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===[[File:Silver Coffer (small).png|link=]] [[Proto-Omega]]===
===[[File:Silver Coffer (small).png|link=]] [[Proto-Omega]]===
* 263,995 {{exp}} [[Experience Points]]
{{Drops list|Proto-Omega}}
{{Drops list|Proto-Omega}}

Revision as of 12:43, 18 August 2024


The Stigma Dreamscape

The Stigma Dreamscape.png
90 (Sync: 90)
Item Level
540 (Sync: 600)
Party size
Light Party
4 man 1 Tank role.png 1 Healer role.png 2 DPS role.png
Time limit
90 minutes
Duty Finder
Dungeons (Endwalker)
High-level Dungeons
Allagan Tomestone of Poetics 20 
Req. quest
Feature quest Where No Loporrit Has Gone Before
Ultima Thule (X:34.8, Y:28.8)

For the first time since the fall of its civilization, the warmongering Stigma-4 is awake, its unbeating heart set on conquering a distant star─yours. Omicron N-7000 believes that the most effective means of deterrence is to convince its subconscious circuits of how poorly it would fare against Hydaelyn's champion, and has opened a path to allow you to implant a pseudo-memory of just such a contest. Thus does it fall to you to answer the question─of what do matrices dream?

— In-game description

The Stigma Dreamscape is a level 90 dungeon introduced in patch 6.0 with Endwalker.


  1. Arrive at A-4 Command: 0/1
  2. Clear A-4 Command: 0/1
  3. Arrive at A-4 Conquest: 0/1
  4. Clear A-4 Conquest: 0/1
  5. Arrive at A-4 Headquarters: 0/1
  6. Defeat Stigma-4: 0/1


Dungeon Guide by MTQcapture

Note that failing any mechanics in these fights will result in the player who failed them receiving a two minute stacking Vulnerability Up icon1.png Vulnerability Up debuff.

Aggressive difficulty r5.png Proto-Omega

After the bosses first attack, the edge of the arena will be covered in an AoE that inflicts a Bleed icon1.png Bleeding debuff, dealing Damage over Time until the player steps off it.

  • Side Cannons: The boss will cleave the entire arena from the left or right side of its hitbox, indicated by the arrows pointing outwards. Move to the opposite side to avoid.
  • Rear Interceptors and Forward Interceptors: Proto-Omega bombards the entire arena in the indicated direction in a manner similar to Side Cannons.
  • Chemical Missile: All players but the tank are marked with point-blank AoEs, requiring them to spread out to avoid overlapping damage. Once they resolve, they will drop lava puddles that will debuff a player with Burning until they step out of them.
  • Electric Slide: A random player will be marked for a stacking radial knockback from their hitbox, then the boss will leap on that player, knocking everyone back. Players should move in to avoid being knocked into the walls of the arena, or use a knockback resistance skill.
  • Guided Missile: Players will be tethered to missiles that will slowly move towards them until impact, dealing minor damage and dropping more lava puddles.
  • Mustard Bomb: Heavy-hitting tankbuster. Mitigate to minimize damage.

Aggressive difficulty r5.png Arch-Lambda

  • Wheel: Tankbuster.
  • Atomic Flame: Roomwide AoE.
  • Auto-mobile Assault Cannon: The boss will return to the center of the arena and indicate where it will dash to. The boss will dash four times, hitting a wall and turning. Players should move to a space where the boss won't be charging through.
  • Wave Cannon: On the wall where the boss stops Auto-mobile Assault Cannon, it will turn and cleave the entire room from the front half of its hitbox. Players must move to the safe zone behind the boss to avoid.
  • Auto-mobile Sniper Cannon: The boss will dash to the north wall and drop a line AoE across the center of the arena. Orbs will appear in the AoE and over the players head, indicating that when the boss reaches that spot, the player will be hit by a laser attack. Players should stand next to the corresponding number of orbs to avoid hitting other players with their beam.

Aggressive difficulty r6.png Siege Matrix: Stigma-4

After roughly five seconds, the edge of the arena will be covered in an AoE that inflicts a Bleed icon1.png Bleeding debuff, dealing Damage over Time until the player steps off it.

  • AI Takeover: Spawns one of three adds:
    • Omega Frame: The add will use Proto-wave Cannon, a cleave from one half of its hitbox, and Self-Destruct, dealing moderate partywide damage if it isn't defeated before the cast finishes.
    • Hybrid Dragon: Uses Firebreath, a wide conal AoE with a very short telegraph. Players need to be next to the dragon to avoid, and Self-Destruct, handled the same way as the Omega Frame.
    • Because Self-Destruct does not do much damage, it may be worthwhile to ignore the adds, focus only on the boss, and heal through the damage, although this should be communicated to the party beforehand.
    • Proto-Rocket Punch: Six adds will spawn on the edge of the arena and cast Rush. Once the cast finishes, the ads fly across the arena. Players need to find the gap between the ads for the safe spot.
  • The boss will also transform periodically into one of two shapes:
    • If the boss turns into a double helix spiral, it will use a point-blank AoE. Move away to avoid.
    • If the boss turns into a donut, it will fire a Donut AoE, so players should move into the bosses hitbox to avoid.
  • Mindhack: After the cast finishes, all players receive a Forward march icon1.pngAbout face icon1.pngLeft face icon1.pngRight face icon1.png Face direction debuff, that will cause them to run in the direction listed in relation to where they are facing once the debuff runs out. Players will run for the duration of the Forced march icon1.png Forced March debuff. Players need to watch to see what shape the boss takes, then prepare to face accordingly.
  • Atomic Ray: Roomwide AoE that deals moderate damage and inflicts Bleed icon1.png Bleeding.
  • Multi-AI Takeover: Spawns two of the three different ads from AI Takeover.


