template:Triple Triad Card infobox"

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(Change infobox to match other infoboxes on the site)
Line 1: Line 1:
<includeonly><table cellspacing="3" style="width:200px; border:1px solid #BDBDBD; font-size:small; text-align:left; background-color:#FFFFFF;">
<!-- Title --><tr><td colspan="2" bgcolor="#BDBDBD" style="font-size:large; font-weight:bold; line-height:24px; text-align:center;"> {{{name|}}}</td></tr>
{{#set:Has context=Triple Triad Card}}
<!-- Image -->{{#if:{{{image|}}}|<tr><td colspan="2" style="text-align:center;"> {{{image|}}} </td></tr>}}
{{#switch:{{lc:{{{release|}}}}}|heavensward = {{Heavensward expansion content}}|stormblood = {{Stormblood expansion content}}|shadowbringers = {{Shadowbringers expansion content}}|endwalker = {{Endwalker expansion content}}}}
<!-- Rarity --><tr><td bgcolor="#BDBDBD" style="width:80px; font-weight:bold; text-align:left;"> Rarity</td><td> {{#switch:{{{Rarity|}}}|1=|2=★★|3=★★★|4=★★★★|5=★★★★★|6=★★★★★★|7=★★★★★★★|other}}</td></tr>
<div class="infobox-n card">
<!-- Type --><tr><td bgcolor="#BDBDBD" style="width:80px; font-weight:bold; text-align:left;"> Type</td><td> {{{Type|}}} </td></tr>
<div class="icon card-infobox-icon">
<tr><td bgcolor="#BDBDBD" style="width:80px; font-weight:bold; text-align:left;"> Stats</td><td><div class="d-flex flex-column stats">
<div style="overflow: hidden; width: 38px; height: 38px; display:inline-block; vertical-align:middle;">
<div class="d-flex justify-content-center">
<div style="margin: -1px; overflow: hidden;">[[File:{{#switch: {{lc:{{{rarity|}}}}}
| common | 1 | ★ = Triple Triad Card r1.png
| uncommon | 2 | ★★ = Triple Triad Card r2.png
| rare | 3 | ★★★ = Triple Triad Card r3.png
| epic | 4 | ★★★★ = Triple Triad Card r4.png
| legendary | 5 | ★★★★★ = Triple Triad Card r5.png
| #default = Triple Triad Card r1.png
}}|40px|link=Triple Triad Cards]]</div>
<div class="d-flex justify-content-around">
<div class="d-flex justify-content-center">
<p class="heading">[[Has canonical name::{{{title|{{#titleparts:{{PAGENAME}}}}}}}]]</p>
{{#if: {{{image|}}}|<div style="text-align: center; clear: both;">[[Has card image::File:{{#ifeq:{{{image|}}}|y|<!-- Predefined -->{{#titleparts:{{PAGENAME}}}} (image).png|<!-- Custom file path -->{{{image}}}}}|150px]]</div>}}
<div class="wrapper">
; Type
: {{#if: {{{type|}}}| {{#switch: {{lc:{{{type|}}}}}
| beastman = [[:Category:Beastman Triple Triad cards|Beastman]]
| garland = [[:Category:Garland Triple Triad cards|Garland]]
| primal = [[:Category:Primal Triple Triad cards|Primal]]
| scion | scions = [[:Category:Scion Triple Triad cards|Scion]]
| #default = [[:Category:Unaffiliated Triple Triad cards|None]]
}} | [[:Category:Unaffiliated Triple Triad cards|None]] }}
; Rarity
: {{#switch: {{lc:{{{rarity|}}}}}
| common | 1 | ★ = ★<br><small>(Common)</small>
| uncommon | 2 | ★★ = ★★<br><small>(Uncommon)</small>
| rare | 3 | ★★★ = ★★★<br><small>(Rare)</small>
| epic | 4 | ★★★★ = ★★★★<br><small>(Epic)</small>
| legendary | 5 | ★★★★★ = ★★★★★<br><small>(Legendary)</small>
| #default = Not Specified}}
; Patch
: [[Patch {{{patch}}}|{{{patch}}}]]
; Card Values
: {| style="width: 100%; text-align: center;"
| colspan="2" | {{{top}}} {{#set:Has top value={{{top}}}}}
| {{{left}}} {{#set:Has left value={{{left}}}}}
| {{{right}}} {{#set:Has right value={{{right}}}}}
| colspan="2" | {{{bottom}}} {{#set:Has bottom value={{{bottom}}}}}
{{#if: {{{id-edb|}}}{{{id-gt|}}}|; Links}}
{{#if: {{{id-edb|}}}{{{id-gt|}}}|:}} {{#if: {{{id-edb|}}}|<u style="border-bottom: 1px dotted; text-decoration: none;" title="Eorzea Database">[https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/item/{{{id-edb}}}/ EDB]</u>}} {{#if: {{{id-gt|}}}|<u style="border-bottom: 1px dotted; text-decoration: none;" title="Garland Tools">[http://garlandtools.org/db/#item/{{{id-gt}}} GT]</u>}}
<!-- Card Type -->
{{#switch: {{lc:{{{type|}}}}}}
| beastman = [[Category:Beastman Triple Triad cards]] {{#set:Has card type=Beastman}}
| garland = [[Category:Garland Triple Triad cards]] {{#set:Has card type=Garland}}
| primal = [[Category:Primal Triple Triad cards]] {{#set:Has card type=Primal}}
| scion | scions = [[Category:Scion Triple Triad cards]] {{#set:Has card type=Scion}}
| #default = [[Category:Unaffiliated Triple Triad cards]] {{#set:Has card type=None}}
<!-- Rarity -->
{{#switch: {{lc:{{{rarity|}}}}}
| common | 1 | ★ = [[Category:Common Triple Triad cards]] {{#set:Has card rarity=Common}}
| uncommon | 2 | ★★ = [[Category:Uncommon Triple Triad cards]] {{#set:Has card rarity=Uncommon}}
| rare | 3 | ★★★ = [[Category:Rare Triple Triad cards]] {{#set:Has card rarity=Rare}}
| epic | 4 | ★★★★ = [[Category:Epic Triple Triad cards]] {{#set:Has card rarity=Epic}}
| legendary | 5 | ★★★★★ = [[Category:Legendary Triple Triad cards]] {{#set:Has card rarity=Legendary}}
| #default = [[Category:Triple Trad cards with no rarity specified]]
<!-- Patch -->
{{#if: {{{patch|}}}|[[Category:Patch {{{patch}}} Triple Triad cards]]}}
{{Quotation|In-game description|{{{description|''No description available.''}}}{{#if:{{{desc-note|}}}|&nbsp;※&nbsp;{{{desc-note|}}}}} }}{{#if: {{{description|}}}|{{#set:Has game description|{{{description}}}}}

