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Line 86: Line 86:
| [[Bone Crawler]] || S || [[The Peaks]] || ??? || ???
| [[Bone Crawler]] || S || [[The Peaks]] || ??? || ???
| [[Orghana]] || S || [[The Azim Steppe]] || ??? || ???
| [[Salt and Light]] || S || [[The Lochs]] || ??? || ???
| [[Salt and Light]] || S || [[The Lochs]] || ??? || ???
| [[Orghana]] || S || [[The Azim Steppe]] || ??? || ???

Revision as of 08:50, 3 July 2017

See also: The Hunt and Clan Hunt


B Rank

Name Rank Area Spawn (Trigger) Respawn Time (after last death)
Shadow-dweller Yamini B The Fringes None 5 Seconds
Deidar B Yanxia None 5 Seconds
Gyorai Quickstrike B Yanxia None 5 Seconds
Guhuo Niao B The Ruby Sea None 5 Seconds
Gauki Strongblade B The Ruby Sea None 5 Seconds
Gwas-y-neidr B The Peaks None 5 Seconds
Buccaboo B The Peaks None 5 Seconds
Aswang B The Azim Steppe None 5 Seconds
Kurma B The Azim Steppe None 5 Seconds
Kiwa B The Lochs None 5 Seconds
Manes B The Lochs None 5 Seconds

A Rank

Name Rank Area Spawn (Trigger) Respawn Time (after last death)
Orcus A The Fringes None 3-5 Hours
Erle A The Fringes None 3-5 Hours
Gajasura A Yanxia None 3-5 Hours
Angada A Yanxia None 3-5 Hours
Funa Yurei A The Ruby Sea None 3-5 Hours
Oni Yumemi A The Ruby Sea None 3-5 Hours
Vochstein A The Peaks None 3-5 Hours
Aqrabuamelu A The Peaks None 3-5 Hours
Girimekhala A The Azim Steppe None 3-5 Hours
Sum A The Azim Steppe None 3-5 Hours
Mahisha A The Lochs None 3-5 Hours
Luminare A The Lochs None 3-5 Hours

S Rank

Name Rank Area Spawn (Trigger) Respawn Time (after last death)
Udumbara S The Fringes ??? ???
Gamma S Yanxia ??? ???
Okina S The Ruby Sea Spawns during Full Moon. Can spawn from 12pm (Eorzea time) on Day 1 prior to the first night of the full moon. ???
Bone Crawler S The Peaks ??? ???
Orghana S The Azim Steppe ??? ???
Salt and Light S The Lochs ??? ???


B Rank

Name Rank Area Spawn (Trigger) Respawn Time (after last death)
Alteci B Coerthas Western Highlands None 5 seconds
Kreutzet B Coerthas Western Highlands None 5 seconds
Gnath Cometdrone B The Dravanian Forelands None 5 seconds
Thextera B The Dravanian Forelands None 5 seconds
Scitalis B The Churning Mists None 5 seconds
The Scarecrow B The Churning Mists None 5 seconds
Squonk B The Sea of Clouds None 5 seconds
Sanu Vali of Dancing Wings B The Sea of Clouds None 5 seconds
Pterygotus B The Dravanian Hinterlands None 5 seconds
False Gigantopithecus B The Dravanian Hinterlands None 5 seconds
Lycidas B Azys Lla None 5 seconds
Omni B Azys Lla None 5 seconds

A Rank

Name Rank Area Spawn (Trigger) Respawn Time (after last death)
Mirka A Coerthas Western Highlands None 3-5 hours
Lyuba A Coerthas Western Highlands None 3-5 hours
Pylraster A The Dravanian Forelands None 3-5 hours
Lord of the Wyverns A The Dravanian Forelands None 3-5 hours
Bune A The Churning Mists None 3-5 hours
Agathos A The Churning Mists None 3-5 hours
Enkelados A The Sea of Clouds None 3-5 hours
Sisiutl A The Sea of Clouds None 3-5 hours
Slipkinx Steeljoints A The Dravanian Hinterlands None 3-5 hours
Stolas A The Dravanian Hinterlands None 3-5 hours
Campacti A Azys Lla None 3-5 hours
Stench Blossom A Azys Lla None 3-5 hours

S Rank

Name Rank Area Spawn (Trigger) Respawn Time (after last death)
Kaiser Behemoth S Coerthas Western Highlands Have Behemoth Heir minion out and run/fly over hunt locations (B/A/S). 80 hours, or 40 hours after maintenance
Senmurv S The Dravanian Forelands Complete the "Cerf's Up" FATE 5 times in a row. 80 hours, or 40 hours after maintenance
Gandarewa S The Churning Mists Harvest Aurum Regis Ore (Legendary Mining Node, slot 6) or Seventh Heaven (Legendary Botany Node, slot 1) from Legendary harvesting nodes. They spawn at 5am and 5pm, respectively. 80 hours, or 40 hours after maintenance
Bird of Paradise S The Sea of Clouds Spawned by Squonk's chirps. Every time Squonk sings the beautiful song of his Paissa people (AOE attack), it has a chance to spawn Bird of Paradise. (No need to kill Squonk) 80 hours, or 40 hours after maintenance
The Pale Rider S The Dravanian Hinterlands Open treasure coffers from Treasure Hunt. 80 hours, or 40 hours after maintenance
Leucrotta S Azys Lla Kill 50 Allagan Chimera, 50 Meracydian Vouivre, and 50 Lesser Hydra 80 hours, or 40 hours after maintenance