Silver Coffer (small).png Proto-Omega

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
The last earring of aiming icon1.png  The Last Earring of Aiming Earrings 560 BGreen 1
The last earring of casting icon1.png  The Last Earring of Casting Earrings 560 BGreen 1
The last earring of fending icon1.png  The Last Earring of Fending Earrings 560 BGreen 1
The last earring of healing icon1.png  The Last Earring of Healing Earrings 560 BGreen 1
The last earring of slaying icon1.png  The Last Earring of Slaying Earrings 560 BGreen 1
The last necklace of aiming icon1.png  The Last Necklace of Aiming Necklace 560 BGreen 1
The last necklace of casting icon1.png  The Last Necklace of Casting Necklace 560 BGreen 1
The last necklace of fending icon1.png  The Last Necklace of Fending Necklace 560 BGreen 1
The last necklace of healing icon1.png  The Last Necklace of Healing Necklace 560 BGreen 1
The last necklace of slaying icon1.png  The Last Necklace of Slaying Necklace 560 BGreen 1

Silver Coffer (small).png Arch-Lambda

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Battledance materia ix icon1.png  Battledance Materia IX Materia 560 ABasic 1
Heavens eye materia ix icon1.png  Heavens' Eye Materia IX Materia 560 ABasic 1
Piety materia ix icon1.png  Piety Materia IX Materia 560 ABasic 1
Quickarm materia ix icon1.png  Quickarm Materia IX Materia 560 ABasic 1
Quicktongue materia ix icon1.png  Quicktongue Materia IX Materia 560 ABasic 1
Savage aim materia ix icon1.png  Savage Aim Materia IX Materia 560 ABasic 1
Savage might materia ix icon1.png  Savage Might Materia IX Materia 560 ABasic 1
The last bracelet of aiming icon1.png  The Last Bracelet of Aiming Bracelets 560 BGreen 1
The last bracelet of casting icon1.png  The Last Bracelet of Casting Bracelets 560 BGreen 1
The last bracelet of fending icon1.png  The Last Bracelet of Fending Bracelets 560 BGreen 1
The last bracelet of healing icon1.png  The Last Bracelet of Healing Bracelets 560 BGreen 1
The last bracelet of slaying icon1.png  The Last Bracelet of Slaying Bracelets 560 BGreen 1
The last ring of aiming icon1.png  The Last Ring of Aiming Ring 560 BGreen 1
The last ring of casting icon1.png  The Last Ring of Casting Ring 560 BGreen 1
The last ring of fending icon1.png  The Last Ring of Fending Ring 560 BGreen 1
The last ring of healing icon1.png  The Last Ring of Healing Ring 560 BGreen 1
The last ring of slaying icon1.png  The Last Ring of Slaying Ring 560 BGreen 1

Silver Coffer (small).png Siege Matrix: Stigma-4

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Optimus omicron icon2.png  Optimus Omicron Minion N/A ABasic 1
The last earring of aiming icon1.png  The Last Earring of Aiming Earrings 560 BGreen 1
The last earring of casting icon1.png  The Last Earring of Casting Earrings 560 BGreen 1
The last earring of fending icon1.png  The Last Earring of Fending Earrings 560 BGreen 1
The last earring of healing icon1.png  The Last Earring of Healing Earrings 560 BGreen 1
The last earring of slaying icon1.png  The Last Earring of Slaying Earrings 560 BGreen 1
The last necklace of aiming icon1.png  The Last Necklace of Aiming Necklace 560 BGreen 1
The last necklace of casting icon1.png  The Last Necklace of Casting Necklace 560 BGreen 1
The last necklace of fending icon1.png  The Last Necklace of Fending Necklace 560 BGreen 1
The last necklace of healing icon1.png  The Last Necklace of Healing Necklace 560 BGreen 1
The last necklace of slaying icon1.png  The Last Necklace of Slaying Necklace 560 BGreen 1

Treasure Coffers

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 1 (X:14.1 Y:9.3)

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
Savage aim materia ix icon1.png  Savage Aim Materia IX Materia 560 ABasic 1
Savage might materia ix icon1.png  Savage Might Materia IX Materia 560 ABasic 1
Heavens eye materia ix icon1.png  Heavens' Eye Materia IX Materia 560 ABasic 1
Quickarm materia ix icon1.png  Quickarm Materia IX Materia 560 ABasic 1
Quicktongue materia ix icon1.png  Quicktongue Materia IX Materia 560 ABasic 1
Battledance materia ix icon1.png  Battledance Materia IX Materia 560 ABasic 1
Piety materia ix icon1.png  Piety Materia IX Materia 560 ABasic 1