<!-- Total --><tr><td bgcolor="#BDBDBD" style="width:80px; font-weight:bold; text-align:left;"> Total</td><td> {{{Total|}}} </td></tr>
{{PAGENAME}} is a {{#switch: {{lc:{{{rarity|}}}}}
| common | 1 | ★ = Common (★)
| uncommon | 2 | ★★ = Uncommon (★★)
Intended to use on [[Triple Triad Card]] pages.
| rare | 3 | ★★★ = Rare (★★★)
| epic | 4 | ★★★★ = Epic (★★★★)
| legendary | 5 | ★★★★★ = Legendary (★★★★★)
| #default =
}} [[Triple Triad Card]].
== Usage ==
{{Triple Triad Card Infobox
{{Triple Triad Card infobox
|image = Stormblood alphinaud and alisaie card1.png
|release = Stormblood
|patch = 4.5
|type = Scion
|rarity = Legendary
|top = 6
|bottom = 8
|left = 8
|right = 8
|id-gt = 24879
|id-edb = 57b7c6711ae
|description = “I can strike bargains, forge ties, and change minds. And where better to do these things than in the home of our old enemy?”<br> “Go, then. You've obviously made up your mind.”
== Parameters ==
; name
: Card's name. Defaults to the page name.
; image
: The image to be used for the infobox.
; type
: The type of card that we're talking about (specified by the icon).
; rarity
: The rarity of the card. Accepts input in text (i.e. common, uncommon), number (i.e. 1, 2), or even stars (i.e. ★, ★★).
; top
: The top value of the card.
; bottom
: The bottom value of the card.
; left
: The left value of the card.
; right
: The right value of the card.
; patch
: Optional. Patch number.
; release
: Optional. Expansion this quest belongs to. Accepts: ''heavensward'', or ''stormblood'', or ''shadowbringers''.
; id-edb
: ID number in the link to the quest on Eorzea Database, for example, if the URL is https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/item/83266250b51/, enter '''83266250b51'''.
; id-gt
: ID number in the link to the quest on Garland Tools, for example, if the URL is http://garlandtools.org/db/#item/65781, enter '''65781'''.
; description
: The in-game description of the card.

Revision as of 00:13, 16 October 2021


{{Triple Triad Card infobox
|image = Stormblood alphinaud and alisaie card1.png
|release = Stormblood
|patch = 4.5
|type = Scion
|rarity = Legendary
|top = 6
|bottom = 8
|left = 8
|right = 8
|id-gt = 24879
|id-edb = 57b7c6711ae
|description = “I can strike bargains, forge ties, and change minds. And where better to do these things than in the home of our old enemy?”<br> “Go, then. You've obviously made up your mind.”


Card's name. Defaults to the page name.
The image to be used for the infobox.
The type of card that we're talking about (specified by the icon).
The rarity of the card. Accepts input in text (i.e. common, uncommon), number (i.e. 1, 2), or even stars (i.e. ★, ★★).
The top value of the card.
The bottom value of the card.
The left value of the card.
The right value of the card.
Optional. Patch number.
Optional. Expansion this quest belongs to. Accepts: heavensward, or stormblood, or shadowbringers.
ID number in the link to the quest on Eorzea Database, for example, if the URL is https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/item/83266250b51/, enter 83266250b51.
ID number in the link to the quest on Garland Tools, for example, if the URL is http://garlandtools.org/db/#item/65781, enter 65781.
The in-game description of the card.