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See [[Relic_Weapons/Quest|Required Quests]]


Revision as of 18:11, 9 February 2021

(Lv. 50) Zodiac Weapons: Base (Feature Quest icon.png) → Zenith (Feature Quest icon.png) → Atma (Feature Quest icon.png) → Animus (Feature Quest icon.png) → Novus (Feature Quest icon.png) → Nexus (Feature Quest icon.png) → Zodiac (Feature Quest icon.png) → Zeta (Feature Quest icon.png)
(Lv. 60) Anima Weapons: HW.png Animated (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Awoken (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Anima (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Hyperconductive (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Reconditioned (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Sharpened (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Complete (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Lux (Repeatablefeaturequest.png)
(Lv. 70) Eurekan Weapons: SB.png AntiquatedBase (Otherquest.png) → Base +1Base +2AnemosPagos (Otherquest.png) → Pagos +1ElementalElemental +1 (Otherquest.png) → Elemental +2PyrosHydatos (Otherquest.png) → Hydatos +1Base EurekaEurekaPhyseos (Otherquest.png)
(Lv. 80) Resistance Weapons: SHB.png Resistance (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Augmented Resistance (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Recollection (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Law's Order (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Augmented Law's Order (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Blade's (Repeatablefeaturequest.png)
(Lv. 90) Manderville Weapons: EW.png Manderville (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Amazing Manderville (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Majestic Manderville (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Mandervillous (Repeatablefeaturequest.png)
(Lv. 100) Phantom Weapons: DT.png

(Lv. 70) Eurekan Armor: SB.png Antiquated ArtifactBase RelicBase +1Base +2AnemosElementalElemental +1Elemental +2
(Lv. 80) Resistance Armor: SHB.png ResistanceAugmented ResistanceLaw's OrderAugmented Law's OrderBlade's

(Lv. 50) Mastercraft Tools: Mastercraft (Feature Quest icon.png) → Supra ToolsLucis Tools
(Lv. 80) Skysteel Tools: SHB.png Skysteel (Feature Quest icon.png) → Skysteel +1 (Feature Quest icon.png) → Dragonsung (Feature Quest icon.png) → Augmented (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Skysung (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Skybuilders' (Expert Recipe Repeatablefeaturequest.png)
(Lv. 90) Splendorous Tools: EW.png Splendorous (Feature Quest icon.png) → Augmented Splendorous (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Crystalline (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Chora-Zoi's Crystalline (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Brilliant (Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Vrandtic Visionary's (Expert Recipe Repeatablefeaturequest.png) → Lodestar (Expert Recipe Repeatablefeaturequest.png)
(Lv. 100) Cosmic Tools: DT.png
See also: Zodiac Weapons, Anima Weapons and Eurekan Weapons


Relic weapons are special fabled weapons that repeatedly appear in the Final Fantasy series. Each weapon is designed specifically and restricted to a certain job. Relic weapons either play a significant part in the lore for that job; or are the most powerful weapons for that job in previous Final Fantasy games. Once obtained, relic weapons can be upgraded through a series of difficult tasks, quests or rare items to potentially come the most powerful weapons in the game. Although players refer to the quest-line weapons for all expansions as "Relic Weapons", for clarity, this page is focused on the very first relics in A Realm Reborn, before the the Zodiac quests gave them a more specific name, the rest of which will be clarified further in Zodiac Weapons. Other expansion relics can be seen by clicking the recommended "see also" links or the header above.

Relic Weapons (iLvl 80)

Main article: Relic Weapons/Quest

The original fabled relic weapons (item level 80). This is the starting block for all future Relic Weapons. To begin the quest for the first time speak with Nedrick Ironheart at Vesper Bay, Western Thanalan and acquire the quest Side Quest The Weaponsmith of Legend. For every Relic Weapon or job, you will need to complete the quest Side Quest A Relic Reborn. You can also repurchase any Relic Weapon you have already created from the Calamity Salvager in Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks, Old Gridania and Ul'dah Steps of Thal for Gil 49,896 gil: however you will need to repeat any steps/quests/tasks to upgrade your relic weapon again.

Relic Weapons (iLvl 80)
Curtana Curtana (PLD) Holy Shield Holy Shield (PLD) Sphairai Sphairai (MNK)
Bravura Bravura (WAR) Gae Bolg Gae Bolg (DRG) Artemis Bow Artemis Bow (BRD)
Stardust Rod Stardust Rod (BLM) The Veil of Wiyu The Veil of Wiyu (SMN) Omnilex Omnilex (SCH)
Thyrus Thyrus (WHM) Yoshimitsu Yoshimitsu (NIN)


See Required Quests