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 2 (X:11.0 Y:10.2)

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
The last bracelet of fending icon1.png  The Last Bracelet of Fending Bracelets 560 BGreen 1
The last bracelet of slaying icon1.png  The Last Bracelet of Slaying Bracelets 560 BGreen 1
The last bracelet of aiming icon1.png  The Last Bracelet of Aiming Bracelets 560 BGreen 1
The last bracelet of casting icon1.png  The Last Bracelet of Casting Bracelets 560 BGreen 1
The last bracelet of healing icon1.png  The Last Bracelet of Healing Bracelets 560 BGreen 1
The last ring of fending icon1.png  The Last Ring of Fending Ring 560 BGreen 1
The last ring of slaying icon1.png  The Last Ring of Slaying Ring 560 BGreen 1
The last ring of aiming icon1.png  The Last Ring of Aiming Ring 560 BGreen 1
The last ring of casting icon1.png  The Last Ring of Casting Ring 560 BGreen 1
The last ring of healing icon1.png  The Last Ring of Healing Ring 560 BGreen 1

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 3 (X:11.4 Y:12.3)

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
The last earring of fending icon1.png  The Last Earring of Fending Earrings 560 BGreen 1
The last earring of slaying icon1.png  The Last Earring of Slaying Earrings 560 BGreen 1
The last earring of aiming icon1.png  The Last Earring of Aiming Earrings 560 BGreen 1
The last earring of casting icon1.png  The Last Earring of Casting Earrings 560 BGreen 1
The last earring of healing icon1.png  The Last Earring of Healing Earrings 560 BGreen 1
The last necklace of aiming icon1.png  The Last Necklace of Aiming Necklace 560 BGreen 1
The last necklace of casting icon1.png  The Last Necklace of Casting Necklace 560 BGreen 1
The last necklace of fending icon1.png  The Last Necklace of Fending Necklace 560 BGreen 1
The last necklace of healing icon1.png  The Last Necklace of Healing Necklace 560 BGreen 1
The last necklace of slaying icon1.png  The Last Necklace of Slaying Necklace 560 BGreen 1
Savage aim materia ix icon1.png  Savage Aim Materia IX Materia 560 ABasic 1
Savage might materia ix icon1.png  Savage Might Materia IX Materia 560 ABasic 1
Heavens eye materia ix icon1.png  Heavens' Eye Materia IX Materia 560 ABasic 1
Quickarm materia ix icon1.png  Quickarm Materia IX Materia 560 ABasic 1
Quicktongue materia ix icon1.png  Quicktongue Materia IX Materia 560 ABasic 1
Battledance materia ix icon1.png  Battledance Materia IX Materia 560 ABasic 1
Piety materia ix icon1.png  Piety Materia IX Materia 560 ABasic 1

Bronze Coffer (small).png Treasure Coffer 4 (X:11.3 Y:9.9)

Name Type Item Level Rarity Quantity
The last bracelet of fending icon1.png  The Last Bracelet of Fending Bracelets 560 BGreen 1
The last bracelet of slaying icon1.png  The Last Bracelet of Slaying Bracelets 560 BGreen 1
The last bracelet of aiming icon1.png  The Last Bracelet of Aiming Bracelets 560 BGreen 1
The last bracelet of casting icon1.png  The Last Bracelet of Casting Bracelets 560 BGreen 1
The last bracelet of healing icon1.png  The Last Bracelet of Healing Bracelets 560 BGreen 1
The last ring of fending icon1.png  The Last Ring of Fending Ring 560 BGreen 1
The last ring of slaying icon1.png  The Last Ring of Slaying Ring 560 BGreen 1
The last ring of aiming icon1.png  The Last Ring of Aiming Ring 560 BGreen 1
The last ring of casting icon1.png  The Last Ring of Casting Ring 560 BGreen 1
The last ring of healing icon1.png  The Last Ring of Healing Ring 560 BGreen 1
Savage aim materia ix icon1.png  Savage Aim Materia IX Materia 560 ABasic 1
Savage might materia ix icon1.png  Savage Might Materia IX Materia 560 ABasic 1
Heavens eye materia ix icon1.png  Heavens' Eye Materia IX Materia 560 ABasic 1
Quickarm materia ix icon1.png  Quickarm Materia IX Materia 560 ABasic 1
Quicktongue materia ix icon1.png  Quicktongue Materia IX Materia 560 ABasic 1
Battledance materia ix icon1.png  Battledance Materia IX Materia 560 ABasic 1
Piety materia ix icon1.png  Piety Materia IX Materia 560 ABasic 1


This duty is associated with the following achievements:

Name Points Task Reward Patch
Mapping the realm the stigma dreamscape icon1.png  Mapping the Realm: The Stigma Dreamscape 10 Discover every location within the Stigma Dreamscape. - 6.0


Gear Images

Dungeon Images


Stigma is Latin for a mark or brand, and root of the English word stigmatize.