A Realm Reborn

B Rank

Name Rank Area Spawn (Trigger) Respawn Time (after last death)
Skogs Fru B Middle La Noscea None 5 seconds
Barbastelle B Lower La Noscea None 5 seconds
Dark Helmet B Western La Noscea None 5 seconds
Bloody Mary B Eastern La Noscea None 5 seconds
Myradrosh B Upper La Noscea None 5 seconds
Vuokho B Outer La Noscea None 5 seconds
Ovjang B Central Thanalan None 5 seconds
Sewer Syrup B Western Thanalan None 5 seconds
Gatling B Eastern Thanalan None 5 seconds
Albin the Ashen B Southern Thanalan None 5 seconds
Flame Sergeant Dalvag B Northern Thanalan None 5 seconds
White Joker B Central Shroud None 5 seconds
Monarch Ogrefly B South Shroud None 5 seconds
Stinging Sophie B Eastern Shroud None 5 seconds
Phecda B North Shroud None 5 seconds
Naul B Coerthas Central Highlands None 5 seconds
Leech King B Mor Dhona None 5 seconds

A Rank

Name Rank Area Spawn (Trigger) Respawn Time (after last death)
Vogaal Ja A Middle La Noscea None 3 hours 30 minutes to 4 hours 30 minutes
Unktehi A Lower La Noscea None 3 hours 30 minutes to 4 hours 30 minutes
Nahn A Western La Noscea None 3 hours 30 minutes to 4 hours 30 minutes
Hellsclaw A Eastern La Noscea None 3 hours 30 minutes to 4 hours 30 minutes
Marberry A Upper La Noscea None 4-5 hours
Cornu A Outer La Noscea None 3hours 30 minutes to 4 hours 30 minutes
Sabotender Bailarina A Central Thanalan None 4-5 hours
Alectryon A Western Thanalan None 3 hours 30 minutes to 4 hours 30 minutes
Maahes A Eastern Thanalan None 3-4 hours
Zanig'oh A Southern Thanalan None 3 hours 30 minutes to 4 hours 30 minutes
Dalvag's Final Flame A Northern Thanalan None 4-5 hours
Forneus A Central Shroud None 3-5 hours
Ghede Ti Malice A South Shroud None 3 hours 30 minutes to 4 hours 30 minutes
Melt A Eastern Shroud None 3-4 hours
Girtab A North Shroud None 3 hours 45 minutes to 4 hours 45 minutes
Marraco A Coerthas Central Highlands None 4-5 hours
Kurrea A Mor Dhona None 3 hours 30 minutes to 4 hours 30 minutes

S Rank

Name Rank Area Spawn (Trigger) Respawn Time (after last death)
Croque-Mitaine S Middle La Noscea Mine Grade 3 La Noscean Topsoil.
The node spawns between 7:00PM - 10:00PM Eorzea Time at (x25,y27).
370 or higher Gathering and 332 or higher Perception is required
62 hours
Croakadile S Lower La Noscea Spawns during Full Moon. Full Moon lasts 1-4 days Eorzea Time.
Walking over spawn-spots (B/A/S) on one of the Full Moon nights
You can start walking over after 5pm (Eorzea Time) BEFORE first Full Moon night
54 hours, or 30 hours after maintenance
Bonnacon S Western La Noscea Harvest La Noscean Leeks.
Harvest time: 8:00-11:00 AM Eorzea Time at The node (x34,y28).
408 or higher Gathering skill is required.
62 hours
Garlok S Eastern La Noscea After the 42 hour cooldown is up, and once the zone's weather condition "Showers" or "Rain" is over, he will spawn after 3h20 without any rain 42 hours
Nandi S Upper La Noscea Walk/run over his spawn point with your minions out. 48 hours
Chernobog S Outer La Noscea Dying in the area.
When his spawn timer is up, every time a player dies it has a chance of spawning him.
66 hours
Brontes S Central Thanalan Eat foods on his spawn points. Less than 64 hours
Zona Seeker S Western Thanalan Fish a Glimmerscale during Clear or Fair weather condition.
Gathering of 300 or higher is required.
58 hours
Lampalagua S Eastern Thanalan Related to starting Battlecraft Leves.
When his spawn timer is up, he has a chance of spawning when someone starts a Leve.
66 hours
Nunyunuwi S Southern Thanalan Perform FATEs in the zone for 1 hour, not allowing any to fail or expire. Includes player-triggered FATEs as well. 46 hours
Minhocao S Northern Thanalan Kill Earth Sprites in the zone. Mark will spawn when enough Earth Crystals in the zone have been collected.
Especially easy to gather during level 49 FATE Core Blimey.
57 hours
Laideronnette S Central Shroud Spawns when it rains 2 times in a row in the area. Will spawn 2 hours into the second rain. (Eorzea Time) 45 hours
Mindflayer S South Shroud Spawns during 1 of the 4 New Moon nights.
Walking over spawn-spots (B/A/S) on one of the New Moon nights.
Unlike Croakadile you can start to walk over AFTER midnight on first night of New Moon.
54 hours, or 30 hours after maintenance
Wulgaru S Eastern Shroud Related to starting Battlecraft Leves.
When his spawn timer is up, he has a chance of spawning when someone starts a Leve.
66 hours
Thousand-cast Theda S North Shroud Fish a Judgeray between 5PM-9PM Eorzea Time.
Gathering of 330 or higher is required.
58 hours
Safat S Coerthas Central Highlands When people get low on HP.
Jump off cliffs and fall to 1 HP.
60 hours (but 24hr window!)
Agrippa The Mighty S Mor Dhona Complete Treasure Maps in Mor Dhona. 60 hours (But 24h+ window)


The Hunt Rewards