Difference between revisions of "Culinarian"

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| [[Maker's Mark]] || [[File:makers mark icon1.png]] || 54 || [[Name of Earth]]|| [[file:name of earth icon1.png]] || 54 || [[Name of Lightning]]|| [[file:name of lightning icon1.png]] || 54
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!colspan="5"|[[All Specialist Classes]]
!colspan="5"|[[All Specialist Classes]]

Revision as of 13:22, 24 June 2017


"Culinarians preside over the world of cuisine, preparing every known consumable in Eorzea. Armed with a cornucopia of ingredients from across the realm, and versed in methods from the far corners of Hydaelyn, these master chefs help adventurers maintain their strength on the battlefield.
Of all the city-states of Eorzea, Limsa Lominsa boasts the richest culinary tradition, a product of its proximity to fertile lands and plentiful seas, and its standing as the realm's foremost trading port." — Game Description

Culinarian's Guild

General Information

Culinarian is a crafting or disciples of the hand class that utilizes animal products, fish and vegetables to create food items. Players can consume food items to receive temporary buffs.

Unlike the other crafting classes, Culinarian does not craft any equipment and is therefore irrelevant for repairing or Materia melding. The class can, however, use Desynthesis on most fish.

The Culinarian's Guild is located in Limsa Lominsa.

  • To become a culinarian, talk to the culinarian's guild receptionist when you're level 10 or higher on another class.

Culinarian Tools

Culinarian Quests



Action Icon Level CP Cost Description
Basic Synthesis Basic Synthesis (culinarian).png 1 0 Increases progress. Efficiency: 100% Success Rate: 90%
Basic Touch Basic Touch (culinarian).png 5 18 Increases quality. Efficiency: 100% Success Rate: 70%
Master's Mend Master's Mend.png 7 92 Restores item durability by 30.
Steady Hand Steady Hand.png 9 22 Improves action success rate by 20% for the next five steps.
Inner Quiet Inner Quiet.png 11 18 Grants a bonus to control with every increase in quality.
Observe Observe.png 13 14 Do nothing for one step.
Hasty Touch Hasty Touch.png 15 0 Increases quality and requires no CP. Efficiency: 100% Success Rate: 50%
Standard Touch Standard Touch (culinarian).png 18 32 Increases quality. Efficiency: 125% Success Rate: 80%
Great Strides Great Strides.png 21 32 Doubles efficiency of next Touch action. Effect active for three steps.
Master's Mend II Master's Mend II.png 25 160 Restores item durability by 60.
Standard Synthesis Standard Synthesis (culinarian).png 31 15 Increases progress. Efficiency: 150% Success Rate: 90%
Steady Hand II Steady Hand II.png 37 25 Improves action success rate by 30% for the next five steps.
Advanced Touch Advanced Touch (culinarian).png 43 48 Increases quality. Efficiency: 150% Success Rate: 90%
Reclaim Reclaim.png 50 55 Increases the chance materials will not be lost after botched synthesis to 90%.
Collectable Synthesis Collectable synthesis icon1.png 50 ?? Use existing recipes to create collectables without increasing step count.
Byregot's Brow Byregot's Brow.png 51 18 Increases quality. Inner Quiet effect ends upon use. Efficiency: 150% plus 10% for each bonus to control granted by Inner Quiet Success Rate: 70% Available only when material condition is Good or Excellent.
Precise Touch Precise Touch (culinarian).png 53 18 Increases quality. Additional Effect: Increases Inner Quiet stack by one (up to 11) Efficiency: 100% Success Rate: 70% Available only when material condition is Good or Excellent.
Muscle Memory Muscle Memory.png 54 6 Increases progress by one third. Success Rate: 100% Available only on the first step.
Heart of the Culinarian Heart of the Culinarian.png 60 45 Specialist Action
Specialist Action For the next seven steps, increases chances of material condition becoming good. A cooking delineation is used upon execution.

Cross Class Actions

Alchemist Armorer Blacksmith Carpenter
Action Icon Level Action Icon Level Action Icon Level Action Icon Level
Tricks of the Trade Tricks of the Trade.png 15 Rapid Synthesis Rapid Synthesis.png 15 Ingenuity Ingenuity.png 15 Rumination Rumination.png 15
Brand of Water Brand of Water.png 37 Brand of Ice Brand of Ice.png 37 Brand of Fire Brand of Fire.png 37 Brand of Wind Brand of Wind.png 37
Comfort Zone Comfort Zone.png 50 Piece by Piece Piece by Piece.png 50 Ingenuity II Ingenuity II.png 50 Byregot's Blessing Byregot's Blessing.png 50
Name of Water Name of Water.png 54 Name of Ice Name of Ice.png 54 Name of Fire Name of Fire.png 54 Name of Wind Name of the Wind.png 54
Goldsmith Leatherworker Weaver
Action Icon Level Action Icon Level Action Icon Level
Manipulation Manipulation.png 15 Waste Not Waste Not.png 15 Careful Synthesis Careful Synthesis.png 15
Flawless Synthesis Flawless Synthesis.png 37 Brand of Earth Brand of Earth.png 37 Brand of Lightning Brand of Lightning.png 37
Innovation Innovation.png 50 Waste Not II Waste Not II.png 50 Careful Synthesis II Careful Synthesis II.png 50
Maker's Mark Maker's Mark.png 54 Name of Earth Name of Earth.png 54 Name of Lightning Name of Lightning.png 54
All Specialist Classes
Action Icon Level CP Description
Satisfaction Satisfaction.png 55 0 Use 1 Whistle to restore 15 CP. Available only when Whistle stack size is a multiple of three.
Whistle While You Work Whistle While You Work.png 55 36 Grants a Whistle stack of 11. One Whistle used for each step that material condition is Good or Excellent. Increases the effectiveness of certain crafting actions when the stack size is a multiple of three. Progress increases significantly when stack size reaches 0 and effect wears off.
Innovative Touch Innovative Touch.png 56 8 Increases quality. Additional Effect: Innovation Efficiency: 100% Success Rate: 40%
Nymeia's Wheel Nymeias wheel icon1.png 57 18 Restores item durability. Amount determined by current Whistle stack. Whistle effect ends upon use. Success Rate: 100%
Byregot's Miracle Byregot's Miracle.png 58 16 Increases quality. Inner Quiet stack is halved upon use. Efficiency: 100% plus 10% for each bonus to control granted by Inner Quiet Success Rate: 70%
Trained Hand Trained Hand.png 59 32 Significantly increases both progress and quality. Efficiency: 150% Success Rate: 80% Available only when Inner Quiet and Whistle stack sizes are identical.


Level 1 - 5 Level 6 - 10 Level 11 - 15 Level 16 - 20
Level 21 - 25 Level 26 - 30 Level 31 - 35 Level 36 - 40
Level 41 - 45 Level 46 - 50 Level 51 - 55 Level 56 - 60


Template:Crafting and Gathering